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Stachybotrys is a toxin-producing fungus that grows indoors when both water and cellulose are available. Epidemiologic evidence has demonstrated an association between acute pulmonary hemorrhage in infants and exposure to Stachybotrys and other fungi in water-damaged home environments. In recent years, advances in understanding of this association have occurred in six major areas: animal models, biologic mechanism of lung injury, dose-response relationship, isolation from diseased patients, detection methods, and intervention. The association demonstrates strength, consistency, coherence, and specificity. While additional data are gathered, a preventive approach to reducing the exposure of infants with pulmonary hemorrhage is suggested.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe sleeping position, room and bed-sharing, tobacco smoke exposure and infant feeding for a sample of Australian Aboriginal infants from a metropolitan area. METHODS: Interviews with Aboriginal mothers who resided in the Perth metropolitan area and had given birth during a continuous 15-month study period. The interviews took place when the infants were approximately 6-12 weeks old and efforts were made to contact all eligible mothers. Results are presented as proportions with 95% confidence intervals. RESULTS: Of all the eligible mothers (n = 515), 87% were contacted and 53% (n = 273) completed the interview. Of all the infants, 11% slept prone, 96% shared a room and 68% shared a bed; 65% of mothers smoked during pregnancy and 65% were smokers at the time of interview; 66% of the partners were smokers and 80% of the infants were regularly exposed to tobacco smoke; 89% of mothers initiated breast-feeding and 70% were breast-feeding at time of interview. CONCLUSION: Prevalences of non-prone sleeping and breast-feeding are similar to the overall Western Australian population, whilst tobacco smoke exposure of the infants is markedly higher. Programs of community and family education and support are required urgently to decrease this exposure.  相似文献   

Between 1993 and 2000, 30 infants were hospitalized with acute pulmonary hemorrhage at Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital in Cleveland. Most infants presented with severe pulmonary symptoms requiring intensive support, but a few infants had less severe hemorrhage. Three quarters of the patients required ventilator support and blood transfusions. Eleven patients had transitory hemoglobinuria. Five patients died, but infants who survived did well. There are currently no specific treatment modalities, although we have advised moving to a different home and avoiding environmental tobacco smoke. Subsequently, rebleeding from the lower respiratory tract has decreased from 5 of 7 infants to 1 in 21. On the basis of decreased subsequent fatal hemorrhage, high dose glucocorticoids seem to be of some value. Several patients revealed continued low-grade alveolar hemorrhage for months after their initial bleed, even after removal from their original home environments.  相似文献   

Altered behavior due to prenatal smoke exposure was examined in 25 neonates born from smoking mothers who consumed at least 5 cigarettes/d during the entire gestation. Data were compared with 25 matched neonates born from nonsmoking mothers. Neonatal behavior was evaluated using the Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (BNBAS). Antenatal exposure to tobacco smoke at the end of the pregnancy was determined by measurement of urinary cotinine. Newborns from smoking mothers showed significant lower scores in various BNBAS items compared with neonates from nonsmoking mothers. A strong correlation was observed between infant irritability and urinary cotinine in newborns from smoker and nonsmoking mothers and with number of daily smoked cigarettes and maternal nicotine daily intake of infants exposed to active maternal smoking. Linear regression analysis showed that urinary cotinine was the best predictor of infant irritability (r(2) = 0.727). The latter was also associated to the neonate's low level of attention and poor response to inanimate auditory stimuli. Among infants from nonsmoking mothers, paternal smoking significantly correlated with infant urinary cotinine and infant irritability, being also the best predictor of irritability (r(2) = 0.364). Neonatal behavior can be significantly altered in a dose-dependent manner even after modest prenatal exposure to tobacco smoke.  相似文献   

