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This study assessed the relationships of job tasks and living conditions with occupational injuries among coal miners. The sample included randomly selected 516 underground workers. They completed a standardized self-administred questionnaire. The data were analyzed via logistic regression method. The rate of injuries in the past two years was 29.8%. The job tasks with significant crude relative risks were: power hammer, vibrating hand tools, pneumatic tools, bent trunk, awkward work posture, heat, standing about and walking, job tasks for trunk and upper/lower limbs, pain caused by work, and muscular tiredness. Logistic model shows a strong relationship between the number of job tasks (JT) and injuries (adjusted ORs vs. JT 0-1: 2.21, 95%CI 1.27-3.86 for JT 2-6 and 3.82, 2.14-6.82 for JT>or=7), and significant ORs>or=1.71 for face work, not-good-health-status, and psychotropic drug use. Musculoskeletal disorders and certain personality traits were also significant in univariate analysis. Therefore job tasks and living conditions strongly increase the injuries, and occupational physicians could help workers to find remedial measures.  相似文献   

This study assessed the associations of job and some individual factors with occupational injuries among employed people from a general population in north-eastern France; 2,562 workers were randomly selected from the working population. A mailed auto-questionnaire was filled in by each subject. Statistical analysis was performed with loglinear models. The annual incidence rate of at least one occupational injury was 4.45%. Significant contributing factors for occupational injuries were job category (60.8%), sex (16.2%), regular psychotropic drug use (8.5%), age groups (7.5%), and presence of a disease (7.0%). The men had higher risk than the women (adjusted odds-ratio 1.99, 95% CI 1.43-2.78). Compared to executives, intellectual professionals and teachers, labourers had the highest risk (6.40, 3.55-11.52). They were followed by farmers, craftsmen and tradesmen (6.18, 2.86-13.08), technicians (3.14, 1.41-6.70), employees (2.94, 1.59-5.48) and other subjects (3.87, 1.90-7.88). The young (< or = 29 yr) showed an increased risk. Similar odds-ratios were observed for regular psychotropic drug use (1.54, 1.16-2.05) and the presence of a disease (1.50, 1.11-2.02). Univariate analysis showed that smoking habit, overweight and excess alcohol use were also associated with injuries. The loglinear model results showed that there were associations between some of these independent factors. It was concluded that job, sex, young age, smoking habit, excess alcohol use, overweight, psychotropic drug use, and disease influenced the occupational injuries. Preventive measures concerning work conditions, risk assessment and job knowledge should be conducted in overall active population, especially in men, young workers, smokers, alcohol users, overweight workers and in individuals with a disease or psychosomatic disorders.  相似文献   

In collaboration with three pathology departments a case-control study was conducted in the southern part of the Netherlands to investigate the risk of gastric cancer in coal miners. Between 1 January 1973 and 31 December 1983, 323 male patients were diagnosed as having a malignant neoplasm of the stomach. For each case a control was selected from the same pathology department, matched on year of birth and regardless of diagnosis. The archives of the Central Coal Miners Pension Fund were searched to obtain information about whether or not a patient had ever worked for a coal mining company in the Netherlands. Twenty two per cent of the patients had been registered as an underground coal miner, compared with 20% of the control group (odds ratio of 1.14, 95% confidence interval: 0.33-1.73). Those with gastric cancer who had ever worked underground in a coal mine did so for an average period of 16.9 years compared with an average of 19.7 years in the control group. The study gives no indication that the underground workers of the Dutch coal mines had a raised risk of developing a malignant neoplasm of the stomach.  相似文献   

