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为了探讨脉冲染料激光治疗草莓样血管瘤的疗效。用美国Candela公司生产的SPTL-lb型脉冲染料激光仪,以6.75-7.5J/cm^2起始能量照射皮疹,每2-5周重复一次,观察疗效,经1-8次治疗,123例患儿共治愈111处皮疹,显效21处,有效率3处,无效1处,总有效率99.26%,本疗法副作用少耐轻微,是治疗草莓样血管瘤的一种安全而有效的方法。  相似文献   

Candela染料脉冲激光治疗面部雀斑   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

脉冲染料激光治疗鲜红斑痣42例近期疗效分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
为了探讨脉冲染料激光治疗的鲜红斑痣的疗效,用SPTL-1b型脉冲染料激光,照射鲜红斑痣(PWS),每2-3月重复1次,观察疗效。经3-8次治疗,42例患者的45处皮损共痊愈22处,显效21处,有效2处,有效95.56%,面颈部,淡红斑,婴幼儿疗效好,本疗法副反应少。  相似文献   

脉冲染料激光治疗蜘蛛痣206例疗效观察   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
应用脉冲染料激光治疗206例蜘蛛痣患者,结果206例患者中201例痊愈,痊愈率为97.6%,其中102例患者经过1次激光治疗即痊愈,79例患者经过2次治疗痊愈,20例患者经过3次治疗痊愈。无1例有肥厚性或萎缩性瘢痕,随访1例均无复发。  相似文献   

目的:观察595 nm脉冲染料激光联合口服甲硝唑治疗红斑毛细血管扩张型和丘疹脓疱型酒渣鼻的临床疗效.方法:治疗组31例,用595 nm脉冲染料激光治疗,每4周1次,连续治疗3次,同时口服甲硝唑,每天3次,每次0.2克,连续28天;对照组30例,外用5%过氧化苯甲酰凝胶,每天一次,连续12周,同时口服甲硝唑片,用法用量及疗程同治疗组.观察比较两组治疗前后丘疹脓疱数目、红斑毛细血管扩张评分情况.结果:治疗组总有效率100%,显效率为83.8%.对照组总有效率为93.33%,显效率为56.67%,两组显效率和红斑血管扩张评分比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),总有效率和丘疹脓疱数目差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论:595 nm脉冲染料激光联合口服甲硝唑治疗酒渣鼻疗效显著,尤其对红斑毛细血管扩张型病变疗效明显,值得临床推广.  相似文献   

CO2激光凝固划线法治疗112例酒渣鼻疗效分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用CO2激光凝固划线法治疗112例酒渣鼻,其中红斑与毛细血管扩张期45例(40.17%),丘疹期48例(42.85%),肥大期19例(16.96%),有效35例(31.25%),总有效率100%,与切割法比较,其优点是不出血,操作简便易学。  相似文献   

泵脉冲染料激光治疗194例鲜红斑痣疗效分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鲜红斑痣为一种先天的皮肤毛细血管发育异常,在皮肤的浅层形成毛细血管丛,其发病率为0.3%,大部分发生面部和颈部,约85%的患者发生在单侧,严重影响了患者的面容,疾病在出生时为淡红色斑,逐渐发展为暗红色斑或紫红色斑,部分可出现结节,在成人时皮损面积也增大[1]。泵脉冲染料激光是第一个根据选择性光动力学原理制造的激光机,它可选择性的破坏毛细血管而不损坏周围的真皮和表皮。研究表明泵脉冲染料激光治疗鲜红斑痣是有效和安全的[2]。 北京协和医院于1998年开始使用美国塞诺秀公司生产的 Photlo Geni…  相似文献   

脉冲染料激光治疗鲜红斑痣的临床疗效分析   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
利用脉冲染料激光器治疗了1617例鲜红 斑痣患者,并从年龄的大小、皮损类型、面积大小、发生的部位及副作用进行了分组观察研究。其年龄小、淡红型 皮损,面积小、发生于颈部、面部偏侧者疗效显著。1617例中仅有1例下唇发生轻度增生性瘢痕。由此认为脉冲染料激光是目前治疗鲜红斑痣安全有效的方法。  相似文献   

