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Objective Working memory is a key cognitive function in which the prefrontal cortex plays a crucial role. This study aimed to show the firing patterns of a neuronal population in the prefrontal cortex of the rat in a working memory task and to explore how a neuronal ensemble encodes a working memory event.Methods Sprague-Dawley rats were trained in a Y-maze until they reached an 80%correct rate in a working memory task.Then a 16-channel microelectrode array was implanted in the prefrontal cortex.After recovery,neuronal population activity was recorded during the task, using the Cerebus data-acquisition system.Spatio-temporal trains of action potentials were obtained from the original neuronal population signals.Results During the Y-maze working memory task,some neurons showed significantly increased firing rates and evident neuronal ensemble activity.Moreover,the anticipatory activity was associated with the delayed alternate choice of the upcoming movement.In correct trials,the averaged pre-event firing rate(10.86±1.82 spikes/ bin) was higher than the post-event rate(8.17±1.15 spikes/bin)(P <0.05).However,in incorrect trials,the rates did not differ.Conclusion The results indicate that the anticipatory activity of a neuronal ensemble in the prefrontal cortex may play a role in encoding working memory events.  相似文献   

Neuroimaging studies in humans have shown that different working memory (WM) tasks recruit a common bilateral fronto-parietal cortical network. Animal studies as well as neuroimaging studies in humans have suggested that this network, in particular the prefrontal cortex, is preferentially recruited when material from different domains (e.g. spatial information or verbal/object information) has to be memorized. Early imaging studies have suggested qualitative dissociations in the prefrontal cortex for spatial and object/verbal WM, either in a left-right or a ventral-dorsal dimension. However, results from different studies are inconsistent. Moreover, recent fMRI studies have failed to find evidence for domain dependent dissociations of WM-related activity in prefrontal cortex. Here we present evidence from two independent fMRI studies using physically identical stimuli in a verbal and spatial WM task showing that domain dominance for WM does indeed exist, although only in the form of quantitative differences in activation and not in the form of a dissociation with different prefrontal regions showing mutually exclusive activation in different domains. Our results support a mixed dimension model of domain dominance for WM within the prefrontal cortex, with left ventral prefrontal cortex (PFC) supporting preferentially verbal WM and right dorsal PFC supporting preferentially spatial WM. The concept of domain dominance is discussed in the light of recent theories of prefrontal cortex function.  相似文献   

The ability to recall and recognize facts we experienced in the past is based on a complex mechanism in which several cerebral regions are implicated. Neuroimaging and lesion studies agree in identifying the frontal lobe as a crucial structure for memory processes, and in particular for working memory and episodic memory and their relationships. Furthermore, with the introduction of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) a new way was proposed to investigate the relationships between brain correlates, memory functions and behavior. The aim of this review is to present the main findings that have emerged from experiments which used the TMS technique for memory analysis. They mainly focused on the role of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in memory process. Furthermore, we present state-of-the-art evidence supporting a possible use of TMS in the clinic. Specifically we focus on the treatment of memory deficits in depression and anxiety disorders.  相似文献   

Working memory includes short-term representations of information that were recently experienced or retrieved from long-term representations of sensory stimuli. Evidence is presented here that working memory activates the same dorsolateral prefrontal cortex neurons that: (a) maintained recently perceived visual stimuli; and (b) retrieved visual stimuli from long-term memory (LTM). Single neuron activity was recorded in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex while trained monkeys discriminated between two orientated lines shown sequentially, separated by a fixed interstimulus interval. This visual task required the monkey to compare the orientation of the second line with the memory trace of the first and to decide the relative orientation of the second. When the behavioural task required the monkey to maintain in working memory a first stimulus that continually changed from trial to trial, the discharge in these cells was related to the parameters--the orientation--of the memorized item. Then, what the monkey had to recall from memory was manipulated by switching to another task in which the first stimulus was not shown, and had to be retrieved from LTM. The discharge rates of the same neurons also varied depending on the parameters of the memorized stimuli, and their response was progressively delayed as the monkey performed the task. These results suggest that working memory activates dorsolateral prefrontal cortex neurons that maintain parametrical visual information in short-term and LTM, and that the contents of working memory cannot be limited to what has recently happened in the sensory environment.  相似文献   

