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目的 通过测定纺织女工尿样中生殖内分泌激素的代谢产物 ,探讨职业噪声暴露与月经功能的关系。方法 以某市纺织厂女工作为暴露组和内对照组 ,社区非噪声暴露女工作为外对照组 ,测量职业噪声暴露水平 ,并通过问卷了解月经情况。用酶免疫学方法测定月经周期尿中的孕酮代谢产物孕二醇 - 3-葡萄糖酸甙 (PdG)和卵泡刺激素 (FSH) β亚单位 ,并以此来判断排卵周期和确定排卵日。用广义线性模型校正重复观测间的相关性 ,并用线性回归模型和Logistic回归模型分析职业噪声暴露对纺织女工月经功能的影响。结果 高噪声暴露〔 >10 0dB(A)〕使女性月经周期长度缩短 ,经统计学分析 ,差异有显著性 (P <0 0 5 )。同时 ,噪声暴露与较短月经周期的发生也有一定的相关关系 (OR =1 6 35 ,95 %CI :0 94 4 ,2 830 ) ,并使较短黄体期的发生率增加 (OR =1 711,95 %CI :1 0 18,2 818)。噪声暴露与长月经周期 (>4 0d)的发生存在明显的负相关 (OR =0 339,95 %CI :0 12 3,0 932 )。噪声暴露对纺织女工的痛经和有无排卵影响并不明显。结论 纺织厂职业噪声暴露可能对纺织女工的月经功能产生影响 ,使月经周期缩短 ,并使短黄体期的发生率增加。用酶免疫学方法测定尿中的PdG、FSH来评价环境和职业暴露对月经功能的影响 ,可应用  相似文献   

职业噪声暴露与纺织女工生殖内分泌激素的相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我们研究了职业噪声暴露对纺织女工生殖内分泌激素的影响。1 对象与方法 :以安徽省安庆市纺织厂下属的 5个分厂和 2个合资企业为暴露现场和内对照现场 ,以市区非噪声暴露的岗位作为外对照现场。研究对象的条件 :新婚 ,年龄2 0~ 34岁 ,有准生证 ,停服避孕药半年以上或人工流产后满1年以上 ,自然流产或人工流产不超过 1次 ,无影响生育的生殖系统疾病 ,愿意合作等。噪声暴露组共 175人 ,非噪声暴露组共 39人。噪声暴露水平的测定 :采用国产ND2型精密声级计 ,按《工业企业噪声检测规范》进行测定。暴露组接触噪声 10 1.85~ 10 2dB(A) ,中低…  相似文献   

目的了解纺织作业噪声对女性职工生殖机能及其胚胎发育的影响情况。方法采用生殖流行病学调查方法,对2018年7月—2019年4月大连市某纺织厂489名从事纺织作业的女工以及201名对照女工进行相关信息的调查、记录与分析。结果与对照组比较,纺织作业噪声暴露强度超过85 dB(A)的观察组III组,女性职工的月经周期紊乱、妊娠高血压综合症、先兆流产以及早产等的发生率均明显升高,分别为10.6%、12.7%、5.6%、8.7%,差异有统计学意义(P0.05);噪声暴露强度超过95 dB(A)的观察II组,女工痛经、腰酸、妊娠浮肿以及自然流产的发生率会进一步增加,分别为23.9%、39.8%、13.9%、15.7%,差异有统计学意义(P0.05),孕妇生出低体重儿的概率亦明显变大,为13.5%,差异有统计学意义(P0.05);噪声暴露强度超过100 dB(A)的观察I组,除上述不良症状之外,纺织女工的难产发生率也会增加,为21.1%,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。调查结果表明,强度大于85 dB(A)的纺织作业噪声会在不同程度上造成女性职工月经周期的紊乱,增加痛经、腰酸、妊娠高血压综合症、先兆流产、自然流产、早产、难产以及低体重儿等不良症状的发生率,且随着噪声强度的增加影响程度变大,存在剂量反应关系,但不会对经期异常、经量异常、早孕反应、妊娠呕吐、死胎、多胎、胎儿出生缺陷及死亡等产生太大的影响。结论纺织作业噪声的接触可对女性职工的生殖机能及其胚胎发育情况产生影响与干扰。  相似文献   

