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BACKGROUND: The skin lesions found in patients with dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) are characterized by the presence of neutrophils at the dermal papillary tips in areas where the diagnostic cutaneous IgA deposits are found. Although the presence of the skin lesions of DH is known to be associated with gluten-sensitive enteropathy, the mechanisms that control the development of skin lesions are not known. OBJECTIVES: To determine if circulating neutrophils from patients with DH have evidence of priming as shown by increased expression of CD11b, decreased expression of L-selectin and increased function of neutrophil Fc IgA receptor. METHODS: Neutrophils from 12 normal subjects and 10 DH patients with active, ongoing disease and 14 DH patients with quiescent disease activity were examined by fluorescence-activated cell sorter for expression of cell surface CD11b, L-selectin expression, Fc IgA expression (CD89) and for the function of the Fc IgA receptor by determining the binding capacity of neutrophils for monoclonal human IgA. RESULTS: Neutrophils from patients with active, ongoing DH had increased expression of CD11b when compared with patients with inactive DH or normal subjects [mean net geometric mean channel fluorescence (GMCF): active DH, 403.3; inactive DH, 237.8; normal subjects, 290.5; P < 0.05]. L-selectin expression in both groups of DH patients was significantly lower than that seen in normal subjects (mean net GMCF: active DH, 363.2; inactive DH, 375.2; normal subjects, 432.7; P < 0.05). No difference in CD89 expression was seen in any of the groups; however, the function of Fc IgA receptor was increased in patients with active DH when compared with patients with inactive DH and normal subjects. CONCLUSIONS: Neutrophils from patients with active, ongoing DH show an increased expression of CD11b, decreased expression of L-selectin and increased ability to bind IgA, consistent with a pattern of priming of the neutrophils. This priming may occur in the gut as a result of the ongoing mucosal immune response that is present in patients with DH on a gluten-containing diet and may predispose neutrophils to localize in the skin of patients with DH.  相似文献   

Summary It has been speculated that gluten may play a role in the pathogenesis of dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) because it can act as a lectin. The lectin activity of gluten preparations was recently identified as wheat germ agglutinin (WGA). IgG and IgA serum antibodies to WGA and gluten were therefore measured in patients with DH and coeliac disease (CD) by an enzylac-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Compared with healthy controls, both patients categories had increased IgG and IgA activities to WGA and gluten, the CD group showing the highest antibody levels. DH patients with subtotal villous atrophy tended to have higher activities than those with no villous changes or only minor changes. No significant difference in the gluten-to-WGA ratio of IgA or IgG antibodies was found when DH patients were compared with CD patients. If WGA plays a pathogenetic role in DH, then DH patients must have dermal characteristics, as yet undefined, that explain the initiation of their skin disease.  相似文献   

Summary This study reports the appearance of IgA-class anti-endomysial antibodies in the serum of 8 out of 12 patients with dermatitis herpetiformis who were challenged with gluten after a number of years of control of the rash with a strict gluten-free diet. Although there was no evidence for the antibodies having any pathogenic role in the rash of dermatitis herpetiformis, their presence may be related to the deterioration in the gluten-sensitive enteropathy.  相似文献   

To examine the relationship between the gluten-sensitive enteropathy (GSE) and IgA circulating immune complexes (CIC) in dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) a series of dietary gluten-challenge studies were performed in patients with DH and patients with ordinary GSE. Serial serum samples were monitored for IgA-, IgG-, and IgM-containing CIC levels. In the first study, 9 DH patients and 5 controls were fed 20 g of gluten flour as a breakfast meal on 1 of 2 consecutive study days. DH patients did not develop or increase their levels of CIC after gluten-challenge or gluten-free meals. There was no significant difference between the DH patients and the control group in regard to development of CIC. To evaluate the effect of dietary gluten in another form, 8 DH patients were given meals containing 100 g of boiled Canadian cracked wheat. Two patients with ordinary GSE were also challenged with cracked wheat. Again there was no elevation or induction of CIC above baseline determinations by gluten-challenge meals. These studies suggest that dietary gluten does not induce the formation of CIC in patients with DH.  相似文献   

Dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) is characterized by a rash and a gluten-sensitive enteropathy (GSE) indistinguishable from that of coeliac disease. T-cell-mediated mechanisms have been implicated in the pathogenesis of GSE. It seems feasible that intradermal injection of gluten, in patients known to have GSE, could lead to an influx of T cells sensitized to gluten, with subsequent development of a delayed hypersensitivity-type reaction. Six patients with DH and three normal subjects had intradermal injections of‘Frazer's fraction III’ (FFIII; the partial peptic tryptic digest of gluten which is known to be antigenic) and phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) as a control. Skin biopsies were taken at PBS and FFIII injection sites at 48 h. In addition, two of the patients with DH had biopsies taken of FFIII injection sites at 6 h. Monoclonal antibodies and the avidin-biotin-peroxidase technique were used to stain for T cells in the skin biopsies. A monoclonal antibody to a neoepitope exposed in the terminal complement complex and an immunofluorescent method were used to detect the presence of terminal complement component in biopsies taken from two of the control subjects and two of the patients. Both patients and control subjects developed a weal and flare within a few minutes of injecting the FFIII, and this persisted for up to 6 h. No skin reaction was present in either the patients or the control subjects at 48 h. No skin reaction was visible at any time following injection of PBS. There was no increase in T cells in biopsies taken at 6 or 48 h from the FFIII injection sites compared with the PBS injection sites. Terminal complement component was present in the biopsies taken from DH patients at both the PBS and FFIII injection sites (6 and 48 h), but was absent from the biopsies taken from the control subjects. Normal delayed hypersensitivity responses to a battery of common recall antigens showed that the lack of response to FFIII was antigen specific. Thus, this study suggests that the T cells sensitized to gluten in patients with GSE are unable to migrate to the skin.  相似文献   

Summary The univolved skin of 10 patients with dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) was examined for the presence of gluten antigens with the immunofluorescence technique using a rabbit anti-gliadin antiserum, human antibodies to wheat and to reticulin conjugated to fluorescein-isothiocyanate (FITC) and class-specific anti-human lgA immunoglobulin.In all patients, IgA deposits were found in the tips of the dermal papillae of the uninvolved skin. With the anti-wheat and anti-reticulin conjugates, as well as with the rabbit anti-gliadin antiserum, no specific immunofluorescence was observed in any of the skin specimens. Skin biopsy sections of three DH patients were treated with an acid solution (pH 3.2) in an effort to dissociate antigen-antibody complexes that might be present. After the elution procedure the sections showed undiminished IgA fluorescence, and retesting with the anti-wheat- and antireticulin antisera again gave negative results. The skin eluates, two of which contained IgA, had no antibodies to wheat or reticulin.These findings do not give support to the hypothesis that the antigens in the suspected immune complexes in the DH skin consist of gluten.
Zusammenfassung Die nicht angegriffene Haut von 10 Patienten mit Dermatitis Herpetiformis (DH) wurde auf die Anwesenheit von Gluten-Antigenen mit der Immunfluorescenztechnik untersucht unter Anwendung eines Antigliadin-Antiserums in einem Kaninchen erzeugt, menschliche Antikörper gegen Weizen sowie gegen Retikulin verbunden mit Fluorescein-Isothiocyanate (FITC) und mit spezifisch klassifiziertem anti-menschlichem IgA-Immunglobulin.In allen Patienten fanden sich IgA-Niederschläge in den Spitzen der Dermalpapillen der nicht angegriffenen Haut vor. Sowohl mit den Antiweizen- und Antiretikulinverbindungen als auch mit dem erwähnten Antigliadin Antiserum konnte keine spezifische Immunfluorescenz in den untersuchten Häuten festgestellt werden. Hautbiopt-Schnitten von 3 DH-Patienten wurden mit einer Säurenlösung (pH 3,2) erprobt, um zu versuchen, die Antigen-Antikörperverbindungen, die möglicherweise anwesend sein könnten, voneinander zu trennen. Nach der oben erwähnten Erprobung zeigten die Versuchsteile eine ungeänderte IgA-Fluorescenz, und nach Wiederholung der soeben genannten Probe mit Antiweizen- und Antiretikulin-Antikörper zeigten sich abermals negative Resultate.Die Hauteluaten, von denen zwei IgA enthielten, zeigten keine Antikörper gegen Weizen oder Retikulin. Diese Resultate tragen nicht zu der Hypothese bei, daß die Antigene in den vermutlichen Immunverbindungen in der DH-Haut aus Gluten bestehen.

