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Previous research has shown that regional brain activation, assessed via frontal electroencephalographic (EEG) asymmetry, predicts affective responsivity to aerobic exercise. To replicate and extend this work, in the present study we examined whether resting brain activation was associated with affective responses to an acute bout of aerobic exercise and the extent to which aerobic fitness mediated this relationship. Participants (high-fit, n = 22; low/moderate-fit, n = 45) ran on a treadmill for 30 min at 75% VO2max. EEG and affect were assessed pre- and 0-, 10-, 20-, and 30-min postexercise. Resting EEG asymmetry predicted positive affect (as measured by the energetic arousal subscale of the Activation Deactivation Adjective Check List) postexercise. Furthermore, resting frontal EEG asymmetry predicted affect only in the high-fit group, suggesting the effect might be mediated by some factor related to fitness. It was also shown that subjects with relatively greater left frontal activation had significantly more energy (i.e., activated pleasant affect) following exercise than subjects with relatively greater right frontal activation. In conclusion, aerobic fitness influenced the relationship between resting frontal asymmetry and exercise-related affective responsivity. 相似文献
The beneficial impact of regular exercise on cardiovascular health is partly mediated by psychobiological mechanisms. However, the effect of acute exercise on psychobiological responses is unclear. Thus, we performed a systematic review of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) that examined the effect of acute aerobic exercise on blood pressure (BP) responses (the change from baseline to stress) to psychosocial laboratory tasks. Fifteen RCTs met inclusion criteria of which ten demonstrated significant reductions in post-exercise stress related BP responses compared with control (mean effect sizes for systolic and diastolic BP, 0.38 and 0.40). Studies involving greater exercise doses tended to show larger effects, with the minimum dose to show a significant effect being 30 min at 50% VO2max. No other moderators emerged from the examination of participant characteristics, research designs and stressor characteristics. In conclusion, an acute bout of aerobic exercise appears to have a significant impact on the BP response to a psychosocial stressor. 相似文献
目的研究有氧运动对轻度原发性高血压患者血压和甲襞微循环的影响。方法随机选取轻度原发性高血压患者21例为高血压组,同期健康体检者20例为正常对照组。高血压组进行规律的有氧运动训练,检测有氧运动前后血压、甲襞微循环的变化。结果高血压组甲襞微循环形态积分、流态积分、襻周状态积分和总积分值均高于正常对照组(P〈0.05)。有氧运动3个月后,高血压患者血压下降,甲襞微循环形态积分、流态积分、襻周状态积分和总积分值均降低(P〈0.05)。结论有氧运动能有效降低轻度原发性高血压患者的血压,改善其微循环状态。 相似文献
目的 探讨有氧运动联合康复护理干预乳腺癌术后淋巴水肿的应用效果.方法 选取2018年1月至2020年1月间于首都医科大学附属北京世纪坛医院住院治疗的120例乳腺癌根治术后淋巴水肿患者纳入研究,按随机数字表法将其分为对照组和康复组,每组各60例,对照组实施常规临床护理;康复组在常规护理基础上运用有氧运动联合康复护理干预;... 相似文献
S. Oyono-Enguelle A. Heitz J. Marbach C. Ott M. Gartner A. Pape J. C. Vollmer H. Freund 《European journal of applied physiology》1990,60(5):321-330
Summary Venous blood lactate concentrations [lab] were measured every 30 s in five athletes performing prolonged exercise at three constant intensities: the aerobic threshold (Thaer), the anaerobic threshold (Than) and at a work rate (IWR) intermediate between (Thaer and Than. Measurements of oxygen consumption
and heart rate (HR) were made every min. Most of the subjects maintained constant intensity exercise for 45 min at Thaer and IWR, but at Than none could exercise for more than 30 min. Relationships between variations in [lab] and concomitant changes in
or HR were not statistically significant. Depending on the exercise intensity (Thaer, IWR, or Than) several different patterns of change in [lab] have been identified. Subjects did not necessarily show the same pattern at comparable exercise intensities. Averaging [lab] as a function of relative exercise intensity masked spatial and temporal characteristics of individual curves so that a common pattern could not be discerned at any of the three exercise levels studied. The differences among the subjects are better described on individual [lab] curves when sampling has been made at time intervals sufficiently small to resolve individual characteristics. 相似文献
Effect of concurrent aerobic and resistance circuit exercise training on fitness in older adults 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Takeshima N Rogers ME Islam MM Yamauchi T Watanabe E Okada A 《European journal of applied physiology》2004,93(1-2):173-182
