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The only ras oncogene as yet identified in cells from human fibrosarcomas is N-ras, but the relationship between N-ras oncogene expression and the malignant state of these cell lines is not known. To determine if expression of an N-ras oncogene causes human cells to become malignant, we transfected the N-ras oncogene from human leukemia cell line 8402, cloned into a high expression vector pSV N-ras, into MSU-1.1 cells, a nontumorigenic, infinite life span fibroblast cell strain with a normal morphology and a stable near-diploid karyotype. The transformants formed distinct foci composed of morphologically transformed cells. Cells from such foci expressed higher than normal levels of N-ras protein, exhibited growth factor independence, and formed large colonies in soft agar at a high frequency. Injection of progeny of these focus-derived cells s.c. into athymic mice resulted in progressively growing, invasive malignant tumors (round cell, spindle cell, or giant cell sarcomas) which reached a diameter of 6 mm in 3 to 4 weeks. Injection of focus-derived or tumor-derived cells i.v. resulted in tumors in various organs of the mice. The focus-derived cell strain tested, as well as the majority of the cells derived from the tumor it produced, exhibited the same near-diploid karyotype as the parental MSU-1.1 cells. Cells transfected with an N-ras oncogene that was expressed at a normal level formed only a single, indistinct focus, and cells from that focus were not malignant.  相似文献   

We studied whether arsenic, nickel, and chromium compounds that are human carcinogens could induce transformation of cultured primary human diploid foreskin cells (HFC). All nickel compounds tested, PbCrO4, K2Cr2O7, CrO3, Na2HAsO4, NaAsO2, and N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) caused significant (p = 0.001) dose-dependent inductions of anchorage-independent colonies in HFC. KH2AsO4, CaCl2, MnCl2, and Hg(CH3CO2)2 did not induce anchorage independence. Optimal expression times for induction of anchorage independence in HFC were observed as early as 11 days following treatment with MNNG, Ni3S2, Ni(C2H3O2), or NiSO4. Cell strains derived from anchorage-independent colonies showed 33 to 429-fold higher plating efficiencies in soft agar than parental populations, and the anchorage-independent phenotype was stable for eight passages, at which time cells senesced. Anchorage-independent cell strains derived from metal salt-treated cells were not resistant to the cytotoxicity of metal salts, indicating metal salts induced rather than selected for anchorage independence. Nine of 10 cell strains derived from metal compound- or MNNG-induced anchorage-independent colonies displayed the same or lower saturation densities than untreated human fibroblasts. None of these cell strains escaped senescence or showed definitive morphological transformation. MNNG (1 micrograms/ml) induced anchorage independence and mutation to ouabain resistance and 6-thioguanine resistance in HFC, but concentrations of Ni2S3 that induced anchorage independence did not induce mutation at either locus in HFC. These results demonstrate that carcinogenic metal salts induce stable anchorage independence early in human diploid foreskin fibroblasts, and this anchorage independence is independent of other in vitro markers of fibroblast transformation, such as focus formation or immortality. Metal salt induction of anchorage independence can now be used as an assay to study mechanisms of genotoxicity exerted by carcinogenic metal compounds in human cells.  相似文献   

The changes in the frequencies of X-ray-induced mutations to 6-thioguanine resistance, chromosomal abnormalities and transformation to anchorage-independent growth were examined during confluent holding recovery in density-inhibited cultures of human diploid fibroblasts. Chromosomal abnormalities studied included non-stable aberrations, deletions, and reciprocal translocations measured up to 20 mean population doublings post-irradiation. Complex recovery kinetics were observed. A comparison of these kinetics suggests that reciprocal translocations are associated with the induction of both transformation and mutations. Mutagenesis correlated with deletions and translocations, whereas transformation correlated with translocations only.  相似文献   

