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The epigenetic mark 5‐hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC) is a cytosine modification that is abundant in the central nervous system of mammals and which results from 5‐methylcytosine oxidation by TET enzymes. Such a mark is suggested to play key roles in the regulation of chromatin structure and gene expression. However, its precise functions still remain poorly understood and information about its distribution in non‐mammalian species is still lacking. Here, the distribution of 5hmC was investigated in the brain of adult zebrafish, African claw frog, and mouse in a comparative manner. We show that zebrafish neurons are endowed with high levels of 5hmC, whereas quiescent or proliferative neural progenitors show low to undetectable levels of the modified cytosine. In the brain of larval and juvenile Xenopus, 5hmC is also detected in neurons, while ventricular proliferative cells do not display this epigenetic mark. Similarly, 5hmC is enriched in neurons compared to neural progenitors of the ventricular zone in the mouse developing cortex. Interestingly, 5hmC colocalized with the methylated DNA binding protein MeCP2 and with the active chromatin histone modification H3K4me2 in mouse neurons. Taken together, our results show an evolutionarily conserved cerebral distribution of 5hmC between fish and tetrapods and reinforce the idea that 5hmC fulfills major functions in the control of chromatin activity in vertebrate neurons. J. Comp. Neurol. 525:478–497, 2017. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Amphioxus (Cephalochordata) belongs to the most basal extant chordates, and knowledge of their brain organization appears to be key to deciphering the early stages of evolution of vertebrate brains. Most comprehensive studies of the organization of the central nervous system of adult amphioxus have investigated the spinal cord. Some brain populations have been characterized via neurochemistry and electron microscopy, and the overall cytoarchitecture of the brain was studied by Ekhart et al. (2003; J. Comp. Neurol. 466:319–330) with general staining methods and retrograde transport from the spinal cord. Here, the cytoarchitecture of the brain of adult amphioxus Branchiostoma lanceolatum was reinvestigated by using acetylated tubulin immunohistochemistry, which specifically stains neurons and fibers, in combination with some ancillary methods. This method allowed reproducible staining and mapping of types of neuron, mostly in brain regions caudal to the entrance level of nerve 2, and its comparison with spinal cord populations. The brain populations studied and discussed in detail were the Retzius bipolar cells, lamellate cells, Joseph cells, various types of translumenal cells, somatic motoneurons, Rohde nucleus cells, small ventral multipolar neurons, and Edinger cells. These observations expand our knowledge of the distribution of cell types and provide additional data on the number of cells and the axonal tracts and commissural regions of the adult amphioxus brain. The results of this comprehensive study provide a framework for comparison of complex adult populations with the early brain neuronal populations revealed in developmental studies of the amphioxus. J. Comp. Neurol. 523:2211–2232, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

To generate rhythmic motor behaviors, both single neurons and neural circuits require a balance between excitatory inputs that trigger action potentials and inhibitory inputs that promote a stable resting potential (E/I balance). Previous studies have focused on individual neurons and have shown that, over a short spatial scale, excitatory and inhibitory (E/I) synapses tend to form structured territories with inhibitory inputs enriched on cell bodies and proximal dendrites and excitatory inputs on distal dendrites. However, systems‐level E/I patterns, at spatial scales larger than single neurons, are largely uncharted. We used immunostaining for PSD‐95 and gephyrin postsynaptic scaffolding proteins as proxies for excitatory and inhibitory synapses, respectively, to quantify the numbers and map the distributions of E/I synapses in zebrafish spinal cord at both an embryonic stage and a larval stage. At the embryonic stage, we found that PSD‐95 puncta outnumber gephyrin puncta, with the number of gephyrin puncta increasing to match that of PSD‐95 puncta at the larval stage. At both stages, PSD‐95 puncta are enriched in the most lateral neuropil corresponding to distal dendrites while gephyrin puncta are enriched on neuronal somata and in the medial neuropil. Significantly, similar to synaptic puncta, neuronal processes also exhibit medial‐lateral territories at both developmental stages with enrichment of glutamatergic (excitatory) processes laterally and glycinergic (inhibitory) processes medially. This establishment of neuropil excitatory‐inhibitory structure largely precedes dendritic arborization of primary motor neurons, suggesting that the structured neuropil could provide a framework for the development of E/I balance at the cellular level. J. Comp. Neurol. 