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2019新型冠状病毒感染重大疫情在全国迅速蔓延,给全社会生产、生活甚至生命造成了极大的影响和危害,也造成严重的心理创伤。儿童及青少年是应激事件的脆弱人群,需要对他们进行及时、适当的心理保护,预防应激相关心理问题的发生。本文根据不同年龄阶段儿童及青少年心理发展特点,针对2019新型冠状病毒感染疫情对儿童、青少年的心理影响及家庭干预提出建议,以期指导家长及时发现和帮助儿童和青少年,预防心理问题的发生。  相似文献   

目的 调查新型冠状病毒肺炎(coronavirus disease 2019,COVID-19)疫情下青少年居家学习状况和心理健康状态及其与青少年学习倦怠的关系,为改善青少年学习效果和心理健康提供参考.方法 通过网络问卷调查的方式选取居家学习的740名初高中学生为研究对象,采集一般资料、学习状况调查表、患者健康问卷抑郁...  相似文献   

2019年末新型冠状病毒肺炎(Corona Virus Disease 2019,COVID-19),简称"新冠肺炎"大规模暴发,由于COVID-19主要为飞沫传播和接触传播且潜伏期较长。为响应国家卫生健康委阻断病毒传播渠道的文件要求,大多部门纷纷采用居家办公、居家隔离等办公方式,在疫情得到控制后再行解封。居家隔离期间除日常办公外,由于行动区域的局限性,居家学习充电成为了人们假期生活的又一减压途径。电视作为大屏终端的作用在此期间也得到了分阶段式应用。  相似文献   

目的调查新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)疫情期间居家隔离人员的心理状况及其影响因素,为调节居家隔离人员的身心健康提供依据。方法 2020年2月28日至3月5日通过问卷星对378名居家隔离人员心理状况进行评估,所有研究对象填写一般资料、家庭关怀度指数问卷(APGAR)、抑郁-焦虑-压力量表(DASS-21)、艾森克人格问卷简式量表(EPQ-RSC),运用SPSS22.0软件进行差异比较。结果居家隔离人员抑郁、压力水平显著高于中国常模(P0.05)。居家隔离人员APGAR总分与DASS-21总分及各维度分负相关显著(P0.05)。居家隔离人员DASS-21总分与艾森克人格问卷E、L维度负相关显著(P0.05),与P、N维度正相关显著(P0.05)。结论新型冠状病毒感染防控期间居家隔离人员抑郁、压力水平升高,人格的内外倾、情绪性以及家庭功能状况是影响心理适应性的重要因素。  相似文献   

目的 探讨新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)疫情前后苏州市儿童青少年体质量指数(BMI)的变化,为促进儿童青少年体质健康提供参考.方法 2020年6-7月采用分层整群抽样方法,对苏州市2019年完整BMI监测数据的569名儿童青少年进行问卷调查,测量身高、体重,计算BMI及BMI-Z评分.结果 疫情后儿童青少年超重肥...  相似文献   

目的 分析新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)家庭聚集性疫情,为预防控制疫情扩散提供科学依据。方法 采用RT-PCR对采集的呼吸道标本进行新型冠状病毒核酸检测和采用胶体金法对血清标本进行新型冠状病毒抗体检测。应用现场流行病学方法调查Y县3起家庭疫情中病例及家庭密切接触者暴露情况,探讨每起家庭的传染源,分析其传播链。结果 3个家庭共报告7例确诊病例、1例无症状感染者和2例新型冠状病毒抗体检测阳性者,各确诊病例感染日期与发病日期时间间隔均在COVID-19潜伏期内。每个家庭指示病例均无COVID-19疫区流行病学史。1号家庭病例发病时间最早,2号家庭传染源与1号家庭传染源有聚餐史,3号家庭传染源与1号家庭二代病例有近距离接触史。结论 3起家庭聚集性COVID-19疫情的传染源(一代病例)是1号家庭的病例C。因此在疫情防控早期,隔离传染源,少聚集和加强个人防护能有效遏制疫情蔓延。  相似文献   