The purpose of this study was to determine the physiological effects of a programmed accommodating circuit exercise (PACE) program consisting of aerobic exercise and hydraulic-resistance exercise (HRE) on fitness in older adults. Thirty-five volunteers were randomly divided into two groups [PACE group (PG) 8 men and 10 women, 68.3 (4.9) years, and non-exercise control group (CG) 7 men and 10 women, 68.0 (3.4) years). The PG participated in a 12-week, 3 days per week supervised program consisting of 10 min warm-up and 30 min of PACE (moderate intensity HRE and aerobic movements at 70% of peak heart rate) followed by 10 min cool-down exercise. PACE increased (P<0.05) oxygen uptake (O2) at lactate threshold [PG, pre 0.79 (0.20) l min–1, post 1.02 (0.22) l min–1, 29%; CG, pre 0.87 (0.14) l min–1, post 0.85 (0.15) l min–1, –2%] and at peak O2 [PG, pre 1.36 (0.24) l min–1, post 1.56 (0.28) l min–1, 15%; CG, pre 1.32 (0.29) l min–1, post 1.37 (0.37) l min–1, 4%] in PG measured using an incremental cycle ergometer. Muscular strength evaluated by a HRE machine increased at low to high resistance dial settings for knee extension (9–52%), knee flexion (14–76%), back extension (18–92%) and flexion (50–70%), chest pull (6–28%) and press (3–17%), shoulder press (18–31%) and pull (26–85%), and leg press (21%). Body fat (sum of three skinfolds) decreased (16%), and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLC) increased (10.9 mg dl–1) for PG. There were no changes in any variables for CG. These results indicate that PACE training incorporating aerobic exercise and HRE elicits significant improvements in cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength, body composition, and HDLC for older adults. Therefore, PACE training is an effective well-rounded exercise program that can be utilized as a means to improve health-related components of fitness in older adults. 相似文献
Ventilatory effects of hypercapnic end-tidalPCO2 clamps during aerobic exercise of varying intensity
Summary Nine subjects performed a sequence of sustained and randomised changes between 40 W and 100 W on a cycle ergometer while the end-tidal
was kept close to 17.3 kPa (130 mm Hg) by means of a dynamic forcing technique (reference experiment). In a second series inspiratory CO2 was additionally manipulated so as to hold end-tidal
ETCO2) near 6.5 kPa (49 mm Hg; CO2-clamp experiment). By this forcingP
ETCO2 oscillations were attenuated and more evenly distributed over the frequency range. Ventilation (
) responded to this manoeuvre with an upward trend that could not be ascribed to a slow CO2-response component, changes in metabolic rate or a dissociation of end-tidal and arterial
differences between reference and CO2-clamp experiments were abolished within a 3-min period following the termination of the external CO2 control. The present results suggest that the CO2-H+ stimulus plays a major role in adjusting ventilation when exercise intensity is decreased. The underlying CO2 effect appears to be neither additive nor bi-directionally symmetrical. 相似文献
Fadwa M Al-Shreef Osama H Al-Jiffri Shehab M Abd El-Kader 《African health sciences》2015,15(3):896-901
BackgroundDiabetes mellitus has been shown in many studies to be associated with reduced bone mass and an increased risk of fracture. Currently, our understanding of how to use exercise effectively in diabetic patients in prevention of osteoporosis is incomplete and has prompted our interest to identify the type of effective osteogenic exercise.ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to compare the changes in handgrip strength and bone metabolism after 6 months between aerobic and resistance exercise training in non-insulin dependent diabetic patients in Jeddah area.ResultsThe mean values of serum calcium and Hand grip strength were significantly increased, while the mean values of parathyroid hormone were significantly decreased in both groups .Also, there were significant differences between mean levels of the investigated parameters in group (A) and group (B) after treatment.ConclusionAerobic exercise training on treadmill is appropriate to improve markers of bone metabolism and hand grip strength in non-insulin dependent diabetic patients. 相似文献
W. P. VanHelder K. Casey R. C. Goode W. M. Radomski 《European journal of applied physiology》1986,55(3):236-239
Summary Five normal men, aged 23 to 35 years, participated in two bouts of continuous aerobic cycling separated by five days. The
first type of exercise (EI) was cycling at a pedalling frequency of 50 rev · min−1 with a load which produced a steady state O2 uptake of approximately 40% of the subjects'
. The second type of exercise (EII) was cycling at a pedalling frequency of 90 rev · min−1 with a load such that an equal steady state
was reached and maintained. Both EI and EII lasted 40 min. GH levels increased in EI and EII, reaching their maximum at 8
min of recovery (245 and 300% of resting values, respectively).