Lung cancer among Dutch coal miners: a case-control study   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A case-control study was conducted in the southern part of The Netherlands to investigate the risk of lung cancer in coal miners; 381 age-matched pairs of primary lung cancer cases and controls, diagnosed between 1972 and 1988, were selected from the pathology department of the University Hospital in the region. Information about past employment in coal mines was obtained through the registers of the collaborative pension fund for Dutch miners. 20% of the cases were (at some time) employed in coal mining, compared with 21% of the controls (odds ratio 0.95; 95% confidence interval: 0.65-1.38). 9% of both cases and controls had an underground work history (odds ratio 0.96; 95% confidence interval: 0.56-1.65). The duration of underground coal mining did not differ substantially between cases and referents (average duration: respectively 117 and 108 months). No relation between specific histologic tumor cell types and coal mining could be demonstrated. The study gives no indication that workers in Dutch coal mines have an increased risk of developing lung malignancies.  相似文献   

目的探讨煤矿井下作业工人职业伤害的发生状况及影响因素,为煤矿工职业伤害的预防提供依据。方法采用整群抽样方法,对安徽省某煤矿1 692名井下作业工人一年中职业伤害发生情况进行回顾性调查。结果伤害发生率为9.34%,以采煤、混合及掘进工发生率为高,分别为12.16%、9.86%、9.09%;砸击伤、机械交通伤和跌扭伤较多,分别占36.08%、17.72%和16.46%。不同年龄、工龄及不同文化程度差异均有统计学意义(P0.05或P0.01)。致残率为7.68‰,伤害的主要原因是违规作业、违章指挥和防护设施缺陷。结论煤矿井下作业工人职业伤害发生率较高,应加强职业安全教育,并采取有效措施预防伤害的发生。  相似文献   

In collaboration with three pathology departments a case-control study was conducted in the southern part of the Netherlands to investigate the risk of gastric cancer in coal miners. Between 1 January 1973 and 31 December 1983, 323 male patients were diagnosed as having a malignant neoplasm of the stomach. For each case a control was selected from the same pathology department, matched on year of birth and regardless of diagnosis. The archives of the Central Coal Miners Pension Fund were searched to obtain information about whether or not a patient had ever worked for a coal mining company in the Netherlands. Twenty two per cent of the patients had been registered as an underground coal miner, compared with 20% of the control group (odds ratio of 1.14, 95% confidence interval: 0.33-1.73). Those with gastric cancer who had ever worked underground in a coal mine did so for an average period of 16.9 years compared with an average of 19.7 years in the control group. The study gives no indication that the underground workers of the Dutch coal mines had a raised risk of developing a malignant neoplasm of the stomach.  相似文献   

目的调查煤矿工人皮肤病的患病情况,探讨煤矿作业工人的生产环境等因素与其皮肤病的相关性。方法选取淄博市102家乡镇煤矿的4516名煤矿职工作为调查对象,按工种分为采掘组和辅助工组,采掘组包括采煤工和掘进工,共3326名;辅助工组包括电工、安全员、绞车司机、井口工、司磅员等,共1190名。对全部调查对象进行皮肤专科检查,并进行两组之间皮肤病患病率的比较分析。在102家乡镇煤矿中随机抽取20家进行现场环境检测,同时对防护用品使用情况、煤矿除(防)尘措施和煤矿职工卫生状况等进行调查分析。结果采掘组煤工中,疖病21例(0.6%)、毛囊炎264例(10.9%)、痤疮987例(29.7%)、皮肤瘙痒症142例(4.3%)、湿疹162例(4.9%)、胼胝2414例(72.6%)、手癣645例(19.4%)、足癣667例(20.1%),与辅助工组比较,两组的毛囊炎、痤疮、皮肤瘙痒症、胼胝、手癣、足癣的患病率差异有统计学意义(P<0.01或P<0.05)。煤矿生产环境检测结果显示,井下气温19.8℃~28.7℃,平均温度22.3℃±2.1℃;相对湿度41%~68%,平均相对湿度为50.7%±6.8%;井下粉尘测定176个作业点,65个合格作业点,合格率36.9%;有害气体检测195个作业点,除9个作业点CO检测超标外,其余均在职业接触限值范围之内。劳动防护用品使用情况调查结果显示,除防尘口罩使用率较低外(12.26%),其余均基本正常。煤矿职工卫生状况调查结果显示,大多数浴室条件简陋,淋浴占25%,职工浴后皮肤清洁率仅为24.57%。结论乡镇煤矿井下作业工人的工作环境、防护用品使用情况、煤矿除(防)尘措施和煤矿职工卫生状况等对煤工皮肤有一定的影响,导致井下作业的采掘工在毛囊炎、痤疮、皮肤瘙痒症、胼胝等皮肤病患病率明显增高。  相似文献   

