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天津市肺癌发病率,死亡率分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侯琦  王庆生 《肿瘤》1992,12(6):261-264
根据天津市肿瘤登记报告所积累的资料,对1981~1987年的肺癌病例进行核实整理。结果,近几年来肺癌居多种恶性肿瘤发病率和死亡率的首位,且有上升的趋势。1981~1987年天津市区居民中男性的标化发病率为44.27/10万,占男性恶性肿瘤发病例数的24.17%。女性标化发病率为32.00/10万,占女性恶性肿瘤发病例数的21.19%。肺癌标化发病率性比值(男:女)为1.38。以天津市肺癌与部分国家和地区的肺癌比较,天津市肺癌流行特征是性比值偏低,女性肺癌极为突出,天津、上海和北京女性肺癌水平接近,同属高发之列。  相似文献   

天津市女性乳腺癌发病率死亡率和生存率分析   总被引:44,自引:1,他引:44  
Chen K  He M  Dong S  Wang J 《中华肿瘤杂志》2002,24(6):573-575
目的:观察天津市乳腺癌发病率和死亡率的变化趋势,评价乳腺癌的防治效果。方法:用描述流行病学的方法研究天津市乳腺癌的流行情况。结果:1981-1997年间,天津市乳腺癌总发病率有增加的趋势(增加了39.7%),年龄别发病率高峰有下降的趋势,死亡率有下降的趋势(下降了31.0%)。同时,通过对1970-1995年天津市肿瘤医院确诊的所有女性乳腺癌随访发现,天津市乳腺癌3,5年生存率均有不同程度的提高。结论:天津市乳腺癌发病率增长较快,但同时死亡率在下降,生存率在提高。  相似文献   

磁县食管癌发病率和生存率分析   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
贺宇彤  乔翠云 《中国肿瘤》1999,8(3):122-122
河北省磁公是我国食管癌重点高发县,自1974年建立肿瘤登记报告制度以来,为全面了解磁县食管爆发病与生存情况并为评价防治效果提供了依据。我们于1997年1月-1997年10月对该县1988年一1992年已登记的全部食管癌发病资料进行回顾性入户调查,得到了较为完整、准确的发病和生存资料,就此资料进行了发病率及生存率的分析研究。1材料与方法1.三人口资料由磁县统计局取得该县各年的年底人口数和1990年全国人口普查资料,由此推算出1988年一1992年各年的人口性别、年龄构成情况。1988年一1992年全县共2784904八年,其中男性1410331人年,女性13…  相似文献   

王军  陈永胜  张永辉 《中国肿瘤》2021,30(10):746-753
摘 要:[目的] 分析启东市1972—2016年前列腺癌流行趋势。[方法] 基于启东市1972—2016年的肿瘤登记与全死因监测数据,采用Joinpoint软件计算粗率、中国人口标化率(中标率)、世界人口标化率(世标率)、年度变化百分比(APC)等。利用年龄-时期-队列模型分析年龄、时期和出生队列对前列腺癌患者发病及死亡趋势的影响。[结果] 启东市1972—2016年前列腺癌共发病1 079例,粗发病率、中标发病率和世标发病率分别为4.32/10万、2.71/10万和2.97/10万,35~64岁截缩率与0~74岁累积率分别为1.22/10万和0.05%;死亡625例,粗死亡率、中标死亡率和世标死亡率分别为2.50/10万、1.46/10万和1.67/10万,35~64岁截缩率与0~74岁累积率分别为0.42/10万和0.02%。55~岁、65~岁、75~岁年龄组发病率的APC分别为61.35%(95%CI:-2.16%~166.07%)、57.41%(95%CI:34.63%~84.05%)、39.57%(95%CI:7.10%~81.87%);55~岁、65~岁、75~岁年龄组死亡率的APC分别为27.10%(95%CI:-23.59%~111.43%)、26.37%(95%CI:12.95%~41.39%)、32.78%(95%CI:-0.08%~76.47%)。45年期间前列腺癌发病趋势总体呈上升趋势,粗发病率、中标发病率、世标发病率的APC值分别为9.68%(95%CI:7.09%~12.33%)、7.10%(95%CI:5.57%~8.65%)、7.07%(95%CI:5.47%~8.68%);粗死亡率APC为8.03%(P<0.05),中标死亡率和世标死亡率的APC分别为5.26%(95%CI:3.58%~6.97%)和5.17%(95%CI:3.47%~6.89%)。年龄-时期-队列模型研究结果显示,前列腺癌发病率和死亡率随年龄的增加而升高(P均<0.05),前列腺癌的发病率和死亡率时期效应显著(P均<0.05),而前列腺癌的发病率和死亡率队列效应不显著(P均>0.05)。 [结论] 启东市45年来前列腺癌发病率和死亡率上升趋势明显,且随年龄的增加逐渐上升,老年人群应是前列腺癌防治的重点对象。  相似文献   