525:1649–1667, 2017. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The adult brain contains niches of neural stem cells that continuously add new neurons to selected circuits throughout life. Two niches have been extensively studied in various mammalian species including humans, the subventricular zone of the lateral ventricles and the subgranular zone of the hippocampal dentate gyrus. Recently, studies conducted mainly in rodents have identified a third neurogenic niche in the adult hypothalamus. In order to evaluate whether a neural stem cell niche also exists in the adult hypothalamus in humans, we performed multiple immunofluorescence labeling to assess the expression of a panel of neural stem/progenitor cell (NPC) markers (Sox2, nestin, vimentin, GLAST, GFAP) in the human hypothalamus and compared them with the mouse, rat and a non‐human primate species, the gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus). Our results show that the adult human hypothalamus contains four distinct populations of cells that express the five NPC markers: (a) a ribbon of small stellate cells that lines the third ventricular wall behind a hypocellular gap, similar to that found along the lateral ventricles, (b) ependymal cells, (c) tanycytes, which line the floor of the third ventricle in the tuberal region, and (d) a population of small stellate cells in the suprachiasmatic nucleus. In the mouse, rat and mouse lemur hypothalamus, co‐expression of NPC markers is primarily restricted to tanycytes, and these species lack a ventricular ribbon. Our work thus identifies four cell populations with the antigenic profile of NPCs in the adult human hypothalamus, of which three appear specific to humans.  相似文献   

The cephalopod vertical lobe is the largest learning and memory structure known in invertebrate nervous systems. It is part of the visual learning circuit of the central brain, which also includes the superior frontal and subvertical lobes. Despite the well‐established functional importance of this system, little is known about neuropil organization of these structures and there is to date no evidence that the five longitudinal gyri of the vertical lobe, perhaps the most distinctive morphological feature of the octopus brain, differ in their connections or molecular identities. We studied the histochemical organization of these structures in hatchling and adult Octopus bimaculoides brains with immunostaining for serotonin, octopus gonadotropin‐releasing hormone (oGNRH), and octopressin‐neurophysin (OP‐NP). Our major finding is that the five lobules forming the vertical lobe gyri have distinct neurochemical signatures. This is most prominent in the hatchling brain, where the median and mediolateral lobules are enriched in OP‐NP fibers, the lateral lobule is marked by oGNRH innervation, and serotonin immunostaining heavily labels the median and lateral lobules. A major source of input to the vertical lobe is the superior frontal lobe, which is dominated by a neuropil of interweaving fiber bundles. We have found that this neuropil also has an intrinsic neurochemical organization: it is partitioned into territories alternately enriched or impoverished in oGNRH‐containing fascicles. Our findings establish that the constituent lobes of the octopus superior frontal–vertical system have an intricate internal anatomy, one likely to reflect the presence of functional subsystems within cephalopod learning circuitry. J. Comp. Neurol. 523:1297–1317, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Two decades after the discovery of adult-born neurons in the brains of decapod crustaceans, the deutocerebral proliferative system (DPS) producing these neural lineages has become a model of adult neurogenesis in invertebrates. Studies on crayfish have provided substantial insights into the anatomy, cellular dynamics, and regulation of the DPS. Contrary to traditional thinking, recent evidence suggests that the neurogenic niche in the crayfish DPS lacks self-renewing stem cells, its cell pool being instead sustained via integration of hemocytes generated by the innate immune system. Here, we investigated the origin, division and migration patterns of the adult-born neural progenitor (NP) lineages in detail. We show that the niche cell pool is not only replenished by hemocyte integration but also by limited numbers of symmetric cell divisions with some characteristics reminiscent of interkinetic nuclear migration. Once specified in the niche, first generation NPs act as transit-amplifying intermediate NPs that eventually exit and produce multicellular clones as they move along migratory streams toward target brain areas. Different clones may migrate simultaneously in the streams but occupy separate tracks and show spatio-temporally flexible division patterns. Based on this, we propose an extended DPS model that emphasizes structural similarities to pseudostratified neuroepithelia in other arthropods and vertebrates. This model includes hemocyte integration and intrinsic cell proliferation to synergistically counteract niche cell pool depletion during the animal's lifespan. Further, we discuss parallels to recent findings on mammalian adult neurogenesis, as both systems seem to exhibit a similar decoupling of proliferative replenishment divisions and consuming neurogenic divisions.  相似文献   