No significant differences were observed between EI and EII in GH, lactate, glucagon, insulin, cortisol and glucose levels
between the two exercises. While it has been reported earlier that GH levels were frequently related to lactate levels and/or
decreased O2 availability (Sutton 1977; Raynaud et al. 1981; Kozlowski et al. 1983; VanHelder et al. 1984a, b), this study suggests that
the opposite is also valid, that is, different types of exercise of equal
, duration and lactate production do not produce significantly different GH responses. 相似文献
Yoshino K Adachi K Ihochi K Matsuoka K 《Medical & biological engineering & computing》2007,45(11):1085-1093
After collecting data on the cardiovascular responses to ramp-type exercise tests on a cycle ergometer from 194 healthy male
and female subjects aged from 20 to 69 years, we constructed a mathematical model that simulates typical patterns of the cardiovascular
variability responses to ramp-type exercise loads below the anaerobic threshold. This was done by reflecting the following
physiological mechanisms: (1) suppression of parasympathetic nerve activity, (2) reduction of total peripheral resistance,
(3) resetting of the operating point in the baroreflex curve, (4) increase in stroke volume, and (5) increase in the coupling
of stroke volume to pulse pressure. We estimated the values of model parameter that best fit the measured experimental data.
The estimated steepness of the slope with which parasympathetic nerve activity decreased was lower in subjects with a higher
anaerobic threshold, tended to increase with age, and in every age decade was higher for females than for males.
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. 相似文献
S. Shinkai S. Watanabe Y. Kurokawa J. Torii H. Asai R. J. Shephard 《European journal of applied physiology》1994,68(3):258-265
This study investigated the effects of 12 weeks of aerobic exercise plus voluntary food restriction on the body composition, resting metabolic rate (RMR) and aerobic fitness of mildly obese middle-aged women. The subjects were randomly assigned to exercise/diet (n = 17) or control (n = 15) groups. The exercise/diet group participated in an aerobic training programme, 45–60 min · day –1 at 50%–60% of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max), 3–4 days · week–1, and also adopted a self-regulated energy deficit relative to predicted energy requirements (–1.05 MJ · day –1 to –1.14 MJ · day –1 ). After the regimen had been followed for 12 weeks, the body mass of the subjects had decreased by an average of 4.5 kg, due mainly to fat loss, with little change of fat free mass (m
ff). The absolute RMR did not change, but the experimental group showed significant increases in the RMR per unit of body mass (10%) and the RMR per unit of m
ff (4%). The increase in RMR/m
ff was not correlated with any increase in VO2max/m
ff. The resting heat production per unit of essential body mass increased by an average of 21%, but the resting heat production rate per unit of fat tissue mass remained unchanged. We concluded that aerobic exercise enhances the effect of moderate dietary restriction by augmenting the metabolic activity of lean tissue. 相似文献
Recently some plasma biomarkers of inflammation have been recognized as important cardiovascular risk factors. There is little information about the effects of aerobic exercise training on these biomarkers and the risk of metabolic complications in obese type 2 diabetes patients.Objective
To compare the impact of moderate versus mild aerobic exercise training on the inflammatory cytokines in obese type 2 diabetic patients.Methods
Fifty obese type 2 diabetic patients of both sexes with body mass index (BMI) varying from 31 to 36 kg/m2, non smokers, free from respiratory, kidney, liver, metabolic and neurological disorders, participated in this study. Their age ranged from 40 to 55 years. The subjects were included into two equal groups; the first group (A) received moderate aerobic exercise training. The second group (B) received mild aerobic exercise training, three times / week for 3 months.Results
The mean values of leptin, TNF- alpha, IL2, IL4, IL6, HOMA-IR and HBA1c were significantly decreased in group (A) and group (B). Also, there were significant differences between both groups after treatment.Conclusion
Moderate aerobic exercise training modulates inflammatory cytokines more than mild aerobic exercise training in obese type 2 diabetic patients. 相似文献13.
