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The conditions under which laboratory animals are maintained can powerfully influence the results of toxicological studies utilized for risk assessment. Nutrition is of importance in toxicological bioassays and research, because diet composition and the conditions under which it is fed can affect the metabolism and activity of xenobiotic test substances and alter the results and reproducibility of long‐term studies. It is known that ad libitum (AL) overfed sedentary laboratory rodents suffer from an early onset of degenerative disease and diet‐related tumors that lead to poor survival in chronic bioassays. AL‐fed animals are not well‐controlled subjects for any experimental studies. Examination of study‐to‐study variability in food consumption, body weight, and survival in carcinogenicity studies for the same strain or stock of rodents shows tremendous laboratory‐to‐laboratory variability. However, a significant correlation between average food (calorie) consumption, adult body weight, and survival has been clearly established. The use of moderate dietary restriction (DR) results in a better controlled rodent model with a lower incidence or delayed onset of spontaneous diseases and tumors. Operationally simple, moderate DR significantly improves survival, controls adult body weight and obesity, reduces age‐related renal, endocrine, and cardiac diseases, increases exposure time, and increases the statistical sensitivity of these expensive, chronic bioassays to detect a true treatment effect. A moderate DR regimen of 70‐75% of the maximum unrestricted AL food intake is recommended as a nutritionally intelligent, well‐established method in conducting well‐controlled toxicology and carcinogenicity studies.  相似文献   

Masoro EJ 《Dose-response》2007,5(2):163-173
Caloric restriction (CR) markedly extends the life of rats, mice and several other species, and it also modulates age-associated physiological deterioration and delays the occurrence and/or slows progression of age-associated diseases. The level of CR that retards the aging processes is a low-intensity stressor, which enhances the ability of rats and mice of all ages to cope with intense stressors. CR thus exhibits a hormetic action in these species, and therefore it is hypothesized that hormesis plays a role in the life-extending and anti-aging actions of CR. Both the findings in support of this hypothesis and those opposing it are critically considered. However, it is likely that hormesis is not the only process contributing to CR-induced life extension. It is proposed that two general processes are involved in CR-induced life extension. One is the reduced endogenous generation of damaging agents, such as reactive oxygen species. The second is hormesis, which enhances processes that protect against the action of damaging agents and also promotes processes that repair the damage once it occurs.  相似文献   

Thirty-six clients were randomly assigned to three behavioral weight control groups that differed in the magnitude of behavior change prescribed during the initial weeks of treatment. Subjects in a gradual restriction group were instructed to reduce their intake gradually over the first 5 weeks of the program, decreasing daily intake by 200 calories the first week, and an additional 200 calories each subsequent week until reaching a 1000 calorie deficit. Subjects in a moderate restriction group were told to reduce intake immediately by 1000 calories per day and maintain this level throughout the program. Subjects in a large initial restriction condition were told to reduce daily intake by 1500 calories for 3 weeks and then gradually increase to a 1000 calorie a day deficit. All groups were told to maintain the 1000 calorie daily deficit during the latter 5 weeks of treatment and 4 months of maintenance. These different dietary instructions produced no differences in initial weight loss or subsequent weight loss. Compliance to dietary instructions, as measured by self-reported intake and weight loss, was best in the moderate restriction group. A moderate initial caloric reduction of 1000 calories per day may be the level naturally reached by dieters, independent of diet instructions.  相似文献   

An approach to the evaluation of carcinogenic risk resulting from exposure to a given chemical is presented in place of a reliance on two-year rodent bioassays. An emphasis is placed on evaluation of the potential DNA reactivity or increased cell proliferation that can be produced by a chemical. The special cases of immunosuppressive and estrogenic chemicals are considered. These evaluations are proposed to involve a combination of in vitro assays, computerized models, and short-term (up to 13 weeks) bioassays in rodents. The emphasis is on mechanistic understanding and evaluation of the dose response and relevance to humans.  相似文献   

The NTP lifetime rodent bioassay (LRB) is the "gold standard" for predicting human carcinogenicity. Unfortunately, little attempt has been made to validate it against human carcinogenicity. Here we show that the extremely limited data available do not support either of the two common interpretations of LRB results. If a risk-avoidance interpretation is used where any positive result in a sex/species combination is considered positive, 9 of the 10 known human carcinogens tested are positive, but an implausible 22% of all chemicals are positive. If a less risk averse interpretation is used where only chemicals positive in both rats and mice are considered positive, only 3 of the 6 known human carcinogens tested are positive. In either interpretation, some known human carcinogens are not positive in the LRB, potentially allowing widespread human exposure to misidentified chemicals. Improving the predictive accuracy of the LRB and other tests for human carcinogenicity requires that test results be validated against the known human carcinogenicity of chemicals. This will require redirecting available resources from screening chemicals to validating carcinogenicity tests as well as a substantial investment in epidemiology to identify more known human carcinogens and presumed human non-carcinogens.  相似文献   



Approach behavior is regulated by the brain integrating information about environment and body state. Psychoactive drugs interact with this process.


