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Sixty-three non-small cell lung carcinomas (NSCLCs) and 20 small cell lung carcinomas (SCLCs) were examined for loss of heterozygosity (LOH) on chromosome 2. Fifteen highly polymorphic dinucleotide markers spanning both the short and long arms of chromosome 2 were selected for a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based fine mapping. They included a DNA marker localized in the homozygously deleted region at 2q33, which we previously identified in an SCLC cell line. LOH on chromosome arm 2q was detected in 23/63 (37%) of NSCLC and 6/20 (30%) of SCLC, while LOH on 2p was observed in 14/56 (25%) and 4/17 (24%), respectively. There were two commonly deleted regions mapped to 2q32-q37 and 2p16-pter, and the homozygously deleted region at 2q33 was in the commonly deleted region on 2q. In NSCLC, the incidence of LOH on 2p and 2q was significantly higher in brain metastases than in primary tumors (P = 0.005 and 0.001, respectively). In addition, LOH on chromosome arm 2q occurred more frequently in moderately/poorly differentiated tumors than in well-differentiated tumors (P = 0.046). These results suggested that inactivation of tumor suppressor genes on chromosome 2 is involved in the phenotypic alterations of NSCLC cells into more aggressive ones. Genes Chromosom Cancer 16:113–119 (1996). © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Frequent losses of heterozygosity observed at several chromosomal loci in primary lung cancers have indicated the existence of several tumor suppressor genes associated with this type of cancer. We have examined loss of heterozygosity on chromosomal arm 8p in 49 cases of non-small cell lung carcinoma, using 14 restriction fragment length polymorphism markers. Of 42 cases informative with at least one marker, 21 showed allelic loss, including 15 of 32 adenocarcinomas and 5 of 9 squamous cell carcinomas. The frequency of allelic loss on 8p was similar at all clinical stages. Deletion mapping defined a single common region of deletion in these tumors within an 8 cM interval at 8p21.3–p22 flanked by the loci defined by cMSR-32 and cC18–245. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The expression of antigens of the blood group Lewis a/b family were studied in a series of 42 prostatectomy specimens from patients with adenocarcinoma clinically confined to the prostate; 19 of these were later reclassified as pathologic Stage C. Staining of normal or hyperplastic versus neoplastic epithelium was assessed in routinely processed, paraffin-embedded tissue using murine monoclonal antibodies and an avidin-biotin immunoperoxidase technique. Antigens screened and the antibodies used to recognize them were Lewis a (CF4C4), Lewis b and Type 1 H (NS10), monosialosyl Lewis a I (19.9), and disialosyl Lewis a and monosialosyl Lewis a II (FH7). FH7 strongly stained the benign epithelium of all 39 Lewis positive cases, suggesting that the sialyltransferase responsible for synthesis of FH7-reactive determinants is highly active in benign prostatic tissue. When compared to the reactivity of benign epithelium in Lewis positive cases, the staining of the carcinomas was markedly reduced in 18 cases (46%) and absent in 16 cases (41%). This reduction or loss of staining of the malignant epithelium was observed for all antibodies that stained the corresponding benign epithelium of each case. In only five of the cases (13%) was the intensity of staining in the carcinoma equal to that of the surrounding benign epithelium. No cases in this latter group had recurrence of disease, whereas in the other staining groups 25-33% of the cases had recurrences; median follow-up for the entire group was 78 months. No correlation was apparent between Gleason score and the staining pattern with these antigens. In summary, antigens of the Lewis a/b family are deleted in a high percentage of cases of prostatic adenocarcinoma.  相似文献   

The available simple mapping functions are surveyed, and a new mapping function that provides for positive interference within chromosome arms and no interference across the centromere is proposed, together with the corresponding formula for centromeric linkage. This new function is derived by assuming that all chromosome arms except the short arms of acrocentric chromosomes hav an obligatory chiasma, and that the remaining chiasmata are distributed at random; assumptions which may correspond reasonably well to reality. A method for the comparison of the goodness of fit of mapping functions with family data is given. Low levels of interference seem to be indicated, although as yet insufficient human data is available to allow interference to the specified. Interference has a considerable effect on the estimation of map distances between loci from 3-point lod scores as is shown by the linkage group Rh, UMPK, PGM1, Amy, 1qh, Fy, on chromosome 1.  相似文献   