酒渣鼻又称玫瑰痤疮(acne rosacea),多见于中年人,损害好发于鼻部与面中部,表现为弥漫性潮红,伴丘疹、脓疱及毛细血管扩张。笔者根据闪光灯-泵脉冲染料激光能够按选择性光热作用原理作用于含有氧合血红蛋白的血管,用其治疗46例酒渣鼻患者的毛细血管扩张,取得了良好效果,报告如下。1病例与方法1.1病例46例均为我院激光美容门诊2002年以来就诊的患者,其中男28例,女18例,平均年龄37.28岁(19~66岁),平均病程4.88年(3个月~20年)。根据皮损分期分为轻度和重度:一期(红斑期)为轻度,二、三期为重度。46例患者中轻度24例,重度22例。1.2方法1.2.1治…  相似文献   

Rosacea is a chronic condition, affecting up to 10% of the population. It has a negative impact on patients’ quality of life (QOL), leading to loss of self-confidence, emotional distress and withdrawal from normal societal interactions. Erythemotelangiectatic (ET) rosacea is a frequent reason for consultation and difficult to treat, as vascular signs such as flushing, erythema and telangiectasia often persist despite medical therapy. Several studies have demonstrated objective improvements in vascular signs following pulsed dye laser (PDL) treatment, but very few have investigated improvement in QOL. We reviewed the current literature to find evidence for the effect of PDL on QOL in ET rosacea.  相似文献   

Background: Rosacea is a chronic disease affecting the patients’ life quality negatively. Although various laser systems are used in the rosacea treatment, studies reporting efficacy and long-term continuity of benefit of laser therapies are scarce.

Objectives: We aimed to evaluate the efficacy, safety, continuity of benefit, and effect on life quality of pulsed dye laser (PDL) in the rosacea patients.

Methods: Fourteen rosacea patients treated with PDL were enrolled in the study. The number of treatment sessions were varied from one to four. The efficacy was evaluated by the physicians’ clinical assessment (PCA), patients’ self-assessment (PSA), and erythema and telengiectasia grading scores. Additionally, the patients were asked about the continuity of the benefit and improvement in their life qualities after the treatment.

Results: Both the erythema and telangiectasia scores were significantly improved after the treatment (p < 0.001). According to PCA, nine patients had a clinical improvement of >50%. According to PSA, 11 patients had good/excellent improvement. Moderate/significant benefit of treatment continued in 12 patients at the follow-up period (mean 21.64 ± 14.25 months). The life quality scores were significantly improved. No serious side effects were observed.

Conclusion: PDL has high and long-term efficacy in the treatment of rosacea with a good safety profile.  相似文献   


Treating diffuse facial redness with an intense pulsed light (IPL) source usually requires multiple sessions and may not achieve complete clearance. The 595 nm pulsed dye laser (PDL) enjoys a good reputation for reducing facial redness with non-purpuric settings. The objective of this study was to compare facial redness reduction using these two devices. After establishing the lowest light dose able to achieve transient purpura for the same pulse width of 1,5 ms with each technology, right and left sides of the face were randomly assigned for each type of treatment. There were two treatment sessions 4 weeks apart and the final evaluation was performed 8 weeks after thesecond treatment. Four blinded experienced dermatologists analyzed pre and post-treatment photographs, which demonstrated an average of 60% improvement on the segment treated with the IPL as opposed to 45% on the other segment. Pain level was described as mild and the procedure was well tolerated for both types of treatment. In this study we showed that short-pulsed intense pulsed light and PDL are similar in decreasing facial redness when non-purpuric low fluence settings are used. The IPL was faster and did not have consumables.  相似文献   

目的探讨595 nm脉冲染料激光治疗婴幼儿皮肤真性血管瘤的疗效。方法应用595 nm脉冲染料激光治疗40例婴幼儿皮肤真性血管瘤并观察疗效。结果 40例患者中,治疗3次以内6例,治疗3次及以上34例。治愈18例(45%),显效15例(37.5%),有效3例(7.5%),无效3例(7.5%),总有效率82.5%。结论 595 nm脉冲染料激光治疗婴幼儿皮肤真性血管瘤疗效确切、安全,可在临床推广。  相似文献   

