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医学是不断进步的科学,是多学科融合的科学,归根结底是关于“人”的科学。半个世纪以来,国内外掀起重塑医学人文精神的热潮。叙事医学是高度融合医学专业性和人文普世性的新兴学科。近十几年来,我国叙事医学从无到有、从点到面,发展迅猛。该文通过介绍叙事医学在国内外的发展历程,阐述如何正确理解中国叙事医学体系的内涵以及实践叙事医学的意义,剖析当前在临床实践、教育教学、科学研究、医患共识及社会认可等方面存在的问题,并提出努力方向,即在“大健康”和“新医科”语境下,叙事医学赋能,助力构建和谐医疗叙事生态,促进儿科学高质量发展,也为医科院校教育创新和人才培养贡献人文力量和智慧。[中国当代儿科杂志,2024,26(4):325-330]  相似文献   

因特网与儿科学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
因特网与儿科学史源李华强沈际皋国际互联网络(Internet),我们通常形象地称之为“信息高速公路”,现统一称为“因特网”。它使我们能够与世界上成千上万台计算机互相连接,共享这些计算机上的大量资源。今天的Internet正是一个高速发展的时期,是一个...  相似文献   

中国发育行为儿科学的发展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发育行为儿科学是顺应新的医学模式发展起来的儿科学亚学科,其核心是关注儿童与发育有关的器官系统疾病和心理行为问题.中国的发育行为儿科学已经蓄势待发.  相似文献   

从 Internet主要的儿科学资源、电子期刊、新闻、全文 /多媒体、教科书、指南、病例、临床图谱、病理、电子论坛、教育材料、病人教育等 1 1个方面介绍 Internet网上的儿科学信息资源。  相似文献   

从Internet主要的儿科学资源,电子期刊,新闻,全文/多媒体,教科书,指南,病列,临床图谱,病理,电子论坛,教育材料,病人教育等11个方面介绍Internet网上的儿科学信息资源。  相似文献   

军事儿科学是指研究在军事活动条件下如何保障儿童和青少年生长发育、身心健康,防治损伤与疾病的医学科学,既是儿科学的一个重要组成部分,又是军事医学的一个特殊学科领域。军事儿科学虽然已经有了较长的发展历史,但在我国,尚无系统性研究和论述。本文首次以中文综述军事儿科学的历史、概念及其进展。  相似文献   

产前影像学技术、分子遗传诊断技术及宫内治疗技术的快速发展,胎儿医学迎来了新的发展机遇与挑战。为高危胎儿提供精准的产前诊断、遗传咨询、预后评估,在确保孕产妇安全的前提下,围绕患病胎儿及孕妇制定产前-产时-产后一体化全流程的管理方案,可提高患儿出生后的生命质量。文章就儿科专家参与的胎儿结构及发育异常两种多学科诊疗模式进行分析,指出现存的问题并提出推动国内胎儿专病诊疗的高质量发展的建议。  相似文献   

从Internet上的儿科WEB站点、医学院 儿科系、儿科学术机构、儿童与睡眠、婴儿猝死综合征等五个方面介绍In ternet网上的儿科学信息。  相似文献   

儿科病案教学的研究与思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 了解怎样才能培养学生的临床思维及灵活应用能力,提高学生的临床实际工作能力。方法我们对我校03级学乍采用临床实际病案教学,并与传统教学方法进行比较。结果经临床比较显示,学生学习积极性及学习成绩明显提高,取得了良好效果。结论与传统教学方法相比,病案教学有更多优点。  相似文献   

努力发展和推广儿科支气管镜术   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
支气管镜术是一个安全、有效的疾病诊疗手段,应在我国儿科积极推广普及.但儿科在介入治疗肺部疾病方面明显落后于成人科.优良的设备和高超技术的引入,大大提高了儿科疾病的诊断水平.开展氩等离子体凝固术(氩气刀)、激光治疗术、冷冻术、球囊扩张气道成型术、气管支气管支架置入术等介入治疗方法在儿科的应用研究,使其在儿科潜在的诊断和治疗作用得到进一步发展.由于儿童和成人不同,将成人科介入治疗方法引入到儿科是一个科学研究和再创新的艰苦过程,对此要做好允分的思想准备.  相似文献   