According to previous opinion, the derivation of neurons and glia from the central canal (CC) lining of the spinal cord in rodents should occur in the embryonic period. Reports of the mitotic activity observed in the lining during postnatal development have often been contradictory, and proliferation was ascribed to the generation of ependymocytes, which are necessary for the elongation of CC walls. Our study quantifies the intensity of proliferation and determines the cellularity of the CC lining in reference to lumbar spinal segment L4 during the postnatal development of rats. The presence of dividing cells peaks in the CC lining on postnatal day 8 (P8), with division occurring in 19.2% ± 3.2% of cells. In adult rats, 3.6% ± 0.9% of cells still proliferate, whereas, in mice, 10.3% ± 2.3% of cells at P8 and only 0.6% ± 0.2% of cells in the CC lining in adulthood are proliferating. In the rat, the length of the cell cycle increases from 100.3 ± 35.7 hours at P1 to 401.4 ± 80.6 hours at P43, with a sudden extension between P15 and P22. Despite the intensive proliferation, the total cellularity of the CC lining at the L4 spinal segment significantly descended in from P8 to P15. According to our calculations, the estimated cellularity was significantly higher compared with the measured cellularity of the CC lining at P15. Our results indicate that CC lining serves as a source of cells beyond ependymal cells during the first postnatal weeks of the rat. J. Comp. Neurol. 525:693–707, 2017. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Neural stem cells (NSCs) reside in a unique microenvironment within the central nervous system (CNS) called the NSC niche. Although they are relatively rare, niches have been previously characterized in both the brain and spinal cord of adult animals. Recently, another potential NSC niche has been identified in the filum terminale (FT), which is a thin band of tissue at the caudal end of the spinal cord. While previous studies have demonstrated that NSCs can be isolated from the FT, the in vivo architecture of this tissue and its relation to other NSC niches in the CNS has not yet been established. In this article we report a histological analysis of the FT NSC niche in postnatal rats and humans. Immunohistochemical characterization reveals that the FT is mitotically active and its cells express similar markers to those in other CNS niches. In addition, the organization of the FT most closely resembles that of the adult spinal cord niche. J. Comp. Neurol. 525:661–675, 2017. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Stomatopods have an elaborate visual system served by a retina that is unique to this class of pancrustaceans. Its upper and lower eye hemispheres encode luminance and linear polarization while an equatorial band of photoreceptors termed the midband detects color, circularly polarized light and linear polarization in the ultraviolet. In common with many malacostracan crustaceans, stomatopods have stalked eyes, but they can move these independently within three degrees of rotational freedom. Both eyes separately use saccadic and scanning movements but they can also move in a coordinated fashion to track selected targets or maintain a forward eyestalk posture during swimming. Visual information is initially processed in the first two optic neuropils, the lamina and the medulla, where the eye's midband is represented by enlarged regions within each neuropil that contain populations of neurons, the axons of which are segregated from the neuropil regions subtending the hemispheres. Neuronal channels representing the midband extend from the medulla to the lobula where populations of putative inhibitory glutamic acid decarboxylase‐positive neurons and tyrosine hydroxylase‐positive neurons intrinsic to the lobula have specific associations with the midband. Here we investigate the organization of the midband representation in the medulla and the lobula in the context of their overall architecture. We discuss the implications of observed arrangements, in which midband inputs to the lobula send out collaterals that extend across the retinotopic mosaic pertaining to the hemispheres. This organization suggests an integrative design that diverges from the eumalacostracan ground pattern and, for the stomatopod, enables color and polarization information to be integrated with luminance information that presumably encodes shape and motion.  相似文献   