目的:分析重庆市九龙坡区2008—2012年恶性肿瘤的发病和死亡情况,为九龙坡区肿瘤防治工作提供科学依据。方法:收集重庆市九龙坡区2008—2012年恶性肿瘤的发病和死亡资料,计算2008—2012年每年的发病率、死亡率和标化率,以及不同性别和年龄组主要恶性肿瘤的发病率、死亡率和标化率。结果:九龙坡区2008—2012年恶性肿瘤总发病例数为8675例,男女合计、男性和女性的粗发病率分别为213.74/10万、254.00/10万和172.63/10万,中国人口标化发病率分别为134.46/10万、151.43/10万和114.80/10万;发病居前5位的恶性肿瘤分别是肺癌、结直肠肛门癌、肝癌、胃癌以及乳腺癌。2008~2012年总肿瘤死亡病例数为6947例,男女合计、男性和女性粗死亡率分别为171.17/10万、229.57/10万和111.54/10万,中国人口标化死亡率分别为102.68/10万、133.04/10万和69。22/10万;死亡居前5位的恶性肿瘤是肺癌、肝癌、结直肠肛门癌、胃癌以及食管癌。九龙坡区2008—2012年恶性肿瘤的中国人口的标化发病率从113.91/lO万上升至154.65/10万。九龙坡区恶性肿瘤发病和死亡的高峰均在80~〈85岁年龄组。结论:2008~2012年,重庆市九龙坡区恶性肿瘤的发病率逐渐上升,恶性肿瘤的发病率和死亡率随着年龄的增长而增高,男性恶性肿瘤的总体发病率和死亡率均高于女性,肺癌、肝癌、结直肠和肛门癌以及胃癌是九龙坡区发病率和死亡率较高的恶性肿瘤,是九龙坡区肿瘤防治工作的重点。乳腺癌对九龙坡区女性健康的危害也应引起重视。  相似文献   

上海人群肺癌生存率分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
背景与目的:肺癌在我国是第一位新发和死亡恶性肿瘤.该研究旨在掌握以人群为基础的肺癌生存率资料,为评价肺癌防治效果提供参考.方法:该研究根据上海市肿瘤登记处收集的2002—2006年诊断的肺癌病例的登记和生存随访报告资料,采用寿命表法和EdererⅡ法对肺癌患者的观察生存率(observed survival,OS)和相对生存率(relative survival,RS)及其相关人口学和疾病状况特征资料进行分析,以反映上海地区人群肺癌的生存现况.结果:纳入分析的上海市2002—2006年诊断的肺癌病例41802例,5年OS和RS分别为13.75%和20.23%,中位生存期318 d.女性5年OS(15.49%)高于男性(13.00%).郊区5年OS(14.25%)高于市区(13.23%).生存率随着年龄、诊断时期别的升高而降低.0~34岁年龄组5年OS为38.21%,大于等于75岁年龄组仅为5.48%;Ⅰ期病例5年OS为55.47%,Ⅳ期病例为5.27%.不同病理学分型的病例生存情况有差异,鳞癌的5年OS最高(24.40%),其次是腺癌(22.26%),再次为大细胞肺癌(20.27%)和小细胞肺癌(12.22%).从1972—1976年到2002—2006年,上海市区男性肺癌的5年OS从6.8%提高到12.4%;女性肺癌的5年OS从7.3%提高到14.9%.RS所得结果相似.结论:在过去30年中,上海市肺癌患者的生存情况有所提高,在各国家地区之中处于中上水平,但与其他癌症相比肺癌预后仍然较差.吸烟等危险因素的防控、低剂量螺旋CT作为早期筛查的手段以及靶向治疗是未来提高肺癌生存率的方向.  相似文献   