When we react to the outer world, perceived sensory information is frequently memorized over a temporal interval then transformed into a motor command based on a behavioural rule. In this type of memory-based sensorimotor transformation, working memory is considered to play an important role. It has been suggested that the lateral prefrontal cortex is involved in the process of the working memory. However, the neuronal mechanism for guiding a motor command from the working memory has not been established. To examine how visuospatial working memory is linked with a forthcoming saccade direction, we used an antisaccade paradigm for monkeys in which a behavioural rule was presented in the middle of a delay period. In this task, the subjects were required to maintain cue location and to select a response based on a behavioural rule. We found that a subset of mnemonic neurons in the lateral prefrontal cortex changed their representation from cue to saccade direction. Furthermore, the discriminability for saccade direction of these neurons tended to appear soon after the behavioural rule presentation, indicating their significant dependency on the behavioural rule. These results suggest that a subset of mnemonic neurons in the lateral prefrontal cortex change their activity depending on a behavioural rule to guide a prospective motor command.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Amphetamine (AMPH) sensitization in monkeys produces long-lasting behavioral changes that model positive (hallucinatory-like behaviors) and negative (psychomotor depression) symptoms of schizophrenia. The extent to which this model produces the core deficit in schizophrenia--working memory impairment--is unknown. METHODS: Two groups of rhesus monkeys were sensitized to AMPH over 6 weeks. In one group, acquisition of cognitive tasks (delayed response, visual discrimination, delayed nonmatch-to-sample) was examined beginning 6+ months postsensitization. The second group was pretrained to stability on delayed response before sensitization. Regional postmortem concentrations of dopamine and its metabolites were examined in tissue from age-matched AMPH-naive and AMPH-sensitized monkeys using high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection (HPLC-ECD). RESULTS: The AMPH-sensitized monkeys were profoundly impaired in their ability to acquire cognitive tasks compared with AMPH-na?ve monkeys. Pretrained monkeys showed impaired delayed response performance for several months following sensitization. Analysis by HPLC revealed that AMPH sensitization significantly reduced dopamine turnover in prefrontal cortex and striatum. CONCLUSIONS: Impairments in the acquisition and performance of spatial delayed response in association with reduced dopamine turnover in prefrontal cortex following AMPH sensitization provide further support for the relevance of this model to both the etiology and the treatment of cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Dysfunctions in prefrontal cortical networks are thought to underlie working memory (WM) impairments consistently observed in both subjects with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. It remains unclear, however, whether patterns of WM‐related hemodynamic responses are similar in bipolar and schizophrenia subjects compared to controls. We used fMRI to investigate differences in blood oxygen level dependent activation during a WM task in 21 patients with euthymic bipolar I, 20 patients with schizophrenia, and 38 healthy controls. Subjects were presented with four stimuli (abstract designs) followed by a fifth stimulus and required to recall whether the last stimulus was among the four presented previously. Task‐related brain activity was compared within and across groups. All groups activated prefrontal cortex (PFC), primary and supplementary motor cortex, and visual cortex during the WM task. There were no significant differences in PFC activation between controls and euthymic bipolar subjects, but controls exhibited significantly increased activation (cluster‐corrected P < 0.05) compared to patients with schizophrenia in prefrontal regions including dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). Although the bipolar group exhibited intermediate percent signal change in a functionally defined DLPFC region of interest with respect to the schizophrenia and control groups, effects remained significant only between patients with schizophrenia and controls. Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder may share some behavioral, diagnostic, and genetic features. Differences in the patterns of WM‐related brain activity across groups, however, suggest some diagnostic specificity. Both patient groups showed some regional task‐related hypoactivation compared to controls across the brain. Within DLPFC specifically, patients with schizophrenia exhibited more severe WM‐related dysfunction than bipolar subjects. Hum Brain Mapp, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Common activations in prefrontal cortex (PFC) during episodic and semantic long-term memory (LTM) tasks have been hypothesized to reflect functional overlap in terms of working memory (WM) and cognitive control. To evaluate a WM account of LTM-general activations, the present study took into consideration that cognitive task performance depends on the dynamic operation of multiple component processes, some of which are stimulus-synchronous and transient in nature; and some that are engaged throughout a task in a sustained fashion. PFC and WM may be implicated in both of these temporally independent components. To elucidate these possibilities we employed mixed blocked/event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) procedures to assess the extent to which sustained or transient activation patterns overlapped across tasks indexing episodic and semantic LTM, attention (ATT), and WM. Within PFC, ventrolateral and medial areas exhibited sustained activity across all tasks, whereas more anterior regions including right frontopolar cortex were commonly engaged in sustained processing during the three memory tasks. These findings do not support a WM account of sustained frontal responses during LTM tasks, but instead suggest that the pattern that was common to all tasks reflects general attentional set/vigilance, and that the shared WM-LTM pattern mediates control processes related to upholding task set. Transient responses during the three memory tasks were assessed relative to ATT to isolate item-specific mnemonic processes and were found to be largely distinct from sustained effects. Task-specific effects were observed for each memory task. In addition, a common item response for all memory tasks involved left dorsolateral PFC (DLPFC). The latter response might be seen as reflecting WM processes during LTM retrieval. Thus, our findings suggest that a WM account of shared PFC recruitment in LTM tasks holds for common transient item-related responses rather than sustained state-related responses that are better seen as reflecting more general attentional/control processes.  相似文献   