Superoxide dismutases (SODs) are the primary reactive oxygen species (ROS)‐scavenging enzymes of the cell and catalyze the dismutation of superoxide radicals O2 to H2O2 and molecular oxygen (O2). Among the three forms of SOD identified, manganese‐containing SOD (MnSOD, SOD2) is a homotetramer located wholly in the mitochondrial matrix. Because of the SOD2 strategic location, it represents the first mechanism of defense against the augmentation of ROS/reactive nitrogen species levels in the mitochondria for preventing further damage. This study seeks to understand the effects that the partial lack (SOD2?/+) or the overexpression (TgSOD2) of MnSOD produces on oxidative/nitrative stress basal levels in different brain isolated cellular fractions (i.e., mitochondrial, nuclear, cytosolic) as well as in the whole‐brain homogenate. Furthermore, because of the known interaction between SOD2 and p53 protein, this study seeks to clarify the impact that the double mutation has on oxidative/nitrative stress levels in the brain of mice carrying the double mutation (p53?/? × SOD2?/+ and p53?/? × TgSOD2). We show that each mutation affects mitochondrial, nuclear, and cytosolic oxidative/nitrative stress basal levels differently, but, overall, no change or reduction of oxidative/nitrative stress levels was found in the whole‐brain homogenate. The analysis of well‐known antioxidant systems such as thioredoxin‐1 and Nrf2/HO‐1/BVR‐A suggests their potential role in the maintenance of the cellular redox homeostasis in the presence of changes of SOD2 and/or p53 protein levels. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Adiponectin and its receptors (adipor) have been initially characterized for their role in lipid and glucose metabolism. More recently, adiponectin signaling was shown to display anti-inflammatory effects and to participate in brain homeostasis and neuroprotection. In this study, we investigated adipor gene expression and its regulation under inflammatory conditions in two complementary models: mouse and zebrafish. We demonstrate that adipor1a, adipor1b, and adipor2 are widely distributed throughout the brain of adult fish, in neurons and also in radial glia, behaving as neural stem cells. We also show that telencephalic injury results in a decrease in adipor gene expression, inhibited by an anti-inflammatory treatment (Dexamethasone). Interestingly, adiponectin injection after brain injury led to a consistent decrease (a) in the recruitment of microglial cells at the lesioned site and (b) in the proliferation of neural progenitors, arguing for a neuroprotective role of adiponectin. In a comparative approach, we investigate Adipor1 and Adipor2 gene distribution in the brain of mice and demonstrated their expression in regions shared with fish including neurogenic regions. We also document Adipor gene expression in mice after middle cerebral artery occlusion and lipopolysaccharide injection. In contrast to zebrafish, these inflammatory stimuli do no impact cerebral adiponectin receptor gene expression in mouse. This work provides new insights regarding adipor expression in the brain of fish, and demonstrates evolutionary conserved distribution of adipor with mouse. This is the first report of adipor expression in adult neural stem cells of fish, suggesting a potential role of adiponectin signaling during vertebrate neurogenesis. It also suggests a potential contribution of inflammation in the regulation of adipor in fish.  相似文献   

The brainstem (midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata) and cerebellum (diencephalic prosomere 1 through to rhombomere 11) play central roles in the processing of sensorimotor information, autonomic activity, levels of awareness and the control of functions external to the conscious cognitive world of mammals. As such, comparative analyses of these structures, especially the understanding of specializations or reductions of structures with functions that have been elucidated in commonly studied mammalian species, can provide crucial information for our understanding of the behavior of less commonly studied species, like pangolins. In the broadest sense, the nuclear complexes and subdivisions of nuclear complexes, the topographical arrangement, the neuronal chemistry, and fiber pathways of the tree pangolin conform to that typically observed across more commonly studied mammalian species. Despite this, variations in regions associated with the locus coeruleus complex, auditory system, and motor, neuromodulatory and autonomic systems involved in feeding, were observed in the current study. While we have previously detailed the unusual locus coeruleus complex of the tree pangolin, the superior olivary nuclear complex of the auditory system, while not exhibiting additional nuclei or having an altered organization, this nuclear complex, particularly the lateral superior olivary nucleus and nucleus of the trapezoid body, shows architectonic refinement. The cephalic decussation of the pyramidal tract, an enlarged hypoglossal nucleus, an additional subdivision of the serotonergic raphe obscurus nucleus, and the expansion of the superior salivatory nucleus, all indicate neuronal specializations related to the myrmecophagous diet of the pangolins.  相似文献   