目的 了解新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)流行期间居家儿童青少年抑郁情绪现状,并分析其影响因素,以期为疫情流行期间本地区儿童的心理干预提供参考。方法 2020年2月6—8日,采用问卷星的调查方式,由8~18岁儿童青少年在线填写一般资料、儿童抑郁障碍自评量表(DSRS)和儿童焦虑性情绪障碍筛查表(SCARED)。采用SPSS 22.0软件,经单因素分析,线性回归以及二分类Logistic回归分析明确DSRS得分的影响因素及抑郁症状的危险因素。结果 共有效回收问卷396份,DSRS 量表平均得分为(7.35±5.10)分。DSRS≥15分,即存在明显抑郁症状者41例(10.4%)。多因素分析显示,焦虑得分、居住地、碰到与疫情相关的事情是否害怕、年龄是DSRS得分的影响因素(P<0.05)。二元Logistic回归分析显示,存在焦虑症状(OR=4.284,95%CI:2.163~8.486,P<0.001),居住在乡镇及农村(OR=2.382,95%CI:1.120~5.069,P=0.024),碰到与疫情相关的事情经常害怕(OR=3.312,95%CI:1.210~9.064,P=0.020)是疫情流行期间居家儿童青少年出现抑郁症状的危险因素。结论 家庭-学校-社会应加强对儿童的心理干预,减少儿童在疾病流行期间的恐惧及焦虑,尤其是年龄较大的高年级学生,乡镇及农村儿童等重点人群,从而减少COVID-19流行期间儿童青少年抑郁症状的发生。  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒感染(COVID-19,以下简称“新冠”)大流行带来了一系列复杂的挑战,COVID-19在儿童青少年身上的病情通常不及成年人和老年人严重;但在轻度或无症状的新冠之后,一些儿童青少年也可能出现一系列严重并发症和不良健康影响。文章重点梳理儿童青少年新冠感染流行特征、健康影响、风险因素、防控措施和疫苗接种现状等,以期为后续儿童青少年新冠疫情防控提供参考。  相似文献   

目的 对2021年河南省驻马店市发生的新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)疫情进行基因溯源分析,为制定精准的防控策略提供科学依据.方法 对2021年驻马店市发生的2例COVID-19病例的新型冠状病毒(2019-nCoV)阳性咽拭子样本进行高通量测序获得病毒全基因组,并构建全基因组序列系统进化(Neighbor-joi...  相似文献   

目的 对一起新型冠状病毒肺炎(coronavirus disease 2019,COVID-19)家庭聚集性疫情进行流行病学调查分析,为预防控制类似疫情的发生和防止疫情扩散提供经验.方法 应用现场流行病学调查方法对该起疫情传染来源、发生及传播过程进行描述分析,采用实时荧光PCR法对采集的呼吸道样本进行新型冠状病毒(SA...  相似文献   

儿童是重大突发公共卫生事件中的脆弱易感人群,2020年新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情在世界范围内大规模流行,学龄儿童心理健康成为全世界关注的问题。研究通过对新冠肺炎疫情对一般儿童以及心理问题本身高发的特殊儿童群体心理健康问题的影响进行综述,重点阐述了新冠肺炎疫情期间不同国家和地区学龄儿童焦虑、抑郁和创伤后应激障碍问题的患病情况,考虑到个体间的易感性与社会资源可及性,研究进一步探究了影响学龄儿童心理健康的儿童、家庭及社会相关因素,最后从国家、学校-家庭-社区和个人层面对重大突发公共卫生事件中儿童心理健康服务体系建设提出了建议,为构筑一个安全、可靠的儿童心理健康防护网络需要社会各方的共同努力。  相似文献   


One of the strictest quarantines worldwide to limit the spread of coronavirus was enforced in Jordan during the COVID-19 pandemic.


This study investigated reported mental health and changes in lifestyle practices among Jordanian mothers during COVID-19 quarantine. The specific objectives included studying the level of depression, anxiety, and stress symptoms and their potential statistical associations with demographic and lifestyle variables. Furthermore, the study aimed to investigate differences in mental health between different demographic and socio-economic groups and to examine the major lifestyle changes that occurred on mothers during the quarantine.


An online survey was developed and administered to 2103 mothers. Participants were asked to complete a sociodemographic data form, Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-21), and a lifestyle section comparing the life of mothers before and during the quarantine. Reported scores of depression, anxiety, and stress were calculated and compared across different levels of demographics including income, education level, employment status, and city of residence.


This study found that mothers with lower income, lower education, not employed, or living in cities outside the capital of Jordan reported having more depression, anxiety, and stress symptoms (p < .005). Changes in their lifestyle practices included weight gain, increased time allocated for teaching children at home, increased familial violence at home, and increased time allocated for caring for their family members (average increase of 5 hours daily).

