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Summary A phase I trial was designed to evaluate normal tissue tolerance to neutron capture therapy (NCT); tumor response was also followed as a secondary endpoint. Between July 1996 and May 1999, 24 subjects were entered into a phase 1 trial evaluating cranial NCT in subjects with primary or metastatic brain tumors. Two subjects were excluded due to a decline in their performance status and 22 subjects were irradiated at the MIT Nuclear Reactor Laboratory. The median age was 56 years (range 24–78). All subjects had a pathologically confirmed diagnosis of either glioblastoma (20) or melanoma (2) and a Karnofsky of 70 or higher. Neutron irradiation was delivered with a 15 cm diameter epithermal beam. Treatment plans varied from 1 to 3 fields depending upon the size and location of the tumor. The10B carrier,l-p-boronophenylalanine-fructose (BPA-f), was infused through a central venous catheter at doses of 250 mg kg−1 over 1 h (10 subjects), 300 mg kg−1 over 1.5 h (two subjects), or 350 mg kg−1 over 1.5–2 h (10 subjects). The pharmacokinetic profile of10B in blood was very reproducible and permitted a predictive model to be developed. Cranial NCT can be delivered at doses high enough to exhibit a clinical response with an acceptable level of toxicity. Acute toxicity was primarily associated with increased intracranial pressure; late pulmonary effects were seen in two subjects. Factors such as average brain dose, tumor volume, and skin, mucosa, and lung dose may have a greater impact on tolerance than peak dose alone. Two subjects exhibited a complete radiographic response and 13 of 17 evaluable subjects had a measurable reduction in enhanced tumor volume following NCT.  相似文献   

Summary Specialized treatment planning software systems are generally required for neutron capture therapy (NCT) research and clinical applications. The standard simplifying approximations that work well for treatment planning computations in the case of many other modalities are usually not appropriate for application to neutron transport. One generally must obtain an explicit three-dimensional numerical solution of the governing transport equation, with energy-dependent neutron scattering completely taken into account. Treatment planning systems that have been successfully introduced for NCT applications over the past 15 years rely on the Monte Carlo stochastic simulation method for the necessary computations, primarily because of the geometric complexity of human anatomy. However, historically, there has also been interest in the application of deterministic methods, and there have been some practical developments in this area. Most recently, interest has turned toward the creation of treatment planning soft-ware that is not limited to any specific therapy modality, with NCT as only one of several applications. A key issue with NCT treatment planning has to do with boron quantification, and whether improved information concerning the spatial biodistribution of boron can be effectively used to improve the treatment planning process. Validation and benchmarking of computations for NCT are also of current development interest. Various institutions have their own procedures, but standard validation models are not yet in wide use.  相似文献   

Summary A boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) facility has been constructed at Studsvik, Sweden. It includes two filter/moderator configurations. One of the resulting neutron beams has been optimized for clinical irradiations with a filter/moderator system that allows easy variation of the neutron spectrum from the thermal to the epithermal energy range. The other beam has been designed to produce a large uniform field of thermal neutrons for radiobiological research. Scientific operations of the Studsvik BNCT project are overseen by the Scientific Advisory Board comprised of representatives of major universities in Sweden. Furthermore, special task groups for clinical and preclinical studies have been formed to facilitate collaboration with academia. The clinical Phase II trials for glioblastoma are sponsored by the Swedish National Neuro-Oncology Group and, presently, involve a protocol for BNCT treatment of glioblastoma patients who have not received any therapy other than surgery. In this protocol,p-boronophenylalanine (BPA), administered as a 6-h intravenous infusion, is used as the boron delivery agent. As of January 2002, 17 patients were treated. The 6-h infusion of 900 mg BPA/kg body weight was shown to be safe and resulted in the average blood-boron concentration of 24 μg/g (range: 15–32 μg/g) at the time of irradiation (approximately 2–3 h post-infusion). Peak and average weighted radiation doses to the brain were in the ranges of 8.0–15.5 Gy(W) and 3.3–6.1 Gy(W), respectively. So far, no severe BNCT-related acute toxicities have been observed. Due to the short follow-up time, it is too early to evaluate the efficacy of these studies.  相似文献   

