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目的:了解盘锦市孕中期妇女的叶酸知识与增补情况,探讨影响因素,提出干预措施。方法:通过对264例孕中期妇女进行调查,了解孕中期孕妇的叶酸知晓与增补情况及不同人口学特征对其的影响,采用χ2检验进行统计分析。结果:264例孕中期孕妇中,了解叶酸知识率60.23%,了解叶酸知识不详率37.71%,增补叶酸率92.42%,孕前增补率46.72%。≥35岁组叶酸知晓率最低,19~24岁组孕前叶酸增补率最低;叶酸知晓率与孕前叶酸增补率随文化程度的增高而增高;家庭人均月收入<1 500元组叶酸知晓率与孕前增补率最低;农村与城镇孕中期孕妇叶酸知晓率比较差异无统计学意义,但孕前增补叶酸率农村低于城镇。45.83%的叶酸知识来源于亲戚及朋友,38.26%来源于医疗机构。结论:可通过多种途径、方式普及叶酸知识,尤其加强对高龄与低龄妇女、低文化、低收入及农村育龄妇女叶酸知识的宣传,提高叶酸知晓率与有效增补率。 相似文献
目的了解安徽省增补叶酸预防神经管缺陷项目的实施效果。方法收集叶酸项目工作报表和出生缺陷监测报表中的部分数据,以及2015年孕妇叶酸知信行调查数据。结果 2009-2015年,全省叶酸服用人数、依从人数均逐年上升。叶酸服用率从2011年的76.9%上升到2015年的89.9%,有逐步提高的趋势(χ~2趋势=318 861.96,P0.001)。叶酸服用依从比2011年后在70%上下波动。在监测的23类出生缺陷中,神经管畸形的构成比从开始监测时的10.96%逐渐下降到4.62%,明显下降的转折点在2010和2011年。神经管畸形占围生儿比从2011年开始出现降低,从项目实施前的9.09/万降低到项目实施后的6.66/万,下降约1/3,农村地区下降更为显著,约1/2。孕妇叶酸5题知晓率为59.8%、服用率为86.2%、依从率为77.7%,城乡孕妇差异均无统计学意义(均P0.05)。城乡孕妇叶酸获取途径构成不同(P0.05),农村孕妇领取免费叶酸的比例为76.7%,城区孕妇领取免费叶酸的比例为51.4%。结论安徽省增补叶酸预防神经管缺陷项目的效果显著,项目实施前后比较,全省神经管畸形下降约1/3。但是,叶酸项目和叶酸的健康教育仍有待进一步改进和加强。 相似文献
妇女增补叶酸预防管畸形成果推广的成本—效果分析 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
为了论证妇女增补叶酸预防神经管畸形推广工作策略的可行性,本文从预防医学科学价值、经济学特征和社会适应性等方面进行了研究分析。以10万妇女服用小剂量叶酸增补剂(斯利安)成本652万元计算,每预防1个DALY的费用,北方神经管畸形高发区为567元,要好于食盐加碘防治碘缺乏病的875元。以100万元防治经费成本计算,可防治神经管畸形65.6例,先天性甲状腺功能低下症4.3例,苯丙酮尿症1.6例,妇女增补叶酸预防神经管畸形的效果显著。 相似文献
陈新 《中国生育健康杂志》2007,18(4):243-244
评价“妇女妊娠前后增补叶酸预防神经管畸形”在我国实施的经济性,有助于形成一个适合我国国情的、有效的干预实施方案,为卫生政策的制定提供依据。2004年12月,在河北省、四川省和浙江省的12个妇幼保健院(所)了解各地有关情况。2005年8月用“神经管畸形”(neural tube defects, 相似文献
目的探讨江苏省农村妇女增补叶酸预防神经管缺陷项目的实施效果,为制定降低出生缺陷措施提供依据。方法利用江苏省妇幼重大公共卫生项目报表及国家级出生缺陷监测系统收集的数据,分析叶酸的服用情况及神经管缺陷发生率的变化趋势。结果 2010-2017年,江苏省叶酸服用率、叶酸依从率及叶酸知识知晓率均逐年上升,年估计变化百分比(EAPC值)分别为0. 01%、0. 69%及0. 23%,差异有统计学意义(P=0. 785、0. 091、0. 013)。2008-2017年,全孕周出生缺陷总发生率呈逐年上升趋势,由105. 90/万上升至235. 32/万,EAPC值为10. 41%,差异有统计学意义(P<0. 001)。围生期出生缺陷总发生率也呈逐年上升趋势,由82. 52/万上升至137. 78/万,EAPC值为5. 68%,差异有统计学意义(P<0. 001)。农村地区全孕周及围产期神经管缺陷发生率均呈现明显下降趋势,EAPC值分别为-6. 89%和-24. 50%,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0. 05),其中全孕周从出生缺陷发生顺位的第一位(2008年,发生率14. 49/万),下降到第五位(2017年,发生率6. 50/万),围生期出生缺陷发生顺位从第二位(2008年,发生率11. 41/万),下降到第十位(2017年,发生率1. 77/万)。结论江苏省农村妇女增补叶酸预防神经管缺陷项目的实施效果显著,项目实施以来,全省农村地区全孕周及围生期神经管缺陷发生率呈现明显下降趋势,建议探索增补叶酸的长效机制,进一步降低神经管缺陷等出生缺陷发生率。 相似文献