煤矿工人慢性胃炎流行病学调查研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨煤矿井下工人慢性胃炎的患病现状及患病的危险性因素。方法对617名男性煤矿井下矿工采用单纯随机抽样问卷方法进行慢性胃炎相关症状调查,根据症状决定进行胃镜检查。结果肥城矿区井下作业工人慢性胃炎患病率为30.79%,矿区附近一般人群患病率为16.37%。两组患病率差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。井下作业环境、口服非甾体抗炎药、心理障碍、不良生活习惯是患病的危险性因素。结论慢性胃炎已成为矿井下煤矿工人常见的疾病,应积极改善工作环境以及生活习惯。  相似文献   

Few studies have simultaneously addressed the role of occupational factors, individual characteristics and living conditions in occupational injuries, and to the best of our knowledge none on railway workers. This survey assessed the roles of these factors in various types of injuries and for various jobs in French railway workers. This case-control study was conducted on 1,305 male workers with an occupational injury during a one-year period and 1,305 male controls. A standardized questionnaire was administrated by an occupational physician. Data were analyzed by the logistic regression method. The significant factors found for all the injuries combined were: young age (<30 yr) (adjusted odds ratio 1.47, 95% CI 1.01-2.14), 5 yr or less in present job (1.43, 1.15-1.78), sleep disorders (1.30, 1.08-1.57), current smoker (1.27, 1.08-1.50), and no do-it-yourself or gardening activity (1.23, 1.02-1.48). Young age, sleep disorders, and smoking were common for several types of injuries. The role of these factors differed between various job categories. Among injured workers sick leaves of eight days or over were more frequent in current smokers and overweight subjects. In conclusion, young age, lack of experience, job dissatisfaction, sleep disorders, smoking, and lack of physical activity increase the risk of occupational injuries. The risks induced were related with jobs. Preventive measures concerning work conditions and these factors could be conducted in railway workers generally, and especially in workers most at risk. The occupational physician could make workers more sensitive to these risks and help them to improve their living conditions during medical examinations.  相似文献   

Objective is to assess the relationships of job hazards, individual characteristics, and risk taking behavior to occupational injuries of coal miners. This case-control study compared 245 male underground coal miners with injury during the previous two-year period with 330 matched controls without injury during the previous five years. Data were collected via face-to-face interview and analyzed using the conditional logistic model. Handling material, poor environmental/working conditions, and geological/strata control- related hazards were the main risk factors: adjusted ORs 5.15 (95% CI 2.42-10.9), 2.40 (95% CI 1.29-4.47), and 2.25 (95% CI 1.24-4.07) respectively. Their roles were higher among the face-workers than among the non-face-workers. No formal education, alcohol consumption, disease, big-family, and risk-taking behavior were associated with injuries (2.36相似文献   

目的探讨煤矿开采行业工人下背痛与职业应激的关联性。方法2015年1月至2016年12月,选择山西省某大型煤矿开采企业某矿区的一线生产工人472名作为研究对象,采用问卷调查方法调查其基本信息、下背痛患病信息、职业应激水平,二分类Logistic回归法分析下背痛与职业应激的关系。结果研究对象472人中186人在过去一年内发生过下背痛,下背痛年患病率为39.41%。下背痛组的职业应激任务得分高于非下背痛组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。二分类Logistic回归分析结果显示:年龄、婚姻情况、工龄、职业应激任务、劳动强度、工作中保持同一姿势、倒班可能是下背痛的危险因素(P<0.01),吸烟可能是下背痛的保护因素(P<0.01)。结论职业应激任务可能是煤矿开采工人发生下背痛的危险因素(P<0.01),合理分配工作任务、及时疏解煤矿开采工人的职业应激,可能是预防和控制下背痛的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