After obtaining evidence that tetratogenic effects were operant in a sample of children born to epileptic mothers, we analyzed the effects of type of medication and further influential factors. Children with prenatal exposure to polytherapy had significantly lower scores than controls for a large number of psychological tests. In addition to polytherapy, there were even stronger effects of socioeconomic status and sex was found to be less influential than polytherapy. Among further epilepsy variables, only seizure frequency of the mother during pregnancy had a modest impact on the child's developmental outcome, whereas a score of obstetric abnormality was less effective in predicting developmental outcome, as measured and defined by various standardized psychological tests.  相似文献   

??Post-graduation medical education is the only way for pediatric medical graduates to become qualified pediatric clinicians?? which play a key role in the process of pediatricians becoming talented. Post-graduation medical education in China has been continuously institutionalized and standardized?? and has achieved remarkable progress. However?? there are still many problems in the implementation process. The author will carry out in-depth analysis concerning the national policy?? base construction?? teacher construction and students themselves?? propose countermeasures and suggestions for existing problems?? and provide ideas for the formation of an efficient and sustainable mechanism for pediatric talent training.  相似文献   

This case study reports five very low birthweight infants with ultrasound evidence of intrauterine insult to the brain. Intrauterine periventricular haemorrhage (PVH) accompanied by ventricular dilatation occurred in two preterm infants both of whom survived and were severely handicapped at follow-up. Three preterm infants had intrauterine periventricular leukomalacia (PVL); one survived and is severely handicapped at one year of age. Our experience and rare case reports in the literature indicate that intrauterine PVH and PVL carry a high risk of death in the neonatal period and severe neurological sequelae in survivors.  相似文献   

目的  分析下呼吸道定殖菌 ,探讨机械通气 (MV)相关肺炎 (VAP)的病原。 方法   1995~ 2 0 0 2年MV≥ 48h患儿按入院时间分为 3组 ,分析、比较气管插管内采样的下呼吸道定殖菌。 结果  MV≥ 48h ,患儿 44 4例 ,VAP 15 9例 (3 5 8% ) ,采样标本 689例次 ,分离细菌 44 1株 ,铜绿假单胞菌为首位 ,克雷伯菌次之。近 2年 ,葡萄球菌第二位 ,产超β 内酰胺酶 (ESBLs)菌位第三。 结论  VAP的病原学可能发生变迁 ,在经验用药时除了考虑铜绿假单胞菌感染外 ,还要警惕耐药葡萄球菌和产ESBLs菌的感染。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine Japan's contribution to research in clinical pediatrics over the last decade. METHODS: Articles published in highly reputable pediatrics journals from 1991-2000 were accessed through the MEDLINE database. The number of articles which had an affiliation with a Japanese institution were counted for each of the journals and also summed in total. Proportions of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and case-control/cohort studies among the articles from Japan were also generated and compared with the average for the entirety. In addition, shares of the top-ranking countries were presented along with their trend over time. RESULTS: In total, 20 189 articles were published in the selected seven pediatric journals from 1991-2000. Japan contributed 3.0% of these articles and this contribution was ranked 7th in the world. A negative trend was noticed in Japan's contribution over time but it was not statistically significant (z = -0.40, P = 0.16). RCTs accounted for 7.3% of the total articles, but only 0.34% of those from Japan. CONCLUSIONS: Japan's share of articles in pediatrics research was smaller than that in basic science and some of the other clinical fields. The number of articles from Japan providing a high level of evidence was meager in this field.  相似文献   

斑马鱼作为新型模式动物的优势正在逐渐被人们所认识.由于斑马鱼易于饲养、发育快速、胚胎透明、繁殖力强等特点,尤其是和人类相似的基因结构和调节模式,以及各器官的发育及疾病的发生、发展与人类相应系统有许多共同特点,使其成为研究脊椎动物器官发育和人类疾病的重要模式动物.该文就斑马鱼在发育儿科学领域主要器官的应用概况作一综述.  相似文献   

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