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汉词再认ERP新旧效应的性别差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:运用事件相关电位(ERPs)技术探讨汉词再认新旧效应的性别差异及其脑机制。方法:30名大学生(男女各半)参与汉词再认测验,同时记录EEG,离线处理数据后比较男女被试诱发出的ERPs主要成分及其新旧效应。结果:女性P500波幅显著大于男性(F=12.76,P〈0.001),潜伏期短于男性(F=3.589,P〈0.05)。男女被试在350.600ms均诱发出了显著的顶区新旧效应,但男性呈显著左侧优势,女性则更为双侧化。仅男性诱发出了显著的额区新旧效应,呈负走向变化,头皮分布呈右侧优势。结论:汉词再认的ERP新旧效应存在性别差异。这种性别差异可能既与信息提取速度及强度的差异有关,也与不同性别的神经解剖结构差异有关。  相似文献   

目的:探讨间接记忆测验的有效性及直接和间接测验所涉及的心理过程的差异。方法:实验对象为40名大学生,24名被试参加内隐记忆测试,16名被试参加外显记忆测试,学习材料分别为30个低频双字词和30个常见实物图画,测试材料为60个词头和60幅残图(新旧各半),测试方法为线索回忆或自由组词和残图命名。结果:无论是直接测验还是间接测验,旧项目的命中率高于新项目,旧项目的反应时短于新项目;直接测验的命中率高于间接测验,而反应时长于间接测验;不同材料的比较显示,无论是直接测验还是间接测验任务中,汉词的启动效率都要显著大于图形,而图与词间省时率的差异无显著性;直接测验和间接测验的比较显示,无论是汉词还是图形材料,启动效率与省时率差异均无显著性。结论:间接测验和直接测验涉及的心理过程不同,它们都能有效地测量不同记忆系统的功能。  相似文献   

目的:探讨图、词回忆中的首因和近因效应及其年龄变化规律。方法:采用多维记忆评估量表中的汉词回忆和图画回忆分测验对947人的连续年龄组的大样本进行测试,分析不同通道首因和近因效应的差异和年龄变化规律。结果:受试在汉词和图画自由回忆中,均呈现明显的系列位置效应;受试的首因和近因效应均随年龄的增长而增大。当发展到高峰后则随年龄的增长而减弱,各年龄组间比较有显著差异;首因和近因效应随年龄增长是不平行的,首因效应随年龄的增长变化较大。而近因效应的变化则相对较为平缓;两种不同呈现途径的比较发现,图画回忆的首因和近因效应均高于汉词回忆。结论:视觉和听觉呈现途径均呈现明显的系列位置效应,首因效应和近因效应的发展变化规律与记忆的发展变化规律是一致的。首因效应受年龄的影响较大,在有意义的图画回忆中首因效应和近因效应均高于汉词回忆。  相似文献   

目的:考查学习障碍儿童的长时记忆功能及各亚型记忆缺陷的特点。方法:对97名学习障碍儿童(语文障碍31人、数学障碍21人、混合型障碍45人)和63名正常学习儿童作个别记忆测查,测试内容包括自由回忆(频度联想回忆、语义归类回忆和图画回忆)、再认(汉词听觉辨认和图画视觉再认)和联想学习(词对学习和符号-图画学习)。结果:混合型障碍儿童各项记忆分数(除符号-图画学习外)均低于对照组,语文障碍组的多数记忆成绩(除词听觉辨认和符号-图画学习外)也低于对照组,数学障碍组仅语义归类回忆和图画视觉再认的分数低于对照组;三型学习障碍的比较,仅发现混合障碍组频度联想回忆正确数低于数学障碍组;反映记忆策略和反应标准的各项指标的组间差异不明显,仅语文障碍组的词对学习的报告准确率低于对照组;各项记忆分数与学习成绩的相关在0.20~0.42之间。结论:各型学习障碍儿童的长时记忆功能存在不同程度的缺陷,他们的记忆策略和反应标准与正常学习儿童相似。  相似文献   

目的:考察汉语双字词启动任务的事件相关电位(ERP)时空模式特性。方法:以词汇重复(例:大豆-大豆)、语义启动(例:高粱-大豆)和语义失配(例:轮船-大豆)三类关系先后显示启动词和靶词,16名被试判断靶词是否与启动词同类而分别按键,同时记录其行为绩效和19通道ERP,应用单因素三水平重复测量方差分析和配对比较,采用统计参数映像(statistical parametric mapping,SPM)呈现ERP结果。结果:反应时间(F(2,26)=77.28,P=0.00)和正确率(F(2,26)=42.91,P=0.00)的重复启动效应均显著,词汇重复组的行为绩效(反应时间601.44±69.39ms,正确率98.7±1.3%)分别优于语义启动组(774.98±87.34ms,88.2±5.9%)和语义失配组(788.75±88.10ms,87.8±4.8%)。虽然后两组行为绩效差异不显著,但其ERP均可见P200、N400和P600成分。SPM提示额顶颞分布的P200效应(200-250ms)与注意调控相关;中央顶分布的N400效应(300-450ms)与语义加工相关;枕颞分布的P600效应(500-1000ms)可能反映语境重构。结论:双字词启动任务的ERP时空模式反映多层次语言加工功能,适用于语言功能评价。  相似文献   

