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了解南通市区初中生生活方式现状,为提供健康生活方式指导提供依据.方法 采用分层整群随机抽样的方法,选取南通市区5所初中初一到初三年级共1 019名学生进行现场问卷调查,并对不同性别和年级之间进行x2检验.结果 学生每周从不参加体育锻炼的报告率为15.80%;每天看电视/录像时间超过4h的为7.46%;每天课外作业时间超过4h的为16.23%;每天玩电子游戏的时间超过4h的为6.08%;每天上网时间超过4h的为6.48%.结论 南通市区初中生生活方式整体较为健康,但也存在一些问题.社会、学校及家庭应进行合力引导和教育,以促使初中生形成良好生活方式.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: A questionnaire survey was conducted to examine a relationship between indefinite complaints and life styles in junior high school students and to apply the results to life guidance. METHODS: Twenty nine public junior high schools were selected by random sampling of 13 cities and 3 towns in Kanagawa Prefecture. A self-reported questionnaire was supplied to all subjects, containing 100 life-style related items, including a simplified CMI (Cornel Medical Index) questionnaire. RESULTS: The number of students who were evaluated as "point medical examination" based on physical symptoms of CMI and "disorder" based on the mental and physical symptom increased with the grade for both males and females. The students who reported "the life rhythm was always irregular" tended to be in the group evaluated as "disorder" or "point medical examination". The life rhythm was related to bedtime, sleeping hours and eating habits. It was observed that the students whose daily habits were always irregular had late bedtime, short sleeping hours and an irregular eating habit. As a result of the quantification method for the second type of analysis, it was found that sleeping time was the most related factor to the life rhythm. Furthermore 90% and more of students reported they did not consider nutritional balance with regard to their eating habits. CONCLUSION: It was suggested that those students who had irregular life rhythm needed sufficient sleep and nutrition guidance to maintain their health.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was the analysis of selected elements students life styles: nutrition behavior, physical activity, cigarettes smoking, alcohol drinking as a background of coronary diseases development. The respondents (412 persons) were university students: 339 women and 79 men. On an average they were 20 years old. 204 persons were inhabitants of towns, 208--villages and small towns. The interviews were conducted in Warsaw and Olsztyn in 2002. In general, for students non-healthy nutrition behavior were characteristic: non-regular consumption of meals (about 50%)), low frequency vegetables and fruits consumption (about 50%), sporadic fishes consumption (about 40%), preferring butter (35%) and poor physical activity (about 50%). Positive aspects of students nutrition were: preferring of poultry (44%), high frequency of fruit juice and mineral water drinking (about 40%) and sporadic chips and fast-food consumption (about 80%). One can observe differences in regard to the place of living. Pro-healthy behavior were more disseminated among students living in towns. More of them consumed daily vegetables, fruit juices, preferred poultry, did not smoke cigarettes and were physically active in comparison with students living in villages and small towns. General conclusions: there is a necessity to create programmers of health education at universities.  相似文献   

目的了解淮安市城区中学生超重、肥胖分布现况,为制定营养改善措施提供依据。方法采取随机整群抽样方法,选择淮安市城区8所中学学生为调查对象,计算体重指数(BMI),根据《中国学龄儿童青少年超重、肥胖筛查BMI值分类标准》进行评价。结果共调查了18 299名中学生,年龄为12~17岁,其中男生为9 831名,女生为8 468名;超重和肥胖检出率分别为14.5%、8.4%。男女生超重率分别为18.4%和11.4%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=253.50,P0.05);男女生肥胖率分别为10.0%和5.0%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=241.13,P0.05)。初中和高中学生超重率分别为15.0%和14.1%,差异无统计学意义(χ2=3.53,P0.05);其肥胖率分别为9.8%、7.3%;差异有统计学意义(χ2=36.34,P0.05)。结论淮安市城区中学生超重、肥胖现象并存,应引起重视。  相似文献   

目的了解茂名市市区中小学生近6年来的营养状况及其变化趋势,为改善学生的营养状况,制定营养不良和肥胖的防治措施提供参考。方法对茂名市市区2003-2008年中小学生营养状况检查结果进行统计学分析。结果中小学生营养不良率为17.93%,肥胖率为5.87%;营养不良率女生明显高于男生(χ^2=280.66,P〈0.01),中学生高于小学生;肥胖率男生明显高于女生(χ^2=686.93,P〈0.01),中学生低于小学生;中小学生营养不良检出率呈逐年下降的趋势(χ^2=8039.62,P〈0.01),肥胖检出率呈逐年上升的趋势(χ^2=690.52,P〈0.01)。结论茂名市市区中小学生营养不良和肥胖现象并存,要根据不同的学习阶段、不同性别制定不同的防治措施。  相似文献   

