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The SWORD surveillance scheme, now 10 years old, uses systematic reporting from physicians to provide a picture of the incidence of occupational respiratory disease in the United Kingdom. An estimated total of 2966 incident cases was derived from reports by chest and occupational physicians during the 1998 calendar year. Occupational asthma continues to be the most-reported respiratory condition, with an estimated 822 cases (27% of total cases). The proportion of cases of mesothelioma (23%), benign pleural disease (21%) pneumoconiosis (7%) and inhalation injuries (6%) remain similar to those estimated in past years, although fewer cases overall were reported. The most commonly identified agents causing asthma in 1998 were enzymes, isocyanates, laboratory animals and insects, colophony and fluxes, flour, latex, and glutaraldehyde. An increased incidence of respiratory diseases of short latency was seen in mining, whilst cases in chemical, mineral products and motor vehicle manufacture remained high; lower rates were noted in wood products and textile manufacture when compared with 1997 figures. Inhalation accidents over the past 3 years were reviewed; gaseous agents and combustion products accounted for nearly half of cases. High rates for inhalation injuries were seen in coal miners, fuel production, motor vehicle manufacturing, water purification, and chemical manufacturing.  相似文献   

Systematic reports from chest and occupational physicians under the SWORD and OPRA (Occupational Physicians Reporting Activity) surveillance schemes continue to provide a picture of the incidence of occupational respiratory disease in the UK. An estimated total of 4393 incident cases (comprising 4530 diagnoses) were reported during the 1999 calendar year, an increase of 1427 cases over the previous year. Benign pleural disease was the single most frequently reported condition (28% of all diagnoses reported). Occupational asthma cases (1168; 26%) remained high, as did mesothelioma (1032; 23%). Analysis of trends over the past 8 years shows an increase in mesothelioma cases, but little change in asthma. The annual incidence per 100,000 employed people, 1996-1999, for mesothelioma, lung cancer and pneumoconiosis was high amongst construction workers (28.7), miners and quarrymen (26.5), woodworkers (18.9) and gas, coal and chemical workers (15.2). Trends in mesothelioma incidence by birth cohort continue to show an increase in construction workers and a continuing decline in shipyard and insulation workers. The relative proportion of pneumoconiosis cases attributed to coal mining has fallen steadily in workers born since approximately 1920 and most cases are now in men who have been employed in quarrying and rock drilling.  相似文献   

Chest and occupational physicians who report to the SWORD surveillancescheme are estimated to have seen some 3,300 new cases of work-relatedrespiratory disease in 1996. This total has regained the levelrecorded prior to a low in 1995, probably because of improvedchest physician participation and the introduction of a samplingsystem for occupational physicians. Trends in disease incidencehave remained fairly constant with some changes only in pneumoconiosisand inhalation accidents. It is of concern that there has beenno evidence of a decrease in frequency of occupational asthmaor in any of the incriminated agents since the scheme beganin 1989. Comparison with other sources of data shows that, forasthma, SWORD records a relatively high frequency in women,a substantial proportion of whom do not appear to receive compensation.For mesothelioma, rates based on death certificates continuefor understandable reasons to run at about twice the level reportedto SWORD or as reflected by successful claims to the DSS forindustrial injuries benefit. The SWORD programme is now oneof six clinically-based reporting schemes which, by the endof 1997, are planned to cover all types of occupational diseasein the UK.  相似文献   



A voluntary surveillance system was implemented in Catalonia (Spain) to ascertain the feasibility, incidence, and characteristics of occupational respiratory diseases and compare them with those of the compulsory official system.


In 2002, in collaboration with the Occupational and Thoracic Societies of Catalonia, occupational and chest physicians and other specialists were invited to report, on a bimonthly basis, newly diagnosed cases of occupational respiratory diseases. Information requested on each case included diagnosis, age, sex, place of residence, occupation, suspected agent, and physician''s opinion on the likelihood that the condition was work related. Compulsory official system data derived from statistics on work related diseases for possible disability benefits declared by insurance companies, which are responsible for declaring these diseases to the Autonomous Government of Catalonia.


Of 142 physicians seeing patients with occupational respiratory diseases approached, 102 (74%) participated. Three hundred and fifty nine cases were reported, of which asthma (48.5%), asbestos related diseases (14.5%), and acute inhalations (12.8%) were the most common. Physicians rated 63% of suspected cases as highly likely, 28% as likely, and 8% as low likelihood. The most frequent suspected agents reported for asthma were isocyanates (15.5%), persulphates (12.1%), and cleaning products (8.6%). Mesothelioma (5.9%) was the most frequent diagnosis among asbestos related diseases. The number of acute inhalations reported was high, with metal industries (26%), cleaning services (22%), and chemical industries (13%) being the most frequently involved. The frequency of occupational respiratory diseases recorded by this voluntary surveillance system was four times higher than that reported by the compulsory official system.