本文应用寿命表法分析了某纺织厂1250名纺织女工噪声接触剂量与噪声性耳聋的发病关系,得出纺织女工logit=14.4607×对数剂量-33.0922回归方程。根据本方程认为有5%的织布女工在103dB(A)的噪声环境下工作6.19年、纺细纱女工在96dB(A)的噪声环境下工作8.52年将发生噪声性耳聋。亦可根据本方程预测纺织女工工作若于年后噪声性耳聋的发病率。  相似文献   

永州市某纺织厂噪声危害及女工月经状况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对永州某纺织厂373名纺织女工进行了生殖流行病学和作业环境的职业卫生学调查,结果显示;各车间噪声强度为65~96 dB(A),样品超标率为50%.对12个作业工种进行噪声作业分级:0级占66.6%,Ⅰ级和Ⅱ级分别占16.7%,织布工和煮泥工受到的噪声危害最重,急需重点治理和健康监护.提示长期接触噪声可能对女工月经状况产生损害,主要表现在月经周期异常和经量异常,建议采取降噪措施,加强女工个人防护.  相似文献   

生产性噪声对纺织女工行为功能的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
生产性噪声对非听觉系统的影响已引起人们广泛重视。为研究噪声对纺织女工神经系统的早期损害,我们采用成套行为指标对某纺织厂噪声作业女工进行系统测试。现报道如下。1 对象与方法1.1 对象噪声组:选择某纺织厂接触噪声强度超过85dB(A)、工龄10年以上,已婚纺织女工44名,平均年龄37.39岁(30~51岁),平均工龄16.73年(10~31年)。对照组:调查同厂非噪声作业,50dB(A)以下,工龄10年以上,已婚女工36名,平均年龄37.11岁(30~47  相似文献   

为了研究噪声对女性机能的影响,我们调查了暴露于不同强度纺织噪声的480名女工,噪声组(85—101dB)369名,对照组(72—73dB)111名,以及她们的24名子女。噪声组的月经先兆症状,月经经期、月经量、痛经、妊娠反应、难产、自然流产、早产均比对照组增加,其中经量异常发生率37.4%,妊娠反应发生率为57.14%,与对照组比较均有显著性差异,并且有剂量—反应关系。暴露于噪声妇女子女的平均智能商为94.46,显著低于正常。  相似文献   

纺织噪声对挡车女工听力影响的调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:探讨纺织噪声对挡车女工听力的影响。方法:对县内的织带厂,纺织厂,玻璃纤维厂,制药厂的车间噪声进行监测;对206名挡车女工及113名制药女工进行听力测试。结果:织带厂,纺织厂,玻璃纤维厂,制药厂的车间噪声分别是106dB(A),95dB(A),98dB(A),50dB(A);挡车女工听损率为28%,制药女工听损率为1.7%,结论:噪声对听力的影响具有特异性,听力损伤检出率随接噪工的增加而增高,无年龄差别。  相似文献   

噪声对纺织女工生殖机能及胎儿发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 为进一步观察噪声对纺织女工生殖机能及胎儿发育的影响,我们于1986年4月~11月就这一问题进行了调查研究。调查对象及方法一、调查对象以唐山市两个纺织厂接触90dB(A)级以下噪声强度的女工600人(其中已婚303人,未婚297人;工种包括档车工,络筒工,经纱前车工,经纱后车工)和接触102dB(A)级噪声强度的女工  相似文献   

目的 了解纺织噪声对女工生殖功能的影响.方法 对304名从事纺织噪声作业的女工和203名对照女工进行职业流行病学调查.结果 噪声暴露对女工生殖功能有明显影响.噪声强度达97 ~ 105 dB(A)的女工的腹痛(x2=11.074,P<0.05)、烦躁(x2<6.551,P<0.05)发生率及噪声强度达85 ~94 dB(A)的女工的腹痛(x2=6.421,P<0.05)发生率均大于对照组,其他如痛经、腰痛、难产、妊娠高血压综合征、妊娠贫血等异常发生率观察组虽高于对照组但差异无统计学意义.随着工龄的延长,接噪女工出现生殖功能异常的概率明显升高,其中接噪工龄超过10 a的女工出现呕吐(x2 =11.074,P<0.01)、腰痛(x2=8.86,P<0.01)、先兆流产(x2 =8.86,P<0.01)及死产[P=0.01(Fisher's Exact test)]的概率显著高于接噪工龄低于10 a的女工.结论 噪声对女工生殖功能、妊娠结局有一定影响.  相似文献   