Elemental diets are reported to decrease activity of patients with dermatitis herpetiformis. We tested the hypothesis that gluten, given in addition to an elemental diet, is responsible for the intestinal abnormalities, cutaneous immunoreactant deposition, and skin disease activity in dermatitis herpetiformis. At entry eight patients with dermatitis herpetiformis, who were consuming unrestricted diets, were stabilized on their suppressive medications at dosage levels that allowed individual lesions to erupt. Six patients were then given an elemental diet plus 30 of gluten for 2 weeks, followed by the elemental diet alone for 2 weeks. Conversely, two patients received an elemental diet alone for 2 weeks followed by an elemental diet plus gluten during the final 2 weeks. Small bowel biopsies, skin biopsies, and clinical assessments were done at 0, 2, and 4 weeks. Suppressive medication dose requirement decreased over the 4 weeks by a mean of 66%. Six of eight subjects significantly improved clinically during the gluten-challenge phase of the elemental diet and all were improved at the end of the study. The amount of IgA in perilesional skin did not change significantly, but the amount of C3 increased in five of seven evaluable subjects after gluten challenge. Circulating anti-gluten and anti-endomysial antibodies were not significantly affected by the diets. All subjects completing evaluable small bowel biopsies (seven of seven) demonstrated worsening of their villus architecture (by scanning electron microscopy and intraepithelial lymphocyte counts) during gluten challenge and improvement (six of six subjects) after 2 weeks of elemental dietary intake. We conclude that 1) there is a significant improvement in clinical disease activity on an elemental diet, independent of gluten administration, 2) small bowel morphology improves rapidly on an elemental diet, and 3) complement deposition but neither IgA deposition nor circulating antibody levels correlate with gluten intake. It seems likely that dietary factors other than gluten are important in the pathogenesis of the skin lesions in dermatitis herpetiformis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The risk for lymphoma is increased in both dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) and in coeliac disease. The lymphoma most associated with coeliac disease is enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma. OBJECTIVES: To study the occurrence and type of lymphoma in a large series of patients with DH and their first-degree relatives. METHODS: The occurrence of lymphoma was studied in 1104 patients consecutively diagnosed with DH in two university hospitals during 1969-2001. A questionnaire was sent to 341 patients to examine the occurrence of lymphoma in their 1825 first-degree relatives. To analyse whether the DH patients with lymphoma had adhered to a gluten-free diet similarly to the patients without lymphoma, two age- and sex-matched patients with DH served as controls for each index case. Data on the gluten-free diet were collected from prospectively completed dietary forms and also from medical records. RESULTS: Eleven (1%) patients contracted lymphoma 2-31 years after the diagnosis of DH. Eight had B-cell-type lymphoma, two enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma and one remained unclassified due to missing material. Three (0.2%) of the first-degree relatives contracted lymphoma, all B-cell type. The 11 DH patients with lymphoma had adhered to a gluten-free diet significantly less strictly than the DH controls without lymphoma. CONCLUSIONS: The present study documents that patients with DH can have both B- and T-cell lymphoma. The DH patients with lymphoma had not adhered as strictly to the gluten-free diet as the control patients without lymphoma. The occurrence of lymphoma in the first-degree relatives was lower than in the patients with DH.  相似文献   

Summary Sequential studies of circulating gliadin antibodies (IgG, IgA, IgM, IgD) were performed in 24 patients with dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) by an ELISA. Three groups of patients were studied: (a) 14 patients who responded to a gluten-free diet and were able to stop their drug therapy, (b) 5 patients who did not respond to a gluten-free diet, (c) 5 patients with normal jejunal biopsies, who did not receive a gluten-free diet. Most of the serum gliadin antibodies detected were of IgG class, but in several patients IgA gliadin antibodies were found in addition. When the patients were on a normal diet, 63% had elevated IgG gliadin antibody titres (titres which exceeded the maximum titre of the controls by one dilution) and there were no significant differences between the three groups. When the patients were followed up, there was a significant fall in the gliadin antibody titres in those who responded to a gluten-free diet compared to the two other groups of patients. Thus assays of IgG gliadin antibodies might be helpful in some patients in judging the complicance of patients on a gluten-free diet.  相似文献   