情绪障碍研究用汉语情绪词分类系统的初步建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:建立一套情绪障碍研究用汉语情绪词分类系统,为异常情绪的研究提供标准化刺激材料。方法:54名不同受教育程度的被试对344个双字汉语情绪词(包括115个正性词、114个负性词、115个中性词)的愉悦度、唤醒度和熟悉度三个维度进行9级的情绪等级评定。结果:三类词语在三个维度上的ANOVA结果显示,分别存在愉悦度主效应(F=2514.96,P=0.000)、唤醒度主效应(F=147.43,P=0.000)和熟悉度主效应(F=106.81,P=0.000)。两两比较后发现正性词的愉悦度得分(7.29±0.41)高于负性和中性词(2.81±0.30、5.47±0.66),中性词得分高于负性词;正性词的唤醒度得分(6.57±0.39)高于负性词和中性词(5.33±0.41、5.23±0.67);正性词的熟悉度得分(5.98±0.57)高于负性和中性词(4.63±0.53、5.21±0.93),中性词得分高于负性词。结论:初步建立的情绪障碍研究用汉语情绪词分类系统较好,为以后的异常情绪的研究提供词语刺激材料。  相似文献   

目的:在内隐层面上探讨自我相关信息加工与情绪效价信息加工之间的关系,为内隐自我正面偏见的存在提供证据。方法:以情绪性汉语双字词为材料,采用阈上态度启动范式,在自我和非自我启动情况下,记录被试对情绪字词按正负性质完成归类判断任务时的ERPs,比较自我正面、自我负面、非自我正面、非自我负面四类信息的ERP数据。结果:内隐层面上,自我相关信息与情绪效价信息在N400波幅上表现出显著的交互作用,相对于自我负面和非自我正面信息来说,自我正面和非自我负面信息诱发的N400波幅更大,即内隐层面上对自我正面偏见范畴内的字词(自我正面和非自我负面)表现出更大的ERP负波。结论:自我相关信息和情绪效价信息的加工在内隐层面上是密切相关的,且他们之间的关系符合自我正面偏见效应,从而证实了内隐自我正面偏见的存在。  相似文献   

海洛因依赖者环境诱发渴求感的相关因素研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
目的:研究海洛因依赖者环境诱发渴求感的相关因素。方法:对87名男性劳教患者进行环境诱发实验,比较诱发成功组(n=25)与诱发失败组(n=62)在人口学资料、吸毒相关特征、戒毒相关资料等方面的差异。结果:诱发成功组的毒品依赖程度强于诱发失败组,平均戒断时间短于诱发失败组。父母有烟酒嗜好以及首次吸毒有“飘”感的戒毒者,更容易诱发渴求感。结论:海洛因依赖者对于环境诱发刺激具有不同的易感性。对于预防复吸具有指导意义。  相似文献   

目的:分析重性抑郁症(Major Depressive Disorder, MDD)患者额顶网络与认知功能的关系,探讨MDD患者认知功能受损的潜在神经病理学机制。方法:32例MDD患者和33例对照组被试分别完成了系列心理评估与静息态功能磁共振扫描。采用颜色连线测验、色词Stroop任务和Go/No-go任务评估被试的认知功能,采用独立成分分析考察被试的额顶网络的功能连接特征。结果:相比对照组,MDD组颜色连线测验的时间显著更长,色词Stroop的正确项目数显著更少,Go/No-go任务的准确率显著更低。MDD组额顶网络内的右侧额下回和右侧顶下小叶的功能连接相比对照组显著减弱。MDD组右侧额下回的功能连接值与Stroop“色词”条件下的正确数呈正相关(r=0.42, P=0.02),右侧顶下小叶的功能连接值与No-go的正确率呈正相关(r=0.38, P=0.03)。结论:重性抑郁症患者额顶网络内的功能连接异常可能是其认知功能受损的潜在神经病理基础。  相似文献   