Rod K. Dishman Nathaniel J. Thom Timothy W. Puetz Patrick J. O'Connor Brett A. Clementz 《Psychophysiology》2010,47(6):1066-1074
We previously reported that 6 weeks of exercise training had positive effects on feelings of vigor and fatigue among college students who reported persistent fatigue. Here we examined whether transient mood changes after single sessions of exercise would mimic those chronic effects and whether they would be related to changes in brain activity measured by electroencephalography (EEG). Feelings of vigor were higher after both low‐ and moderate‐intensity exercise during Weeks 1, 3, and 6 compared to a control condition. Feelings of fatigue were lower after low‐intensity exercise during Weeks 3 and 6. Posterior theta activity accounted for about half the changes in vigor. Studies that manipulate mood, EEG activity, or both during exercise are needed to determine whether EEG changes after exercise are causally linked with mood. 相似文献
The effects of intensive aerobic exercise, weight control, and no treatment on (1) stress reactivity (measured by weight loss, glucocorticoid elevation, and incidence of gastric lesions) and (2) myocardial morphology were compared in male Sprague-Dawley ulcer susceptible rats. Animals were allocated to a free-feeding exercise group aerobically conditioned by a 26 week treadmill-running program; a sedentary group whose mean body weight was made to parallel that of the exercise group; and a free-feeding sedentary group. In week 27 animals were stressed for five days with daily presentation of escape trials on a variable interval schedule. Differences were found between the heart tissues of the exercised and the sedentary animals: both sedentary groups evidenced adverse morphological changes in ventricular tissue and microcirculation, while the myocardia of the exercise group were completely free of such changes. In response to the stress procedure significant differentiation between groups was obtained only on the weight index. After an initial loss, the exercise group commenced to gain weight on the fourth stress day, while the control groups continued to lose weight. 相似文献
徐亚玲 《中国病理生理杂志》2017,33(8):1379-1385
目的:探究有氧运动(aerobic exercise,AE)的时程对两肾一夹型(2K1C)高血压大鼠平均动脉压(mean arterial pressure,MAP)、窦性心动过缓、心脏和肾脏组织学以及氧化损伤的影响,从而评估AE改善高血压状况的具体效果。方法:选取健康雄性Wistar大鼠60只,随机分为假手术(sham)组和2K1C组,手术后将两组大鼠分别分为sham安静(sham+SED)组、sham运动(sham+AE)组、2K1C安静(2K1C+SED)组及2K1C运动(2K1C+AE)组。sham+AE组和2K1C+AE组的大鼠进行AE,AE的方式为每天游泳1次,每次游泳1 h,一共持续运动10周。定期检测4组大鼠的MAP、窦性心动过缓改善情况以及心脏和肾脏组织学的变化等。结果:第4周时发现,2K1C+AE组大鼠的MAP和窦性心动过缓得到了明显的改善,心肌和肾脏中胶原沉积相对于2K1C+SED组明显减少,左心室中硫代巴比妥酸反应物(TBARS)的水平也明显降低,且左心室和肾脏过氧化氢酶(CAT)的活性较2K1C+SED组也显著升高。但第6周至第10周的结果显示,2K1C+AE组与2K1C+SED组之间大鼠MAP和窦性心动过缓的差异逐渐缩小。第8周时2K1C+AE组大鼠左心室和肾脏中TBARS的水平以及双肾中CAT的活性部分恢复。第10周时2K1C+AE组大鼠心脏和双肾中胶原沉积降低到最低水平。结论:适度(约4周)AE能有效改善2K1C肾血管高血压大鼠MAP和窦性心动过缓,并且可以通过调控氧化应激反应,减轻高血压所致的心脏及肾脏损伤。 相似文献
W. Kindermann A. Schnabel W. M. Schmitt G. Biro J. Cassens F. Weber 《European journal of applied physiology》1982,49(3):389-399