胡颖  高凤久  季迁  李慧杰 《中国校医》2014,28(2):107-109
目的通过对护理学生的身高、体质量及体质量指数(BMI)分析,了解本校学生身体发育状况。方法选取本校2010级护理专业学生311人,年龄均为17岁,全部为女生,根据BMI进行营养状况分析。结果本校2010级女生平均身高超过我国同年龄均值,体质量低于我国同龄均值,体质量超标与肥胖率均超过我国同龄均值。结论本校学生身体发育与我国同龄均值有一定差距与样本较小有关,同时与护理工作需要也有一定的距离。  相似文献   

目的 了解上海市中小学生健康信息需求和健康传播媒介使用习惯等,为做好全媒体时代中小学生健康教育提供参考。方法 采用分层随机抽样方法,于2022年5—6月选取上海市8所不同区域979名中小学生开展线上问卷调查。结果 上海市中小学生总体需求度较高的健康信息为近视防治[5(4,5)],口腔健康[5(3,5)],增强体质[5(3,5)],塑造健康身姿[5(3,5)],意外伤害防护[5(3,5)],防止网络沉溺[5(3,5)]。最常用的健康信息获取渠道为微信[4(3,5)],家人、朋友、同学等[4(3,5)],网站或网络论坛[4(3,5)],学校老师[4(3,5)],视频网站或APP[4(3,5)],医生、专家等[4(3,5)],学校活动、社团等[4(3,5)]。最感兴趣的健康信息传播形式为视频、动画片、短视频等[5(4,5)]。健康问题信任较高的求助对象为父母[5(4,5)],医生、专家等[5(4,5)],爷爷奶奶、外公外婆等祖辈[4(3,5)],学校老师[4(3,5)],同学、好朋友等[4(3,5)]。结论 上海中小学生健康信息需求度高,最常通过社交媒体、人际渠道等获取健康信息,对视频、图片...  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The prevalence of obesity and underweight has increased in recent years due to the fact that eating and drinking habits have changed all over the world. This survey was conducted to estimate the prevalence of both obesity and underweight, as well as to understand the eating and drinking habits of a group of Turkish students. METHODS: 1044 students completed the survey. Responses were analyzed, using Chi-square (chi2) test and percent (%) ratios, according to gender. Differences were considered significant for p<0.05. RESULTS: About 10% of the students (123/1044, 11.8%) were underweight, most of them were male. Most students (868/1044, 83.1%) were of the correct weight. A small percentage of the students (52/1044, 4.9%) were overweight, with just one obese student, boy. Compared to boys, girls significantly obtained higher scores when questioned on preference of bran bread (62.0% vs. 38.0%, respectively), taking pains to not gain excess weight in order not to get fat (55.6% vs. 44.4%, respectively), doing physical exercise if they felt they were gaining too much weight (54.85% vs. 45.2%, respectively), and reducing food consumption when they felt that they were gaining weight (55.0% vs. 45.0%, respectively). CONCLUSION: For most people the importance of diet was obvious. This was especially reflected in the females' reports, since they reported a continual increase in their dieting and exercise behavior in an attempt to attain the contemporary ideal of being thin and physically fit.  相似文献   

探讨学生读写习惯对视力的影响,为制定有针对性的中小学生视力保护措施提供科学依据.方法 采用分层整群随机抽样的方法,抽取天津市市区有代表性的5所学校共2 081名中小学生,对其进行视力检查和问卷调查,并应用单因素和多因素Logistic回归分析读写习惯对视力的影响.结果 2 081名中小学生总体视力不良检出率为53.96%,其中重度视力不良检出率为23.79%.男、女生视力不良检出率分别为50.18%和58.07%,差异有统计学意义(x2=13.81,P<0.01).多因素Logistic回归分析显示,读写时身体与课桌保持1拳距离是视力不良的保护因素(OR=0.751);眼睛距离书本过近如< 20 cm(OR=1.575)、在阳光直射下看书(OR=1.531)、持续长时间读写如120~180 min(OR=2.549)、乘坐交通工具时玩电子产品(OR=1.726)是视力不良的危险因素(P值均<0.05).结论 中小学生的读写习惯会对视力状况产生影响,学校和家长应帮助中小学生在日常生活中养成良好的读写习惯.  相似文献   

