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In elongating motor axons of the rat sciatic nerve, the maximum outgrowth rate increased from 4.6 to 5.3 mm/d (5.3–6.1×10?8 m/s) when atesting lesion of spinal nerves L4 and L5 was preceded 2 wk earlier by aconditioning lesion of the sciatic nerve. Axonal outgrowth was examined by measuring the transport of35[S]methionine-labeled structural proteins (tubulin, actin, and neurofilament triplet) from “parent” axon stumps into “daughter” axon sprouts. Since these proteins are conveyed by the slow component of axonal transport at 1–5 mm/d (1.2–6.0×10?8 m/s), the isotope was injected into the spinal cord 1 wk before the testing lesion. Nerves were removed 8 d after the testing lesion, sectioned into 3-mm segments, and homogenized; soluble proteins were separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Fluorographs were used as templates to identify gel segments for removal, solubilization, and liquid scintillation counting. Distributions of mean radioactivity for tubulin, actin, and neurofilament triplet were plotted for animals receiving a conditioning vs sham-conditioning lesion. Greater amounts of tubulin and actin were transported into daughter axons in the conditioned group. Tubulin was mainly increased in axon shafts, whereas actin was mainly increased in axon tips. These findings suggest that the axonal transport of tubulin and actin governs the rate of elongation.  相似文献   

Misdirection of regenerating axons is one of the factors that can explain the poor results often found after nerve injury and repair. In this study, we quantified the degree of misdirection and the effect on recovery of function after different types of nerve injury and repair in the rat sciatic nerve model; crush injury, direct coaptation, and autograft repair. Sequential tracing with retrograde labeling of the peroneal nerve before and 8 weeks after nerve injury and repair was performed to quantify the accuracy of motor axon regeneration. Digital video analysis of ankle motion was used to investigate the recovery of function. In addition, serial compound action potential recordings and nerve and muscle morphometry were performed. In our study, accuracy of motor axon regeneration was found to be limited; only 71% (± 4.9%) of the peroneal motoneurons were correctly directed 2 months after sciatic crush injury, 42% (± 4.2%) after direct coaptation, and 25% (± 6.6%) after autograft repair. Recovery of ankle motion was incomplete after all types of nerve injury and repair and demonstrated a disturbed balance of ankle plantar and dorsiflexion. The number of motoneurons from which axons had regenerated was not significantly different from normal. The number of myelinated axons was significantly increased distal to the site of injury. Misdirection of regenerating motor axons is a major factor in the poor recovery of nerves that innervate different muscles. The results of this study can be used as basis for developing new nerve repair techniques that may improve the accuracy of regeneration.  相似文献   

The pattern of motor axon regeneration following unilateral sciatic nerve lesions (freezing or transection) was studied in adult rats. Transected nerves were repaired with epineurial or fascicular sutures. Four months after the lesion, the motor neuron cell body localization in the spinal cord of plantar or common peroneal nerve axons were examined bilaterally with retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. Motor neuron cell body localization was similar bilaterally after freezing, indicating that regenerating axons had reached their original peripheral innervation territory. However, after nerve transection, irrespective of whether epineurial or fascicular sutures were used, motor neuron cell body distribution on the operated side was abnormal with numerous labeled cell bodies located outside the area of the normal motor neuron pool. This finding indicates that after nerve transection the normal pattern of motor axon innervation is not restored even after fascicular nerve repair.  相似文献   

Summary Lysolecthin has been used in many studies to induce demyelination in peripheral nerves. In the present investigation lysolecithin (lysophosphatidyl choline) was injected into rat sciatic nerves at a dose of 2–3 m of a 10 mg/ml solution in order to study the effects of this lipid on cellular elements other than myelin within the nerve. Twenty-four hours after injection, there was splitting of myelin, lysis of Schwann cells, and complete loss of non-myelinated axons and their Schwann cells at the site of injection. Numerous swollen non-myelinated axons containing accumulated organelles were seen just proximal to the site of injection at 48 h. Loss of non-myelinated axons from the distal part of the nerve was also noted at 3 days after injection but by 7 days regenerating non-myelinated axons had re-appeared in the distal part of the nerve. Although demyelination, followed by remyelination was a prominent feature in the injected segment of the nerve, no damage to myelinated axons was detected. These results suggest that the presence of the myelin sheath protects the large myelinated axons against the action of lysolecithin, but with lysis of Schwann cells, the non-myelinated axons are exposed to the action of lysolecithin. Apart from selective damage to non-myelinated fibres with subsequent degeneration, it is also possible that lysolecithin interferes with axoplasmic flow in non-myelinated axons.  相似文献   