Deletion mapping of 18q in conventional renal cell carcinoma   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) is frequently associated with the inactivation of tumor suppressor genes. 18q LOH has been frequently reported in colorectal cancer and lung cancer; however, allelic loss on 18q has not been investigated in renal cell carcinoma (RCC). We evaluated LOH on 18q using nine microsatellite markers in 126 with conventional RCC (cRCC). LOH was observed in more than one 18q microsatellite locus in 24 cRCC (19%). We found the highest frequency of LOH (13.5%) at 18q21.3, where the DCC gene is located. We also assessed the relationship between LOH frequency and patient clinical parameters. Patients with a family history of cancer had a significantly higher frequency of 18q LOH than those without such a history (P=0.0017). No associations were found with other parameters, including gender, tumor grade, tumor stage, smoking status, and body mass index. The results suggest that inactivation of tumor suppressor genes at 18q21.3, including DCC and SMAD4 as candidates, may be involved in the tumorigenesis of some conventional RCCs.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) studies have shown that loss of one entire copy of chromosome 10 is a common genetic event in glioblastoma multiforme, the most malignant glial brain tumor in humans. In a search for submicroscopic deletions, we carried out an RFLP analysis using markers that had been mapped accurately on chromosome 10 by genetic linkage analysis. We studied 30 patients of whom 15 had loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at one or more loci. In seven cases, LOH was found at every informative locus, whereas in two cases extensive deletions were observed involving both the short and long arms. In six other patients, LOH was confined to a portion of the long arm. The smallest region of overlap among these latter six deletions was flanked by markers D10S12 proximally and D10S6 distally, a 33.4 centimorgan region that maps physically near the telomere (q25.1-qter). This region will serve as an important target for future mapping experiments designed to identify a tumor suppressor gene implicated in this lethal form of human cancer. Genes Chrom Cancer 7:173–177 (1993). © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Little is known about the biology of Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC), also called small cell carcinoma of the skin. MCC has similarities with small cell lung cancer (SCLC): both are neuroendocrine malignancies with early metastasis to distant sites and a poor prognosis. Small cell lung cancer biopsies are known to have frequent losses on chromosome 3 in the region 3p21, yet MCCs have not been reported to have 3p deletions by karyotypic analysis. Considering the similarities between SCLC and MCC, we investigated 26 MCC tumours for loss of heterozygosity (LOH) on 3p. First, RFLP analysis was performed using PCR with nine primer sets from six loci. Second, 25 tumours were examined by microsatellite analysis for 3p markers D3S1289 and D3S1285 and SST on 3q. All 26 tumours were informative at one or more loci; of these, 18 (69%) demonstrated LOH for at least one marker on the short arm. For all informative loci the frequency of LOH was greater than 30% (range 33–75%). In a cell line derived from one tumour, it was possible to demonstrate rearrangement of chromosome 3 by in situ hybridisation. No LOH was seen in 15 informative cases for the 3q locus SST. A region 3p13-p21.1, centered on the marker D3S2, was deleted in all tumours demonstrating LOH, with a secondary deletion involving D3S30 detected in some tumours at 3p13. Our results indicate that LOH on 3p is a common occurrence in MCC; however, three tumours for which DNA was also available from a corresponding cell line suggest there may be a subset of MCC whose genesis is independent of deletions of 3p. Genes Chromosom Cancer 15:102–107 (1996) © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Neuroendocrine differentiation in human prostatic carcinoma.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Endocrine-paracrine (APUD, neuroendocrine) cells are located in the prostatic ductal and acinar epithelium. These cells are of the open and closed type and have dendritic processes. There is a wide range of secretory granule morphology presumably indicating a variety of different cell "types." Secretory immunoreactive peptides include serotonin, calcitonin (and related peptides), somatostatin, bombesin-like, thyroid-stimulating hormone-like (beta chain), and alpha-glycoprotein chain-like. These cells may function by endocrine, paracrine, neurocrine, and lumencrine mechanisms and play an important regulatory role both during growth and differentiation of the prostate as well as in the secretory process of the mature gland. Neuroendocrine differentiation in prostatic carcinoma is a frequent occurrence and manifests itself in several forms, including (1) small cell carcinoma, (2) carcinoid and carcinoid-like tumors, and (3) conventional adenocarcinoma with focal neuroendocrine differentiation. This latter pattern is the most common, and there is evidence that all or nearly all prostatic adenocarcinomas show at least some focal neuroendocrine differentiation. A review of the world's literature on this topic is included. Neuroendocrine differentiation generally portends a poorer prognosis but may also correlate directly with the grade. There is some evidence to suggest that neoplastic cells with neuroendocrine differentiation are resistant to hormonal therapy. Eutopic and ectopic hormone production may allow screening for prostatic carcinoma and/or monitoring for recurrence of prostatic carcinomas. Finally, the more basic implications of endocrine-paracrine cells and neuroendocrine differentiation are speculated on in reference to prostatic carcinogenesis and autocrine/paracrine tumor growth factor activity.  相似文献   