内疚和羞耻关系研究进展及未来展望(综述)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内疚(guilt)(guilt在汉语中有不同的译法。如内疚、负疚感、负罪感、罪感等。为避免不同的译法可能产生的概念理解上的混淆,同时也为与“羞耻”一词相对应,本文沿用“内疚”的译法)和羞耻(shame)关系的研究是最近十多年来国外心理学界研究的热点课题。作为人类高度社会化的负性自我道德情感体验,内疚和羞耻既是个体对自身经历的不良事件进行评价和认知的产物,同时也是影响个体后续行为的重要因素,而且它们都与个体的身心健康和社会化的发展有着非常密切的关系。  相似文献   

The study presented here investigated the effects of emotional valence on the memory for words by assessing both memory performance and pupillary responses during a recognition memory task. Participants had to make speeded judgments on whether a word presented in the test phase of the experiment had already been presented ("old") or not ("new"). An emotion-induced recognition bias was observed: Words with emotional content not only produced a higher amount of hits, but also elicited more false alarms than neutral words. Further, we found a distinct pupil old/new effect characterized as an elevated pupillary response to hits as opposed to correct rejections. Interestingly, this pupil old/new effect was clearly diminished for emotional words. We therefore argue that the pupil old/new effect is not only able to mirror memory retrieval processes, but also reflects modulation by an emotion-induced recognition bias.  相似文献   

Performance and electrophysiological correlates of true and false recognition were examined after short (40 s) and long (80 s) delays. True recognition showed no significant decrease after a long delay, whereas false recognition increased. Early frontal and parietal ERP old/new effects, considered as correlates of familiarity and recollection, were observed across delay for true recognition. No frontal effect occurred in the long delay for false recognition. This absence may arise from weakened memory traces preventing familiarity discrimination for LUREs. Response-related analysis revealed an error-related negativity (ERN) for true and false recognition, assuming that the effect reflects at least partly an internal misrepresentation of the correct response. The larger and topographically different ERNs for false recognition suggest an additional contribution of increased task demands and conditions of high response uncertainty.  相似文献   

Familiarity and recollection are two independent cognitive processes involved in recognition memory. It is traditionally believed that both familiarity and recollection can support item recognition, whereas only recollection can support associative recognition. Here, using a standard associative recognition task, we examined whether associative retrieval of unitized associations involved differential patterns of familiarity and recollection processes relative to non-unitized associations. The extent of engagement of familiarity and recollection processes during associative retrieval was estimated by using event-related potentials (ERPs). Twenty participants studied compound words and unrelated word pairs during encoding. Subsequently, they were asked to decide whether a presented word pair was intact, rearranged, or a new pair while electroencephalogram (EEG) was recorded. ERP results showed that compound words evoked a significant early frontal old/new effect (associated with familiarity) between ERPs to intact and rearranged word pairs, whereas this effect disappeared for the unrelated word pairs. In addition, the left parietal old/new effect (associated with recollection) between ERPs to intact and rearranged word pairs was greater for compounds than for unrelated word pairs. These findings suggest that unitization enhances the contribution of both familiarity and recollection processes to associative recognition.  相似文献   

Interfacing mind and brain: a neurocognitive model of recognition memory   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A variety of processes contribute to successful recognition memory, some of which can be associated with spatiotemporally distinct event-related potential old/new effects. An early frontal and a subsequent parietal old/new effect are correlated with the familiarity and recollection subcomponents of recognition memory, respectively, whereas a late, postretrieval old/new effect seems to reflect an ensemble of evaluation processes that are set by the task context in which retrieval occurs. Both the early frontal and the parietal old/new effects are differentially modulated by the informational content (e.g., object forms and spatial locations) of recognition and seem to rely on brain systems damaged in amnesia. The late frontal effect appears to reflect prefrontal cortex activation. A neurophysiologically based model of recognition memory retrieval is presented and it is shown that coupling recognition memory subprocesses with distinct old/new effects allow examination of the time course of the processes that contribute to correct and to illusory memories. In conjunction with event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging activation patterns the brain systems recruited by various aspects of episodic memory retrieval can be identified.  相似文献   

Curran T  Dien J 《Psychophysiology》2003,40(6):979-988
Distinct event-related potential effects have been related to familiarity and recollection processes underlying recognition memory. Familiarity has been conceptualized as similar either to perceptual priming mechanisms supporting implicit memory or to amodal global-matching processes that should show little sensitivity to perceptual variables. The present experiment manipulated the study modality of words (auditory, visual) that were visually tested for recognition memory. The mid-frontal (300-500 ms) old/new effect often attributed to familiarity was not affected by study modality, so it appears related to an amodal familiarity process. An earlier (176-260 ms) fronto-polar old/new effect was perceptually specific in that it was observed only following visual study. The parietal old/new effect (400-800 ms), often attributed to recollection, was similar following both visual and auditory study. Temporal-spatial PCA clarified the separability of these effects.  相似文献   

