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线粒体呼吸链复合物Ⅱ缺陷是较为少见的氧化磷酸化障碍性疾病。本文对1例单纯线粒体呼吸链复合物Ⅱ缺陷所致Leigh综合征患儿的诊疗进行回顾性分析。患儿,男,10个月,8个月时出现发热,热退后出现进行性全身无力、运动发育倒退和吞咽困难。血乳酸、丙酮酸增高,脑MRI显示双侧基底节对称性损害。对患儿进行了外周血白细胞线粒体氧化磷酸化酶复合物I-V活性测定和线粒体基因突变位点筛查分析。线粒体呼吸链复合物Ⅱ活性为21.9 nmol/min?mg线粒体总蛋白(正常对照47.3±5.3 nmol/min?mg线粒体总蛋白),柠檬酸合酶活性为22.1%(正常对照50.9%±10.7%),均显著降低。线粒体基因分析未发现异常。患儿确诊为线粒体呼吸链复合物Ⅱ缺陷所致Leigh综合征。经治疗患儿运动功能明显恢复。目前患儿22个月,病情稳定。  相似文献   

Leigh综合征是由于线粒体呼吸链能量代谢障碍所导致的遗传性疾病,呼吸链酶复合物I缺陷是导致Leigh综合征的常见原因之一。该研究通过线粒体基因13513G>A突变分析首次确诊了1例中国人Leigh综合征患者。患儿为第一胎,12岁时出现抽搐,13岁时先后出现双眼视力下降,13岁来院就诊左眼颞侧视野缺损,痉挛步态,血液乳酸、丙酮酸增高,腓肠肌活检肌纤维内脂滴轻度增多;心电图检查显示不完全右束支传导阻滞;脑MRI显示双侧基底节对称性损害,符合Leigh综合征诊断,合并继发性癫癎。经基因分析证实患者存在线粒体基因13513G>A突变,导致线粒体呼吸链酶复合物I活性下降。治疗以多种维生素为主,补充左旋肉碱、辅酶Q10,同时给予卡马西平、苯巴比妥、丙戊酸等抗癫癎治疗。现在患儿16岁,休学,智力无明显倒退,体力、体重显著减退。Leigh综合征病因复杂,临床表现多种多样,该患儿以抽搐起病,合并视力减退,经基因分析明确了病因,有助于相关家庭的遗传咨询 。[中国当代儿科杂志,2009,11(5):333-336]  相似文献   

线粒体呼吸链复合物缺陷是导致儿童线粒体病的主要原因。本文就1例线粒体呼吸链复合物Ⅰ缺陷导致的幼儿胆汁淤积症患者的临床经过、生化特点、线粒体呼吸链复合物活性分析及基因突变进行回顾性研究。患儿,男,自1岁1个月起腹泻,体重下降,伴无力、进行性黄疸、肝损害。经多种检查、尿液有机酸分析及血液氨基酸、酯酰肉碱谱分析未见特异性改变。外周血白细胞线粒体呼吸链复合物Ⅰ活性降低,线粒体基因分析发现患儿及其母亲tRNA 5821G>A突变,证实患儿存在线粒体呼吸链复合物Ⅰ缺陷。患儿疾病进展迅速,治疗无效,于1岁5个月时夭折。复合物Ⅰ缺陷是线粒体呼吸链缺陷中最常见的类型,本研究首次诊断了1例线粒体呼吸链复合物Ⅰ缺陷所导致的中国儿童患者,其临床表现为胆汁淤积症。线粒体肝病是导致儿童代谢性肝病的主要原因之一,生化分析、线粒体呼吸链复合物活性测定及基因分析是病因诊断的关键。  相似文献   