The siphon of Aplysia californica has several functions, including involvement in respiration, excretion, and defensive inking. It also provides sensory input for defensive withdrawals that have been studied extensively to examine mechanisms that underlie learning. To better understand the neuronal bases of these functions, we used immunohistochemistry to catalogue peripheral cell types and innervation of the siphon in stage 12 juveniles (chosen to allow observation of tissues in whole‐mounts). We found that the siphon nerve splits into three major branches, leading ultimately to a two‐part FMRFamide‐immunoreactive plexus and an apparently separate tyrosine hydroxylase–immunoreactive plexus. Putative sensory neurons included four distinct types of tubulin‐immunoreactive bipolar cells (one likely also tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactive) that bore ciliated dendrites penetrating the epithelium. A fifth bipolar neuron type (tubulin‐ and FMRFamide‐immunoreactive) occurred deeper in the tissue, associated with part of the FMRFamide‐immunoreactive plexus. Our observations emphasize the structural complexity of the peripheral nervous system of the siphon, and the importance of direct tests of the various components to better understand the functioning of the entire organ, including its role in defensive withdrawal responses. J. Comp. Neurol. 523:2409–2425, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We employed an anti‐transducin antibody (Gαt‐S), in combination with other markers, to characterize the Gαt‐S‐immunoreactive (ir) system in the CNS of the sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus. Gαt‐S immunoreactivity was observed in some neuronal populations and numerous fibers distributed throughout the brain. Double Gαt‐S‐ and opsin‐ir neurons (putative photoreceptors) are distributed in the hypothalamus (postoptic commissure nucleus, dorsal and ventral hypothalamus) and caudal diencephalon, confirming results of García‐Fernández et al. (Cell and Tissue Research, 288, 267–278, 1997). Singly Gαt‐S‐ir cells were observed in the midbrain and hindbrain, increasing the known populations. Our results reveal for the first time in vertebrates the extensive innervation of many brain regions and the spinal cord by Gαt‐S‐ir fibers. The Gαt‐S innervation of the habenula is very selective, fibers densely innervating the lamprey homologue of the mammalian medial nucleus (Stephenson‐Jones et al., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109, E164–E173, 2012), but not the lateral nucleus homologue. The lamprey neurohypophysis was not innervated by Gαt‐S‐ir fibers. We also analyzed by double immunofluorescence the relation of this system with other systems. A dopaminergic marker (TH), serotonin (5‐HT) or GABA do not co‐localize with Gαt‐S‐ir neurons although codistribution of fibers was observed. Codistribution of Gαt‐S‐ir fibers and isolectin‐labeled extrabulbar primary olfactory fibers was observed in the striatum and hypothalamus. Neurobiotin retrograde transport from the spinal cord combined with immunofluorescence revealed spinal‐projecting Gαt‐S‐ir reticular neurons in the caudal hindbrain. Present results in an ancient vertebrate reveal for the first time a collection of brain targets of Gαt‐S‐ir neurons, suggesting they might mediate non‐visual modulation by light in many systems.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is a peptide neurotransmitter abundantly expressed in the mammalian retina. Since its discovery, NPY has been studied in retinas of several species, but detailed characterization of morphology, cell‐type, and connectivity has never been conducted in larger mammals including humans and pigs. As the pig due to size and cellular composition is a well‐suited animal for retinal research, we chose to compare the endogenous NPY system of the human retina to that of pigs to support future research in this field. In the present study, using immunohistochemistry, confocal microscopy and 3D reconstructions, we found NPY to be expressed in GABAergic and calretinin‐immunoreactive (‐ir) amacrine cells of both species as well as parvalbumin‐ir amacrine cells of humans. Furthermore, we identified at least two different types of medium‐ to wide‐field NPY‐ir amacrine cells. Finally, we detected likely synaptic appositions between the NPY‐ir amacrine cells and melanopsin‐ and nonmelanopsin‐ir ganglion cells, GABAergic and dopaminergic amacrine cells, rod bipolar cells, and horizontal cells, suggesting that NPY‐ir cells play diverse roles in modulation of both image and non‐image forming retinal signaling. These findings extend existing knowledge on NPY and NPY‐expressing cells in the human and porcine retina showing a high degree of comparability. The extensive distribution and connectivity of NPY‐ir cells described in the present study further highlights the potential importance of NPY signaling in retinal function.  相似文献   

