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Summary.  After screening for species-specific antihuman factor (F)IX monoclonal antibodies, we found that antibody 3A6 did not bind to cynomolgus FIX. The 3A6 epitope was found to include Ala262 of human FIX. The 3A6 antibody was used as a catching antibody in an enzyme immunoassay (EIA) for specific detection of human FIX in cynomolgus macaque plasma. No significant increase of substrate hydrolysis was observed when EIA buffer containing cynomolgus macaque plasma was subjected to the 3A6-based EIA. Addition of up to 30% cynomolgus macaque plasma or canine plasma to the assay did not alter detection of human FIX. Three cynomolgus macaques were injected with human FIX (10 U kg−1; i.v.) and the circulating human FIX was quantified in the macaque plasma. The FIX level in the circulation increased to 470 ± 37.6 ng mL−1 at 1 h after the injection and gradually decreased to 1.79 ± 1.1 ng mL−1 by day 5, which is approximately 0.06% of the normal human plasma FIX concentration. These data suggest that the cynomolgus macaque can be used as a primate model for studying hemophilia B gene therapy by transduction of macaque organs with vectors to express human FIX in vivo and detection of human FIX using the 3A6 monoclonal antibody.  相似文献   

The advent of extended half‐life (EHL) recombinant clotting factors and innovative non‐factor replacement therapeutics, such as emicizumab, offers several advantages over existing products for the prophylactic treatment of people living with hemophilia (PwH). These include low annual bleeding rates with less frequent dosing, higher trough plasma concentrations, and a more convenient route of administration. However, increasing use of these therapies poses challenges to clinicians and coagulation laboratories due to the lack of standardized assays for monitoring of hemostatic parameters, and the potential for misinterpretation of test results, which may jeopardize patient safety. Definitive diagnosis of hemophilia and treatment monitoring is reliant on demonstrating factor VIII (FVIII; hemophilia A) or factor IX (FIX; hemophilia B) deficiency using a functional coagulation assay. The most frequently used assays are based on activated partial thromboplastin time, using a one‐stage or two‐stage process. While one‐stage and chromogenic assays have performed well with human‐derived FVIII and FIX and full‐length recombinant products, EHL recombinant factors are heterogeneous in structure and mode of action and therefore show wide variation in activity levels between different one‐stage assays, and between one‐stage and chromogenic assays. In the context of the recommended stepwise approach for laboratory diagnosis of hemophilia, we examine the diagnostic challenges associated with the use of EHL factors and novel non‐factor therapeutics and consider the optimal diagnostic approach in PwH who are receiving these treatments. Ultimately, accurate diagnostic solutions are a prerequisite for personalized therapy to minimize treatment burden and improve quality of life in PwH.  相似文献   

Summary. Background: Adeno‐associated viral vector (AAV)‐mediated and muscle‐directed gene therapy is a safe and non‐invasive approach to treatment of hemophilia B and other genetic diseases. However, low efficiency of transduction, inhibitor formation and high prevalence of pre‐existing immunity to the AAV capsid in humans remain as main challenges for AAV2‐based vectors using this strategy. Vectors packaged with AAV7, 8 and 9 serotypes have improved gene transfer efficiencies and may provide potential alternatives to overcome these problems. Objective: To compare the long‐term expression of canine factor IX (cFIX) levels and anti‐cFIX antibody responses following intramuscular injection of vectors packaged with AAV1, 2, 5, 7, 8 and 9 capsid in immunocompetent hemophilia B mice. Results: Highest expression was detected in mice injected with AAV2/8 vector (28% of normal), followed by AAV2/9 (15%) and AAV2/7 (10%). cFIX expression by AAV2/1 only ranged from 0 to 5% of normal levels. High incidences of anti‐cFIX inhibitor (IgG) were detected in mice injected with AAV2 and 2/5 vectors, followed by AAV2/1. None of the mice treated with AAV2/7, 2/8 and 2/9 developed inhibitors or capsid T cells. Conclusions: AAV7, 8 and 9 are more efficient and safer vectors for muscle‐directed gene therapy with high levels of transgene expression and absence of inhibitor formation. The absence of antibody response to transgene by AAV7, 8 and 9 is independent of vector dose but may be due to the fact that these three serotypes are associated with high level distribution to, and transduction of, hepatocytes following i.m. injection.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Precise assessment of clotting function is essential for monitoring of hemostatic treatment for hemophilias A and B. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Clot waveform analysis and thrombin generation assays were performed on factor (F) VIII- and FIX-deficient plasmas, which had been reconstituted with known amounts of recombinant FVIII (rFVIII) and affinity-purified FIX respectively. Clot waveforms were assessed qualitatively and quantitatively by measuring the parameters clotting time, maximum coagulation velocity (Min1), and maximum coagulation acceleration (Min2). The thrombin generation assay was also assessed qualitatively and measurements made of time to peak and peak height. RESULTS: Overall results obtained with both assays showed good correlation for both clotting factors confirming that the changes in clotting waveform reflected changes in thrombin generation. Both assays demonstrated a predictable dose response to the addition of FVIII or IX. However, clot waveform analysis was more sensitive than the thrombin generation assay, particularly in detecting very low levels (0-0.1 IU dL(-1)) of both factors. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that the application of clot waveform analysis to the routine management of the hemophiliacs could increase our understanding of the clinical significance of low levels of FVIII and FIX that cannot be measured by assays in current use. This may be particularly useful in the management of hemophiliacs with inhibitors or undergoing gene therapy.  相似文献   