We have characterized an assay for the quantitative measurement of the frequency of conversion to anchorage-independent growth of N-acetoxy-2-acetylaminofluorene-treated normal human diploid fibroblasts. We investigated the effects of the following parameters on the absolute number and on the frequency of anchorage-independent colonies scored: (a) the number of cells seeded per dish; (b) the type of posttreatment medium; (c) the number of population doublings allowed posttreatment prior to seeding in suspension; and (d) the carcinogen dose. The assay was linear over the range of 1.9 X 10(3) to 3.8 X 10(4) cells seeded per 6-mm dish for both total colonies scored and the induced frequency of anchorage-independent growth. The medium used posttreatment affected both the frequency and the kinetics of appearance of the anchorage-independent phenotype. The number of population doublings and the number of days allowed posttreatment prior to assaying for anchorage-independent growth potential also influenced the frequency of recovery of this phenotype. Under standardized conditions, the assay yielded a dose-response relationship for transformation to anchorage independence over the concentration range of 0 to 10 microM N-acetoxy-2-acetylaminofluorene.  相似文献   

Cellular capacity for postreplication repair (PRR) and sensitivity to transformation to anchorage independence (AI) were quantified in normal foreskin and xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) variant fibroblasts after treatment with UV or benzo(a)pyrene-diol-epoxide I (BPDE-I). PRR is defined here as a collection of pathways that facilitate the replication of DNA damaged by genotoxic agents. It is recognized biochemically as the process by which nascent DNA grows longer than the average distance between two lesions in the DNA template. PRR refers more directly to the elimination of gaps in the daughter-strand DNA by mechanisms which remain to be determined for human cells, but which may include translesion replication and recombination. PRR was measured in diploid human fibroblasts by analysis of the dose kinetics for inhibition of DNA strand growth in carcinogen-treated cells. Logarithmically growing foreskin fibroblasts (NHF1) displayed D0 values of 4.3 J/m2 and 0.14 microM for the inhibition of DNA synthesis in active replicons by UV and BPDE-I, respectively. XP variant cells (CRL1162) exhibited corresponding D0 values of 1.5 J/m2 and 0.16 microM. The increased sensitivity to inhibition of DNA replication by UV in these XP variant fibroblasts (2.9-fold greater than normal) was mirrored by an enhanced frequency of transformation to AI. XP variant fibroblasts (CRL1162) were 3.2 times more sensitive to transformation to AI by UV than were the normal foreskin fibroblasts. As predicted by the PRR studies, both cell types exhibited similar frequencies of AI colonies induced by BPDE-I. Apparent thresholds were observed for induction of AI by UV (normal fibroblasts, 2.7 J/m2; XP variant fibroblasts, 0.3 J/m2) and BPDE-I (both, 0.05 microM). Doses of UV and BPDE-I above these thresholds produced proportional increases in the inhibition of DNA replication in operating replicons and in the induced frequency of anchorage-independent colonies. At doses of UV and BPDE-I that produced the same degree of inhibition of DNA strand growth, BPDE-I induced a greater number of cells capable of anchorage-independent growth than did UV in both normal and XP variant fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Hwua  YS; Yang  JL 《Carcinogenesis》1998,19(5):881-888
Cadmium and lead have been shown to induce cellular transformations and gene mutations in cultured rodent cells, as well as tumours in live animals. However, the mechanisms by which these metals cause cellular transformations and mutations in human cells have not been explored. In this study, we investigated the abilities of cadmium and lead to induce anchorage-independent transformations and hprt gene mutations in diploid human fibroblasts. Human fibroblasts were exposed to either cadmium acetate (0-60 microM) or lead acetate (0-2 mM) for 24 h. After removal of the metals, the cells were kept in exponential growth for 7 and 9 days before mutation and anchorage-independence assays were taken, respectively. Both cadmium and lead significantly induced anchorage-independent colonies in dose-dependent manners; the frequencies of anchorage-independent colonies induced by these metals were similar to those induced by N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine at approximately equal cytotoxic dose ranges (30-10% survival). 3- Aminotriazole at non-cytotoxic dosages decreased catalase activity by >80%, and markedly enhanced cadmium-induced cytotoxicity and anchorage- independent colonies. Cadmium uptake by human fibroblasts was not affected by 3-aminotriazole co-administered with 10 microM of cadmium; whereas cadmium uptake and accumulation were enhanced 1.5-fold by 3- aminotriazole co-administered with 1-2.5 microM of cadmium. Lead- induced anchorage-independence or cytotoxicity was not affected by 3- aminotriazole co-treatment; however, 3-aminotriazole did significantly enhance lead uptake and accumulation in human fibroblasts. Neither cadmium- nor lead-induced 6-thioguanine-resistant mutation frequency in human fibroblasts. Co-administering these metals with 3-aminotriazole did not enhance mutations in human fibroblasts. These results suggest that cadmium and lead may both act as tumour promoters in diploid human fibroblasts, and that reactive oxygen species is more important in cadmium- than lead-induced cytotoxicity and anchorage-independence.   相似文献   