Neurokinin B, encoded by the tachykinin3 gene, plays a crucial role in regulating reproduction in mammals via KNDy neurons and interaction with GnRH. Previous work in teleost fishes has focused on hypothalamic tac3 expression for its role in reproduction, but detailed studies on extra-hypothalamic tac3 expression are limited. Here, we identified two tac3 genes in the social African cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni, only one of which produces a functional protein containing the signature tachykinin motif. In situ hybridization for tac3a mRNA identified cell populations throughout the brain. Numerous tac3a cells lie in several thalamic and hypothalamic nuclei, including periventricular nucleus of posterior tuberculum, lateral tuberal nucleus (NLT), and nucleus of the lateral recess (NRL). Scattered tac3-expressing cells are also present in telencephalic parts, such as ventral (Vv) and supracomissural (Vs) part of ventral telencephalon. In contrast to other teleosts, tac3 expression was absent from the pituitary. Using double-fluorescent staining, we localized tac3a-expressing cells in relation to GnRH and kisspeptin cells. Although no GnRH-tac3a colabeled cells were observed, dense GnRH fibers surround and potentially synapse with tac3a cells in the preoptic area. Only minimal (<5%) colabeling of tac3a was observed in kiss2 cells. Despite tac3a expression in many nodes of the mesolimbic reward system, it was absent from tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-expressing cells, but tac3a cells were located in areas with dense TH fibers. The presence of tac3a-expressing cells throughout the brain, including in socially relevant brain regions, suggest more diverse functions beyond regulation of reproductive physiology that may be conserved across vertebrates.  相似文献   

Hermissenda crassicornis is a model for studying the molecular and cellular basis for classical conditioning, based on its ability to associate light with vestibular stimulation. We used confocal microscopy to map histamine (HA), FMRF‐amide, and γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA) immunoreactivity in the central nervous system (CNS), eyes, optic ganglia and statocysts of the nudibranchs. For HA immunoreactivity, we documented both consistently and variably labeled CNS structures across individuals. We also noted minor differences in GABA immunoreactivity in the CNS compared to previous work on Hermissenda. Contrary to expectations, we found no evidence for GABA inside the visual or vestibular systems. Instead, we found only FMRFamide‐ and HA immunoreactivity (FMRFamide: 4 optic ganglion cells, 4–5 hair cells; HA: 3 optic ganglion cells, 8 hair cells). Overall, our results can act as basis for comparisons of nervous systems across nudibranchs, and suggest further exploration of intraspecific plasticity versus evolutionary changes in gastropod nervous systems.  相似文献   

Recent reports have shown that the avian visual dorsal ventricular ridge (DVR) is organized as a trilayered complex, in which the forming layers—the thalamo-recipient entopallium (E), an overlaying nidopallial stripe called intermediate nidopallium (NI), and the dorsally adjacent mesopallium ventrale—appear to be extensively interconnected by topographically organized columns of reciprocal axonal processes running perpendicular to the layers, an arrangement highly reminiscent to that of the sensory cortices of mammals. In the present report, we implemented in vivo anterograde and retrograde tracing techniques aiming to elucidate the organization of the connections of this complex with other pallial areas. Previous studies have shown that the efferent projections of the visual DVR originate mainly from the NI and E, reaching several distinct associative and premotor nidopallial areas. We found that the efferents from the visual DVR originated solely from the NI, and confirmed that the targets of these projections were the pallial areas described by previous studies. We also found novel projections from the NI to the visual hyperpallium, and to the lateral striatum. Moreover, we found that these projections were reciprocal, topographically organized, and originated from different cell populations within the NI. We conclude that the NI constitutes a specialized layer of the visual DVR that form the core of a dense network of highly specific connections between this region and other higher order areas of the avian pallium. Finally, we discuss to what extent these hodological properties resemble those of the mammalian cortical layers II/III.  相似文献   

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