目的探讨系统化孕前保健方法对备孕妇女孕前BMI指数异常的影响。方法选取2015年4月-2017年4月该院收治的84例接受孕前检查的备孕妇女作为研究对象,按照备孕妇女的BMI指数高低分为过低组(21例)、正常组(23例)、超重组(25例)及肥胖组(15例),对不同组别的备孕妇女均采用系统化孕前保健方法,对比不同组别下备孕妇女BMI指数的变化。结果 4组备孕妇女的年龄、学历及家庭年收入比较差异无统计学意义,具有可比性(P0. 05)。不同组别的备孕妇女经系统化孕前保健方法后过低组及超重组、肥胖组的妇女比例低于系统化孕前保健实施前,系统化孕前保健方法后正常组的妇女比例要明显高于系统化孕前保健实施前(P0. 05)。结论通过系统化的孕前保健方法能够帮助将异常的BMI指数控制在正常范围,为获得良好的妊娠结局做好基础。 相似文献
妇女增补叶酸预防神经管畸形推广研究五年成果和工作总结 总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13
目的:总结妇女增补叶酸预防神经管畸形推广研究五年成果和经验,更好地贯彻中央关于提高出生人口素质工作的意见。方法:分析成果推广的政策背景和科研背景,研究在市场经济条件下,建立完善推广机制,依托妇幼保健、计划生育和妇联组织的组织管理经验和成果推广模式。结果:经过几年努力,形成年产5000万瓶斯利安的生产基地,药品发放覆盖全国27个省、1100个县,创利税超过1000万元。推广示范地区,随斯利安发放数量增加,神经管畸形发生率出现下降趋势。结论:妇女增补叶酸预防神经管畸形推广研究取得显的社会效益和经济效益。 相似文献
M. Sillender 《Journal of human nutrition and dietetics》2000,13(6):425-431
Objective To assess whether the Health Education Authority's recent promotion of periconceptional folic acid has been successful in increasing uptake sufficient to prevent neural tube defects.
Design A retrospective questionnaire, completed by 162 patients in the early pregnancy clinic in Doncaster Royal Infirmary, an average-sized UK district general hospital. The study ran in February and March 1999.
Methods and main outcome measures Data were collected on: supplementation and dietary intake of folic acid, both preconceptionally and after confirmation of pregnancy; awareness of the benefits of folic acid; source of information on folic acid; the reasons for not taking folic acid (if this was so); planned or unplanned pregnancy; previous pregnancies; previous neural tube defect in a pregnancy; smoking habit; and age.
Results Eighty-one per cent of women were aware of the benefits of folic acid, but only 27% took it preconceptionally. Sixty-eight per cent took it after confirmation of pregnancy. A quarter of patients made an attempt to increase dietary folate. Unplanned pregnancy was a significant bar to uptake, with significant differences in awareness and consumption. Number of pregnancies had no effect. Older women were more likely to take postconceptional folate, but awareness and preconceptional use were the same as younger women.