[目的]了解某轮胎制造厂953名噪声作业人员的高频听力损失状况,并分析其影响因素。[方法]采用logistic回归分析,对2017年天津市某轮胎制造厂953名噪声作业人员的职业健康检查结果及该企业工作场所噪声检测数据进行分析。[结果]该轮胎制造厂噪声声级82.0~91.2 d B(A)。作业人员高频听力损失检出率10.49%。logistic回归结果表明,相比男性、噪声低暴露程度员工,女性、高暴露程度员工发生高频听力损失的OR估计值分别为0.304(95%CI:0.108~0.854)、2.175(95%CI:1.220~3.878),年龄、接噪工龄每增加一个等级,发生高频听力损失的OR估计值分别为1.963(95%CI:1.388~2.775)、1.549(95%CI:1.043~2.300)。[结论]该厂噪声危害较严重。噪声暴露是接触噪声作业人员高频听力损失的主要影响因素,应当引起重视;应采取综合预防措施,预防职业病的发生。  相似文献   

目的:综合分析职业性铅暴露与女性生殖功能之间的关系,为制订防制措施提供科学依据。方法:通过计算机和手工检索,收集国内发表的关于职业性铅暴露与女工生殖功能关系的文献,按纳入和剔除标准严格筛选,采用Meta分析合并文献效应值,并进行一致性检验及发表偏倚检验。结果:共纳入17篇文献,职业性铅暴露与女性痛经关系的合并OR值(95% CI)为3.38(1.45,7.87)、周期异常的合并OR值(95%CI)为2.37(1.95,2.88),先兆流产的合并OR值(95% CI)为4.24(2.19,8.22),妊娠高血压的合并OR值(95%CI)为3.37(1.09—10.44),死产死胎的合并OR值(95%CI)为3.90(2.43,6.56),自然流产的合并OR值(95%CI)为3.10(2.17,4.43),新生儿低体重的合并OR值(95%CI)为4.47(2.78,7.21),畸形的合并OR值(95%CI)为3.63(2.12,6.22)。结论:女工职业性铅暴露可影响其生殖功能,应对其进一步采取保护措施。  相似文献   

目的 综合分析职业性汞暴露对女工生殖功能的影响,筛选汞暴露的敏感生殖效应指标.方法 运用计算机和手工检索收集1989-2006年间国内发表的关于职业性汞暴露与女工生殖功能关系的文献,经严格筛选后,应用Rev Man软件对入选文献的研究结果进行一致性检验并采用相应的数学模型进行数据合并,采用Meta分析合并RR值作为各项目的 总效应指标.结果 纳入14篇文献(暴露组2148人,对照组2044人),与对照组比较,职业性汞暴露与女性月经经期(RR=1.82,95% CI:1.45~2.30)、月经周期(RR=2.03,95% CI:1.74~2.37)、月经量的改变(RR=2.06,95% CI:1.47~2.09)、痛经(RR=2.14,95% CI:1.54~2.99)、妊娠高血压(RR=2.17,95% CI:1.32~3.57)、死产死胎(RR=2.54,95% CI:1.41~4.56)及女工子代低体重出生(RR=3.39,95% CI:1.38~8.33)和出生缺陷(RR=2.67,95% CI:1.55~4.60)等的正相关有显著的统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 职业性汞暴露可以引起女工月经经期、周期和经量改变,增加痛经,同时还会影响妊娠及其子代发育,表现为增加妊娠高血压和死产死胎的发生,并导致其子代低体重和发生出生缺陷.  相似文献   