Event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging was used to test the involvement of the inferior prefrontal cortex in verbal working memory. Pairs of French nouns were presented to ten native French speakers who had to make semantic or grammatical gender decisions. Verbal working memory involvement was manipulated by making the categorization of the second noun optional. Decisions could be made after processing the first noun only (RELEASE condition) or after processing the two nouns (HOLD condition). Reaction times suggested faster processing for gender than for semantic category in RELEASE. Despite the absence of anatomical difference across tasks and conditions in the wide activated network, the haemodynamic response peak latencies of the inferior prefrontal cortex were significantly delayed in HOLD versus RELEASE while no such peak delay was observed in the superior temporal gyrus. Interestingly, this pattern did not interact with language tasks. This study shows that cognitive manipulation can influence haemodynamic time-course and suggests that the main cognitive process determining inferior prefrontal activation is verbal working memory rather than specific linguistic processes such as grammatical or semantic analysis.  相似文献   

While monkeys performed spatial working memory tasks, cue- (C), delay- (D), and response-period (R) activities or their combinations (CD, CR, DR, CDR) were observed in prefrontal neurons. In the present study, we tried to understand information flow during spatial working memory performances and how each task-related neuron contributed to this process. We first characterized each neuron based on which task-related activity was exhibited and which information (cue location or saccade direction) each task-related activity represented, then classified these neurons into 9 groups (C, Dcue, Dsac, CDcue, DcueRcue, DsacRsac, DcueRsac, CDcueRcue and CDcueRsac). Preferred directions were similar between cue- and delay-period activities in CDcue, CDcueRcue, and CDcueRsac, indicating that the directional selectivity of delay-period activity is affected by the directional selectivity of cue-period activity, all of which represented visual information. Preferred directions were also similar between delay- and response-period activities in DcueRcue, CDcueRcue, and DsacRsac, indicating that the directional selectivity of delay-period activity affects the directional selectivity of response-period activity in these neurons. By the comparison of temporal profiles of delay-period activity among these groups, we found (1) cue-period activity could affect directional selectivity of delay-period activity of CDcue and CDcueRcue, (2) cue-period activity of C, CDcue, and CDcueRcue might contribute to the initiation and the maintenance of delay-period activity of CDcue, CDcueRcue, Dcue, and DcueRcue, and (3) saccade-related activity of DsacRsac could be affected by delay-period activity of Dsac and DsacRsac. These results suggest that the combination of task-related activities, the information represented by each activity, and the temporal profile of delay-period activity are important factors to consider information flow and processing and integration of the information in the prefrontal cortex during spatial working memory processes.  相似文献   