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is associated with maternal smoking during pregnancy. However, the relationship between tobacco exposure during infancy and SIDS is unknown. The examination of infants whose mothers smoked only after pregnancy will help determine the relationship between passive cigarette exposure during infancy and SIDS risk. This case-control analysis used data on normal birth weight (> or = 2500 g) infants included in the National Maternal and Infant Health Survey, a nationally representative sample of approximately 10,000 births and 6000 infant deaths. Infants were assigned to one of three exposure groups: maternal smoking during both pregnancy and infancy (combined exposure), maternal smoking only during infancy (passive exposure), and no maternal smoking. SIDS death was determined from death certificate coding. Logistic regression was used to adjust for potentially confounding variables. Infants who died of SIDS were more likely to be exposed to maternal cigarette smoke than were surviving infants. Among black infants the odds ratio was 2.4 for passive exposure and 2.9 for combined exposure. Among white infants the odds ratio was 2.2 for passive exposure and 4.1 for combined exposure. After adjustment for demographic risk factors, the odds ratio for SIDS among normal birth weight infants was approximately 2 for passive exposure and 3 for combined exposure for both races. These data suggest that both intrauterine and passive tobacco exposure are associated with an increased risk of SIDS and are further inducement to encourage smoking cessation among pregnant women and families with children.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke is associated with adverse effects in infants and children. OBJECTIVE: To explore whether an increase in urinary cotinine fumarate level is caused by ingested nicotine and cotinine in breast-feeding infants. METHODS: We studied newborns at risk for developing asthma and allergies based on a strong family history. We measured urinary cotinine levels in the infants as a measure of environmental tobacco smoke exposure and cotinine levels in the breast milk of breast-feeding mothers. RESULTS: Of 507 infants, urinary cotinine levels during the first 2 weeks of life were significantly increased in infants whose mothers smoked. Breast-fed infants had higher cotinine levels than non-breast-fed infants, but this was statistically significant (P<.05) only if mothers smoked. Urinary cotinine levels were 5 times higher in breast-fed infants whose mothers smoked than in those whose mothers smoked but did not breast-feed. CONCLUSIONS: Mothers should be encouraged to not smoke, and parents must be advised of the potential respiratory and systemic risks of environmental tobacco smoke exposure to their child, including the potential for future addiction to smoking.  相似文献   

Objective: To determine the prevalence and clinical significance of adrenal hemorrhage in infants undergoing ECMO therapy.Methods: Prospective US evaluation of the adrenal glands was performed in 50 consecutive infants undergoing ECMO. The infants were examined at least every other day while on bypass. Adrenal hemorrhage was diagnosed at US examination when a suprarenal mass or adrenal gland enlargement was identified.Results: Adrenal hemorrhage was identified in two infants (4%); one infant with septicemia, and one with primary pulmonary hypertension. Both hemorrhages were unilateral; one was right-sided, and one left-sided. One hemorrhage occurred on the first day following the onset of ECMO and the other on the third day. The adrenal hemorrhage was not associated with an acute drop in hematocrit nor with adrenal insufficiency in either infant.Conclusion: Adrenal hemorrhage is uncommon in infants undergoing ECMO. When hemorrhage did occur in this series, it did not result in clinical complications.  相似文献   

This article addresses air-quality science in the indoor environments in which children and adolescents find themselves, including the home, the school, and other environments such as work and recreational situations. The home arena is covered extensively, presenting an analysis of the usual exposures such as environmental tobacco smoke and bioaerosols and also touching on discrete issues such as sudden infant death syndrome, carbon monoxide, and public housing. Recreation and work environments are covered as well.  相似文献   

Prenatal exposure to tobacco smoke is a major risk factor associated with Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and the risk has increased despite continued advice against this practice. Evidence from the UK suggests the prevalence of maternal smoking during pregnancy has risen amongst SIDS mothers (from 50% to 80%) when the rate amongst expectant mothers in the general population has fallen (from 30% to 20%) confirming pooled estimates from recent studies of a four-fold risk. An additional risk from postnatal exposure has also been identified; increasing with the number of smokers in the household or the daily hours the infant is subjected to a smoke-filled environment. Exposure may lead to a complex range of effects upon normal physiological and anatomical development in fetal and postnatal life that places infants at greatly increased risk of SIDS. Recent legislation prohibiting smoking in public places needs to emphasise the adverse effects of tobacco smoke exposure to infants and amongst pregnant women.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To decribe the influence of smoking on different phases of the reproductive process, fecundation, pregnancy and lactation, drawing special attention to the mechanisms of action of the main toxic components found in cigarettes. To suggest prophylactic measures for environmental control and how to reduce childreńs exposure to tobacco smoke. METHODS: Nonsystematic literature review using MEDLINE database. RESULTS: Smoking has a negative effect on different phases of the reproduction process, by direct action of main toxic components, nicotine and carbon monoxide. Smoking reduces fertility, compromises the length of gestation and infant birthweight. Smoking mothers also have reduced breast milk production and shorter lactation, which affects infant weight gain through unclear mechanisms in which prolactin may probably be involved. CONCLUSIONS: Smoking compromises reproductive function quality in different phases, acting mainly on intrauterine and extrauterine development of infants. Since during pregnancy and lactation women are in closer contact with health professionals, antismoking campaigns should be especially addressed to this period.  相似文献   