The promoter of the mammary specific murine whey acidic protein gene was used to direct Ha-ras expression in different lines of transgenic mice. We found that this promoter contains a tissue specific enhancer which directed expression in both orientations albeit to different levels. We used this feature to generate low and high ras expressing transgenic lines. The reversed orientation led to a weak expression in lines 3 and 58 and to a tumor frequency of 2%. In contrast, 72% of mice from line 25 showing high ras expression developed mammary tumors. Nulliparity is one risk factor for human breast cancer, suggesting a protective effect of post-lactational mammary regression. In order to investigate the effect of post-lactational regression, the low tumor frequency lines were crossed with mice expressing ubiquitously the human growth hormone gene, which induces permanent development of the mammary epithelium. Indeed, mammary tumors were observed in 76% of double transgenic females. Thus, the tumorigenic potential of the ras oncogene in mammary cells in vivo correlates with the level of its expression and with the developmental history of the mammary gland. Transformation coincides with the escape of oncogene expression from the regulation of the Wap promoter and the extinction of endogenous Wap gene expression.  相似文献   

One class of xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) patients, known as XP variants, inherit the characteristic predisposition to sunlight-induced skin cancer, but unlike the majority of XP patients, their cells do not exhibit a deficiency in rate of excision repair of ultraviolet (UV) radiation-induced DNA damage. XP variant cells are only slightly more sensitive than normal to killing by 254 nm UV radiation or simulated sunlight. But they are much more sensitive than normal to the induction of mutations by these agents. We investigated their sensitivity to UV-induced transformation to anchorage independence compared to that of normal cells. Low doses of UV (2 to 4.5 J/m2), doses which resulted in little or no measurable transformation in normal cells, caused a dose-dependent increase in the frequency of anchorage independent XP variant cells. Doses of 6 to 8 J/m3 were required to elicit a comparable response in the normal fibroblasts. Even when the two kinds of cells were compared at doses adjusted to give equal cytotoxicity, the frequency of transformation in the XP variant cells was higher than normal. Thus, their sensitivity to induction of anchorage independence by UV paralleled their sensitivity to UV-induced mutations.  相似文献   