Summary.  Hemophilia B is an X-linked bleeding disorder caused by the deficiency of coagulation factor (F)IX, with an estimated prevalence of 1 in 30 000 male births. It is almost exclusively seen in males with rare exceptions. We report a girl who was diagnosed with severe (<1%) FIX deficiency at 4 months of age. Cytogenetic studies in the patient showed a balanced translocation between one of the X-chromosomes and chromosome 14, with breakpoints at bands Xq27.1 and 14q32.3. Both parents were found to have normal chromosomes. Late replication studies by incorporation of 5-bromodeoxyuridine showed non-random inactivation of the normal X-chromosome, a phenomenon frequently seen in balanced X/autosome translocations. To map the breakpoint, fluorescent in-situ hybridization was performed. A PAC DNA probe, RP6-88D7 (which contains the FIX gene) hybridized only on the normal chromosome X as well as onto the derivative 14. Using a PAC DNA probe, RP11-963P9 that is located proximal to the FIX gene, we obtained signals on the normal and derivative X and also on the derivative 14. We conclude that the breakpoint is located within the DNA sequence of this clone mapping proximal to the FIX gene. Since the FIX gene seems to be intact in the derivative 14, the breakpoint may affect an upstream regulatory sequence that subjects the gene to position effect variegation (PEV).  相似文献   

Summary. Background: nonacog beta pegol (N9‐GP) is a glycoPEGylated recombinant factor IX (rFIX) molecule with a prolonged half‐life. Objectives: To provide information on potential dose regimens for N9‐GP for phase 3 pivotal and surgery trials. Methods: A population pharmacokinetic model was developed from single‐dose data derived from the first human‐dose trial with N9‐GP in hemophilia B patients, and was used to extrapolate to steady‐state conditions for different N9‐GP dose regimens for prophylaxis. The model was also used to compare prophylaxis using N9‐GP with standard prophylactic regimens using rFIX or plasma‐derived (pd) FIX (40 IU kg?1 every third day). Plasma activity following dosing with N9‐GP, rFIX and pdFIX for surgery and on‐demand treatment of bleeds was also simulated. Results: A linear two‐compartmental model best described the pharmacokinetic profiles of N9‐GP, rFIX and pdFIX. A prophylactic regimen of 10 U kg?1 N9‐GP once weekly predicted mean peak and trough levels of 18 and 4.2 U dL?1, while 40 U kg?1 once weekly predicted values of 72 and 17 U dL?1, respectively. Standard prophylactic regimens with rFIX and pdFIX predicted mean peak and trough levels of 34 and 3.9 IU dL?1 for rFIX, and mean values of 43 and 2.1 IU dL?1 for pdFIX. Additional simulations predicted significantly reduced dosing frequency and factor concentrate consumption for N9‐GP vs. rFIX and pdFIX for surgery and the treatment of bleeds. Conclusions: N9‐GP may allow prophylaxis, surgical dosing regimens and on‐demand treatment of bleeding episodes with less frequent injections and lower factor concentrate consumption; this possibility is being investigated in prospective clinical trials.  相似文献   