Conclusions for Practice

The unprecedented times of quarantine have put mothers in unprecedented reported mental health problems. Providing psychological support to this group might be a priority.


目的 通过现象学研究,探索新冠肺炎疫情背景下儿童保健门诊家长心理体验及需求.方法 采用半结构式深度访谈法和观察法,对17名儿童保健门诊的家长进行质性访谈,借助Nvivo 8软件,应用Colaizzi分析法和合众法对访谈收集到的资料进行整理与分析.结果 新冠肺炎疫情背景下儿童保健门诊家长心理体验及需求共提炼出4个主题:对...  相似文献   

目的 分析学龄前儿童居家隔离期间的睡眠问题及影响因素,为降低因突发性公共卫生事件而居家隔离和限制活动对儿童健康的影响提供科学依据.方法 2020年3月15-28日对16 094名3~6岁儿童进行在线调查.由家长填写一般资料、标准中文版儿童睡眠习惯问卷(CSHQ)以及长处和困难问卷(SDQ),收集儿童睡眠及情绪/行为相关...  相似文献   

PurposeAdolescents are particularly vulnerable during the COVID-19 quarantine periods and may be at risk for developing psychological distress symptoms that extend beyond a crisis, including depression. This study examined adolescents’ postquarantine depressive symptoms associated with pandemic stressors. The primary aim was to identify potential protective factors that may buffer the association between the presence of COVID-19 cases in adolescents’ communities and their postquarantine depressive symptoms.MethodsAdolescents from public schools were recruited from Zhengzhou city, Henan, China (N = 1,487, Mage=13.14 years, 50% girls). Adolescents reported the presence of confirmed or suspected COVID-19 cases in their communities, their daily activities and routines during the 2-month quarantine period, and depressive symptoms after the quarantine period.ResultsThe presence of cases in adolescents’ communities during the quarantine contributed to more depressive symptoms in adolescents after the quarantine. This association was buffered by adolescents’ spending more time on physical activities and better maintenance of daily living routines during the quarantine period. The presence of community infection was also more strongly associated with depressive symptoms in older adolescents.ConclusionsThe presence of COVID-19 cases in communities contributed to adolescents’ poorer mental health, and the association was stronger for older adolescents. Spending time on physical activities and maintaining daily living routines during the quarantine appear to be practical strategies that can be used by adolescents to mitigate the association between pandemic stressors and their diminishing mental health.  相似文献   

Previous studies showed that the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) lockdown imposed changes in adults’ lifestyle behaviors; however, there is limited information regarding the effects on youth. The COV-EAT study aimed to report changes in children’s and adolescents’ lifestyle habits during the first COVID-19 lockdown and explore potential associations between changes of participants’ lifestyle behaviors and body weight. An online survey among 397 children/adolescents and their parents across 63 municipalities in Greece was conducted in April–May 2020. Parents self-reported changes of their children’s lifestyle habits and body weight, as well as sociodemographic data of their family. The present study shows that during the lockdown, children’s/adolescents’ sleep duration and screen time increased, while their physical activity decreased. Their consumption of fruits and fresh fruit juices, vegetables, dairy products, pasta, sweets, total snacks, and breakfast increased, while fast-food consumption decreased. Body weight increased in 35% of children/adolescents. A multiple regression analysis showed that the body weight increase was associated with increased consumption of breakfast, salty snacks, and total snacks and with decreased physical activity. The COV-EAT study revealed changes in children’s and adolescents’ lifestyle behaviors during the first COVID-19 lockdown in Greece. Effective strategies are needed to prevent excessive body weight gain in future COVID-19 lockdowns.  相似文献   

PurposeYoung adults are at high risk for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection and transmission due to their social behaviors. The purpose of this study was to determine their attitudes toward coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) testing, an important approach for minimizing infection and transmission.MethodsOne hundred seventy eight US individuals aged 19–25 years completed an online survey measuring COVID-19 health beliefs and testing intentions. Multivariable logistic regression evaluated the association of heath belief measures (perceived COVID-19 susceptibility, COVID-19 severity, barriers and benefits to testing, and social concerns) with testing intentions.ResultsMost respondents (86.0%) intended to accept a COVID-19 test if recommended by a health professional. High social concern and low perceived obstacles were associated with intent to get tested.ConclusionsIn this sample, most young adults intended to accept COVID-19 testing. Health beliefs predicted testing intention and point to possible intervention approaches to increase willingness to accept COVID-19 testing.  相似文献   

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