Pseudoprogression has been recognized and widely accepted in the treatment of malignant gliomas, as transient increases in the volume of the enhanced area just after chemoradiotherapy, especially using temozolomide. We experienced a similar phenomenon in the treatment of malignant gliomas and meningiomas using boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT), a cell-selective form of particle radiation. Here, we introduce representative cases and analyze the pathogenesis. Fifty-two cases of malignant glioma and 13 cases of malignant meningioma who were treated by BNCT were reviewed retrospectively mainly via MR images. Eleven of 52 malignant gliomas and 3 of 13 malignant meningiomas showed transient increases of enhanced volume in MR images within 3 months after BNCT. Among these cases, five patients with glioma underwent surgery because of suspicion of relapse. In histology, most of the specimens showed necrosis with small amounts of residual tumor cells. Ki-67 labeling showed decreased positivity compared with previous samples from the individuals. Fluoride-labeled boronophenylalanine PET was applied in four and two cases of malignant gliomas and meningiomas, respectively, at the time of transient increase of lesions. These PET scans showed decreased lesion:normal brain ratios in all cases compared with scans obtained prior to BNCT. With or without surgery, all lesions were decreased or stable in size during observation. Transient increases in enhanced volume in malignant gliomas and meningiomas immediately after BNCT seemed to be pseudoprogression. This pathogenesis was considered as treatment-related intratumoral necrosis in the subacute phase after BNCT.  相似文献   

Summary A two-compartment open model has been developed for predicting10B concentrations in blood following intravenous infusion of thel-p-boronophenylalanine-fructose complex in humans and derived from pharmacokinetic studies of 24 patients in Phase I clinical trials of boron neutron capture therapy. The10B concentration profile in blood exhibits a characteristic rise during the infusion to a peak of ∼32 μg/g (for infusion of 350 mg/kg over 90 min) followed by a biexponential disposition profile with harmonic mean half-lives of 0.32±0.08 and 8.2±2.7 h, most likely due to redistribution and primarily renal elimination, respectively. The mean model rate constantsk 12,k 21, andk 10 are (mean ±SD) 0.0227±0.0064 min−1, 0.0099±0.0027 min−1, 0.0052±0.0016 min−1, respectively, and the central compartment volume of distributionV 1 is 0.235 ± 0.042 L/kg. In anticipation of the initiation of clinical trials using an intense neutron beam with concomitantly short irradiations, the ability of this model to predict, in advance, the average blood10B concentration during brief irradiations was simulated in a retrospective analysis of the pharmacokinetic data from these patients. The prediction error for blood boron concentration and its effect on simulated dose delivered for each irradiation field are reported for three different prediction strategies. In this simulation, error in delivered dose (or, equivalently, neutron fluence) for a given single irradiation field resulting from error in predicted blood10B concentration was limited to less than 10%. In practice, lower dose errors can be achieved by delivering each field in two fractions (on two separate days) and by adjusting the second fraction’s dose to offset error in the first.  相似文献   

Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) is a mode of radiotherapy with great attractiveness, but also with a burden of past failure. In this review, the principles of BNCT, the reasons for its past failure, its present clinical application, and the on-going developmental work towards clinical trials are described.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To clarify the correlation between the radiation dose and clinical outcome of sodium borocaptate-based intraoperative boron neutron capture therapy in patients with malignant glioma. METHODS AND MATERIALS: The first protocol (P1998, n = 8) prescribed a maximal gross tumor volume (GTV) dose of 15 Gy. In 2001, a dose-escalated protocol was introduced (P2001, n = 11), which prescribed a maximal vascular volume dose of 15 Gy or, alternatively, a clinical target volume (CTV) dose of 18 Gy. RESULTS: The GTV and CTV doses in P2001 were 1.1-1.3 times greater than those in P1998. The maximal vascular volume dose of those with acute radiation injury was 15.8 Gy. The mean GTV and CTV dose in long-term survivors with glioblastoma was 26.4 and 16.5 Gy, respectively. A statistically significant correlation between the GTV dose and median survival time was found. In the 11 glioblastoma patients in P2001, the median survival time was 19.5 months and 1- and 2-year survival rate was 60.6% and 37.9%, respectively. CONCLUSION: Dose escalation contributed to the improvement in clinical outcome. To avoid radiation injury, the maximal vascular volume dose should be <12 Gy. For long-term survival in patients with glioblastoma after boron neutron capture therapy, the optimal mean dose of the GTV and CTV was 26 and 16 Gy, respectively.  相似文献   