Twelve patients with dermatitis herpetiformis whose skin condition responded to a gluten-free diet (GFD) were re-examined after diet treatment. The findings were compared with those in matched patients on a normal diet. Jejunal histology revealed morphological improvement in every patient on a GFD whereas all patients on a normal diet continued to have villous atrophy. Intra-epithelial lymphocyte counts were normal in 8 patients on a GFD in contrast to one on a normal diet. Immunofluorescence examination of the jejunal mucosa revealed that the numbers of cells containing IgA and IgM were increased significantly in the normal diet group. The figures were lower in the GFD group but these also exceeded the values in the controls. IgA deposits were found in the uninvolved skin of every patient irrespective of the diet treatment, but the fluorescence seemed to be less intense in patients on a GFD. A clear difference was found in the occurrence of C3 deposits in the uninvolved skin. Three patients on a GFD had C3 deposits; two of these did not follow a strict diet. However C3 was found in 8 patients on a normal diet. Circulating dietary and auto-antibodies were found in two patients on a GFD and in 9 on a normal diet. Serum immunoglobulin (IgG, IgA, IgM) and complement (C3, C4) levels were within normal limits in both patient groups.  相似文献   

Background: Dermatitis herpetiformis is a chronic severely pruritic dermatosis. It is a cutaneous manifestation of celiac disease. The aim of our study was to collect clinical, histological and immunopathological data on patients who were treated in the University Departments of Dermatology in Würzburg and Lübeck from 1996 to 2008. Patients and Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 32 patients. Only patients with positive findings on direct immunofluorescence microscopy were included in this study. Results: All patients demonstrated skin lesions in the predilection areas of knees, elbows, gluteal region and scalp. The male to female ratio was 1.5 : 1 and the average age was 43 years. The interval between the first symptoms and diagnosis ranged from 6 weeks to 20 years. Direct immunofluorescence microscopy showed that granular IgA deposits were more often found continuously along the dermal‐epidermal junction rather than focally in the tips of the dermal papillae. Results of small intestinal biopsies were available from 29 patients and confirmed the presence of celiac disease in all cases. None of the patients reported gastrointestinal symptoms. IgA antibodies against tissue transglutaminase and epidermal transglutaminase were found in 88% and 94% of patient sera, respectively. Conclusions: The detection of IgA autoantibodies against epidermal transglut‐aminase is the most sensitive serological test in the diagnosis of dermatitis herpetiformis. Our observations confirm that patients with dermatitis herpetiformis usually do not demonstrate apparent gastrointestinal symptoms.  相似文献   

The association of dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) with granular IgA deposits at the dermal-epidermal junction and a gluten sensitive enteropathy (GSE) suggests that a mucosal immune response may play an important role in the pathogenesis of DH. The degree of antigenic restriction, the immunoglobulin class and subclass response to dietary antigens, and the relationship of antibodies against dietary antigens to IgA-containing circulating immune complexes (CIC) in patients with DH, however, are not known. We have examined the serum of 33 patients with DH for IgG and IgA antibodies against gliadin, and against 3 dietary proteins not thought to be related to GSE, beta-lactoglobulin (beta-lacto), bovine gamma globulin (BGG), and casein. Eleven of 33 (33%) patients with DH had IgA anti-gliadin antibodies, whereas IgA antibodies against beta-lacto were found in 11 of 33 patients (33%), against BGG in 15 of 32 (47%), and against casein in 6 of 33 (18%); 17 of 32 (53%) patients had IgA antibodies against one or more of these dietary antigens. Significantly higher levels of IgA antibodies were detected against beta-lacto (2,500 +/- 2,320 ng/ml, mean +/- SEM) and BGG (2,340 +/- 1,890 ng/ml) than gliadin (1,250 +/- 851 ng/ml) in this group of antibody positive patients (p less than 0.05, Wilcoxon signed ranks test). Eleven of 17 patients with IgA antibodies against dietary antigens were found to have IgA-containing CIC, whereas only one of the 15 antibody negative patients had IgA-containing CIC (p = 0.0008, Fisher's exact test). IgA anti-gliadin antibodies were found to contain both IgA1 and IgA2 with a significantly increased proportion of IgA2 when compared with the IgA2 composition of the total serum IgA (IgA2: anti-gliadin antibodies = 34 +/- 4.2%; total serum IgA = 19 +/- 4.8%, p = 0.02, Students paired t test). IgG antibodies against these antigens were found to occur slightly more frequently in amounts not significantly greater than IgA antibodies. This data demonstrates that a serum IgA and IgG antibody response to dietary antigens occurs in approximately 50% of DH patients with a higher proportion of IgA2 than total serum IgA and does not appear to be restricted to gliadin. This is significantly different from the pattern of cutaneous immunoreactants in patients with DH, and suggests that the deposition of IgA in DH skin may be the result of an atypical mucosal immune response, a non-immunologic interaction of IgA1 and DH skin, or arise from a non-mucosal source.  相似文献   