We examined the extent to which caloric (i.e., food) restriction, amphetamine (AMPH) and lithium interact in potentiating locomotor activity and responding reinforced by visual stimulus (VS), a reward unrelated to energy homeostasis.


Rats either had ad libitum access to food or received daily rations that maintained 85–90 % of their original body weights. Leverpressing turned on a cue light for 1 s and turned off house light for 5 s. AMPH and lithium were administered through intraperitoneal injections and diet, respectively.


Food restriction or AMPH (1 mg/kg) alone had little effect on VS-reinforced responding; however, the combination of the two conditions markedly potentiated VS-reinforced responding (fourfold). Food restriction lasting 7 days or longer was needed to augment AMPH's effect on VS-reinforced responding. AMPH (0.3–3 mg/kg) potentiated locomotor activity similarly between food-restricted and ad libitum groups. Repeated injections of AMPH-sensitized locomotor activity, but not VS-reinforced responding. In addition, while chronic lithium treatments (0.2 % lithium carbonate chow) reduced VS-reinforced responding, chronic lithium further augmented AMPH-potentiated VS-reinforced responding.


Food restriction interacts with psychoactive drugs to potentiate goal-directed responding unrelated to food seeking in a much more powerful manner than previously thought. The novel finding that lithium can augment a psychostimulant effect of AMPH suggests caution when combining lithium and psychostimulant drugs in clinical settings.  相似文献   

Under the auspices of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) the Hershberger assay is being validated as an in vivo screen for compounds with (anti)androgenic potential. We participated in the final activity, the testing of coded chemicals. Test compounds included trenbolone (TREN; 1.5, 40 mg/kg), testosterone propionate (TP; 0.4 mg/kg), flutamide (FLUT; 3mg/kg), linuron (LIN; 10, 100mg/kg), 1,1-bis-(4-chlorophenyl)-2,2-dichloroethylene (p,p'-DDE; 16, 160 mg/kg), and two negative reference substances, i.e., compounds not considered to affect androgen-sensitive tissue weights (ASTWs) in the Hershberger assay, namely 4-nonylphenol (NP; 160 mg/kg) and 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP; 10mg/kg); TREN, LIN, p,p'-DDE, NP, and DNP being used under code. Compounds were administered for 10 days by oral intubation or subcutaneous injection (TP). Additional investigations not mandatorily requested by OECD included organ gravimetry of the liver, gene expression analysis in prostate using quantitative RT PCR for prostate specific binding protein polypeptide C3 (PBPC3) and ornithine decarboxylase 1 (ODC1) and determination of testosterone metabolizing and phase II conjugating enzymes in the liver. After submission of all study reports to OECD by participants uncoding revealed the following results: (A) When assessing androgenic potential in castrated rats, administration of TREN increased the weights of ventral prostate (VP), seminal vesicles (SV), glans penis, levator ani and bulbocavernosus muscles, and Cowper's glands at the high dose. A similar or stronger (VP, SV) increase of ASTWs was observed for TP; NP and DNP were ineffective. TREN dose-dependently increased gene expression of ODC1 and PBPC3, TP induced expression of these genes even more strongly (almost) to the level of untreated intact animals, whereas NP and DNP were inactive. Liver enzyme activities depending on physiological androgen levels were lower in castrated than in intact rats and could not be restored by androgen treatment. (B) When assessing antiandrogenic potential in TP-supplemented castrated rats, administration of LIN and p,p'-DDE decreased ASTWs only at the high dose. FLUT even more effectively decreased ASTWs, NP and DNP were again without effect. Decreases in androgen-responsive gene expression in the prostate corresponding to the organ weight changes were only observed for p,p'-DDE (high dose) and flutamide (PBPC3 only). p,p'-DDE dose-dependently induced liver weights and most liver enzyme activities including androgen-dependent ones. Our study accurately reproduced ASTW changes obtained in previous studies also under code suggesting that the Hershberger assay is a robust tool to screen for an (anti)androgenic potential. Assessment of ODC1 and PBPC3 gene expression in prostate, however, may only represent a sensitive tool for the detection of an androgenic potential. Finally, p,p'-DDE may affect ASTWs by several mechanisms including enhanced testosterone metabolism.  相似文献   