Summary Two clinical trials are currently running at the Finnish dedicated boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) facility. Between May 1999 and December 2001, 18 patients with supratentorial glioblastoma were treated with boronophenylalanine (BPA)-based BNCT within a context of a prospective clinical trial (protocol P-01). All patients underwent prior surgery, but none had received conventional radiotherapy or cancer chemotherapy before BNCT. BPA-fructose was given as 2-h infusion at BPA-dosages ranging from 290 to 400 mg/kg prior to neutron beam irradiation, which was given as a single fraction from two fields. The average planning target volume dose ranged from 30 to 61 Gy (W), and the average normal brain dose from 3 to 6 Gy (W). The treatment was generally well tolerated, and none of the patients have died during the first months following BNCT. The estimated 1-year overall survival is 61%. In another trial (protocol P-03), three patients with recurring or progressing glioblastoma following surgery and conventional cranial radiotherapy to 50–60 Gy, were treated with BPA-based BNCT using the BPA dosage of 290 mg/kg. The average planning target dose in these patients was 25–29 Gy (W), and the average whole brain dose 2–3 Gy (W). All three patients tolerated brain reirradiation with BNCT, and none died during the first three months following BNCT. We conclude that BPA-based BNCT has been relatively well tolerated both in previously irradiated and unirradiated glioblastoma patients. Efficacy comparisons with conventional photo radiation are difficult due to patient selection and confounding factors such as other treatments given, but the results support continuation of clinical research on BPA-based BNCT.  相似文献   

A Phase I/II clinical trial of boron neutroncapture therapy (BNCT) for glioblastoma multiforme is underwayusing the amino acid analog p-boronophenylalanine (BPA) andthe epithermal neutron beam at the Brookhaven MedicalResearch Reactor. Biodistribution studies were carried out in18 patients at the time of craniotomy usingan i.v. infusion of BPA, solubilized as afructose complex (BPA-F). There were no toxic effectsrelated to the BPA-F administration at doses of130, 170, 210, or 250 mg BPA/kg bodyweight. The tumor/blood, brain/blood and scalp/blood boron concentrationratios were approximately 3.5:1, 1:1 and 1.5:1, respectively.Ten patients have received BNCT following 2-hr infusionsof 250 mg BPA/kg body weight. The averageboron concentration in the blood during the irradiationwas 13.0 ± 1.5 g 10B/g. The prescribedmaximum dose to normal brain (1 cm3 volume)was 10.5 photon-equivalent Gy (Gy-Eq). Estimated maximum andminimum doses (mean ± sd, n=10)to the tumor volume were 52.6 ± 4.9Gy-Eq (range: 64.4–47.6) and 25.2 ± 4.2 Gy-Eq(range: 32.3–20.0), respectively). The estimated minimum dose tothe target volume (tumor + 2 cm margin)was 12.3 ± 2.7 Gy-Eq (range: 16.2–7.8). Therewere no adverse effects on normal brain. Thescalp showed mild erythema, followed by epilation inthe 8 cm diameter field. Four patients developedrecurrent tumor, apparently in the lower dose (deeper)regions of the target volume, at post-BNCT intervalsof 7, 5, 3.5 and 3 months, respectively.The remaining patients have had less than 4months of post-BNCT follow-up. BNCT, at this startingdose level, appears safe. Plans are underway tobegin the dose escalation phase of this protocol.  相似文献   