Conclusion Despite an extensive campaign commissioned by the Department of Health and run by the Health Education Authority, use of periconceptional folate will probably only prevent one-sixth of affected pregnancies. The adverse effects of fortification discussed in the body of this paper are small. It is now time for increased fortification of all cereal-grain products to be instituted in the UK in a similar manner to the United States. 相似文献
Design A retrospective questionnaire, completed by 162 patients in the early pregnancy clinic in Doncaster Royal Infirmary, an average-sized UK district general hospital. The study ran in February and March 1999.
Methods and main outcome measures Data were collected on: supplementation and dietary intake of folic acid, both preconceptionally and after confirmation of pregnancy; awareness of the benefits of folic acid; source of information on folic acid; the reasons for not taking folic acid (if this was so); planned or unplanned pregnancy; previous pregnancies; previous neural tube defect in a pregnancy; smoking habit; and age.
Results Eighty-one per cent of women were aware of the benefits of folic acid, but only 27% took it preconceptionally. Sixty-eight per cent took it after confirmation of pregnancy. A quarter of patients made an attempt to increase dietary folate. Unplanned pregnancy was a significant bar to uptake, with significant differences in awareness and consumption. Number of pregnancies had no effect. Older women were more likely to take postconceptional folate, but awareness and preconceptional use were the same as younger women.
Conclusion Despite an extensive campaign commissioned by the Department of Health and run by the Health Education Authority, use of periconceptional folate will probably only prevent one-sixth of affected pregnancies. The adverse effects of fortification discussed in the body of this paper are small. It is now time for increased fortification of all cereal-grain products to be instituted in the UK in a similar manner to the United States. 相似文献
Amarin ZO, Obeidat AZ. Effect of folic acid fortification on the incidence of neural tube defects. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 2010. In a few countries enriched cereal grains have been fortified with folic acid to reduce the incidence of neural tube defects. The objective of this study was to analyse the effect of folic acid fortified foods on the incidence of neural tube defects in live newborns at Princess Badea Teaching Hospital, in the north of Jordan, before and after the national food fortification with folic acid was implemented. For the 7‐year period from 1 January 2000 to 31 December 2006, we retrospectively extracted the total number of births at Princess Badea Hospital, as well as the number of pregnancies affected by spina bifida and anencephaly, per 1000 births during the periods before (2000–01), during (2002–04) and after (2005–06) folic acid fortification of grain products, was implemented. Neural tube defects were defined in accordance with the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision (ICD‐10): anencephaly, encephalocele and spina bifida. A total of 78 subjects with neural tube defects were recorded among 61 447 births during the study period. The incidence of neural tube defects decreased from 1.85 per 1000 births before fortification [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.2, 2.4] to 1.07 per 1000 births during the fortification period [95% CI 0.7, 1.5], and 0.95 after full fortification [95% CI 0.5, 1.5], a 49% reduction. The difference between incidence of neural tube defects in the periods before and after food fortification with folic acid was statistically significant. We conclude that food fortification with folic acid was associated with a significant reduction in the rate of neural tube defects in north Jordan. 相似文献
Omar Dary
《Nutrition reviews》2009,67(4):235-244
《Nutrition reviews》2009,67(4):235-244
Folate is an essential micronutrient, and its nutritional inadequacy is widespread; hence, programs to increase its intake are necessary. However, many concerns about possible adverse effects due to excesses have been raised. Serum folate levels are directly correlated with intake and, when low, are associated with neural tube defects (NTD), high blood homocysteine levels, and megaloblastic anemia. Serum folate cutoff points have been identified for each abnormality, and all can be associated with intakes related to the current recommended dietary parameters. Likewise, high intakes that overwhelm the physiological capacity to process folic acid into biologically active folate derivatives are near the recommended tolerable upper intake level. Although we do not know with certainty the minimum efficacious dose that prevents all folate-dependent NTD, it may actually be much lower than the current recommendation, especially when provided through food fortification; supplemental intakes around 100 µg/day appear to be appropriate. 相似文献