Neurological respiratory deficits are serious outcomes of West Nile virus (WNV) disease. WNV patients requiring intubation have a poor prognosis. We previously reported that WNV-infected rodents also appear to have respiratory deficits when assessed by whole-body plethysmography and diaphragmatic electromyography. The purpose of this study was to determine if the nature of the respiratory deficits in WNV-infected rodents is neurological and if deficits are due to a disorder of brainstem respiratory centers, cervical spinal cord (CSC) phrenic motor neuron (PMN) circuitry, or both. We recorded phrenic nerve (PN) activity and found that in WNV-infected mice, PN amplitude is reduced, corroborating a neurological basis for respiratory deficits. These results were associated with a reduction in CSC motor neuron number. We found no dramatic deficits, however, in brainstem-mediated breathing rhythm generation or responses to hypercapnia. PN frequency and pattern parameters were normal, and all PN parameters changed appropriately upon a CO2 challenge. Histological analysis revealed generalized microglia activation, astrocyte reactivity, T cell and neutrophil infiltration, and mild histopathologic lesions in both the brainstem and CSC, but none of these were tightly correlated with PN function. Similar results in PN activity, brainstem function, motor neuron number, and histopathology were seen in WNV-infected hamsters, except that histopathologic lesions were more severe. Taken together, the results suggest that respiratory deficits in acute WNV infection are primarily due to a lower motor neuron disorder affecting PMNs and the PN rather than a brainstem disorder. Future efforts should focus on markers of neuronal dysfunction, axonal degeneration, and myelination.  相似文献   

To address the hypothesis that respiratory distress associated with West Nile virus (WNV) is neurologically caused, electromyographs (EMGs) were measured longitudinally from the diaphragms of alert hamsters infected subcutaneously (s.c.) with WNV. The EMG activity in WNV-infected hamsters was consistently and significantly (P ≤ .001) less than that of sham-infected animals, beginning with suppression at day 3 and continuing to beyond day 17 after viral challenge. Of the tissues known to affect respiration, i.e., lung, diaphragm, cervical spinal cord, brain stem, and the carotid or aortic bodies, foci of WNV-immunoreactive neurons were only observed in the brain stems and some cervical spinal cords from EMG-suppressed animals. To confirm the involvement of the brain stem and spinal cord, WNV was injected directly in the ventrolateral medulla containing respiratory functions using stereotaxic surgery and into the cervical cord at the C4 vertebral level. As with subcutaneous WNV challenge, hamsters developed EMG suppression of the diaphragm within 4 days. Because WNV-positive neurons were only sporadically identified in EMG-suppressed animals as early as day 3, a plausible mechanism of EMG suppression may involve regulation of diaphragm activity via vagal afferents acting on respiratory control system neurons in the brain stem. Brain auditory evoked response (BAER) was performed to determine if generalized brain stem neuropathy was the cause of diaphragmatic EMG suppression. Because deficiencies of BAER were only observed after day 11, which is long after diaphragm EMGs became suppressed, multiple phases of WNV-induced neurological disease are likely. These data establish that WNV infection of hamsters causes electrophysiological suppression of the diaphragm either directly by lesions in the brain stem and cervical spinal cord, or indirectly by altered vagal afferent function. This WNV-induced EMG suppression may be analogous to conditions leading to respiratory distress of WNV-infected human patients.  相似文献   

Morphological properties of rat spinal motor neurons were examined 14-16 months following unilateral sciatic nerve crush and compared to the properties observed in neurons contralateral to injury and in cord segments from age-matched control rats. Regenerated and control motor neurons were identified by retrograde labelling with HRP applied to sciatic nerves distal to the site of crush or at a comparable location in control nerves. Many of the experimental motor neurons were enlarged and had thickened dendritic processess compared to the finer dendrites seen in control cells. Mean cell area ipsilateral to the crush lesions was larger than mean control cell area (P-value less than 0.001) despite representation of all control cell areas in the regenerated population. These data suggest that persistent or continued morphological abnormalities occur in mammalian motor neurons following simple sciatic crush injury when examined at extended times beyond the period of axonal regeneration and clinical recovery.  相似文献   