Chronic noise exposure is associated with adverse pathophysiological effects, which may contribute to the progression of hypertension. However, evidence supporting its effect on women is still inconsistent. The aim of the study was to examine the hypertension risk related to road traffic noise in residential settings in an urban community amongst reproductive-aged women. Cross-sectional study data including 3,121 pregnant women, 20-45 years old, and a geographic information system (GIS) to assess the average road noise (LAeq 24 hr) for every subject at the current residential address were used. Effects on physician-diagnosed hypertension were estimated by logistic regression with adjustments for age, social status, marital status, education, alcohol consumption, ethnic group, parity, body mass index, chronic disease, and exposure duration. The prevalence of hypertension amongst women aged 20-45 years in the lowest exposure category was 13.1% in comparison to 13.6% and 18.1% amongst those exposed to the medium and the highest exposure category, respectively. After making adjustments for the selected variables, no exposure effects [Odds ratio (OR) ≈ 1.0] were noted in the medium exposure category [51-60 dB(A)]. However, a slight increase was noted in the highest exposure category [≥61 dB(A)), OR 1.36; 95% CI 0.86-2.15]. The effect was more pronounced amongst women aged 30-45 years and a positive exposure-response relation was indicated for hypertension: An effect was seen at noise levels 51-60 dB(A) (OR = 1.03; 95% CI 0.72-1.49) and at >61 dB(A) (OR = 1.94, 95% CI 1.01-3.72). The present study shows some evidence for an association between the residential road traffic noise and hypertension amongst reproductive-aged women, and an exposure-response relationship.  相似文献   

The assessment of the risk to hearing from impulse noise exposure may be a problem for the occupational physician because existing legislative and international noise exposure standards deal primarily with continuous noise, and are not valid in excess of the peak exposure limit of 200 pa (140 dB). Noise exposure in excess of this level, for example that due to firearms, is frequently perceived as harmful, but this is not necessarily the case, as impulse noise standards do, in fact, allow exposure with a maximum in the order of 6.3 kPa (170 dB). To illustrate this, a cross-sectional group of electrical transmission workers have been studied who were exposed to significant levels of impulse noise from air blast circuit breakers and firearms. Important hearing loss factors have been identified by means of a specially designed questionnaire. Using the Health & Safety Executive definition, the risk of hearing loss was determined by calculating prevalence odds ratios (ORs) for exposure to these factors. The OR for those with fewer than eight unprotected air blast circuit breaker exposures was 2.27 (95% confidence interval (CI), 1.01-5.08), whilst for those with more than eight exposures the OR was 2.10 (95% CI, 0.97-4.54). For firearm exposure, ORs of 1.61 (95% CI, 0.95-2.74) were noted in the medium exposure group and 2.05 (95% CI, 1.08-3.86) in the high exposure group. When all the factors were included in the model, the most significant factor was age. The study gives support to the impulse noise exposure criteria, confirming the borderline risk from air blast circuit breaker noise exposure and the relative safety of moderate gunfire exposure.  相似文献   

  目的   分析不同职业性噪声暴露水平对心血管系统的影响,探讨噪声与其他职业性有害因素(高温、有害气体)之间是否存在交互作用。   方法   采用回顾性队列研究设计方法,收集安徽省某特大型化工企业2014―2018年的职业健康检查结果。根据噪声暴露评估情况将研究人群分为高暴露组(≥80 dB(A))、中暴露组(70~79 dB(A))和低暴露组(< 70 dB(A));参考高温作业分级标准,对环境温度进行分级(I~IV级)。应用SPSS 23.0软件,采用χ2检验比较作业人员吸烟、饮酒、规律运动等因素在不同暴露组的构成,建立Cox回归模型分析暴露与效应关系。   结果   与低暴露组相比,暴露于≥80 dB(A)和70~79 dB(A)的职业噪声会增加高血压的发病风险,其风险比(hazard ratio,HR)和95%置信区间分别为1.85(95%CI:1.36~2.52)和1.29(95%CI:1.03~1.60)。暴露于≥80 dB(A)的职业噪声会增加心电图异常的发生风险(HR=1.31,95% CI:1.06~1.63)。共同暴露于高温和≥80 dB(A)职业噪声,高血压的发病风险进一步增加(HR=8.98,95% CI:3.25~24.86)。   结论   职业性噪声暴露可增加职业人群高血压和心电图异常的发生风险,且职业性噪声与高温存在交互作用。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the exposure of bus drivers to noise and whole-body vibration (WBV) and to examine the possibility of an association between these risk factors for noise-induced hearing loss. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out among 141 bus drivers who underwent an audiometry test. This group was classified and internally stratified in subgroups of "exposed" and "controls" according to cumulative working time as bus drivers. Their exposure to noise and vibration was assessed. The association between noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) and the set of explanatory variables was analyzed through logistic regression. RESULTS: The average (+/- standard deviation) weekly noise exposure of front-engine bus drivers was 83.6 +/- 1.9 dB(A), while rear-engine bus drivers were exposed to 77.0 +/- 1.1 dB(A). The weighted average of vibration acceleration was 0.85/m(2). In the best adjusted model, the multivariable analysis showed that age (>44; OR=2.54; 95% CI=1.15-5.62), diabetes (OR=5.46; 95% CI=0.95-31.4), and the level of noise emission [>86.8 dB(A); OR=2.76; 95% CI=1.24-6.15] were risk factors for NIHL. In another model studied, WBV exposure was significant in determining NIHL. CONCLUSIONS: Bus drivers were exposed to significant WBV levels. The noise exposure was more pronounced in front engine than in rear-engine vehicles. No association between WBV exposure and NIHL was observed and no interaction was found between WBV and noise exposure. Further studies are required as other model indicated an association between WBV and NIHL.  相似文献   