To guide our behavior in successful ways, we often need to rely on information that is no longer in view, but maintained in visual short-term memory (VSTM). While VSTM is usually broken down into iconic memory (brief and high-capacity store) and visual working memory (sustained, yet limited-capacity store), recent studies have suggested the existence of an additional and intermediate form of VSTM that depends on activity in extrastriate cortex. In previous work, we have shown that this fragile form of VSTM can be dissociated from iconic memory. In the present study, we provide evidence that fragile VSTM is different from visual working memory as magnetic stimulation of the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) disrupts visual working memory, while leaving fragile VSTM intact. In addition, we observed that people with high DLPFC activity had superior working memory capacity compared to people with low DLPFC activity, and only people with high DLPFC activity really showed a reduction in working memory capacity in response to magnetic stimulation. Altogether, this study shows that VSTM consists of three stages that have clearly different characteristics and rely on different neural structures. On the methodological side, we show that it is possible to predict individual susceptibility to magnetic stimulation based on functional MRI activity.  相似文献   

To investigate the neuronal mechanism of the process of selection of a target from an array of stimuli, we analysed neuronal activity of the lateral prefrontal cortex during the response period of a serial probe reproduction task. During the response period of this task, monkeys were trained to select a memorized target object from an array of three objects and make a saccadic eye movement toward it. Of 611 neurons, 74 neurons showed visual response and 56 neurons showed presaccadic activity during the response period. Among visual neurons, 27 showed array‐ and target‐selectivity. All of these array‐ and target‐selective visual responses were recorded from the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC). Among 56 neurons with presaccadic activity, nine showed target‐selective activity, 17 showed target‐ and direction‐selective activity, and 23 showed direction‐selective activity. The target‐selective, and the target‐ and direction‐selective activities were recorded from the VLPFC, and the direction‐selective activities were recorded from VLPFC and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). The starting time of the activity was earlier for the target‐selective, and target‐ and direction‐selective activities in VLPFC, intermediate for the direction‐selective activities in VLPFC, and later for the direction‐selective activities in DLPFC. These results suggest that VLPFC plays a role in the process of selection of a target object from an array of stimuli, VLPFC and DLPFC play a role in determining the location of the target in space, and DLPFC plays a role in selecting a direction and making a decision to generate a saccadic eye movement.  相似文献   

The present study examined the role of the prefrontal cortex in retrieval processing using functional magnetic resonance imaging in human subjects. Ten healthy subjects were scanned while they performed a task that required retrieval of specific aspects of visual information. In order to examine brain activity specifically associated with retrieval, we designed a task that had retrieval and control conditions that were perfectly matched in terms of depth of encoding, decision making and postretrieval monitoring and differed only in terms of whether retrieval was required. In the retrieval condition, based on an instructional cue, the subjects had to retrieve either the particular stimulus that was previously presented or its location. In the control condition, the cue did not instruct retrieval but shared with the instructional cues the function of alerting the subjects of the impending test phase. The comparison of activity between the retrieval and control conditions demonstrated a significant and selective increase in activity related to retrieval processes within the ventrolateral prefrontal cortical region, more specifically within area 47/12. These activity increases were bilateral but stronger in the right hemisphere. The present study by strictly controlling the level of encoding, postretrieval monitoring, and decision making has demonstrated a specific increase in the ventrolateral prefrontal region that could be clearly related to active retrieval processing, i.e. the active selection of particular stored visual representations.  相似文献   