Findings for cancer of the oesophagus in the rubber industry are not consistent between studies, and derive from too few studies. Few studies were carried out to examine risks of oesophageal cancer in different departments and the confounding by non-occupational risk factors such as smoking, drinking, and economic status. In this paper these questions have been explored. Following a nested case-control study, the data were used of nine oesophageal cancer deaths during 1973-1995 and 36 controls matched for sex and age from the same cohort of a rubber plant workers. Oesophageal cancer risks for exposure to rubber were assessed, unadjusted and adjusted for non-occupational factors by conditional logistic regression. In grouped analysis, odds ratios (ORs) for oesophageal cancer were found to be 2.67 (95%CI=0.42,17.0) for milling, etc. workers and 1. 40 (95%CI=0.24,7.97) for building workers, who worked for one or more years. No excess risks were found in the remaining three departments. The models for continuous exposure variables indicated that a one-unit year change in the milling, etc. department was associated with a 4% increment in the OR. When adjusted for serum cholesterol level, the 6% increase (OR) was observed. Significant associations between risk for oesophageal cancer and specific exposures or processes within the rubber plant were not found. The slight excess risk for oesophageal cancer in the rubber plant may be related to exposure to dusts and solvents.  相似文献   

慢性锰中毒易感性与基因多态性的病例对照研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
目的探讨遗传因素与慢性职业性锰中毒的关系。方法病例组为49名职业性锰中毒患者,来源于近15年来3个钢铁公司诊断的锰中毒病例,发病前为接触锰的冶炼工和电焊工;对照组为50名与病例组同车间、同工种、未发生锰中毒的工人,且年龄、性别、吸烟饮酒习惯和锰暴露时间等均相近。对细胞色素氧化酶P4502D6(CYP2D6)基因NQO1基因进行了分析。CYP2D6基因2938CT的多态性应用PCR结合限制性内切酶(HhaⅠ酶)片断长度多态性(RFLP)进行分析;NQO1基因的第6外显子的609CT多态性应用PCR结合HinfⅠ酶切的RFFP分析。结果CYP2D6L等位基因频率在锰中毒工人和无中毒工人之间的差异有显著性,CYP2D6L基因型在锰中毒患者中的分布明显低于对照组,提示CYP2D6基因可能是与锰中毒有关的易感/耐受基因。未发现NQO1基因在两组间分布的差异有显著性。结论本研究显示CYP2D6基因可能是锰致神经系统损害的易感性/耐受性生物标志物之一。  相似文献   

目的 探讨社会心理因素与肌肉骨骼损伤的关系,为制定预防肌肉骨骼损伤的措施和策略提供科学依据.方法 对某煤矿集团一矿区的500名工人进行肌肉骨骼损伤的现况调查,应用北欧肌肉骨骼损伤标准问卷调查评估煤矿工人肌肉骨骼损伤;采用Logistic回归分析法分析社会心理因素对肌肉骨骼损伤的影响.结果 在过去的1年中,有227名煤矿工人自诉患有肌肉骨骼损伤,占总人数的60.9%,下背痛最为严重.高工工作要求(OR=1.3,95%CI:1.3~3.5)、低工作控制(OR=1.6,95%CI:1.0~2.4)、低人际关系( OR=1.9,95%CI:1.2~3.0)和低工作满意度(OR=1.6,95%CI:1.0~2.4)是肌肉骨骼损伤发生的危险因素.结论 社会心理因素对肌肉骨骼损伤的发生有影响,提示在制定预防肌肉骨骼损伤措施时需考虑社会心理因素.  相似文献   

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