The origin of human chromosomes (HSA) 7, 16, and 19 was studied by comparing data obtained from chromosome banding, chromosome painting, and gene mapping in species belonging to 11 orders of placental mammals (Eutherians). This allowed us to propose the reconstruction of their presumed ancestral forms. The HSA7 homologs were composed of two parts, the largest forming an acrocentric. The smallest formed one arm of a small submetacentric; the other arm was composed of sequences homologous to the short arm of HSA16 (HSA16p). The sequences homologous to the long arm of HSA16 (HSA16q) were associated with sequences homologous to the long arm of HSA19 (HSA19q) and formed another submetacentric. From their origin, these chromosomes underwent the following rearrangements to give rise to current human chromosomes: centromeric fission of the two submetacentrics in ancestors of all primates (approximately 80 million years ago); fusion of the HSA19p and HSA19q sequences, originating the current HSA19, in ancestors of all simians (approximately 55 million years ago); fusions of the HSA16p and HSA16q sequences, originating the current HSA16 and the two components of HSA7 before the separation of Cercopithecoids and Hominoids ( approximately 35 million years ago); and finally, pericentric and paracentric inversions of the homologs to HSA7 after the divergence of orangutan and gorilla, respectively. Thus, compared with HSA16 and HSA19, HSA7 is a fairly recent chromosome shared by man and chimpanzee only.  相似文献   

目的 检测原发性前列腺癌及高级别前列腺上皮内肿瘤 (prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia,PIN) 10号染色体等位基因杂合性缺失 (loss of heterozygosity,L OH)及其意义。方法 用显微切割技术获取 16个前列腺癌及 14个高级别 PIN样本 DNA,采用 PCR及微卫星多态性技术 ,对 10号染色体上的 2 0个微卫星位点 L OH进行检测。结果  16个原发性前列腺癌样本在 10号染色体位点有不同的 L OH频率 ,从 0~ 4 6 .2 %不等 ,主要分布在 10 q2 3及 10 q2 4 - q2 5。 14个高级别 PIN,有 7个样本在 6个位点检测到L OH。结论 前列腺癌存在 10号染色体的高频 L OH区 ,主要位于 10 q2 3及 10 q2 4 - q2 5区 ,而高级别 PIN的 L OH率明显低于前列腺癌 ,PTEN及 MXI1为 10 q2 3及 10 q2 4 - q2 5区候选的肿瘤抑制基因 ,可能与前列腺癌的发生发展有关  相似文献   

目的 :探讨碱性成纤维细胞生长因子 (b FGF)在前列腺增生和前列腺癌组织中表达的临床意义。方法 :采用斑点杂交技术和免疫组化染色 ,测定 40例正常前列腺 (NP)、3 8例前列腺增生症 (BPH )和 3 6例前列腺癌组织 (Pca)中b FGF的表达。结果 :BPH和Pca组织中 ,b FGF的表达明显高于NP组织 (P <0 .0 1)。b FGF表达升高的程度与BPH的分度、Pca的病理分级和临床分期均无明显关系。结论 :b FGF可能为BPH和Pca组织自身分泌 ,与其发生发展过程密切相关  相似文献   

Previous cytogenetic investigations have revealed frequent deletions and ocher unbalanced structural rearrangements of 3p in human malignant mesothelioma. We have performed a restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis by using the polymerase chain reaction and primer sets for seven DNA markers to examine loss of heterozygosity (LOH) from 3p in 25 malignant mesotheliomas. Among 24 cases informative at one or more 3p loci, 15 (62.5%) exhibited LOH with at least one marker. Deletion mapping in these tumors indicates that the common region of chromosomal loss resides within band 3p21, in the vicinity of the D3F15S2 locus. These results suggest that allelic loss from 3p21 is a frequent Occurrence in malignant mesothelioma and that one or more putative tumor suppressor genes at this site contribute to the pathogenesis of this malignancy.Genes Chrom Cancer 9:76-80 (1994). © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Whole chromosome paints for human (HSA) chromosomes 9, 12, 15 and 20 and arm-specific paints for HSA16p, 19p and 19q were applied on donkey metaphase spreads. All probes, except HSA19p, gave distinct hybridization signals on donkey chromosomes/chromosomal segments. The results show direct segmental homology between human and donkey genomes, and enable refinement of correspondence between donkey and horse karyotypes. Of specific interest is the identification of hitherto unknown correspondence between four equine acrocentric chromosomes (ECA22, 23, 25 and 28) and the donkey chromosomes. Overall, the findings mark the beginning of an ordered study of comparative organization of genomes/karyotypes of the equids, that can shed light on karyotype evolution and ancestral chromosomal condition in the Perissodactyls. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFr) is a membrane-bound glycoprotein that is present in a wide variety of human normal and malignant tissues. In this study EGFr expression in frozen sections of prostate tissue obtained from 40 different surgical specimens was examined immunohistochemically with a well-characterized monoclonal antibody to EGFr, Ab-1 (Oncogene Science). Twenty cases of prostate adenocarcinoma and 20 cases of benign prostatic hyperplasia were studied. Six of the 20 cases of adenocarcinoma also contained prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia grade III (severe intraductal dysplasia). All of the cases containing benign glands showed strong immunostaining in a continuous or nearly continuous pattern, with staining restricted to the basal layer of the benign glands. Adenocarcinoma lacked immunostaining in 15 (75%) of 20 cases, while the remaining five cases (25%) showed diffuse cytoplasmic staining, which was weaker than that seen in the benign glands and that lacked basal accentuation. The six cases that contained prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia grade III showed a discontinuous basal pattern of staining, and the gaps in the staining appeared to correspond to areas of disruption of the basal cell layer. We conclude that the antigenic determinant recognized by this antibody to EGFr was detected preferentially in the basal layer in benign prostatic glands. In contrast, a minority of cases of adenocarcinoma expressed EGFr, as assessed by immunoreactivity with the Ab-1 monoclonal antibody. Prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia grade III expressed EGFr with a predominantly discontinuous basal pattern that corresponded to the disrupted basal cell layer typical of this process.  相似文献   