Recent genetic studies have linked mental illness to alterations in disrupted in schizophrenia 1 (DISC1), a multifunctional scaffolding protein that regulates cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) signaling via interactions with phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4). High levels of cAMP during stress exposure impair function of the prefrontal cortex (PFC), a region gravely afflicted in mental illness. As stress can aggravate mental illness, genetic insults to DISC1 may worsen symptoms by increasing cAMP levels. The current study examined whether viral knockdown (KD) of the Disc1 gene in rat PFC increases susceptibility to stress-induced PFC dysfunction. Rats were trained in a spatial working memory task before receiving infusions of (a) an active viral construct that knocked down Disc1 in PFC (DISC1 KD group), (b) a ‘scrambled'' construct that had no effect on Disc1 (Scrambled group), or (c) an active construct that reduced DISC1 expression dorsal to PFC (Anatomical Control group). Data were compared with an unoperated Control group. Cognitive performance was assessed following mild restraint stress that had no effect on normal animals. DISC1 KD rats were impaired by 1  h restraint stress, whereas Scrambled, Control, and Anatomical Control groups were unaffected. Thus, knocking down Disc1 in PFC reduced the threshold for stress-induced cognitive dysfunction, possibly through disinhibited cAMP signaling at neuronal network synapses. These findings may explain why patients with DISC1 mutations may be especially vulnerable to the effects of stress.  相似文献   

Previous studies on working memory (WM) function in adults with attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) suggested aberrant activation of the prefrontal cortex and the cerebellum. Although it has been hypothesized that activation differences in these regions most likely reflect aberrant frontocerebellar circuits, the functional coupling of these brain networks during cognitive performance has not been investigated so far. In this study, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and both univariate and multivariate analytic techniques were used to investigate regional activation changes and functional connectivity differences during cognitive processing in healthy controls (n = 12) and ADHD adults (n = 12). Behavioral performance during a parametric verbal WM paradigm did not significantly differ between adults with ADHD and healthy controls. During the delay period of the activation task, however, ADHD patients showed significantly less activation in the left ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC), as well as in cerebellar and occipital regions compared with healthy control subjects. In both groups, independent component analyses revealed a functional network comprising bilateral lateral prefrontal, striatal, and cingulate regions. ADHD adults had significantly lower connectivity in the bilateral VLPFC, the anterior cingulate cortex, the superior parietal lobule, and the cerebellum compared with healthy controls. Increased connectivity in ADHD adults was found in right prefrontal regions, the left dorsal cingulate cortex and the left cuneus. These findings suggest both regional brain activation deficits and functional connectivity changes of the VLPFC and the cerebellum as well as functional connectivity abnormalities of the anterior cingulate and the parietal cortex in ADHD adults during WM processing. Hum Brain Mapp, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Objective: At therapeutic doses, classical antipsychotic drugs occupy a large proportion of subcortical dopamine D2 receptors, whereas atypical antipsychotics preferentially occupy cortical 5‐HT2 receptors. However, the exact cellular and network basis of their therapeutic action is not fully understood. Method: To review the mechanism of action of antipsychotic drugs with a particular emphasis on their action in the prefrontal cortex (PFC). Results: The PFC controls a large number of higher brain functions altered in schizophrenia. Histological studies indicate the presence of a large proportion of PFC neurons expressing monoaminergic receptors sensitive to the action of atypical‐ and to a lesser extentclassical antipsychotic drugs. Functional studies also indicate that both drug families act at PFC level. Conclusion: Atypical antipsychotic drugs likely exert their therapeutic activity by a preferential action on PFC neurons, thus modulating the PFC output to basal ganglia circuits. Classical antipsychotics also interact with these PFC targets in addition to blocking massively striatal D2 receptors.  相似文献   



The right prefrontal cortex (PFC) plays an essential role in active processing within visuospatial working memory (VSWM). The aim of this study was to examine developmental changes in the recruitment patterns of the PFC during visuospatial memory tasks in school-age participants.