Summary. Background: Hemophilia B is an X‐linked inherited disorder caused by the lack of functional factor IX (FIX). Currently, treatment of hemophilia B is performed by intravenous infusion of plasma‐derived or recombinant FIX. Objective: In an effort to reduce factor usage and cost, we investigated the potential use of FIX variants with enhanced specific clotting activity. Methods: Seven recombinant FIX variants using alanine replacement were generated and assayed for their activity in vitro and in vivo. Results: One variant containing three substitutions (V86A/E277A/R338A, FIX‐Triple) exhibited 13‐fold higher specific clotting activity and a 10‐fold increased affinity for human FVIIIa compared with FIX‐wild‐type (FIX‐WT) and was thus investigated systematically in vivo. Liver‐specific FIX‐Triple gene expression following hydrodynamic plasmid delivery revealed a 3.5‐fold higher specific clotting activity compared with FIX‐WT. Human FIX‐Triple and FIX‐WT knock‐in mice were generated and it was confirmed that FIX‐Triple has 7‐fold higher specific clotting activity than FIX‐WT under normal physiological conditions. Protein infusion of FIX‐Triple into hemophilia B mice resulted in greater improvement of hemostasis than that achieved with FIX‐WT. Moreover, tail‐vein administration of a serotype 8 recombinant Adeno‐associated vector (AAV8) expressing either FIX‐WT or FIX‐Triple in hemophilia B mice demonstrated a 7‐fold higher specific clotting activity of FIX‐Triple than FIX‐WT. Conclusions: Our results indicate that the FIX‐Triple variant exhibits significantly enhanced clotting activity relative to FIX‐WT due to tighter binding to FVIIIa, as demonstrated both in vitro and in vivo. Therefore, FIX‐Triple is a good candidate for further evaluation in protein replacement therapy as well as gene‐based therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   



  • Marzeptacog alfa (activated) [MarzAA] is a novel variant of activated human factor VII.
  • A phase 1 dose escalation trial of MarzAA was conducted in subjects with severe hemophilia.
  • MarzAA was safe and tolerated at intravenous doses up to 30 μg kg?1
  • Data observed support further trials for hemophilia patients with inhibitors to factors VIII/IX.



Marzeptacog alfa (activated) (MarzAA), a new recombinant activated human factor VII (rFVIIa) variant with four amino acid substitutions, was developed to provide increased procoagulant activity and a longer duration of action in people with hemophilia.


To investigate the safety, tolerability, immunogenicity, pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD) of single ascending intravenous bolus doses of MarzAA in non‐bleeding patients with congenital hemophilia A or B with or without inhibitors.


This international, phase 1, open‐label study (NCT01439971) enrolled males aged 18–64 years with severe hemophilia A or B, with or without FVIII or FIX inhibitors. Subjects were assigned to single‐dose MarzAA cohorts (0.5, 4.5, 9, 18 or 30 μg kg?1). Blood sampling was performed predose and postdose, and subjects were monitored for 60 days postdose. Safety endpoints included adverse events, vital sign changes, electrocardiograms, laboratory abnormalities, and immunogenicity; secondary endpoints included evaluation of PK and PD.


Overall, in 25 patients, MarzAA was well tolerated at all dose levels tested, and was not associated with dose‐limiting toxicity. No treatment‐emergent severe or serious adverse events occurred. MarzAA showed linear dose–response PK across the 4.5–30 μg kg?1 dose range, with a terminal half‐life of ? 3.5 h. Dose‐dependent shortening of the activated partial thromboplastin time and prothrombin time, and evidence of an increase in peak thrombin as determined with a thrombin generation assay, were observed at all doses.


MarzAA was tolerated at doses up to 30 μg kg?1. The safety profile and pharmacological effects observed support further clinical trials for the treatment of hemophilic patients with inhibitors.

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