We previously showed that carcinogenic nickel, arsenic, and chromium(VI) compounds induced anchorage independence (AI) in diploid human fibroblastic cells (HFC) derived from foreskins (K. A. Biedermann and J. R. Landolph, Cancer Res., 47: 3815-3823, 1987). To elucidate the role of the valence state of chromium and solubility of chromium compounds in inducing AI, we studied the ability of soluble and insoluble hexavalent [chromium(VI)] and trivalent [chromium(III)] chromium compounds to induce mutation and AI in HFC. Chromium(VI) compounds (PbCrO4, CaCrO4, Na2CrO4, and CrO3) were 1000-fold more cytotoxic to HFC (average 50% lethal dose 0.5 microM) than chromium(III) compounds (CrCl3, Cr2O3, Cr2S3; average 50% lethal dose 500 microM). However, equal concentrations (0.1-10.0 microM) of soluble or insoluble chromium compounds in either +6 or +3 valence states induced similar increases in frequencies of AI in HFC (100-200/10(5]. Chromium(VI)- and chromium(III)-induced AI was a stable phenotype. All soluble chromium(VI) and insoluble chromium(III) compounds studied induced mutation to 6-thioguanine resistance at cytotoxic concentrations in HFC. Insoluble PbCr(VI)O4 and a soluble form of Cr(III)Cl3 were inactive in this assay. Mutation induction by chromium(III) compounds only occurred at cytotoxic concentrations (100-1000 microM) 1000-fold greater than those concentrations of chromium(VI) compounds (0.25-1 microM) which were cytotoxic, mutagenic, and induced AI. Soluble hexavalent Na2(51)CrO4 was taken up facilely by cells at concentrations that induced cytotoxicity, mutation, and AI. At concentrations of 0.25-1.0 microM, which induced AI but were not cytotoxic or mutagenic, or concentrations of 1-1000 microM, which were cytotoxic and mutagenic, soluble trivalent 51CrCl3 was not taken up by cells. An insoluble form of CrCl3 was not taken up intracellularly but did avidly associate with cells over the concentration range 1 to 100 microM which induced AI, cytotoxicity, and mutagenicity. Therefore, both chromium(VI) and chromium(III) compounds induced genotoxic effects in human fibroblasts. Cellular uptake, cytotoxicity, mutagenicity, and AI induced by soluble chromium(VI) compounds all occurred at the low concentrations of 0.2 to 1.0 microM; hence mutagenicity and induction of AI may be coupled for soluble chromium(VI) compounds but not for insoluble PbCrO4, which induced AI but was not mutagenic. Cytotoxicity and mutagenicity of insoluble chromium(III) occurred at concentrations of 10-100 microM, but induction of AI occurred at concentrations of 0.1-10 microM, indicating that inductions of mutagenicity and AI were not coupled for chromium(III) compounds.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

To study the relationship between metastatic ability and activated ras expression, a cloned, low metastatic, dimethylbenz(a)anthracene-induced rat mammary cancer cell line (RMC1) was transfected with the v-H-ras oncogene. Cloned transfectants were characterized as high, medium, or low expressors of the v-H-ras gene, on the basis of Southern, Northern, and Western blot analysis. Following s.c. inoculation in syngeneic rats, all transfectants produced tumors; however, the in vivo growth rate of cloned transfectants which expressed any level of v-H-ras oncogene was significantly higher (approximately 5-fold) than that observed in the untransfected RMC1 cells. Control (neo only) transfectants exhibited no change in growth rate and had a low metastatic ability comparable to that of the parental untransfected cells. Certain cloned v-H-ras expressing transfectants were highly metastatic to the lungs and lymph nodes. These highly metastatic H-ras transfectants differed widely however, in their level of H-ras expression. The lung colonization potential following i.v. inoculation was increased in all transfectants which expressed any level of v-H-ras gene. These studies suggest that while v-H-ras transfection can result in the development of metastatic ability in rat mammary cancer cells, there is no simple dose-response relationship between the level of v-H-ras expression in cloned rat mammary cancer cell transfectants and the development of experimental or spontaneous metastases.  相似文献   

In an established colon differentiation model, introduction of a c-H-ras-1 oncogene into a poorly differentiated human colon carcinoma cell line (Clone A) results in changes associated with the acquisition of a more differentiated phenotype. Down-regulation of mdr-l mRNA was shown to accompany ras-related differentiation events resulting in decreased Pgp synthesis and a significant reduction in membrane Pgp as detected by immunoprecipitation, Western-blot and FACS analysis. Consistent with these observations was a reduction in Pgp-mediated drug resistance associated with Clone-A ras transfectants, with no alteration in drug sensitivity being observed with non-MDR drugs in these cells. An alternative differentiation model involves exposure of Clone-A cells to sodium butyrate. Under these conditions, differentiation-related changes resulted in up-regulation of mdr-1 mRNA and Pgp synthesis, although no alteration in drug sensitivity was recorded. In agreement with this observation, the levels of membrane-associated Pgp remained unchanged throughout the period of exposure to sodium butyrate. This study shows that modulation of Pgp expression in colon differentiation is dependent upon the differentiation induction agent used.  相似文献   