目的观察不同分期酒渣鼻采用不同激光治疗的临床疗效。方法根据患者病情所处的不同阶段,个性化制定治疗方案:红斑期(Ⅰ期)患者采用强脉冲光(IPL)消除毛细血管,收缩毛孔;丘疹脓疱期(Ⅱ期)患者采用585nm脉冲染料激光(PDL)凝固较粗血管;鼻赘期(Ⅲ期)患者采用超脉冲CO2合并铒点阵激光切割气化鼻赘,收缩毛孔;Ⅱ期和Ⅲ期患者在治疗的后期均可采用IPL去除残余红斑,收缩毛孔。每次治疗2~3个月后观察疗效,及治疗次数对疗效的影响。结果 40例患者临床痊愈率达70%,总有效率达92.5%,无色素沉着及瘢痕等并发症。结论针对不同分期酒渣鼻使用个性化激光治疗方案,效果好,安全性高,值得推广。  相似文献   

目的探讨595nm脉冲染料激光治疗儿童微静脉畸形的疗效。方法应用595nm脉冲染料激光治疗351例皮肤微静脉畸形患儿,观察疗效及副作用。结果 351例患者中治疗次数最少1次,最多13次,间隔4~6周,总有效率43%;皮损位于面部的患儿138例,不同部位皮损治疗次数最少1次,最多13次,有效率在22.7%~44%之间,疗效之间无统计学差异。不良反应发生4例(1.1%)。结论 595nm脉冲染料激光治疗微静脉畸形疗效确切,不良反应少见。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The flashlamp pulsed dye laser has been used in the treatment of rhytids. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of the long pulsed dye laser in the treatment of mild to moderate wrinkles in Asian patients. METHODS: Wrinkles on one half of the face in 10 subjects were treated with the long pulsed dye laser (595 nm, 10 mm spot size, 10 ms, 7 J/cm2, 40 ms spray, 40 ms delay, single-pass, 30% overlap) with the other side serving as a control. A total of three treatments were given at 2 monthly intervals. The following sites were treated: periorbital area, six patients; forehead, two patients; cheek, two patients. No preoperative anesthesia or postoperative treatment were used. Clinical photographs were taken before and after each treatment, and analysis was undertaken through photographic evaluation by non-treating physicians. RESULTS: At 2 months after the last treatment, the clinical improvement of rhytids was noted in all patients compared with baseline. Four subjects had mild improvement (≤? 25%), five had moderate improvement (26-50%) and one had marked improvement (51-75%). The periorbital area was more responsive to treatment compared with the other sites. No clinical changes were noted in the control areas. No adverse effects were reported except for transient mild erythema in two patients which lasted for up to an hour. Nine patients were somewhat satisfied with the treatment and one was highly satisfied. All wanted the other half of the face to be treated. CONCLUSION: Treatment with a non-ablative 595 nm flashlamp pulsed dye laser can lead to mild to moderate clinical improvement in class I-II rhytids with minimal to no side effects in patients with darker skin types.  相似文献   

Background: Laser and light-based therapies have often been used successfully to treat rosacea. Recently, short-pulsed intense pulsed light (IPL) that emitted pulse durations down to 0.5 ms was found to be effective for rosacea treatment.

Objective: This study evaluated the efficacy of short-pulsed IPL in the treatment of rosacea compared with pulsed dye laser (PDL) using same pulse duration and fluence.

Materials and Methods: Nine patients with rosacea were enrolled in a randomized, split-face trial. Each treatment consisted of four sessions at three-week intervals and followed up until three weeks after the last treatment. Efficacy was assessed by erythema, melanin index, physician’s subjective evaluation, and patient’s satisfaction.

Results: The mean change in erythema index was ?4.93 ± 1.59 for the short-pulsed IPL group and ?4.27 ± 1.23 for the PDL group. The mean change in melanin index was ?2.52 ± 2.45 for the short-pulsed IPL group and ?1.95 ± 1.41 for the PDL group. There was no significant difference in either melanin or erythema index between short-pulsed IPL and PDL treatments, and there were no noticeable adverse events.

Conclusions: There was no significant difference between PDL and short-pulsed IPL treatment using the same energies and pulse. Both PDL and short-pulsed IPL were satisfactory and safe for rosacea treatment.  相似文献   

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