Two identical active X chromosomes in human mammary carcinoma cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chromosome G-banding analysis of two human mammary carcinoma cell lines, Elco and MCF-7, showed the existence of two X chromosomes in both cell lines. To determine the state of activity of the X chromosomes, a methylation-sensitive restriction endonuclease, HpaII, was used to distinguish the active X from the hypermethylated, inactive X chromosome with a probe for the phosphogalactokinase locus by Southern blot hybridization. DNA digested with the restriction enzymes PstI and BstXI showed a band at either 1.05 or 0.9 kilobases. After HpaII digestion, a 50% reduction in intensity was observed in the female controls, whereas total reduction of the band was observed for the tumor cell lines and the male control. This indicates the absence of an inactive X and the presence of only active X chromosomes in the mammary carcinoma cell lines and the male control. To investigate the mechanisms involved in the alteration of the X chromosome composition and activity, restriction fragment length polymorphism analyses of seven additional X chromosome markers (L1.28, DX13, p52A, pX65H7, L782, pA13.RI, and pXG-12) were performed on the DNA isolated from the tumor cells and controls. Heterozygosity for at least one of the seven markers was detected in the six female controls whereas only homozygosity was detected for each marker in the tumor cell lines and the male control. These results indicate that the two active X chromosomes identified in each of the two tumor cell lines are identical, resulting from duplication or nondisjunction of the active X and loss of the inactive X chromosome.  相似文献   

Three patients with different marker chromosomes were screened by in situ hybridisation using biotinylated probes to chromosome specific pericentric repeats to determine the chromosomal origin of the marker. Each marker had a different origin, with one from each of chromosomes 1, 9, and 16. This is the first time that autosomal marker chromosomes consisting of a small ring have been shown to be derived from the pericentric heterochromatin of metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes. Evidence suggests that such markers are not associated with any significant risk of phenotypic abnormalities, but additional cases need to be studied.  相似文献   

The chromosome organization among 15 wild diploid Coffea species and cultivated tetraploid C. arabica was determined by fluorochrome banding (CMA, DAPI) and double fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH) of 5S and 18S rDNA achieved on the same chromosome plates. Two to five chromosome pairs (plus one putative chromosome B) are marked. Overall, there are two SAT-chromosome pairs for East African species and one for the Malagasy and the West and Central African species. 18S rDNA loci are telomeric and strongly marked the SAT-chromosome pairs. Generally, only one pericentromeric 5S rDNA locus characterized East African species, while an additional minor locus co-localized with the 18S rDNA-SAT locus for the Malagasy species and West and Central African species. A combination of rDNA FISH plus CMA and DAPI banding patterns enables identification of almost all the species, even those for which the genetic or botanical status is still being discussed. C. arabica clearly appears to be an allotetraploid species, including one genome from East Africa and one from West and Central Africa. However, since the minor 5S rDNA-SAT locus present in West/Central African genomes is not detected, two evolutionary hypotheses could be put forward for C. arabica. Considering only the diploid species, global trends are obvious in rDNA signal patterns, genome size variations, and geographic distribution of the species, but there are no clear evolutionary trends. However, complex interactions between these factors and environmental growing conditions exist, which have resulted in loss and gain of rDNA loci and probably also in copy repeat number variations in each rDNA family.  相似文献   

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