[目的]分析2012—2020年重庆市女性乳腺癌发病率与死亡率及变化趋势。[方法]收集整理2012—2020年重庆市肿瘤登记点乳腺癌发病与死亡个案资料,采用SPSS 25.0统计分析发病率、中标发病率、死亡率、中标死亡率、年龄别发病率与死亡率等指标。不同地区女性乳腺癌发病率与死亡率的比较采用U检验,趋势分析采用SPSS 25.0曲线回归分析年度变化百分比(annual percentage change,APC)。[结果]重庆市女性乳腺癌发病率由2012年的21.66/10万上升至34.06/10万,APC为3.56%,变化趋势有统计学意义(P<0.05)。2012年与2020年乳腺癌中标发病率分别为21.67/10万与23.97/10万,APC为0.70%,变化趋势无统计学意义(P>0.05)。历年城市地区女性乳腺癌发病率均高于农村地区,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。农村地区女性乳腺癌发病率以年均6.08%的速度上升,变化趋势有统计学意义(P<0.05)。50~59岁年龄组乳腺癌发病率以年均2.94%的速度上升,变化趋势有统计学意义(t=3.068,P=0.018)。2012年重庆市女性乳腺癌死亡率与中标死亡率分别为6.89/10万、4.87/10万,2020年分别为6.51/10万、3.91/10万,APC分别为-0.10%与-1.39%,变化趋势无统计学意义(P均>0.05)。城市地区女性乳腺癌标化死亡率以年均3.73%的速度下降,变化趋势有统计学意义(P<0.05)。30~39岁年龄组乳腺癌死亡率以年均7.04%的速度下降,变化趋势有统计学意义(P<0.05)。[结论]重庆市女性乳腺癌发病与死亡相对保持平稳。农村地区发病率上升趋势明显,是女性乳腺癌防治的重点。  相似文献   

[目的]分析广州市肺癌发病率和死亡率,为广州市肺癌的防治研究提供科学依据。[方法]收集广州市肿瘤登记处2000~2002年肺癌的发病资料和死亡资料.统计和分析肺癌发病数和死亡病例数、粗发病率和死亡率、中国标化发病率和死亡率、世界标化发病率和死亡率等指标。[结果]广州市2000—2002年肺癌粗发病率和死亡率分别为51.8/10万(其中男性68.8/10万,女性33.7/10万)和45.4/10万(其中男性60.6/10万,女性29.2/10万)。男性肺癌的发病率居所有恶性肿瘤之首,女性居第二位。男女肺癌的死亡率均居所有恶性肿瘤的第一位。[结论]广州市肺癌的发病率和死亡率较高,应加强防治研究。  相似文献   

Breast cancer was the most diagnosed malignant neoplasm and the second leading cause of cancer mortality among Chinese females in 2020. Increased risk factors and widespread adoption of westernized lifestyles have resulted in an upward trend in the occurrence of breast cancer. Up to date knowledge on the incidence, mortality, survival, and burden of breast cancer is essential for optimized cancer prevention and control. To better understand the status of breast cancer in China, this narrative literature review collected data from multiple sources, including studies obtained from the PubMed database and text references, national annual cancer report, government cancer database, Global Cancer Statistics 2020, and Global Burden of Disease study (2019). This review provides an overview of the incidence, mortality, and survival rates of breast cancer, as well as a summary of disability-adjusted life years associated with breast cancer in China from 1990 to 2019, with comparisons to Japan, South Korea, Australia and the United States.  相似文献   

目的:分析重庆市2010-2018年恶性肿瘤发病死亡变化趋势。方法:收集整理2010-2018年重庆市肿瘤登记点恶性肿瘤发病死亡资料,采用SPSS 25.0分析恶性肿瘤发病率、中国人口标化发病率、世界人口标化发病率、年龄别发病率、死亡率、中国人口标化死亡率、世界人口标化死亡率、年龄别死亡率等。男性与女性、城市与农村发病率、死亡率的比较采用χ2检验,趋势变化采用年度变化百分比(APC),对APC的检验采用t检验。结果:重庆市恶性肿瘤发病率、中标率与世标率分别由2010年的200.08/10万、147.03/10万、162.53/10万上升至2018年的289.63/10万、195.85/10万、209.74/10万,APC分别为5.02%(4.39%~5.65%)、4.29%(3.77%~4.81%)、3.87%(3.36%~4.39%),变化趋势均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。恶性肿瘤发病率历年均是男性高于女性(P<0.05)。2011年与2015年城市与农村地区恶性肿瘤发病率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),其它年份恶性肿瘤发病率均是城市高于农村,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。男性与女性、城市与农村恶性肿瘤发病率均明显上升(P<0.05)。2010年重庆市恶性肿瘤死亡率、中标死亡率与世标死亡率分别为152.10/10万、103.49/10万、117.91/10万,2018年死亡率、中标死亡率与世标死亡率分别为184.77/10万、110.87/10万、125.53/10万,死亡率以年均3.15%(2.33%~3.98%)上升(t=4.03,P=0.005)。恶性肿瘤死亡率历年均是男性高于女性。2010-2018年男性与女性恶性肿瘤死亡率分别以3.46%(2.63%~4.29%)与2.63%(1.92%~3.36%)上升(t=4.36,P=0.003;t=3.43,P=0.011)。2010-2018年城市地区恶性肿瘤死亡率变化趋势差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。2010-2018年农村地区恶性肿瘤死亡率以年均3.05%(2.33%~3.77%)上升(t=4.03,P=0.005)。结论:重庆市恶性肿瘤发病率与死亡率呈快速上升的趋势,应针对危险因素进行干预和普及早诊早治,降低恶性肿瘤的发病率与死亡率。  相似文献   