The 2-year rodent carcinogenicity test has been the regulatory standard for the prediction of human outcomes for exposure to industrial and agro-chemicals, food additives, pharmaceuticals and environmental pollutants for over 50 years. The extensive experience and data accumulated over that time has spurred a vigorous debate and assessment, particularly over the last 10 years, of the usefulness of this test in terms of cost and time for the information obtained. With renewed interest in the United States and globally, plus new regulations in the European Union, to reduce, refine and replace sentinel animals, this review offers the recommendation that reliance on information obtained from detailed shorter-term, 6 months rodent studies, combined with genotoxicity and chemical mode of action can realize effective prediction of human carcinogenicity instead of the classical two year rodent bioassay. The aim of carcinogenicity studies should not be on the length of time, and by obligation, number of animals expended but on the combined systemic pathophysiologic influence of a suspected chemical in determining disease. This perspective is in coordination with progressive regulatory standards and goals globally to utilize effectively resources of animal usage, time and cost for the goal of human disease predictability.  相似文献   

Two groups of weanling or young adult rats were fed ad lib casein-based diets containing 4 or 16% protein. Food was restricted in a third group (fed the 16% protein diet) to the amount consumed daily by rats (adult or weanlings) fed the 4% diet. After 3 weeks (weanlings) or 1, 3 or 5 weeks (adults), one-half of the rats in each group were exposed to 0.64 ppm (1.28 mg/m3) of ozone for 7 days (23.5 h each day). Several parameters were then evaluated related to lung connective tissue metabolism including: (1) total lung hydroxyproline, (2) total lung elastin, (3) apparent rates for lung collagen synthesis and elastin accumulation and (4) lung and body weights. In general, the response to protein deficiency and food restriction was more pronounced than to ozone exposure. Protein deficiency and food restriction resulted in decreased lung size and collagen content. However, the ability of lung to respond to ozone (in relative terms) was not altered by changes in diet as assessed by changes in lung weight or the collagen synthetic rate.  相似文献   

Regarding carcinogenicity testing, the long-term rodent bioassay (RCB) has been the test required by most regulatory agencies across the world. Nonetheless, due to the lack of knowledge about its specificity, it has been argued that the RCB is unspecific or even invalid. Because of the substantial limitations of epidemiology to identify chemicals probably not carcinogenic to humans (PNCH), it has been very difficult to address the specificity of the RCB. Nevertheless, because mechanistic/pharmacological data are currently recognized as a valid stream of evidence for the identification of chemical hazards, the road is now open to gain insight into the specificity of the RCB. Based on sound mechanistic/pharmacological data that support the classification of chemicals as PNCH, 100 PNCH substances were gathered in this investigation. Contrary to what was previously forecast, in this study, the RCB exhibited a functional specificity that ranged from 83% to 91%, depending on the settings of the testing (2-species vs. rats only, and the nominal maximum tolerated dose). Other contributions of this work were: (a) enabling the comparison, in terms of specificity, between the RCB and the alternative methods that could replace it (eg, Tg.AC mouse, rasH2 mouse); (b) disclosing what the specificity is for alternative methods that were developed using the RCB as the reference standard; and (c) expanding the previous narrow (only seven substances) set of chemicals identified as not likely to be carcinogenic to humans by hazard identification programs.  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that oral administration to rats of sucrose polyester (SPE4), a nonabsorbable lipophilic binding agent, greatly stimulates the fecal excretion of coorally administered DDT5 (R.J. Jandacek, 1982, Drug Metab. Rev., 13, 695-714). To determine whether this agent would stimulate the excretion of persistent metabolites of DDT stored in body tissues, we treated a group of gerbils with [14C]-DDT and monitored the fecal excretion of radioactivity for several months until a terminal, log-linear phase of excretion was observed. At this point, when greater than 75% of the fecal radioactivity was identified as [14C]DDE, we fed the animals diets containing up to 10% sucrose polyester and found that the rate of excretion of radioactivity in the stool promptly increased two to three times as compared to the rate in the preceding control period. Some rats were subjected to a 25-50% restriction in total food allotment, but this produced no significant change in fecal excretion of total radioactivity. However, when food restriction was combined with administration of sucrose polyester, there was a dramatic, eightfold average increase in excretion of fecal radioactivity. This synergistic effect was reversed (within 24 hr) when the animals were transferred to a normal diet. Measurement of total body radioactivity confirmed that food restriction plus sucrose polyester treatment reduced the body content of the pesticide. We conclude that stimulation of intestinal excretion may offer a new approach to treatment of patients exposed to lipophilic environmental contaminants.  相似文献   