目的了解徐州市中小学生饮水习惯和饮水环境的关系,为实施饮食行为干预提供基础资料。方法采用分层整群抽样方法确定调查对象,对徐州市588名中小学生及其家长的饮水习惯和饮品种类进行问卷调查。结果中小学生喜欢的饮品种类不同,差异有统计学意义(χ2=15.305,P〈0.05);中小学生喜欢的饮品顺位是相同的,依次为奶类、豆浆或果汁、白开水或纯净水、碳酸饮料、茶类饮料;中小学生每日实际饮用量最多的是白开水或纯净水;家长最喜欢的饮品为白开水或纯净水;69.2%家长的饮水种类和24.7%家长的日饮水量符合健康标准;学生课间饮水种类与商店售水种类没关系(r=0.027,P〉0.05);学生回家后的饮水种类与家长的饮水种类有关系(r=0.108,P〈0.05)。结论应使学校、家庭和个人3方配合,实施饮食行为干预,培养中小学生良好的饮水习惯。  相似文献   

目的:了解常州市高职院校学生营养知识、态度、行为(K-A-P)现况,为制定营养健康教育策略和措施提供理论依据.方法:采用整群抽样,对常州市2所高职院校2018名学生进行营养KAP问卷调查.结果:及格率K为65.6%,A为74.1%,P为11.5%.女生的营养知识得分和营养态度得分均明显高于男生(P<0.05);护理专业营养知识得分较高(P<0.05);学过营养课程的学生营养知识和饮食行为得分均较高(P<0.05).结论:有必要在高职院校有针对性地加强营养教育,提高学生营养知识、态度,引导学生养成良好的饮食行为.  相似文献   

To date, few studies have examined the relationship between health behavior risk factors and cigarette smoking in Hungary. From 1995 to 1999, the prevalence of current smoking increased from 35.9 to 46.0% among secondary students in Budapest, Hungary. The objective of the present study was to examine the association between smoking and other health behavior risk factors among secondary school students in Budapest. Surveys were administered during regular classes in 21 traditional and nine vocational/technical schools containing Grades 9-12; 2410 students aged 15-18 years were included in the analysis. Overall, 44.9% of males and 46.9% of females were current smokers. Smoking increased with age and was significantly higher among vocational/technical (60.2%) than traditional (43.1%) students. The likelihood of smoking was significantly higher among students who rarely or never used a seatbelt when riding in a car driven by someone else, currently used alcohol, had engaged in episodic heavy drinking, had had four or more sex partners during their lifetime or did not participate in vigorous physical activity. Health-risk behaviors are frequently interrelated. Findings suggest that programs designed to prevent smoking should consider related health-risk behaviors as part of a comprehensive program.  相似文献   

了解上海市高中生闲暇活动现状,为学校、家长和社会正确指导高中生的闲暇生活提供建议和参考依据.方法 采用分层整群抽样法,对上海市5个区9所学校的高一和高二年级共4 229名学生进行问卷调查,采用自行设计的调查问卷收集闲暇活动相关信息.结果 高中生闲暇活动排名前3位的是做作业和学习学校课程(75.5%)、休闲娱乐(67.6%)和参加课程辅导班(63.7%);周一到周五每天睡眠时间不足8h的高中生达75.5%;高中生参加的特长学习以乐器、美术和游泳为主,分别占总人数的26.3%,17.1%和15.0%;不同性别高中生对目前的闲暇活动满意度差异有统计学意义(x2=36.179,P<0.01),男生感到“很满意”和“很不满意”的比例均高于女生;高中生最想在闲暇时间开展的活动是休闲娱乐活动(81.6%)、体育锻炼(8.7%)和艺术学习(3.9%).结论 学校、家长和社会应帮助和指导学生自主选择适合自己,并对自己发展有意义的闲暇活动,以利于学生的全面发展.  相似文献   