孕产妇叶酸认知状况及知识需求调查 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的 探讨孕产妇叶酸认知的影响因素,为有效实施叶酸干预提供科学依据。方法 根据甘肃省经济状况和地理分布选择临洮、靖远2个县,以孕后3个月至产后1年的2 094名妇女为研究对象,进行面对面访谈及匿名问卷调查。结果 低龄及高龄、低文化程度、低经济收入的孕产妇对神经管畸形和叶酸认知较低,仅4.90%的≤20岁孕产妇知晓叶酸正确服用时间;15.94%小学及以下文化程度孕产妇听说过神经管畸形,6.55%知晓叶酸最佳服用时间;年经济收入≤8 000元孕产妇听说过神经管畸形的占20.72%,认为叶酸是维生素类保健品的占19.82%;在叶酸知识来源途径方面,从医生处获得叶酸相关知识的占38.29%,期待从医生处获得的占42.19%。结论 低龄及高龄、低文化程度、低收入孕产妇是健康教育的重点人群;叶酸服用最佳时间是健康教育的重点内容;以医生为主体、利用电视等多种媒体手段是健康教育的重要途径。 相似文献
J. Buttriss 《Nutrition Bulletin》2004,29(3):234-244
Summary Supplementation with folic acid reduces the risk of neural tube defects (NTDs) and may also be associated with other health benefits in relation to cancer and vascular disease. There is strong support around the world for public health policies that encourage increased folic acid intake by women of childbearing age, especially daily intake of supplemental folic acid, to reduce the incidence of NTDs. Campaigns promoting the use of folic acid supplements are useful but many women remain unaware and many pregnancies are unplanned. They have therefore had a limited impact in the primary target group, namely women around the time of conception and in the early weeks of pregnancy. Studies suggest that only about 30% of women aged 18–45 years use folic acid periconceptionally, and among younger, less educated and poorer women, use is even less. It is estimated that the majority of women who take folic acid don't start until they know they are pregnant, and so miss the critical window (first 12 weeks) for the prevention of NTDs. It is therefore important that routes other than supplementation are considered. A European Union-funded programme of work, 'Folate: from food to functionality and optimal health' (FolateFuncHealth, QLRT1-1999-00576 & QLRT-2001-2740), has contributed to this work and the findings were presented at a conference in Warsaw in 2004. 相似文献
尹艳 《安徽卫生职业技术学院学报》2012,11(1):47-47
目的:为进一步探讨孕早期缺乏叶酸对孕妇及胎儿可能产生的影响。方法:分别选取某县计划生育服务站孕期检查普及并预防性投放叶酸前后的妇女进行血细胞分析及胎儿B超检测。结果:投放叶酸后的孕妇巨幼红细胞性贫血及胎儿神经管缺陷的发生率比投放前的发生率有所下降。结论:孕期缺乏叶酸可导致孕妇巨幼红细胞性贫血及胎儿神经管缺陷的发生。 相似文献
Primary prevention of most folate-responsive neural tube defects (NTDs) may not require 400 μg folic acid/day but may be achieved by attaining a high maternal folate status. Using RBC folate ≥906 nmol/L as a marker for NTD risk reduction, the study aimed to determine the change in blood folate concentrations in reproductive age women in response to long-term folic acid supplementation at 400 μg/day and 140 μg/day (dose designed to mimic the average daily folic acid intake received from New Zealand's proposed mandatory bread fortification program). Participants were randomly assigned to a daily folic acid supplement of 140 μg (n = 49), 400 μg (n = 48) or placebo (n = 47) for 40 weeks. RBC folate concentrations were measured at baseline, and after 6, 12, 29 and 40 weeks. At 40 weeks, the overall prevalence of having a RBC folate <906 nmol/L decreased to 18% and 35% in the 400 μg and 140 μg groups, respectively, while remaining relatively unchanged at 58% in the placebo group. After 40 weeks, there was no evidence of a difference in RBC folate between the two treatment groups (P = 0.340), nor was there evidence of a difference in the odds of a RBC folate <906 nmol/L (P = 0.078). In conclusion, the average daily intake of folic acid received from the proposed fortification program would increase RBC folate concentrations in reproductive age women to levels associated with a low risk of NTDs. 相似文献
Periconceptional intake of folic acid is known to reduce a woman's risk of having an infant affected by a neural tube birth defect (NTD). National programs to mandate fortification of food with folic acid have reduced the prevalence of NTDs worldwide. Uncertainty surrounding possible unintended consequences has led to concerns about higher folic acid intake and food fortification programs. This uncertainty emphasizes the need to continually monitor fortification programs for accurate measures of their effect and the ability to address concerns as they arise. This review highlights the history, effect, concerns, and future directions of folic acid food fortification programs. 相似文献