The compulsory scheme for reporting occupational lung diseases is seriously underreporting in Catalonia. A surveillance programme based on voluntary reporting by physicians may provide better understanding of the incidence and characteristics of these diseases. Persulphates and cleaning products, besides isocyanates, were the most reported causes of occupational asthma. Metal industries and cleaning services were the occupations most frequently involved in acute inhalations with a remarkably high incidence in our register.  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of an audit of the management of occupational health arrangements in 36 NHS Trusts in the Northern and Yorkshire region of England. A questionnaire was designed based on a national NHS occupational health standard to obtain data on eight categories of occupational health activity: health and safety; pre-employment assessments; Infection Control; health surveillance; sickness absence; ill-health retirement; health promotion and record storage. The management arrangements for occupational health were varied. Assessments of workplace hazards, prevention of HIV-positive workers from performing exposure-prone invasive procedures and the assessment of pregnant workers were identified as issues for further consideration. Provision of competent and effective occupational health services will assist in the management of sickness absence and in the protection and promotion of health of staff. It will also contribute to the health and safety of patients.  相似文献   

SWORD is one of seven clinically based reporting schemes which together now provide almost comprehensive coverage of occupational diseases across the UK. Although SWORD is now in its tenth year, participation rates remain high. Of an estimated 3,903 new cases seen this year, 1,031 (26%) were of occupational asthma, 978 (25%) of mesothelioma, 794 (20%) of non-malignant pleural disease, 336 (9%) of pneumoconiosis and 233 (6%) of inhalation accidents. Incidence rates of occupational asthma were generally highest among workers in the manufacture of wood products, textiles and food (particularly grain products and crustaceans) and additionally, in the production of precious and non-ferrous metals, rubber goods, detergents and perfumes, and in mining. Health care workers were noted to have a surprisingly high incidence of inhalation accidents. Occupational asthma attributed to latex has increased dramatically; the highest rates are among laboratory technicians, shoe workers and health care workers.  相似文献   

AIMS: To identify the nature of occupational health provision in UK semiconductor-manufacturing plants. To identify the level of industry compliance with legal health surveillance requirements. METHOD: A national inspection programme was carried out by Health & Safety Executive inspectors using a developed protocol. RESULTS: A wide range of occupational health provision was identified from none to use of an accredited specialist. The majority of work was of a reactive nature even where there was specialist occupational health input. Seven companies were identified as not meeting legal compliance and one as having unacceptable compliance for health surveillance. CONCLUSIONS: The spectrum of occupational health provision was very wide. Where health surveillance was provided, it was poorly targeted with limited interpretation and feedback to management.  相似文献   

Construction workers are exposed to considerable hazards carryinga health risk, e.g., dusts, fumes, noise and manual handling,yet there is often poor occupational health service provisionparticularly for subcontracted labourers. This paper presentsseven case studies from large. engineering construction organizations.concerning current practice in occupational health management.The results supported the fact that data and records regardinghealth-related absence were limited and inconsistent, and thatlittle existed in terms of medicals and health surveillance,particularly in the case of subcontracted workers. The maindifficulties envisaged were reported to be the sizeable costsinvolved; the temporary and mobile work force; demonstratingcost-benefits to top management and a lack of interest amongstworkers, perhaps exacerbated by the threat of lost livelihood.Managers also admitted limited health expertise and knowledgeof the wider role health professionals could play in healthmanagement. Training and further research in this area are indicated.  相似文献   