Among patients with non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), those with pathological stage I have the best expectation of survival; however, survival is reduced to less than 50% in the long term. At present, it is unclear when patients can be reasonably defined as cured, and if they experience a higher incidence of malignant/nonmalignant diseases and a lower expectation of survival than the general population. A total of 134 stage I NSCLC patients, who had undergone resection at the Thoracic Surgery Unit of the General Hospital of Verona (north-eastern Italy) from October 1987 to December 1993, were still disease-free at 5 years. These subjects were further followed up, and morbidity and mortality rates were compared with those recorded in the general population of the same geographical area. The standardised incidence ratios (SIRs) for all malignancies and for lung cancer were higher than expected (2.39, 95% CI=1.6-3.5, P<0.001; 10.1, 95% CI=6.2-15.6, P<0.0001, respectively). The standardised mortality ratio (SMR) was also significantly increased (1.73, 95% CI=1.1-2.6, P=0.013). The excess mortality could be entirely explained by an increase in mortality from lung cancer (5.7, 95% CI=2.8-10.1, P<0.0001). This study shows that patients, resected for pathological stage I NSCLC and tumour-free after 5 years, have a higher incidence of new lung cancer compared with the general population, which in turn determines an excess in all-cause mortality in the following years.  相似文献   

目的:了解重庆市女性乳腺癌发病与死亡现状,为开展乳腺癌防治提供建议.方法:收集整理2015年重庆市11个肿瘤登记点报告的乳腺癌(ICD-10编码为C50).采用SPSS 19.0统计分析发病率、死亡率、标化发病率、标化死亡率、构成比、顺位.不同地区间乳腺癌发病率与死亡率的比较采用χ2检验,年龄别发病率与死亡率趋势分析采用趋势χ2检验.结果:2015年11个肿瘤登记点女性乳腺癌粗发病率为31.48/10万,城市发病率(42.07/10万)高于农村(26.32/10万),差异有统计学意义(P=0.002),乳腺癌标化发病率为24.20/10万,在女性恶性肿瘤中顺位居第2位,占6.00%.女性乳腺癌粗死亡率为7.33/10万,城市(8.77/10万)与农村乳腺癌死亡率(6.62/10万)差异无统计学意义(P=0.099),乳腺癌标化死亡率为4.96/10万,在恶性肿瘤死亡顺位中居第6位,占2.10%.女性乳腺癌发病率25岁前低于5/10万,25岁后快速上升,50岁~年龄组达到高峰,随后下降.女性乳腺癌死亡率在40岁前低于5/10万,40岁后呈上升趋势,80岁~年龄组达到高峰.女性乳腺癌截缩发病率为56.01/10万,城市(67.91/10万)高于农村(50.55/10万),差异有统计学意义(P=0.001).截缩死亡率为10.75/10万,乳腺癌截缩死亡率城市(11.96/10万)与农村(10.42/10万)比较差异无统计学意义(P=0.136).发病累积危险度为2.27%,城市(3.07%)高于农村(1.93%),差异有统计学意义(P=0.039).死亡累积危险度为0.51%.结论:重庆市女性乳腺癌发病率与死亡率较高,应针对城乡女性乳腺癌发病死亡特点开展三级预防.  相似文献   

To examine secular trends in the incidence and mortality of gastric cancer in a Japanese community, Hisayama, we established three study-cohorts of Hisayama residents aged ≥40 years in 1961 (1637 subjects), 1974 (2054), and 1988 (2602). Each cohort was followed up for ten years. The age-standardized mortality from gastric cancer significantly decreased from 2.4 per 1000 person-years in the first cohort to 0.8 in the third cohort for men, and from 1.0 to 0.2, respectively, for women (p < 0.01 for trend in both sexes). The five-year survival rate after gastric cancer significantly improved from the first (32.6%) to the third cohort (73.0%, p < 0.01) for men and from 43.2% to 72.3% (p < 0.05), respectively, for women. The age-standardized incidence of cancer in men was not different among the cohorts (4.3 per 1000 person-years in the first, 5.0 in the second, and 4.9 in the third cohort), while it decreased significantly in women (2.0, 1.8, and 1.2, respectively, p < 0.01 for trend). In conclusion, our findings suggest that in a Japanese population, the mortality from gastric cancer declined during the past 40 years, due mainly to the improvement of survival in both sexes and a decrease in the incidence for women.  相似文献   