We recruited 80 school-age children who were classified into three age groups: 7- to 8-year-old, 9- to 10-year-old, and 11- to 12-year-old children. We used near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to measure PFC activity during visuospatial memory task. Memory stimuli were presented either sequentially or simultaneously.


In all three groups, right-lateralized PFC activity was observed during sequential presentation, suggesting specialization of the right PFC for VSWM. During simultaneous presentation, right-lateralized PFC activity was not observed in 7- to 8-year-old children or 9- to 10-year-old children. In contrast, PFC activity was right-lateralized in 11- to 12-year-old children.


We suggest that specialization of the right PFC for VSWM is already present before school-age, but widely distributed activity in response to visuospatial memory tasks changes to more focal activity in VSWM-specific regions during the early school years.


Using NIRS, we showed developmental changes in the recruitment patterns of the PFC during visuospatial memory tasks.  相似文献   

Cognitive behaviour requires complex context-dependent mapping between sensory stimuli and actions. The same stimulus can lead to different behaviours depending on the situation, or the same behaviour may be elicited by different cueing stimuli. Neurons in the primate prefrontal cortex show task-specific firing activity during working memory delay periods. These neurons provide a neural substrate for mapping stimulus and response in a flexible, context- or rule-dependent, fashion. We describe here an integrate-and-fire network model to explain and investigate the different types of working-memory-related neuronal activity observed. The model contains different populations (or pools) of neurons (as found neurophysiologically) in attractor networks which respond in the delay period to the stimulus object, the stimulus position ('sensory pools'), to combinations of the stimulus sensory properties (e.g. the object identity or object location) and the response ('intermediate pools'), and to the response required (left or right) ('premotor pools'). The pools are arranged hierarchically, are linked by associative synaptic connections, and have global inhibition through inhibitory interneurons to implement competition. It is shown that a biasing attentional input to define the current rule applied to the intermediate pools enables the system to select the correct response in what is a biased competition model of attention. The integrate-and-fire model not only produces realistic spiking dynamicals very similar to the neuronal data but also shows how dopamine could weaken and shorten the persistent neuronal activity in the delay period; and allows us to predict more response errors when dopamine is elevated because there is less different activity in the different pools of competing neurons, resulting in more conflict.  相似文献   

It is widely held that the frontal cortex plays a critical part in certain aspects of spatial and non-spatial working memory. One unresolved issue is whether there are functionally distinct subdivisions of the lateral frontal cortex that subserve different aspects of working memory. The present study used positron emission tomography (PET) to demonstrate that working memory processes within the human mid-dorsolateral and mid-ventrolateral frontal regions are organized according to the type of processing required rather than according to the nature (i.e. spatial or non-spatial), of the information being processed, as has been widely assumed. Two spatial working memory tasks were used which varied in the extent to which they required different executive processes. During a 'spatial span' task that required the subject to hold a sequence of five previously remembered locations in working memory a significant change in blood-flow was observed in the right mid-ventrolateral frontal cortex, but not in the anatomically and cytoarchitectonically distinct mid-dorsolateral frontal-lobe region. By contrast, during a '2-back' task that required the subject to continually update and manipulate an ongoing sequence of locations within working memory, significant blood flow increases were observed in both mid-ventrolateral and mid-dorsolateral frontal regions. When the two working memory tasks were compared directly, the one that emphasized manipulation of information within working memory yielded significantly greater activity in the right mid-dorsolateral frontal cortex only. This dissociation provides unambiguous evidence that the mid-dorsolateral and mid-ventrolateral frontal cortical areas make distinct functional contributions to spatial working memory and corresponds with a fractionation of working memory processes in psychological terms.  相似文献   

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