We present a newborn boy who died after 53 days of life in respiratory failure with lactic acidosis. Analysis of skeletal muscle mitochondria dcmonstraled a combined defcct in complexes 1 and IV of the respiratory chain. The boy had severe muscle hypotonia but no signs of encephalopathy, illustrating the variation in multi-organ prescntation of mitochondrial defects.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To review the antenatal manifestations of disorders of oxidative phosphorylation. STUDY DESIGN: A total of 300 cases of proven respiratory chain enzyme deficiency were retrospectively reviewed for fetal development, based on course and duration of pregnancy, antenatal ultrasonography and birth weight, length, and head circumference. Particular attention was given to fetal movements, oligo/hydramnios, fetal cardiac rhythm, fetal heart ultrasound, and ultrasonography/echo Doppler signs of brain, facial, trunk, limb, and organ anomalies. RESULTS: Retrospective analyses detected low birth weight (<3rd percentile for gestational age) in 22.7% of cases (68/300, P<.000001). Intrauterine growth retardation was either isolated (48/300, 16%) or associated with otherwise unexplained anomalies (20/300, 6.7%, P<.0001). Antenatal anomalies were usually multiple and involved several organs sharing no common function or embryologic origin. They included polyhydramnios (6/20), oligoamnios (2/20), arthrogryposis (1/20), decreased fetal movements (1/20), ventricular septal defects (2/20), hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (4/20), cardiac rhythm anomalies (4/20), hydronephrosis (3/20), vertebral abnormalities, anal atresia, cardiac abnormalities, tracheoesophageal fistula/atresia, renal agenesis and dysplasia, and limb defects (VACTERL) association (2/20), and a complex gastrointestinal malformation (1/20). CONCLUSIONS: Although a number of metabolic diseases undergo a symptom-free period, respiratory chain deficiency may have an early antenatal expression, presumably related to the time course of the disease gene expression in the embryofetal period. The mechanism triggering malformations is unknown and may include decreased ATP formation and/or an alteration of apoptotic events controlled by the mitochondria.  相似文献   

An infant with severe deficiency of complex III combined with less severe deficiencies of complexes I, II and IV of the mitochondrial respiratory chain in skeletal muscle tissue presented with intra-uterine growth retardation, generalized hypotonia and delayed motor development. In the following 3.5 years muscle tone and motor development gradually normalized whereas the lactic acidosis and enzyme activities did not improve. Conclusion This report documents a favourable clinical course in a child with combined respiratory chain deficiency despite persistent biochemical abnor-malities. Received: 4 February 1997 / Accepted in revised form: 20 June 1997  相似文献   

本文报道1例由于ND3基因突变导致线粒体呼吸链复合物 Ⅰ 缺陷的患儿。该患儿自6岁起出现眼睑下垂、无力、癫癎及运动倒退,呈进行性加重。血液乳酸、丙酮酸增高,脑MRI示双侧基底节对称性损害,符合Leigh综合征诊断。为明确病因,提取患儿和父母的外周血白细胞线粒体蛋白,进行氧化磷酸化酶复合物 Ⅰ~V活性测定,并提取DNA,分析编码线粒体呼吸链复合物 Ⅰ 的7个线粒体结构基因。结果显示患儿线粒体呼吸链复合物 Ⅰ 活性为33.1 nmol/min?毫克线粒体总蛋白(正常对照44.0±5.4 nmol/min?毫克线粒体总蛋白),复合物 Ⅰ 与柠檬酸合酶活性比值为19.8%(正常对照48.1%±11.0%),均降低。复合物 Ⅱ~V活性正常。患儿线粒体ND3基因10191T>C突变。其父母线粒体基因及呼吸链复合物酶活性正常。治疗后,现患者16岁,癫癎控制良好,双下肢痉挛性瘫痪,智力正常。通过外周血白细胞线粒体氧化磷酸化酶复合物活性测定及基因分析,本研究首次诊断了编码线粒体呼吸链复合物Ⅰ亚基的ND3基因10191T>C突变导致复合物Ⅰ缺陷,为Leigh综合征的发病原因提供依据。  相似文献   

The etiology of secretory diarrhea in early life is often unclear. We report a Japanese boy who survived until 3 years of age, despite intractable diarrhea commencing soon after birth. The fecal sodium content was strikingly high (109 mmol/L [normal range, 27–35 mmol/L]) and the osmotic gap was decreased (15 mOsm/kg), consistent with the findings of congenital sodium diarrhea. We examined the mitochondrial respiratory chain function by blue native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (BN-PAGE) in-gel enzyme staining, BN-PAGE western blotting, respiratory chain enzyme activity assay, and immunohistochemistry. Liver respiratory chain complex (Co) I activity was undetectable, while other respiratory chain complex activities were increased (Co II, 138%; Co III, 153%; Co IV, 126% versus respective control activities). Liver BN-PAGE in-gel enzyme staining and western blotting showed an extremely weak complex I band, while immunohistochemistry showed extremely weak staining for the 30-kDa subunit of complex I, but normal staining for the 70-kDa subunit of complex II. The patient was, therefore, diagnosed with complex I deficiency. The overall complex I activity of the jejunum was substantially decreased (63% of the control activity). The immunohistochemistry displayed apparently decreased staining of the 30-kDa complex I subunit, together with a slightly enhanced staining of the 70-kDa complex II subunit in intestinal epithelial cells. These data imply that intestinal epithelial cells are also complex I-deficient in this patient. Complex I deficiency is a novel cause of secretory diarrhea and may act via disrupting the supply of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) needed for the maintenance of ion gradients across membranes.  相似文献   