The development and phenotypic expression of allergic airway disease depends on a complex interaction between genetic and several environmental factors, such as exposure to food, inhalant allergens and non-specific adjuvant factors (e.g. tobacco smoke, air pollution and infections). The first months of life seem to be a particularly vulnerable period and there is evidence that sensitisation is related to the level of allergen exposure during early life. At present, the combination of atopic heredity and elevated cord-blood IgE seems to result in the best predictive discrimination as regards development of allergic disease at birth. Early sensitisation, cow's milk allergy and atopic eczema are predictors for later development of allergic airway disease.Exposure to indoor allergens, especially house dust mite allergens, is a risk factor for sensitisation and development of asthma later in childhood in high-risk infants and infants with early atopic manifestations.  相似文献   

AIM: Bronchiolitis is an acute infectious disease of the lower respiratory tract which causes the obstruction of bronchioles in children younger than 2 years.The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of passive smoking alone and in conjunction with breastfeeding on the severity of acute bronchiolitis in infancy and the duration of hospitalisation. METHODS: We studied 240 consecutive infants aged from 6 to 24 months (137 boys and 103 girls) median age 14 months, who required hospital admission for acute bronchiolitis at the Paediatric Department of Democritus University Hospital, Alexandroupolis, Greece. The outcomes of interest were the severity of bronchiolitis and the duration of hospitalisation. RESULTS: Among the entire cohort, 122 (50.8%) children presented a severe attack of bronchiolitis. In multivariate regression analysis adjusting for confounding factors, breastfeeding for less than four months (aOR=6.1, 95% CI=3.4-10.7), exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (aOR=2.2, 95% CI=1.1-3.6) and their combination (aOR=16.2, 95% CI=6.0-34.3) showed significant association with severe bronchiolitis and prolonged hospitalisation. Passive smoking did not increase the risk of severe bronchiolitis, when infants breastfed for more than four months (aOR=1.9, 95% CI=0.8-5.1). CONCLUSION: In conclusion, exposure to environmental tobacco smoke worsens the symptoms and the prognosis of bronchiolitis, while breastfeeding seems to have a protective effect even in children exposed to environmental tobacco smoke.  相似文献   

Cigarette smoking still is quite common in many parts of the world. In parallel, exposure to second-hand smoke continues to be common despite declines in smoking in developed countries and despite evidence of serious health effects in infants and children. This paper focuses on the effects of second-hand and direct exposure (personal smoking) on the respiratory health of adolescents, in particular effects on the occurrence of asthma and on lung function. Published data indicate that, in addition to whatever effects direct and postnatal second-hand tobacco smoke exposure have on the occurrence of asthma and impaired levels and growth of lung function in adolescents, there is an underlying alteration in the prenatal and early postnatal development of the structural and mechanical characteristics of the lung that contribute substantially to these deficits. These developmental effects may be important contributors to the future risks for impaired pulmonary function.  相似文献   

Background:  The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of passive tobacco smoking on growth and infection rate of infants, and to evaluate whether breast-feeding might be protective against harmful effects of cigarette smoke.
Methods:  A cross-sectional study on 254 6–7-month-old infants was carried out. A questionnaire was given to mothers; and infants' head circumference, bodyweight, height, and urinary cotinine levels were measured.
Results:  Multivariate analysis of factors influencing lower respiratory tract infections showed that smoking mothers increased the rate by 9.1-fold; breast-feeding decreased it by 3.3-fold; formula feeding at birth increased it by a factor of 15.2; another smoker at home increased it by a factor of 40.1. Multivariate analysis of factors influencing upper respiratory tract infections showed that smoking mothers increased the rate by a factor of 23; early formula feeding increased it by a factor of 62; breast-feeding decreased it by a factor of 5; smoking fathers increased it by a factor of 15. Multivariate analysis of factors influencing otitis media found that smoking mothers and fathers increased it by a factor of 9.4 and 6.15, respectively, and breast-feeding decreased it by a factor of 5.4.
Conclusion:  Tobacco smoke exposure of infants has negative consequences on growth, otitis media, and upper and lower respiratory tract infections. Breast-feeding promoted the growth of infants who were passively exposed to tobacco smoke and protected them against infections. Smoking should not be permitted in households with infants. When this is impossible, breast-feeding should be promoted to protect the infants against the health hazards of passive smoking.  相似文献   

Parental smoking has an important impact on asthma and wheezing illnesses in infants and children. In utero exposure is associated with impaired lung growth and wheezing illnesses, particularly in preschool children. Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke is associated with increased wheezing illnesses and increased symptoms in asthmatics. There are no consistent data to confirm an effect of in utero or postnatal cigarette smoke exposure on the prevalence of asthma but there is evidence of increased severity of symptoms. The detrimental effects of parental smoking on lung growth will have an impact on respiratory health throughout life.  相似文献   