The formation of the British Pharmacological Society coincided almost exactly with a series of ground-breaking studies that ushered in an entirely new field of research--that of lipid mediator pharmacology. For many years following their chemical characterisation, lipids were considered only to be of dietary or structural importance. From the 1930s, all this changed--slowly at first and then more dramatically in the 1970s and 1980s with the emergence of the prostaglandins (PGs), the first intercellular mediators to be clearly derived from lipids, in a dynamic on-demand system. The PGs exhibit a wide range of biological activities that are still being evaluated and their properties underlie the action of one of the world's all-time favourite medicines, aspirin, as well as its more modern congeners. This paper traces the development of the PG field, with particular emphasis on the skillfull utilisation of the twin techniques of bioassay and analytical chemistry by U.K. and Swedish scientists, and the intellectual interplay between them that led to the award of a joint Nobel Prize to the principal researchers in the PG field, half a century after the first discovery of these astonishingly versatile mediators.  相似文献   

Elsayed NM 《Toxicology》2001,159(3):171-182
Ozone (O(3)) is a powerful oxidant component of photochemical smog polluting the air of urban cities. Exposure to low-level O(3) causes lung injury and increased morbidity of the sensitive segment of population, and exposure to high levels can be lethal to experimental animals. Injury from O(3) exposure is generally associated with free radical formation and oxidative stress. Because diet restriction is proposed to enhance antioxidant status, we examined whether it would influence the response to inhaled O(3). Twenty-four Sprague-Dawley rats, 1 month old, weighing 150 g, were divided into two dietary regimens (12 rats/regimen); one was freely-fed (FF), and the second was diet-restricted (DR) to 20% the average daily intake of the FF. After 60 days of dietary conditioning, the body weight of DR rats was reduced to 50% that of FF rats. Then, in one experiment, two groups (six rats/group), one FF and the other DR, were exposed to 0.8+/-0.1 p.p.m. (1570+/-196 microg/m(3)) O(3), continuously for 3 days. Another two similar groups of rats were exposed to filtered room air and served as matched controls. After exposure, all rats were euthanized and the lungs analyzed for biochemical markers of oxidative stress. In a second experiment, 24 rats were divided into two groups (12 rats/group), one FF and the other DR, then exposed to high-level O(3) for 8 h (4 p.p.m., 7848+/-981 microg/m(3)) and the mortality noted during exposure and for 16 h post-exposure. Following low-level O(3), inhalation, greater alterations were observed in FF rats compared with DR rats. With high-level O(3) exposure, DR rats exhibited a much greater survivability compared with FF rats (90% versus 8%, respectively). These observations suggest that diet restriction leading to significant reduction of body weight is beneficial, and may play a role in the resistance to the adverse effects of O(3).  相似文献   

Caloric restriction (CR) has been observed to retard aging processes and extend the maximum life span in rodents. In an effort to evaluate the effect of this nutritional intervention on physiologic variables in higher species, several nonhuman primate trials are ongoing. In particular, a study evaluating the independent effect of CR on the extent of atherosclerosis was initiated in 1993 in 32 adult cynomolgus monkeys. Therefore, the trial was designed to achieve identical cholesterol intake after animals were randomized to a control group or a calorie-restricted group (30% reduction from baseline caloric intake). The animals were routinely evaluated for glycated proteins, plasma insulin and glucose levels, insulin sensitivity, and specific measures for abdominal fat distribution by CT scans over a 4-year interval. The results from 4 years of intervention demonstrate that CR improves cardiovascular risk factors (such as visceral fat accumulation) and improves insulin sensitivity. In contrast to other primate studies with normolipidemic animals, CR had no independent effects on plasma lipid levels and composition in the presence of equivalent amounts of dietary cholesterol intake. Preliminary analysis of atherosclerotic lesion extent in the abdominal aorta has failed to demonstrate differences between control animals and CR animals. Follow- up studies are being conducted to determine the effect of CR on atherosclerosis extent in coronary and carotid arteries.   相似文献   