In man, activated N-, K- and H-ras oncogenes have been found in around 30% of the solid tumours tested. An exon known as IDX, which has been described previously and is located between exon 3 and exon 4A of the c-H-ras pre-mRNA, allows an alternative splicing process that results in the synthesis of the mRNA of a putative protein named p19. It has been suggested that this alternative pathway is less tumorigenic than that which results in the activation of p21. We have used the mammalian trans-splicing mechanism as a tool with which to modulate this particular pre-mRNA processing to produce mRNA similar to that of mature p19 RNA. The E4A exon of the activated H-ras gene was found to be a good target for external trans-splicing. We reprogrammed the rat carnitine octanoyltransferase exon 2 to specifically invade the terminal region of H-ras. Assays performed with this reprogrammed trans-exon showed that the trans-splicing product was obtained in competition with cis-splicing of the D intron of the H-ras gene, and was associated with concomitant down-modulation of D intron cis-splicing. We also found that the exon 4A of the human c-H-ras gene underwent successive trans-splicing rounds with an external exon.  相似文献   

Y Kano  J B Little 《Cancer research》1985,45(6):2550-2555
Early passage cultures of a strain of normal human diploid fibroblasts were exposed to various doses of X-rays. The cells were serially passaged and followed throughout their life span in vitro. G-banded metaphase chromosome preparations were examined at each subculture to determine the presence of abnormal clones, i.e., groups of cells bearing identical chromosomal rearrangements. It was found that X-irradiation induced random chromosomal rearrangements which persisted throughout the life span of the cells. No abnormal clones were observed among the progeny of four nonirradiated cultures, nor in seven of nine cultures exposed to single radiation doses. On the other hand, multiple abnormal clones emerged among the progeny of cells in all five cultures exposed to multiple sequential radiation doses (three doses of 400 or 600 rads each). Evidence of clonal expansion and attenuation and of clonal succession during serial passaging occurred in these populations. In several cases, these clones expanded to include most of the cell population before the cultures became senescent. These findings are discussed in terms of their possible role in the transformation of human diploid cells by radiation.  相似文献   

K Endo  C H Borer  Y Tsujimoto 《Oncogene》1991,6(8):1391-1396
The lymphocyte-associated antigen 1 (LFA-1) involved in a wide range of cellular adhesion-dependent immunological functions, including interaction of cytotoxic T lymphocytes with their target, is implicated in tumorigenesis. The modulation of the LFA-1 antigen expression was studied in Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-immortalized human B-lymphoblastoid cell lines, transfected with human oncogenes, H-ras and c-myc. We observed by flow cytometry that the activated H-ras (EJ) gene, but not its normal counterpart, consistently enhanced LFA-1 expression. The RNA analysis revealed that induction of the LFA-1 surface antigen by the EJ gene occurred through the level of the alpha-chain but not the beta-chain mRNA of LFA-1. The LFA-1 molecules induced by the EJ gene were functional; cells with the EJ gene revealed an elevated level of homocytic cellular adhesion, which was blocked by the anti-LFA-1 monoclonal antibody. Flow cytometry analysis indicated that the modulation of the LFA-1 antigen expression was a phenomenon specific to the EJ gene. The high levels of expression of c-myc and blc-2 gene did not affect LFA-1 antigen expression. The system used here provides a tool by which the signal transduction pathway involving the H-ras gene and the molecular mechanism of LFA-1 gene expression can be genetically dissected.  相似文献   