Summary Seventeen male physical education students performed three types of treadmill exercise: (1) progressive exercise to exhaustion, (2) prolonged exercise of 50 min duration at the anaerobic threshold of 4 mmol·1–1 blood lactate (AE), (3) a single bout of short-term high-intensity exercise at 156% of maximal exercise capacity in the progressive test, leading to exhaustion within 1.5 min (ANE).Immediately before and after ANE and before, during, and after AE adrenalin, noradrenalin, growth hormone, cortisol, insulin, testosterone, and oestradiol were determined in venous blood, and glucose and lactate were determined in arterialized blood from the earlobe. Adrenalin and noradrenalin increased 15 fold during ANE and 3–4 fold and 6–9 fold respectively during AE. The adrenalin/noradrenalin ratio was 13 during ANE and 110 during AE. Cortisol increased by 35% in ANE (12% of which appeared in the postexercise period) and 54% in AE. Insulin increased during ANE but decreased during AE. Testosterone and oestradiol increased by 14% and 16% during ANE and by 22% and 28% during AE. The results point to a markedly higher emotional stress and higher sympatho-adrenal activity in anaerobic exercise. Growth hormone and cortisol appear to be the more affected by intense prolonged exercise. Taking plasma volume changes and changes of metabolic clearance rates into consideration, neither of the exercise tests appeared to affect secretion of testosterone and oestradiol.Supported by Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft, Köln-Lövenich 相似文献
Baynard T Jacobs HM Kessler CM Kanaley JA Fernhall B 《European journal of applied physiology》2007,101(5):595-602
We evaluated the effect of differing physical activity patterns on fibrinolysis and vasodilatory capacity using a cross-sectional
design with 16 endurance-trained (ET) (mean ± SE) (28 ± 6 years), 14 resistance-trained (RT) (28 ± 7 years), and 10 untrained
(UT) (26 ± 7 years) men. t-PA and PAI-1 activity and t-PA antigen were measured before and after a maximal treadmill test
(VO2peak). Vasodilatory capacity was assessed using strain-gauge plethysmography on the forearm following reactive hyperemia (RH)
before and after the treadmill test. The ET group had a smaller body mass index (BMI) (22.8 ± 0.5 ET, 26.4 ± 0.4 RT, 25.1 ± 0.8 UT kg m−2) (P < 0.05) and a greater VO2peak (57 ± 1 ET, 42 ± 2 RT, 45 ± 2 UT mL min−1 kg−1) (P < 0.05). Peak vasodilatory capacity (29.7 ± 2 ET, 32.0 ± 2 RT, 27.4 ± 2 UT mL min−1 100 mL of tissue) was similar between groups before and after exercise. Area under the curve for forearm blood flow was greater
following acute exercise (212 vs. 122, P < 0.05), again with no differences between groups. t-PA activity and antigen increased following maximal exercise in all
groups (P < 0.0001), with no group differences. PAI-1 activity decreased the least in RT after exercise (70% decrease vs. 86% ET and
82% UT; P < 0.05). The change in t-PA activity with exercise was not related to exercise-induced change in overall vasodilatory capacity.