Backround: Prostate cancer incidence has been increasing in most developed countries in the absence of similar trends in mortality, and with variable patterns in different areas of the world.Material and methods: Trends in incidence and mortality from prostate cancer for the period 1974–1994 were analysed using data from the Cancer Registries of the Swiss Cantons of Vaud and Neuchâtel. Of 5,010 cases registered, 80% were histologically or cytologically confirmed.Results: Age-standardized incidence rates increased from 33.1 to 48.6 per 100,000 (+47%). The upward trends were greater in the most recent calendar periods, and in the younger age groups (+77% at age 45 to 54; +57% at age 55 to 64). In contrast, mortality was stable, with an overall increase of only 3% in age-standardized rates (from 20.4 to 21.0 per 100,000), due to some increase in men aged 65 or above. Consequently, the incidence/mortality rate ratios increased from 1.6 in 1974–1979 to 2.3 in 1990–1994. Five-year observed and relative survivals increased from 26% to 41% and from 46% to 58%, respectively. Ten-year observed and relative survival for cases diagnosed in 1985–1989 were 19% and 42%, respectively. Survival improvements were greater below age 75.Conclusions: The pattern of trends in incidence, mortality and survival confirms the influence of improved diagnosis of prostate cancer over the last few years in this European population. Still, while Swiss prostatic cancer mortality rates are the highest in the world (20.3 per 100,000, world standard), i.e., about 30% higher than in the United States, all races combined, incidence rates are still half as much. On account of the steady increase of prostate-specific antigen testing in Switzerland, further incidence increases are likely.  相似文献   



Hebei province is located in North of China with of approximately 6% of whole national population. It is known as a high-risk area for esophageal cancer in China and worldwide. The aim of our study was to estimate the esophageal cancer burden and trend in Hebei Province.


Eight cancer registries in Hebei Province submitted cancer registry data to the Hebei Provincial Cancer Registry Center. All data were qualified and compiled for cancer statistics in 2011. The pooled data were stratified by gender and age group (0, 1-4, 5-9, 10-14…80+). Incidence and mortality rates were age-standardized to World Segi’s population standard and expressed per 100,000 persons. In addition, proportions and cumulative incidence/mortality rates for esophageal cancer were calculated. Esophageal cancer mortality data during the periods 1973-1975, 1990-1992, and 2004-2005 were extracted from the national death surveys. Mortality and incidence rate data from Cixian and Shexian were obtained from population-based cancer registries in each county.


The estimated number of newly diagnosed esophageal cancer cases and deaths in 2011 in Hebei Province was 24,318 and 18,226, respectively. The crude incidence rate of esophageal cancer was 33.37/100,000 (males, 42.18/100,000 and females, 24.31/100,000). The age-standardized rate by world standard population (ASRW) was 28.09/100,000, ranking third among all cancers. The esophageal cancer mortality rate was 25.01/100,000 (males, 31.40/100,000 and females, 18.45/100,000), ranking third in deaths among all cancers. The mortality rates of esophageal cancer displayed a significant decreasing trend in Hebei Province from 1973-1975 (ASRW =48.69/100,000) to 2004-2005 (ASRW =28.02/100,000), with a decreased rate of 42.45%. In Cixian, the incidence of esophageal cancer decreased from 250.76/100,000 to 106.74/100,000 in males and from 153.86/100,000 to 75.41/100,000 in females, with annual percentage changes (APC) of 2.13 and 2.16, while the mortality rates declined with an APC of 2.46 for males and 3.10 for females from 1988 to 2011. In Shexian, the incidence rate decreased from 116.90/100,000 to 74.12/100,000 in males and from 46.98/100,000 to 40.64/100,000 in females, while the mortality rates declined, with an APC of 4.89 in males from 2003 to 2011.


Although the incidence and mortality rates of esophageal cancer remain high, an obvious decreasing trend has been observed in Hebei Province, as well as in high-risk regions, such as Cixian and Shexian, over the past 40 years.  相似文献   

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