We have studied a 17-year-old girl with lactic acidosis (3-18 mEq/liter) and progressive muscle weakness since 9 years of age. Morphological findings in muscle were of a typical ragged red myopathy with multiple collections of bizarre mitochondria, some containing paracrystalline inclusions. The carnitine content of serum and muscle was normal, as were the activities of carnitine palmitoyltransferase, carnitine octanoyltransferase, and carnitine acetyltransferase in the patient's muscle. Measurement of the enzymes of oxidative phosphorylation in both crude muscle homogenates and mitochondrial fractions showed close to normal activities of cytochrome c oxidase, succinate dehydrogenase, and ATPase. In contrast, succinate cytochrome c reductase activity was greatly reduced in the patient, being 0.035 mumol/min/g tissue in whole muscle (controls 1.16 +/- 0.47 mumol/min/g tissue) and 8 nmol/min/mg protein in the mitochondria (control, 340 nmol/min/mg protein). Rotenonesensitive NADH-cytochrome c reductase was also undetectable in the patient's mitochondria. Spectral analysis of cytochromes showed decrease of reducible cytochrome b to 16% of the control. These results indicate a defect of ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase or the cytochrome bc1 segment (complex III) of the electron transport chain. Antibody-binding studies of the individual components of complex III showed additional deficiencies of core proteins I and II and peptide VI, indicating a more widespread defect of complex III than was evident from spectral analysis and enzyme activity measurements alone. Urine organic acid analysis after fasting and following a medium chain triglyceride load showed unusually high levels of lactate and 3-hydroxybutyrate, lower than expected levels of acetoacetate and dicarboxylic acids, and the presence of several other metabolites suggesting a disturbed citric acid cycle and redox state.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A boy presented suffering from generalised weakness, exercise intolerance and lactic acidosis. The weakness became evident at 2 years. A cerebral CT-scan showed cerebellar atrophy and central and peripheral atrophy of both hemispheres. With trichrome staining about 20% of the muscle fibres showed large areas containing redstaining granular material. Electron microscopic examination showed that this material consisted of areas of mitochondrial proliferation, most of the mitochondria having abnormal ultrastructural characteristics. Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex and citric acid cycle activities were determined by measuring 14CO2 production from various labelled substrates. Diminished oxidation rates were found with the patient's muscle homogenate for all substrates tested, indicating a defect in the respiratory chain. The cytochromes were present in normal quantities. Succinate cytochrome c reductase activity was very decreased. Carnitine concentration was decreased in serum and in muscle as well.  相似文献   

线粒体呼吸链酶复合物V,也称为ATP合酶,是位于线粒体内膜上的大蛋白复合体,由2个功能性蛋白复合物F0及F1构成。复合物V是线粒体呼吸链的最后一个复合物,在线粒体中通过电化学梯度传递质子,以ADP、Pi及Mg2+为原料合成ATP,为细胞供能。大多数患者新生儿期发病,导致严重脑损害或多脏器损害,病死率很高。主要临床表现为神经肌肉病、心肌病、高乳酸血症及3 甲基戊烯二酸尿症等,因受累器官的不同导致显著的临床异质性。复合物V由16个亚基组成,由线粒体基因与核基因共同编码。迄今,国内外已报道了MT-ATP6、MT-ATP8、ATPAF2、TMEM70、ATP5E基因突变导致的复合物V缺陷。本文总结了线粒体呼吸链复合物V的结构及功能,并对复合物V缺陷的病理、临床表现、诊断、治疗及分子遗传学研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

目的探讨线粒体MT-TE基因突变致可逆性婴幼儿呼吸链缺乏症的临床表现及基因突变特点。方法回顾分析1例确诊为可逆性婴幼儿呼吸链缺乏症患儿的临床资料,并复习相关文献。结果男性患儿,2个月23天,入院时消瘦,呼吸急促,双肺可闻及痰鸣音及喘鸣音;肌力IV级,肌张力减弱。有一胞姐生后不久因重症肺炎去世。入院时肌酸激酶同工酶123 U/L,肌酸激酶890 U/L;血乳酸8.9 mmol/L;病原学检查均为阴性。头颅MRI无异常。入院后患儿持续高乳酸血症、肌酶异常升高,伴呼吸困难,放弃治疗后死亡。基因检查示线粒体MT-TE基因存在14674TC突变,来源于母亲。国外文献报道线粒体MT-TE 14674TC突变患儿早期临床表现与进展型线粒体病类似,呼吸肌无力、喂养困难,运动发育里程碑延迟,肌酶及乳酸升高。予补充能量,维持内环境稳定等治疗,约1岁左右逐渐好转。结论线粒体MT-TE基因突变致可逆性婴幼儿呼吸链缺乏症早期表现与进展型线粒体病类似,积极治疗预后良好。早期进行基因检测可明确预后,增强治疗的信心。  相似文献   