谢小莲  谢利霞  李娟  马玲  张文霞  张慧  赵海萍 《中国学校卫生》2020,41(8):1134-1137+1142
目的了解银川6~18岁儿童青少年的维生素D营养状况及其影响因素,为改善儿童青少年维生素D营养状况提供理论依据。方法采用分层整群随机抽样方法,从银川市抽取小学、初中、高中各2所共36个班1 615名学生作为调查对象,进行静脉采血、体格检查和问卷调查。结果学生维生素D缺乏率和适宜率分别为66.9%和33.1%,不同年龄组间维生素D缺乏率差异有统计学意义(χ2=25.65,P<0.05),6岁组最高(79.2%),其次为13岁组(76.6%)和12岁组(75.3%)。二元Logistic回归分析结果显示,影响儿童青少年维生素D营养状况的因素有年龄(OR=0.95)、每日户外运动时间(OR=0.49)、纯母乳喂养(OR=0.63)和母亲学历(高中及大专、本科及以上的OR值分别为0.73,0.43);决策树QUEST和Logistic回归组合模型结果显示,影响儿童青少年维生素D营养状况的关键因素有每日户外运动时间、年龄、母亲学历、体质量指数(BMI)以及户外运动时间和年龄、户外运动时间和母亲学历、年龄和母亲学历、纯母乳喂养和BMI之间的交互作用。结论银川学生维生素D营...  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To clarify the effects of nutrient/food intake and lifestyle, especially exercise, on calcaneal bone mass in both male and female high school students. METHODS: A total of 798 healthy Japanese high school students (281 boys and 517 girls) were recruited, and their calcaneal bone was assessed by ultrasound using Lunar Achilles. The subjects were thereby divided into a lower bone mass group and a normal bone mass group according to stiffness at the cut-off level of 90 for the boys, and 77 for the girls. Information on lifestyle including frequency of food consumption and regular exercise during the period at junior high school and high school was collected by questionnaire. Nutrient intake was assessed by a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire. RESULTS: 1. The intake of total energy and fat in the lower bone mass group was lower than in the normal bone mass group in both sexes. 2. The frequency of subjects not consuming milk in the lower bone mass group was higher than in the normal bone mass group in both sexes. In the boys, the frequency of the subjects who liked to eat green vegetables in the lower bone mass group was lower in the normal bone mass group. 3. The mean stiffness for subjects undertaking exercise during junior high school was higher than in subjects not exercising, even after adjustment for age in both sexes. The frequency of subjects with a habit of sun bathing in the lower bone mass group was significantly lower than in the normal bone mass group in the girls. 4. An analysis using a logistic model was performed to select the factors related to lower bone mass without being confounded with other factors. Lower energy intake in boys and lower fat intake, no exercise during high school life and no milk consumption in girls were each independently related to lower bone mass. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that nutrition and exercise habit affect calcaneal bone mass in high school students of both sexes, especially milk consumption being an important factor related to bone mass in girls.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association between obesity and eating habits and nutritional knowledge among schoolchildren. METHODS: Weight and height were measured in 573 schoolchildren of public schools in two cities of State of Rio Grande do Sul, Southern Brazil. Obesity was defined as Body Mass Index above the 95th percentile based on the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) criteria. Eating habits and nutrition knowledge were evaluated using a self-administered questionnaire. Simple and adjusted logistic regression models were used to assess associations. RESULTS: Obesity among children was found to be associated with limited nutrition knowledge and unhealthy eating and habits. These children were five times more likely to be obese (OR=5.3;1.1-24.9). CONCLUSIONS: The level of knowledge affects the association between obesity and eating habits, and there's reason to suspect that children who have more nutrition knowledge report habits known to be healthier but not necessarily the ones they actually practice. Taking into account children's level of knowledge, unhealthy habits were strongly associated to obesity.  相似文献   

王为民  王燕萍 《中国校医》2022,36(11):877-880
目的 了解东海县农村中小学生血清25-(OH)D水平,评估农村中小学生维生素D营养状况。方法采用多阶段分层随机抽样方法,调查278名农村中小学生血清25-(OH)D水平,分析采用t检验、χ2检验等方法。结果278名农村中小学生血清25-(OH)D平均水平为(14.50±0.50)ng/mL,男生为(14.86±0.39)ng/mL,女生为(14.15±0.61)ng/mL,差异无统计学意义(t=0.277,P>0.05);4个年龄组血清25-(OH)D水平差异有统计学意义(F=35.517,P<0.001),其中6~8岁组最高,为(18.19±0.38)ng/mL,12~14岁组最低,为(10.59±0.36)ng/mL。25-(OH)D营养状况正常率仅为13.31%,不足率为24.82%,缺乏率为60.79%,严重缺乏率为1.08%;男女生血清25-(OH)D营养状况差异有统计学意义(χ2=7.450,P<0.05),农村中小学生随着年龄增长维生素D营养状况缺乏率呈上升趋势(χ2趋势  相似文献   

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