Under the auspices of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) the Hershberger assay on juvenile intact male rats is being validated as a screen for compounds with anti-androgenic potential. We participated in the testing of coded chemicals. Compounds included the positive control flutamide (FLUT, 3 mg/kg), linuron (LIN, 10, 100 mg/kg), p,p′-DDE (16, 160 mg/kg), and two negative substances, 4-nonylphenol (NP, 160 mg/kg) and 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP, 10 mg/kg). Compounds were administered for 10 consecutive days by gavage to testosterone propionate (TP, 1 mg/kg s.c.)-supplemented rats. Uncoding revealed these results: compared to vehicle controls, treatment with TP resulted in increased androgen-sensitive tissue (AST) weights of ventral prostate (VP), seminal vesicles (SV), levator ani and bulbocavernosus muscles (LABC), Cowper's glands, and epididymides, and in decreased testes weight. When assessing anti-androgenic potential in TP-supplemented rats, FLUT decreased all AST weights, and increased testes weight. p,p′-DDE at the high dose, decreased final body weight and all AST weights, whereas the low dose only affected SV weight. LIN slightly decreased final body weight and decreased absolute SV and LABC and relative SV weights only at the high dose. NP decreased final body weight and only absolute SV weights, DNP was ineffective. Investigations not requested by OECD included measurement of liver enzymes and revealed strong induction of testosterone-metabolizing and phase II conjugating enzymes by p,p′-DDE. Our findings suggest that in principle the juvenile intact male rat can be used in the Hershberger assay to screen for anti-androgenic potential thereby contributing to a refinement of the assay in terms of animal welfare. However, in our hands this animal model was somewhat less sensitive than the peripubertal castrated rat. Final conclusions, however, can only be drawn on the basis of all available validation data. Results obtained with the negative reference compound NP suggest that a treatment-related decrement in body weights may affect AST weights and represent a confounding factor when screening for anti-androgenic properties. Finally, p,p′-DDE may affect AST weights by several mechanisms including enhanced testosterone metabolism.  相似文献   

Numerous epidemiology studies have failed to adequately demonstrate an increased risk of lung cancer due to occupational exposure to carbon black (CB). CB is not carcinogenic to mice (oral, skin or inhalation), hamsters (inhalation or intratracheal), guinea pigs (inhalation), rabbits (skin or inhalation), primates (skin or inhalation) or rats (oral). Only studies conducted by inhalation and intratracheal administration in rats have shown significant increases in benign and malignant lung tumors and lesions described as benign cystic keratinizing squamous-cell (KSC) tumors. CB-induced lung tumor formation, including KSC lesions, occurs only in rats. An expert panel reviewing KSC lesions (induced in rats by TiO2 or p-aramid) concluded that KSC lesions are not seen in humans. Lung tumors in humans are primarily located in the bronchial airways, whereas in the rat they occur in the parenchyma and are alveolar in origin. This species-specific response (tumor formation and KSC lesions) by the rat to CB, not seen in any other laboratory species and which has not been reported in humans, strongly suggests that the results of the rat inhalation bioassay should not be considered directly relevant when assessing human risk. Therefore, CB should not be classified as carcinogenic to humans based on the rodent bioassay data.  相似文献   

Genetic obesity models exhibit endothelial dysfunction associated to adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) dysregulation. This study aims to assess if mild short-term caloric restriction (CR) restores endothelial AMPK activity leading to an improvement in endothelial function. Twelve-week old Zucker lean and obese (fa/fa) male rats had access to standard chow either ad libitum (AL, n = 8) or 80% of AL (CR, n = 8) for two weeks. Systolic blood pressure was significantly higher in fa/fa AL rats versus lean AL animals, but was normalized by CR. Endothelium-dependent relaxation to acetylcholine (ACh, 10 9 to 10 4 M) was reduced in fa/fa AL compared to control lean AL rats (p < 0.001), and restored by CR. The AMPK activator AICAR (10 5 to 8·10 3 M) elicited a lower relaxation in fa/fa AL rings that was normalized by CR (p < 0.001). Inhibition of PI3K (wortmannin, 10 7 M), Akt (triciribine, 10 5 M), or eNOS (L-NAME, 10 4 M) markedly reduced AICAR-induced relaxation in lean AL, but not in fa/fa AL rats. These inhibitions were restored by CR in Zucker fa/fa rings. These data show that mild short-term CR improves endothelial function and lowers blood pressure in obesity due to the activation of the AMPK–PI3K–Akt–eNOS pathway.  相似文献   

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