The causal association between occupational noise exposure and permanent hearing loss is well-documented and well-founded primary preventive approaches have been developed. However, documentation of the impact on the present prevalence of noise-induced hearing loss in the working population is limited. This study reports on the prevalence of noise-induced hearing loss in a population sample of 788 workers from 11 trades with expected high noise exposure levels and a reference group examined according to the same protocol. Full-shift A-weighted equivalent sound levels were recorded and pure tone audiometric examinations were conducted at the work sites in soundproof booths. Data were analyzed with multivariate regression techniques and adjusted for age, sex, ear disease, smoking and environmental noise exposure. An overall two-fold increased risk of hearing handicap (hearing threshold above 20 dB averaged across 2, 3 and 4 kHz for either ear) was observed in the noise exposed workers [odds ratio (OR) 1.99, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.91-4.34]. Workers exposed for more than 20 years to an exposure level above 85 dB(A) had a three-fold increased risk (OR 3.05, 95% CI 1.33-6.99). Workers starting in noisy work during the last 10-15 years or workers below 30 years of age showed no increased risk of hearing handicap. This indicates that preventive measures enforced during the past 10-15 years to reduce noise exposure may have borne fruit. Systematic surveillance of noise and hearing levels in appropriate populations should still be included in an efficient hearing conservation program.  相似文献   

BackgroundExposure to traffic noise has been associated with hypertension in adults but the evidence in adolescents is limited. We investigated long-term road traffic noise exposure, maternal occupational noise during pregnancy and other factors in relation to blood pressure and prehypertension at 16 years of age.MethodsSystolic and diastolic blood pressure were measured in 2597 adolescents from the Swedish BAMSE birth cohort. Levels of road traffic noise were estimated at home addresses during lifetime and for the mother during pregnancy as well as maternal occupational noise exposure during pregnancy. Exposure to NOx from local sources was also assessed. Associations between noise or NOx exposure and blood pressure or prehypertension were analysed using linear and logistic regression.ResultsThe prevalence of prehypertension was higher among males and in those with overweight, low physical activity or overweight mothers. No strong or consistent associations were observed between pre- or postnatal exposure to road traffic noise and blood pressure at 16 years of age. However, inverse associations were suggested for systolic or diastolic blood pressure and prehypertension, which reached statistical significance among males (OR 0.80 per 10 dB Lden, 95% CI 0.65–0.99) and those with maternal occupational noise exposure ≥ 70 dB LAeq8h (OR 0.60, 95% CI 0.41–0.87). On the other hand, occupational noise exposure during pregnancy tended to increase systolic blood pressure and prehypertension risk in adolescence. No associations were seen for NOx exposure.ConclusionNo conclusive associations were observed between pre- or postnatal noise exposure and blood pressure or prehypertension in adolescents.  相似文献   

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