Postnatal loss of axons in normal rat sciatic nerve   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Myelinated and unmyelinated axons were counted in sciatic nerves of newborn, 5-day-old, 14-day-old, and adult rats. Myelinated axons increase from essentially none at birth to approximately 8,000 in adulthood, but total axon numbers decrease steadily from 33,954 at birth to 22,872 in adulthood. Thus there is a significant postnatal loss of axons from rat sciatic nerve. This loss is, in our opinion, not associated with the death of the cells that give rise to these axons. This is thus an example of a regressive event that probably is of importance in normal neural development, namely the postnatal elimination of axons unaccompanied by death of the neurons that give rise to axons. These findings presumably imply a considerable amount of proximal peripheral axon branching, and the postnatal elimination of axons in the sciatic nerve presumably results from a reduction of this branching. Thus postnatal elimination of processes on, for example, somatic muscle cells may be at least partially the result of long axon elimination rather than local withdrawal of presynaptic processes, as is usually thought to be the case. In addition, an increased number of axons resulting from early postnatal manipulations may indicate cessation of axon loss rather than formation of new axons.  相似文献   

Segments of peripheral nerve, transplanted to the brain or spinal cord, recently have been shown to support regeneration of axons from a variety of central neurons. However, long-tract axons, injured at considerable distances from their cell bodies, have proven refractory to such regenerative support. This report presents evidence for successful, although similarly limited, growth of retinal ganglion cell axons into peripheral nerve grafts placed in the optic tract of adult hamsters. The demonstration of such growth allows the possibility that the primary visual pathways may serve as an advantageous model system in which to study the mechanism of graft-effected regeneration of long-tract axons in the adult mammalian central nervous system.  相似文献   

Labeling regenerating axons with axonally transported radioactive proteins provides information about the location of the entire range of axons from the fastest growing ones to those which are trapped in the scar. We have used this technique to study the regeneration of motor axons in the rat sciatic nerve after a crush lesion. From 2 to 14 days after the crush the lumbar spinal cord was exposed by laminectomy and multiple injections of [3H]proline were made stereotactically in the ventral horn. Twenty-four hours later the nerves were removed and the distribution of radioactivity along the nerve was measured by liquid scintillation counting. There was a peak of radioactivity in the regenerating axons distal to the crush due to an accumulation of label in the tips of these axons. After a delay of 3.2 +/- 0.2 (S.E.) days, this peak advanced down the nerve at a rate of 3.0 +/- 0.1 (S.E.) mm/day. The leading edge of this peak, which marks the location of the endings of the most rapidly growing labeled fibers, moved down the nerve at a rate of 4.4 +/- 0.2 mm/day after a delay of 2.1 +/- 0.2 days; this is the same time course as that of the most rapidly regenerating sensory axons in the rat sciatic nerve, measured by the pinch test. Another peak of radioactivity at the crush site, presumed to represent the ends of unregenerated axons or misdirected sprouts, declined rapidly during the first week, and more slowly thereafter.  相似文献   

We report on magnetic resonance neurography (MRN) as a supplementary diagnostic tool in sciatic nerve injection injury. The object of the study was to test if T2-weighted (w) contrast within the sciatic nerve serves as an objective criterion for sciatic injection injury. Three patients presented with acute sensory and/or motor complaints in the distribution of the sciatic nerve after dorsogluteal injection and underwent MRN covering gluteal, thigh and knee levels. Native and contrast-enhanced T1-w images were employed to identify the tibial and peroneal division of the sciatic nerve while T2-w images with fat suppression allowed visualization of the site and extent of the nerve lesion. MRN in the two patients with clinically severe sensory and motor impairment correctly depicted sciatic injury: continuity of the T2-w lesion within the nerve at the lesion site and distal to it corresponded well to severe injury confirmed by NCS/EMG as axonotmetic or neurotmetic. Topography of the T2-w lesion on cross-section corresponded to predominant peroneal involvement; moreover, associated denervation patterns of distal target muscles were revealed. One of these patients completely recovered with concomitant complete regression of MRN abnormalities on follow-up. The third patient experienced transient sensory and mild motor impairment with complete recovery after 2 weeks. In this patient, T2-w signal within the nerve and distal target muscles remained normal indicating only mild, non-axonal nerve affliction. Our case series shows that MRN can be very useful in precisely determining the site of sciatic injection injury and may provide diagnostic criteria for the assessment of lesion severity and recovery.  相似文献   

Rat models of acute spinal cord injury and sciatic nerve injury were established.Apelin expression in spinal cord tissue was determined.In normal rat spinal cords,apelin expression was visible;however,2 hours post spinal cord injury,apelin expression peaked.Apelin expression increased 1 day post ligation of the sciatic nerve compared with normal rat spinal cords,and peaked at 3 days.Apelin expression was greater in the posterior horn compared with the anterior horn at each time point when compared with the normal group.The onset of neuronal apoptosis was significantly delayed following injection of apelin protein at the stump of the sciatic nerve,and the number of apoptotic cells after injury was reduced when compared with normal spinal cords.Our results indicate that apelin is expressed in the normal spinal cord and central nervous system after peripheral nerve injury.Apelin protein can reduce motor neuron apoptosis in the spinal cord anterior horn and delay the onset of apoptosis.  相似文献   