The standards for pollutants in workplace air constitute a social consensus or agreement about acceptable levels of occupational hygiene. This agreement to exposures up to these limits inevitably includes a finite risk to the health of the workers. The numeric values of standards are needed to assess the requirements for ventilation and other occupational hygiene conditions. Planning and everyday practice in industry also need hygienic stan- dards so that practical hygienic and safety measures can be maintained. These standards are not, however, levels below which there is no risk to health. While the hygienic stan- dard itself carries acceptance of a certain risk, doctors cannot ethically accept any health risk to workers whatever the source of exposure. Thus personnel working in occupa- tional health have to think about the risks of ill health even when the hygienic standards are met. The physician in occupational health has to be especially concerned to discover and estimate the risks to anyone particularly susceptible to exposures within the hygien- ically acceptable conditions. To do this, the occupational health physician uses medical examinations and specific investigations. In the follow-up of workers, health occupa- tional health personnel use medical examinations in order to detect possible risks or to assess the general health status of individual workers. Health examinations are also used to detect specific injuries caused by the agents to which workers are known to be exposed in their work.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Occupational factors have been estimated to contribute to approximately 10% of adult-onset asthma and occupational asthma (OA) is one of the most common occupational lung diseases in industrialized areas. Persistent asthma frequently occurs with significant socio-economic impacts. METHODS: A literature search was performed using PubMed. The key term searched was occupational asthma combined with prevention. RESULTS: Primary prevention has been effective for OA related to natural rubber latex, and may have reduced the incidence of diisocyanate-induced asthma. Medical health surveillance has been effective in settings such as the detergent enzyme industry, workers exposed to complex platinum salts and likely for diisocyanate workers in Ontario. Tertiary prevention is still required for workers with OA and can improve prognosis. CONCLUSIONS: OA is potentially preventable. Sufficient studies have demonstrated the rationale and benefit of primary preventive strategies. Medical health surveillance programs combined with occupational hygiene measures and worker education have been associated with improved outcomes but further studies are needed to understand the optimum frequency and measures for such programs and to identify the separate contribution of the components. Until primary and secondary prevention is better understood and implemented, there will also remain a need for tertiary preventive measures.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In 2000, the Dutch Association of Occupational Physicians published a national guideline for the management of employees with mental health problems. OBJECTIVES: To examine predictors of adherence to this guideline by Dutch occupational physicians (OPs). METHODS: Using the Theory of Planned Behaviour, a questionnaire was developed about self-reported guideline adherence of OPs and possible predictors of this behaviour. A total of 165 OPs were approached to complete the questionnaire and registration forms of first consultations of workers with mental health problems. Performance indicators based on the guideline were developed to calculate performance rates of guideline adherence by OPs. RESULTS: Eighty of 165 (48%) OPs approached completed the questionnaire. Fifty-six OPs returned one or more registration forms, totalling 344 consultations. On a five-point Likert scale, ranging from never (1) to always (5), the mean score on self-reported guideline adherence was 2.35, compared to a mean score of 4.06 on the intention to comply with the guideline. The mean performance rate of OPs ranging from 0 to 2 was 1.27 on diagnosis and 0.60 on guidance. No relation was found between self-reported guideline adherence and performance rates. Self-reported guideline adherence correlated significantly with perceived behaviour control (r = 0.48, P < 0.05), subjective norms (r = 0.33, P < 0.05) and positive job stress (r = 0.35, P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Guideline adherence by Dutch OPs lags behind its acceptance. Further implementation efforts need to focus on diminishing barriers and enhancing social norms of OPs to work according to the guideline.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There is difficulty in defining occupational health services among stakeholders of the service. Concurrently, there are concerns about the state of occupational health provision in the UK. AIMS: To determine stakeholders' perception of the services that occupational health encompasses and the level as well as the rationale behind the provision of these services. METHODS: The research was undertaken as a postal questionnaire survey of the FTSE 350 companies and selected public sector organizations in the UK. This was followed up by telephone calls to a random selection of non-respondents to obtain non-respondent data. RESULTS: There is a difference in opinion among managers and occupational health professionals about the services provided by occupational health. Taking into account non-respondent data to partially adjust for overestimation biases, the level of provision of occupational health services among the FTSE 350 companies is 69% and in public sector organizations is 95%, giving an average provision of 72%. Sixteen per cent of respondents thought there was a trend towards outsourcing of services. The most frequently cited reason for provision of an occupational health service was that it was for the benefit of employees. CONCLUSIONS: There remains room for improvement in the level of occupational health services provision in large UK private sector organizations. By bridging the gap between the different stakeholders' perceptions of the remit and benefits of the service, a higher level of provision in the private sector similar to that of public sector organizations can be achieved.  相似文献   

Platinum, a noble metal, is inert in the body and has an important use in medical applications. It is used in autocatalysts to control harmful vehicular emissions and the catalytic effects improve efficiencies of pharmaceutical and petrochemical processes. The refining process involves exposure to halogeno complex salts of platinum which are potent allergens. They induce symptoms typical of a type I allergy, the most significant of which is asthma. Platinum refining not only exposes employees to the risk of sensitization to these salts but also to respiratory irritants. Inhalation of these aggravates pre-existing asthma. The increasing incidence of asthma in the community requires that prospective employees for platinum refining be assessed carefully to establish their respiratory health status in relation to the risk of sensitization or aggravation of pre-existing asthma. Routine medical surveillance has been shown to reduce persistence of asthma in sensitized workers who cease exposure to the platinum salts upon diagnosis. Skin prick test using dilute platinum salt solutions can detect sensitization at an early stage and this has become the mainstay of surveillance programmes as it is objective and reproducible as well as predictive for the development of symptoms when exposure is allowed to continue. Symptoms are not sensitive or specific. Smoking is a significant risk factor.  相似文献   

