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文化生产力的提出,突出体现了生产力构成中的人本思想,人的智能和技术成为最关键的生产要素。知识经济、知识产业、网络经济、信息产业是文化生产力的外在形态。21世纪将是文化生产力占主导地位的世纪,文化生产力的高低将决定一个国家的综合国力。要强化全民的“文化生产力”意识,建立技术创新体系和知识创新体系,在人力资源开发上有所突破。  相似文献   

Ethics of using Nazi research.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

目的总结7年来剖宫产率及剖宫产指征的变化,探讨降低剖宫产率的措施。方法对鹿泉市妇幼保健院2004~2010年住院分娩的3842例剖宫产病例进行回顾性分析。结果①剖宫产率呈逐年上升趋势;②剖宫产各因素所占的比例发生了变化,社会因素、瘢痕子宫、胎儿窘迫、相对头盆不称占前四位,羊水过少、脐带缠绕呈逐年上升趋势。结论加强产前咨询服务,规范产前检查及开展无痛分娩,可降低剖宫产率;降低剖宫产率需要全社会的关注和不懈努力。  相似文献   

目的 通过对上海地区医院的体外循环(ECC)专业人员队伍近五年情况进行回顾性问卷调查,分析其现状和存在的问题,并对未来的发展提出合理的建议.方法 通过信函、传真、电子邮件以及直接递交等四种形式,书面调查上海市17家从事心脏外科ECC手术的医院五年内的心脏手术数量,从事ECC专业人员的数量、学历、职称的变化以及人员流动的具体状况.结果 五年中ECC手术总量从7 480例增加到11 654例,灌注师的数量从57人增长到71人,员工的学历和职称都有一定程度的提高.但人员的流动状况较不稳定,五年内流出15人,进入26人.结论 五年中上海地区的ECC队伍的工作量、人员数量和质量有一定的发展,但专业队伍和专业发展依旧面临着巨大的挑战.  相似文献   

纳粹时期KWG科学家非人道行为引发的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文章揭露了纳粹统治时期德国威廉皇家学会某些研究所的科学家在医学、遗传学和人类学等相关领域从事反人类活动的罪恶历史,试图通过这一“反例”说明科学素质与人文素质相统一、工具理性与人文理性相协调的重要意义。  相似文献   

The echo of Nuremberg: Nazi data and ethics.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over the past two years, debate about the use of data taken from Nazi concentration camp experiments has intensified. Many survivors of the Holocaust have been particularly offended at the publication of hypothermia or other data. This article argues against the use of unethically obtained data, and considers the debate from the perspective of the rights of Holocaust victims.  相似文献   

Context  Adult survivors of childhood cancer are at risk for adverse effects later in life but may have limited access to information about their diagnosis and treatment. This knowledge is necessary to motivate them to seek medical follow-up and to report essential history to health care professionals. Objective  To assess knowledge of adult survivors of childhood cancer about their primary cancer diagnosis and associated therapies. Design, Setting, and Participants  Cross-sectional survey of 635 consecutive survivors (approximately 5%) drawn from 12 156 participants 18 years or older participating in the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study (a multiinstitutional cohort of individuals diagnosed between January 1, 1970, and December 31,1986, at an age <21 years, who had survived 5 years from diagnosis).The survey assessed knowledge of their cancer diagnosis and associated therapies in a 3- to 5-minute telephone questionnaire. Main Outcome Measures  Responses were compared with medical record data for accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive value. Results  Overall, 72% accurately reported their diagnosis with precision and 19% were accurate but not precise. Individuals with central nervous system (CNS) cancer (odds ratio, 5.1; 95% confidence interval, 2.6-9.9) and neuroblastoma (OR, 4.2; 95% CI, 1.8-9.6) were more likely not to know their cancer diagnosis. Participants' accuracy rates for reporting their treatment history was 94% for chemotherapy, 89% for radiation, and 93% for splenectomy. Among those who received anthracyclines, only 30% recalled receiving daunorubicin therapy and 52% recalled receiving doxorubicin therapy, even after prompting with the drugs' names. Among those who received radiotherapy, 70% recalled the site of radiotherapy. History of receiving a written medical summary, attending a long-term follow-up clinic, and anxiety about late effects were not associated with greater knowledge. Conclusions  Important knowledge deficits exist among adult survivors of childhood cancer regarding basic aspects of their diagnosis and treatment. Such deficits could impair survivors' ability to seek and receive appropriate long-term follow-up care.   相似文献   

目的:观察子午流注纳子针法对中医临床疗效、哮喘控制及哮喘症状积分的影响。方法:将60例哮喘患者随机分为子午流注纳子针法组和常规针法组各30例,治疗4个疗程。观察针刺前后中医临床疗效、哮喘控制及哮喘症状积分并进行比较。结果:两组针法对中医临床疗效、哮喘控制及哮喘症状积分的改善有显著性差别,子午流注纳子针法组优于常规针法组。结论:子午流注纳子针法治疗支气管哮喘疗效优于常规针法。  相似文献   

E Friedman 《JAMA》1990,264(22):2851-5, 2858

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