West Nile virus (WNV) is a flavivirus that causes neurological disorders in less than 1 % of infected subjects. Human cases of WNV-associated fever and/or neurological disorders have been reported in Italy since 2008. The first outbreak occurred in the northeastern region of Italy surrounding the Po River and was caused by the Po River lineage 1 strain, and since then, WNV infections have been reported in several regions of central Italy. Although the virus is highly genetically conserved, stochastic mutations in its genome may lead to the emergence of new strains, as was observed in Italy in 2011 with the identification of two new lineage 1 strains, the WNV Piave and WNV Livenza strains. To help further define WNV epidemiology in Italy, we describe a case of an Italian man living in the Po River area who developed fatal encephalitis in 2009 due to infection with the WNV Piave strain. This finding supports the notion that the Piave strain has been circulating in this area of Italy for 2 years longer than was previously believed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Over the past four years, West Nile virus (WNV) has become a significant health issue in North America. In 2002, WNV infection made its first appearance in the human population in Canada. METHODS: Patients who presented to the University Health Network and Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto with neurological disease attributed to WNV infection were identified and followed by the neurology service. Clinical features and results of laboratory, electrodiagnostic, radiological and pathological studies are presented. RESULTS: In August and September 2002, 26 patients were admitted with WNV infection; 14 presented with neurological illness. Encephalitis was the most common presentation (11 patients). Eleven patients developed neuromuscular disease; two at presentation and nine after encephalitis. While the majority had a motor process that localized to the anterior horn cell and/or motor neuron, two patients had evidence of a demyelinating neuropathy and one a sensorimotor axonal neuropathy. Less common manifestations included rhombencephalitis, ataxia, myelopathy and parkinsonism. Death occurred in four patients; two > 75 years of age, and two who were immunocompromised. CONCLUSIONS: The most common neurological manifestation of WNV infection was encephalitis with subsequent neuromuscular involvement. The diversity of clinical and pathological findings, however, suggests widespread involvement of the central and peripheral nervous system. A poorer prognosis for neurological recovery and overall survival was seen in older and immunocompromised patients.  相似文献   

Swellings of proximal axons in a case of motor neuron disease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Serial semithin sections of lumbar anterior horn cells from a patient with rapidly progressive sporadic motor neuron disease were searched for direct connections between swellings of neuronal processes and perikarya. Focal swellings of the proximal axons were not uncommonly seen to be connected directly to perikarya. These swellings varied in shape and size and some were identified as spheroids. Most of the cell bodies connected with swellings showed otherwise normal architecture. These observations suggest that the focal swellings of proximal axons, particularly the distal portion of the initial segment and the first internode of the myelinated axon, indicate an early pathological change, and may represent functionally and morphologically vulnerable sites.  相似文献   

Effects of glycerol injection into rat sciatic nerve   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In recent years, injection of pure glycerol into the trigeminal cistern has been used for the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia. The mechanism of action of this therapy remains unclear. Using both light and electron microscopy, we investigated the effects of microinjections of sterile, pure glycerol into the endoneurium of the sciatic nerve of the rat. We observed total destruction of both myelinated and unmyelinated fibers. In nearly all animals, signs of automutilation were observed in the paralyzed limb. Histological evidence of nerve degeneration appeared soon after injection, with intense proliferation of perineurial cells that eventually divided the endoneurium into numerous microcompartments.  相似文献   

After transplantation of autologous sciatic nerve segments into the retina of adult hamsters for 1-2 months, retrograde labelling with horseradish peroxidase demonstrated a population of ganglion cells situated peripheral to the graft. If an additional lesion was placed between the insertion of the graft and the optic disc at the same time as transplantation, in addition to labelled cells situated peripheral to the graft, retrograde labelling with horseradish peroxidase demonstrated a population of labelled neurons located between the graft and the optic disc which was not observed in animals without the additional lesion. Since the axons of this population of cells would have to turn around away from their normal course towards the optic disc and travel for about 1.5 mm in order to grow into the graft, it suggests that the peripheral nerve graft might play an active role in attracting and/or guiding damaged ganglion cell axons to grow into it.  相似文献   

We report the association of West Nile virus infection, isolated vasculitis, and stroke in a 9-year-old girl. West Nile virus is of growing epidemiologic importance and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of stroke etiologies, especially during late summer and in patients with a history of exposure in areas where West Nile virus transmission is present.  相似文献   

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