The work practices, occupational health services and allergic health problems among workplaces which process seafood in Western Cape province of South Africa were examined. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 68 workplaces that were sent a self-administered postal survey questionnaire. Workplaces reporting a high prevalence of work-related symptoms associated with seafood exposure were also inspected. Forty-one (60%) workplaces responded to the questionnaire. The workforce consisted mainly of women (62%) and 31% were seasonal workers. Common seafoods processed were bony fish (76%) and rock lobster (34%). Major work processes involved freezing (71%), cutting (63%) and degutting (58%). Only 45% of workplaces provided an on-site occupational health service and 58% of workplaces conducted medical surveillance. Positive trends were observed between workplace size and activities such as occupational health service provision (P = 0.002), medical surveillance programmes (P = 0.055) and reporting work-related symptoms (P = 0.016). None of the workplaces had industrial hygiene surveillance programmes to evaluate the effects of exposure to seafood. Common work-related symptoms included skin rashes (78%), asthma (7%) and other non-specific allergies (15%). The annual prevalence of work-related skin symptoms reported per workplace was substantially higher for skin (0-100%) than for asthmatic (0-5%) symptoms. The relatively low prevalence of employer-reported asthmatic symptoms, when compared to epidemiological studies using direct investigator assessment of individual health status, suggests likely under-detection. This can be attributed to under-provision and under-development of occupational health surveillance programmes in workplaces with less than 200 workers. This is compounded further by the lack of specific statutory guidelines for the evaluation and control of bio-aerosols in South African workplaces.  相似文献   

Many large companies operate some form of occupational health service (OHS). More companies now require specific evaluative information to justify the continued provision of an in-house OHS. This is in the face of increased pressure to control costs, combined with an awareness that the service itself can induce activity (supplier-induced demand) and could be substituted with health care provided or even funded outside the company. The lack of routinely collected data and the conceptual difficulty in defining and measuring the outcomes of an OHS provide challenges for economic evaluation. A purely human capital approach, where people are valued by their wage rates, is likely to be insufficient, since OHSs have multiple objectives. These objectives include fulfilling statutory obligations, contributing to the creation of a culture of partnership, reduction of potential costs to the company (sickness benefit, production loss, poor performance, litigation, insurance) and providing a suitable environment for the cost-effective reduction of the social and health service costs of illness at work. Evidence is needed to quantify some of these arguments and demonstrate to decision makers the value generated by OHSs. The aim of this paper is to consider the practicality of different economic evaluation methodologies, specifically cost models, contingent valuation (willingness-to-pay) and development of OHS-specific outcome measures. In considering different approaches, we present the results of our research in two UK companies.  相似文献   

Acute occupational respiratory diseases in hospital discharge data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigated the feasibility of using hospital discharge diagnoses of ICD codes 506, 507, and 508, respiratory diseases from external sources, to identify occupational sentinel health events [SHE(O)]. Two hundred sixty-nine records were reviewed and 66 (25%) were incidents where the work-relatedness of the respiratory diseases was documented in the medical records. Twenty-six percent of the 269 records contained no exposure information. Sixty-four of the 66 occupational cases were from ICD codes 506.0-506.9, with the largest number classified as ICD codes 506.0 (bronchitis and pneumonitis due to fumes and vapors) and 506.3 (other acute and subacute respiratory conditions due to fumes and vapors). We conclude that surveillance of ICD codes in the 506 series, where 39% of the cases were secondary to occupational exposures, is a valuable component of a surveillance system for preventable occupational lung disease.  相似文献   

Work-related asthma (WRA) and WRA-like conditions refer to all situations in which asthma or asthma-like syndromes occur or worsen in the workplace. This occurs in approximately 10% of all adult-onset asthma subjects. Occupational asthma (OA) is a specific type of WRA that is 'caused' by the workplace, being mediated either by an allergic process with a latency period or by a non-allergic irritant-induced mechanism. Personal asthma can also 'worsen' at work (work-aggravated or exacerbated asthma), the reasons, mechanisms, extent and consequences of this situation being unknown. The author reviews various aspects of WRA with an emphasis on OA (about which more is known) and proposes key issues that need to be further studied, proposed and applied in at-risk workplaces in order to improve recognition, diagnosis and management of this condition. OA represents a unique situation that, unfortunately, is only very rarely provided to health-care providers: affected workers can be cured with minimal impact on quality of life. All efforts should be made to achieve this goal at an affordable socio-economic cost.  相似文献   

There is an increasing need to evaluate the costs and benefits of an occupational health service (OHS). However, measuring benefits from an OHS is inherently difficult. Instead, an economic model can be constructed to present the minimum threshold benefits required for OHSs to be cost-effective, given what is known about costs. This model assumes that the benefits of an OHS are to maximize health and morale of employees; maximize performance and increase productivity; minimize medico-legal costs; enhance workplace safety; and reduce sickness absence. A certain distribution across these benefits can be assumed for each OHS. The overall required value of all benefits brought about by use of an OHS is in the range 158-199 Pounds per year. The plausibility of results can be assessed using known data and judgement. Despite many uncertainties it is likely that the minimum benefit thresholds will be achieved overall.  相似文献   

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