线粒体病病因复杂,基本原因为线粒体呼吸链酶系统代谢异常导致氧化磷酸化障碍,三磷酸腺苷(ATP)产生减少,因此,能量需求越高的组织和器官受损越重,如中枢神经系统、骨骼肌和心脏[1-2].  相似文献   

Measurement of pyruvate and lactate produced from glucose by confluent skin fibroblast cultures from 95 patients with lactic acidemia revealed 10 in whom the lactate/pyruvate ratio (L/P) was increased (L/P = 57 to 232) compared with that observed in control cell lines (L/P = 18 to 35). Mitochondria prepared from these cells revealed two types of respiratory chain defect. In four patients the deficient activity was present in NADH-coenzyme Q reductase (14% to 21% of controls), and in six the deficiency was in cytochrome c oxidase (21% to 28% of controls). The four patients with NADH-coQ reductase deficiency presented early with lactic acidosis, respiratory failure, anorexia, and hypotonia; all four died within 7 months. The group with cytochrome oxidase deficiency had a somewhat later (18 months to 2 years of age) presentation with milder lactic acidemia, but also with hypotonia and anorexia. They had delayed development, beginning to walk and talk at 18 to 24 months, and then slowly regressed. Although an investigation of central nervous system disorders in this latter group has not been possible, the clinical progression fits into the broad category of Leigh disease. We conclude that in these two groups respiratory chain defects can be detected and localized by the use of skin fibroblast cultures.  相似文献   

We report the case of a 13‐month‐old girl with frequent vomiting, intractable diarrhea, hyperlactatemia, and liver dysfunction. Although the symptoms were treatment resistant, enteral nutrition formula containing medium‐chain triglycerides reduced the weight loss, vomiting, and diarrhea. Immunostaining of mitochondrial respiratory chain (MRC) complexes of the colonic mucosa confirmed the diagnosis of MRC complex I deficiency. This case shows that this disease should be included in the differential diagnosis of hyperlactatemia and intractable, cryptogenic gastrointestinal symptoms. In addition, the mucosa of the affected gastrointestinal organ should be analyzed on immunostaining or electron microscopy for MRC complexes.  相似文献   

Budd-Chiari syndrome is a disease complex with varied etiology and is one of the causes of post-hepatic portal hypertension. We report a 2 year-old boy who presented with Budd-Chiari syndrome due to congenital antithrombin III deficiency, who was managed with an expandable metal stent placed in the inferiorvena cava and oral anticoagulation.  相似文献   

An eight-week-old infant, the fourth child of consanguineous parents presented with intractable neonatal seizures. The mother had two previous miscarriages. The infant initially presented on day one with multifocal myoclonus, complex partial and generalised tonic-clonic seizures. On examination, there were dysmorphic hands and feet, with absent nails and terminal phalanges of the fingers and toes, hepatomegaly, marked axial and peripheral hypotonia and severe global developmental delay. Ophthalmological assessment showed 'salt and pepper' pigmentary retinopathy. The urinary organic acid profile revealed a marked increase in tricarboxylic acid metabolites. Urinary phosphate reabsorption was reduced at 84%. Type I fibre atrophy was seen on muscle histology, and a cytochrome c oxidase deficiency was found only on enzymology of liver tissue. Limb malformations associated with respiratory chain defects have rarely been reported. To our knowledge, this child has the most severe limb anomaly associated with a tissue-specific complex IV respiratory chain defect.  相似文献   

Succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) deficiency is rare. Clinical manifestations can appear in infancy with a marked impairment of psychomotor development with pyramidal signs and extrapyramidal rigidity. CASE REPORT: A 10-month-old boy developed severe neurological features, evoking a Leigh syndrome; magnetic resonance imaging showed features of leukodystrophy. A deficiency in the complex II respiratory chain (succinate dehydrogenase [SDH]) was shown. The course was remarkable by the regression of neurological impairment under treatment by riboflavin. The delay of psychomotor development, mainly involving language, was moderate at the age of 5 years. CONCLUSION: The relatively good prognosis of this patient, despite severe initial neurological impairment, may be due to the partial enzyme deficiency and/or riboflavin administration.  相似文献   

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