These findings demonstrate that in healthy young men different physical activity patterns do not appear to impact the exercise-induced
changes in fibrinolysis or vasodilatory capacity. 相似文献
Michael N. Sawka Andrew J. Young Bruce S. Cadarette Leslie Levine Kent B. Pandolf 《European journal of applied physiology》1985,53(4):294-298
Summary Thirteen male volunteers performed cycle ergometer maximal oxygen uptake (
tests) in moderate (21 C, 30% rh) and hot (49 C, 20% rh) environments, before and after a 9-day heat acclimation program. This program resulted in significantly decreased (P<0.01) final heart rate (24 bt·min–1) and rectal temperature (0.4 C) from the first to last day of acclimation. The
was lower (P<0.01) in the hot environment relative to the moderate environment both before (8%) and after (7%) acclimation with no significant difference (P>0.05) shown for maximal power output (PO max, watts) between environments either before or after acclimation. The
was higher (P<0.01) by 4% after acclimation in both environments. Also, PO max was higher (P<0.05) after acclimation in both the moderate (4%) and hot (2%) environments. The reduction in
in the hot compared to moderate environment was not related to the difference in core temperature at
between moderate and hot trials, nor was it strongly related with aerobic fitness level. These findings indicate that heat stress, per se, reduced the
. Further, the reduction in
due to heat was not affect be state of heat acclimation, the degree of elevation in core temperature, or level of aerobic fitness. 相似文献
目的探讨抑郁症患者脑功能状态和心理健康的相关性。方法随机抽取52名门诊抑郁症患者采用脑活动评估系统对抑郁症患者的脑功能神经效能和功能状态评估,采用DXC-6型群体多项心理测评仪进行心理健康评定。数据采用SPSS15.0软件包进行统计分析。结果①脑功能状态有不同程度的异常情况,脑神经能效状态各项目的测试结果在轻度偏离范围内的检出率为0~48.08%;在中度偏离范围内的检出率为9.62%~82.69%。脑神经功能状态各项目的测试结果在轻度偏离范围内的检出率为5.77%~36.54%;在中度偏离范围内的检出率为15.39%~76.92%;②心理健康不良,心理健康良好检出率25.00%~82.69%;心理健康一般检出率5.77%~38.46%。③抑郁症患者脑功能状态与心理健康呈显著性相关,注意唤醒与强迫、人际、偏执显著正相关(r=0.433,0.659,0.658;P0.05);放松程度与强迫、抑郁、焦虑显著负相关(r=-0.404,-0.525,-0.603;P0.05);注意记忆与抑郁、焦虑显著正相关(r=0.494,0.541;P0.05);左右优势与强迫、抑郁、焦虑和偏执显著负相关(r=-0.451,-0.506,-0.489,-0.660;P0.05);工作负荷与人际、抑郁、焦虑、恐怖、偏执和精神显著正相关(r=0.529,0.408,0.504,0.448,0.489,0.503;P0.05);紧张焦虑与人际、抑郁、焦虑和偏执显著正相关(r=0.463,0.585,0.656,0.456;P0.05)。结论抑郁症患者脑功能状态与心理健康之间密切相关。 相似文献
Acute effects of hyperglycaemia with and without exercise on endothelial function in healthy young men 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Post-prandial hyperglycaemia impairs endothelial function as evaluated by brachial artery flow-mediated dilation (FMD). Exercise
is an intervention to protect against cardiovascular disease and to improve FMD. In this study, we examined whether the effect
of acute hyperglycaemia on endothelial function in healthy young men is restored by aerobic exercise. Using a counterbalanced,
randomized crossover design, we measured the brachial artery FMD at baseline and 1, 2, 3 and 4 h after 75 g glucose ingestion
in 11 healthy young men, with and without a single bout of aerobic exercise. Brachial artery FMD declined from 11.4 ± 3.8%
at baseline to 7.3 ± 3.4% 1 h after oral glucose ingestion, and returned to baseline after 4 h. When the oral glucose ingestion
was followed immediately by 45 min of treadmill exercise at an intensity of 60% maximal oxygen uptake, FMD demonstrated no
significant decrease (11.8 ± 2.5, 11.3 ± 2.8, 12.2 ± 2.7, 13.5 ± 3.5, and 12.6 ± 2.4% at baseline and 4 h after ingestion,
respectively). The results indicate that the aerobic exercise restores the impaired FMD induced by oral glucose ingestion. 相似文献