A total of 9 control and 46 X-irradiated human fibroblast cultures were followed throughout their lifespan in vitro; G-banded karyotypes were examined at regular intervals. The lifespan (mean population doublings) of irradiated cultures was slightly but significantly prolonged over that of controls. None of the cultures developed any changes in cell morphology characteristic of neoplastic transformation. A number of abnormal clones containing marker chromosomes emerged in the irradiated cultures. Most of these senesced early, but 2 clones were associated with a considerably increased lifespan. One of these had a deletion in the short arm of chromosome I (p22, p32), and the other had 2 specific translocations involving chromosome 22, t(1;22)(q25,q12) and t(6;22)(p22,q11). We hypothesize that the emergence of an abnormal clone with translocations in the vicinity of critical oncogenes may be associated with prolongation of lifespan and the induction of immortalization in human diploid cells, an event independent of the acquisition of other characteristics of the transformed phenotype.  相似文献   

High-level expression of the c-sis oncogene, which encodes the beta chain of platelet-derived growth factor, transforms immortalized rodent fibroblasts in vitro to a malignant phenotype. c-sis gene expression has been demonstrated in a variety of human tumors, although generally at levels much lower than those shown to transform cells in vitro. We examined the effect of lower levels of c-sis expression on the phenotype of NIH 3T3 fibroblasts. Clones with various levels of c-sis expression were generated by transfecting NIH 3T3 cells with a plasmid that expressed the human c-sis cDNA and the TN5 neomycin-resistance gene. G418-resistant clones, which expressed the c-sis cDNA, were selected and characterized. Alterations in the phenotype of the clones that expressed c-sis ranged from increased growth in soft agar to malignant tumor formation in nude and syngeneic mice. Increased levels of c-sis cDNA expression correlated with the acquisition of features of transformation in a dose-dependent manner and altered the cellular phenotype in a manner consistent with the progression of cells towards malignancy. These data support a model in which low levels of sis gene expression in tumors contribute to the acquisition of some features of transformation but require complementation by other genes or factors to produce a fully malignant phenotype.  相似文献   

A mouse skin squamous cell carcinoma induced by topical application of the direct-acting alkylating agent beta-propiolactone contains an activated H-ras oncogene with an A----T transversion at the second nucleotide of codon 61. The mutation was detected in NIH3T3 transfectant and original tumor DNA by an XbaI restriction enzyme polymorphism and confirmed by oligonucleotide "mismatch" hybridization. The mutation was not seen in the liver of the same animal. The activated oncogene also exhibited several restriction enzyme polymorphisms in transfectant DNA due to a reciprocal translocation 3' to the coding region of the gene, which occurred during transfection. The activating mutation was found in only 1 of 6 beta-propiolactone induced mouse skin tumors examined, the only tumor with a transforming H-ras oncogene. This is a much lower frequency of activation than that previously reported for the same tumor type induced by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The A----T transversion mutation is consistent with a potentially direct mutagenic effect of a specific beta-propiolactone-DNA adduct.  相似文献   

Retinoblastoma (RB), cancer of the retina, occurs in an inheritedform which not only predisposes the patient to bilateral RB,but also to the risk of developing secondary tumors of mesenchymalorigin (osteosarcomas and fibrosar-comas). These tumors oftenarise in areas that were exposed to ionizing radiation duringtherapy and fibroblasts derived from patients with hereditaryRB have been reported to be more sensitive than normal to thekilling effects of ionizing radiation. Therefore, we compareddipioid fibroblast cell tines derived from two hereditary RBpatients (aged 1 and 3 years) with those of three normal persons(two newborns and a 2 year old) for their sensitivity to ionizingradiation-induced transformation to anchorage independence.The target cells were exposed to 60Co radiation (1.0–3.5Gy), allowed to undergo an expression period (4–5 populationdoublings in 5 days), and assayed for ability to form coloniesin 0.33% agar. There was no detectable difference between theRB cells' and the normal cells' response to the transformingaction of the 60Co. Both kinds of cells showed a linear, dose-dependentincrease in anchorage-independent cells from 100 to 800/106cells assayed.  相似文献   

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