The density of jejunal intra-epithelial T cells expressing the γ/δ form of the T-cell receptor is known to be increased in coeliac disease, the significance of which remains a mystery. The expression of the γ/δ T-cell receptor in the jejunum of patients with dermatitis herpedformis, coeliac disease, treated and untreated, and controls were studied. Expression of the γ/δ T-cell receptor was significantly increased in patients with dermatitis hepetiformis (P<0·0005) and in both untreated (P<0·0005) and treated coeliac patients (P<0·05) compared with controls. There were significant correlations between the indices of enteropathy, enterocyte height (P<0·005) and villous height/crypt depth ratio (P<0·0001), and expression of the γ/δ T-cell receptor in the jejunum of all the patients. This argues against the hypothesis that γ/δ T-cells have a fundamental role in the aetiology of gluten-sensitive enteropathy. It suggests that γ/δ T cells may be involved in the effector arm of the mucosal immune response to cereal peptides in susceptible individuals.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--This study looked at whether oral vitamin C and vitamin E would protect the erythrocyte from oxidant damage caused by dapsone in patients with dermatitis herpetiformis. DESIGN--Fifteen consecutive patients with dermatitis herpetiformis taking dapsone therapy received, in addition, 800 U/d of vitamin E for 4 weeks; then 1000 mg of vitamin C per day for 4 weeks, and, finally, combined vitamin E and vitamin C therapy for 4 weeks. Hemolysis indexes were assessed at baseline and after each 4-week period. RESULTS--Statistical analysis of the results suggests that oral administration of 800 units of vitamin E daily for 4 weeks confers partial protective effect against dapsone-induced hemolysis in patients with dermatitis herpetiformis. CONCLUSION--Partial protection against dapsone-induced hemolysis by orally administered vitamin E, if confirmed as being clinically relevant by further trials, may allow clinicians to continue dapsone therapy orally in patients who develop significant hemolysis. Prophylactic vitamin E to minimize potential hemolysis at the initiation of dapsone therapy may also be appropriate.  相似文献   

Background Dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) is a rare gluten‐sensitive blistering itchy skin disease, strictly related to coeliac disease (CD). Direct immunofluorescence, demonstrating IgA granular deposits localized either in the dermal papillae or along the dermo‐epidermal junction, is currently the gold standard for diagnosis of DH. It has been shown that DH immunocomplexes contain epidermal transglutaminase (eTG) and that sera from patients with DH contain antibodies specifically directed against eTG. Objectives We studied the usefulness of serum eTG antibodies in discriminating between DH, CD and other gastrointestinal and dermatologic diseases. Methods eTG antibodies were tested in 308 adult patients’ sera: 44 patients with untreated dermatitis herpetiformis (UDH), 99 patients with untreated coeliac disease (UCD), 70 dermatological controls and 95 gastrointestinal controls. Results In UDH eTG antibody levels were significantly higher than in DH patients on gluten‐free diet, UCD, gastrointestinal controls and dermatological controls. In UCD eTG antibodies strongly correlated with tissue transglutaminase (tTG) antibodies, whereas in UDH no significant correlation was observed. Conclusion Serum IgA eTG antibody determination can efficiently distinguish UDH from other dermatological itchy diseases and is highly sensitive to gluten‐free diet.  相似文献   

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