Respiratory effects of tobacco smoking on infants and young children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Second-hand smoke (SHS) and tobacco smoke products (TSPs) are recognised global risks for human health. The present article reviews the causal role of SHS and TSPs for respiratory disorders in infants and young children. Several studies have shown an effect of TSPs exposure during pregnancy upon lung function in the newborn infant and of SHS on symptoms and lung function after birth. From 1997 to 1999 a set of systematic reviews concerning the relationship between second-hand exposure to tobacco smoke and respiratory health in children was published in Thorax by Cook and Strachan, covering hundreds of published papers. The evidence for a causal relationship between SHS exposure and asthmatic symptoms and reduced lung function is quite strong, whereas the evidence related to the development of allergy is much weaker. There is recent evidence relating to an interaction between TSP exposure and genetic ploymorphisms, demonstrating that certain individuals are more susceptible to the effect of TSP exposure on lung health. In the present review, an overview is given for the effects of TSP exposure and SHS upon lung health in children, with a focus on infants and young children. There is a need for intervention to reduce TSP exposure in young children, by educating parents and adolescents about the health effects of TSP exposure. Recent legislation in many European countries related to smoking in the workplace is of great importance for exposure during pregnancy. Studies are needed to identify possible critical periods for TSPs to induce harmful effects upon lung health in young children and on environment-gene interactions in order to prevent harm.  相似文献   

Aim: To determine whether repeated infancy-onset lifestyle counselling alters parental smoking and children's exposure to tobacco smoke. Methods: In 1990, 1062 healthy infants were recruited to a randomized, ongoing atherosclerosis prevention trial (STRIP). Intervention families received at least twice a year individualized nutrition and lifestyle counselling. By 1999, 652 8-y-old children continued participation. Exposure to tobacco smoke was evaluated using serum cotinine concentration. Parents' smoking was also assessed using questionnaires and interviews. Results: Parents' smoking decreased during the study similarly in the intervention and control groups. Of the 8-y-old children, 46% had detectable serum cotinine concentration, suggesting exposure to tobacco smoke during the past few days. All children were non-smokers. Serum cotinine concentrations did not differ between the intervention and control children. Children's cotinine values were highest in the families where either father or both parents were smokers.

Conclusion: Participation in the atherosclerosis prevention trial slightly decreased smoking among the intervention and control parents. However, counselling led to no differences in parental smoking between the two groups, or in exposure of the intervention and control children to tobacco smoke. This study suggests that more detailed and targeted intervention is required to achieve a significant effect on children's tobacco smoke exposure.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To review the recent scientific literature examining the association of prenatal tobacco and postnatal secondhand smoke exposure and child neurodevelopment. RECENT FINDINGS: Low birth weight and decreased in-utero brain growth are two of multiple potential etiologic pathways proposed as mediating the effects of prenatal tobacco smoke exposure on child neurodevelopment. These negative effects of prenatal exposure have been consistently demonstrated in animal models, and in humans have been found as early as the newborn period. The literature on both prenatal and postnatal exposure is remarkably consistent in showing associations with increased rates of behavior problems, including irritability, oppositional defiant behavior, conduct disorders and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. A more rudimentary literature also suggests deficits in intelligence quotient. Recent studies have focused on elucidating the complex interaction among tobacco exposure, genetics and environmental factors. Questions still remain about the relative roles of prenatal vs. postnatal exposure and the potential role of genetic and social confounders, limiting the ability to infer a causal nature to these associations at this time. The consistency of findings across studies is, however, highly suggestive of a causal relationship between environmental tobacco exposure and adverse behavioral and cognitive outcomes in children. SUMMARY: Prenatal tobacco and postnatal secondhand smoke exposure is consistently associated with problems in multiple domains of children's neurodevelopment and behavior.  相似文献   

Aim: Toxic substances in tobacco smoke are known to have negative effects on the antioxidant capacity of human body. In order to investigate the effect of passive smoking on serum antioxidant levels in infants, serum vitamin A, E, C levels and urinary cotinine/creatinine levels were measured in 254 infants at the age of 6 months.
Methods: The information about infants' nutrition and exposure to tobacco smoke was obtained from the mothers by the help of a questionnaire. The infants were grouped according to both smoking status of mother and urinary cotinine/creatinine levels.
Results: The mean serum vitamin A, C and E levels of infants of smoking mothers were significantly lower than those of non-smoking mothers (p < 0.05). Vitamin A, E and C levels were negatively correlated with urinary cotinine/creatinine levels (p < 0.05, r: −0.61, −0.42, −0.53, respectively). Multivariate analysis revealed independent factors determining the serum vitamin A, E and C levels of infants as maternal smoking and breast feeding (p < 0.05).
Conclusion: Tobacco smoke exposure of infants significantly decreases their serum antioxidant vitamin A, C and E levels. However, breast feeding may help to prevent the decrement of antioxidant vitamin levels of passive smoking infants.  相似文献   

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