The emotional salience of stimuli influences ERP old/new effects, but despite proven age differences in emotional processing, the influence of emotion on old/new effects has previously been investigated in younger adults only. Therefore, we set out to examine age differences in the emotional modulation of old/new effects. To this end, the electroencephalogram of younger (17-27 years) and older (63-77 years) adults was recorded while they completed a continuous recognition test with unpleasant, neutral and pleasant pictures. Because recollection is typically enhanced by emotion, the parietal old/new effect was expected to be larger for emotional than neutral stimuli in the younger adults. Because recollection suffers from age-related decline, emotion enhancement of the parietal old/new effect was not expected in the older adults. The results showed that, in both age groups, recognition accuracy was not affected by emotion and that the response bias was more liberal for unpleasant pictures. The younger adults displayed an early, a parietal and a late frontal old/new effect, whereas the older adults showed an early, no parietal and an inverse left-lateralized late frontal old/new effect. Further, the emotional modulation of the old/new effects differed with age. Importantly, emotion enhanced the parietal and late frontal old/new effects in younger adults, and the early old/new effect in older adults. This suggests that whereas recollection and post-retrieval processes are augmented in emotional recognition memory in younger adults, familiarity is enhanced by emotional salience in older adults.  相似文献   

The present study used behavioral and electrophysiological measures to investigate the processes mediating long-term recognition memory for emotional and neutral pictures. The results show enhanced memory recollection for emotional arousing pictures compared to neutral low arousing pictures. In accordance with the behavioral data, we observed enhanced old/new effects in the ERPs for emotionally arousing pictures in the recollection-sensitive old/new component at centro-parietal sites (500–800 ms). Moreover, early old/new effects were present over frontal and parietal sites (300–500 ms) irrespective of picture contents. Analysis of the subjective awareness, indexed by the confidence ratings, showed that the late parietal old/new effect was increased for high confidence responses whereas the early component (300–500 ms) was mainly driven by low confidence responses, an indication for familiarity based recognition processes.  相似文献   

We conducted five pupil old/new experiments to examine whether pupil old/new effects can be linked to familiarity and/or recollection processes of recognition memory. In Experiments 1–3, we elicited robust pupil old/new effects for legal words and pseudowords (Experiment 1), positive and negative words (Experiment 2), and low‐frequency and high‐frequency words (Experiment 3). Importantly, unlike for old/new effects in ERPs, we failed to find any effects of long‐term memory representations on pupil old/new effects. In Experiment 4, using the words and pseudowords from Experiment 1, participants made lexical decisions instead of old/new decisions. Pupil old/new effects were restricted to legal words. Additionally requiring participants to make speeded responses (Experiment 5) led to a complete absence of old/new effects. Taken together, these data suggest that pupil old/new effects do not map onto familiarity and recollection processes of recognition memory. They rather seem to reflect strength of memory traces in short‐term memory, with little influence of long‐term memory representations. Crucially, weakening the memory trace through manipulations in the experimental task significantly reduces pupil/old new effects.  相似文献   

In a study/recognition paradigm, new words at test were recombinations of studied syllables (e.g. BARLEY from BARTER and VALLEY), shared one syllable with studied words, or were completely new. False alarm rates followed the gradient of similarity with studied items. Event-related potentials to the three classes of false alarms were indistinguishable. False alarms elicited different brain activity than did hits, arguing against the idea that conjunction errors occur during encoding and are later retrieved liked genuine memories. In Experiment 2, with healthy older adults, neuropsychological tests sensitive to frontal lobe function predicted false alarm rate, but not hit rate. Performance on standardised memory scales sensitive to medial temporal/diencephalic function influenced the pattern of false alarm rates across the three classes of new words. The experiments suggest that false alarms to conjunction lures are not similar to true recollections, but are products of faulty monitoring at retrieval.  相似文献   

This study examined verbal recognition memory in amnesic patients with frontal lesions (AF), nonamnesic patients with frontal lesions (NAF), and amnesic patients with medial temporal lesions (MT). To examine susceptibility to false alarms, the number of studied words drawn from various categories was varied. The AF and MT groups demonstrated reduced hits and increased false alarms. False alarms were especially elevated when item-specific recollection was strongest in control participants. The NAF group performed indistinguishably from control participants, but several patients showed excessive false alarms in the context of normal hit rates. These patients exhibited impaired monitoring and verification processes. The findings demonstrate that elevated false recognition is not characteristic of all frontal patients and may result from more than 1 underlying mechanism.  相似文献   

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