Summary The pharmacokinetics of sodium borocaptate (BSH), a drug that has been used clinically for boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) of malignant brain tumors, have been characterized by measuring boron concentrations by direct current plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy (DCP-AES) in a group of 23 patients with high-grade gliomas. The disposition of BSH following intravenous (i.v.) infusion, which was determined by measuring plasma boron concentrations by DCP-AES, was consistent with a three-compartment open model with zero-order input and first-order elimination from the central compartment. Boron disposition was linear over the dose range of 26.5–88.2 mg BSH/kg body weight (b.w.), corresponding to 15–50 mg boron/kg b.w. Mean total body boron plasma clearance was 14.4 ± 3.5 ml/min and the harmonic mean half-lives (range) were 0.6 (0.3–3.7), 6.5 (4.8–10.1) and 77.8 (49.6–172.0) h for theα, β, andγ disposition phases, respectively. Using an empirically determined plasma: blood boron concentration ratio of 1.3 ± 0.2, the calculated total body boron blood clearance was 18.5 ± 4.5 ml/min. In order to develop a model for selecting the optimum dosing paradigm, a pharmacokinetic correlation was established between the boron content of normal brain, solid tumor, and infiltrating tumor to the shallow tissue pharmacokinetic compartment (C2). Based on our model, it was concluded that although multiple i.v. infusions of BSH might increase absolute tumor boron concentrations, they will not improve the tumor: plasma boron concentration ratios over those attainable by a single i.v. infusion. The results from our study are confirmatory of those previously reported by others when blood sampling has been carried out for a sufficient period of time to adequately characterize the pharmacokinetics.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Head and neck carcinomas that recur locally after conventional irradiation pose a difficult therapeutic problem. We evaluated safety and efficacy of boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) in the treatment of such cancers. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Twelve patients with inoperable, recurred, locally advanced (rT3, rT4, or rN2) head and neck cancer were treated with BNCT in a prospective, single-center Phase I-II study. Prior treatments consisted of surgery and conventionally fractionated photon irradiation to a cumulative dose of 56-74 Gy administered with or without concomitant chemotherapy. Tumor responses were assessed using the RECIST (Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors) criteria and adverse effects using the National Cancer Institute common toxicity grading v3.0. Intravenously administered boronophenylalanine-fructose (BPA-F, 400 mg/kg) was used as the boron carrier. Each patient was scheduled to be treated twice with BNCT. RESULTS: Ten patients received BNCT twice; 2 were treated once. Ten (83%) patients responded to BNCT, and 2 (17%) had tumor growth stabilization for 5.5 and 7.6 months. The median duration of response was 12.1 months; six responses were ongoing at the time of analysis or death (range, 4.9-19.2 months). Four (33%) patients were alive without recurrence with a median follow-up of 14.0 months (range, 12.8-19.2 months). The most common acute adverse effects were mucositis, fatigue, and local pain; 2 patients had a severe (Grade 3) late adverse effect (xerostomia, 1; dysphagia, 1). CONCLUSIONS: Boron neutron capture therapy is effective and safe in the treatment of inoperable, locally advanced head and neck carcinomas that recur at previously irradiated sites.  相似文献   

Summary Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) represents a promising modality for a relatively selective radiation dose delivery to the tumor tissue. The key to effective BNCT of tumors such as glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the homogeneous preferential accumulation of10B in the tumor, including the infiltrating GBM cells, as compared to that in the vital structures of the normal brain. Provided that sufficiently high tumor10B concentration (∼109 boron-10 atoms/cell) and an adequate thermal neutron fluence (∼ 109 neutrons/cm2) are achieved, it is the ratio of the10B concentration in tumor cells to that in the normal brain cells and the blood that will largely determine the therapeutic gain of BNCT.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To investigate the feasibility of boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) for malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) from a viewpoint of dose distribution analysis using Simulation Environment for Radiotherapy Applications (SERA), a currently available BNCT treatment planning system. METHODS AND MATERIALS: The BNCT treatment plans were constructed for 3 patients with MPM using the SERA system, with 2 opposed anterior-posterior beams. The (10)B concentrations in the tumor and normal lung in this study were assumed to be 84 and 24 ppm, respectively, and were derived from data observed in clinical trials. The maximum, mean, and minimum doses to the tumors and the normal lung were assessed for each plan. The doses delivered to 5% and 95% of the tumor volume, D(05) and D(95), were adopted as the representative dose for the maximum and minimum dose, respectively. RESULTS: When the D(05) to the normal ipsilateral lung was 5 Gy-Eq, the D(95) and mean doses delivered to the normal lung were 2.2-3.6 and 3.5-4.2 Gy-Eq, respectively. The mean doses delivered to the tumors were 22.4-27.2 Gy-Eq. The D(05) and D(95) doses to the tumors were 9.6-15.0 and 31.5-39.5 Gy-Eq, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: From a viewpoint of the dose-distribution analysis, BNCT has the possibility to be a promising treatment for MPM patients who are inoperable because of age and other medical illnesses.  相似文献   

The dismal clinical results in the treatment ofglioblastoma multiforme despite aggressive surgery, conventional radiotherapy, andchemotherapy, either alone or in combination has ledto the development of alternative therapeutic modalities. Amongthese is boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT). Thisbinary system is based upon two key requirements:(1) the development and use of neutron beamsfrom nuclear reactors or other sources with thecapability for delivering high fluxes of thermal neutronsat depths sufficient to reach all tumor foci,and (2) the development and synthesis of boroncompounds that can penetrate the normal blood-brain barrier,selectively target neoplastic cells, and persist therein forsuitable periods of time prior to irradiation. Theearlier clinical failures with BNCT related directly tothe lack of tissue penetration by neutron beamsand to boron compounds that showed little specificityfor and low retention by tumor cells, whileattaining high concentrations in blood. Progress has beenmade both in neutron beam and compound development,but it remains to be determined whether theseare sufficient to improve therapeutic outcomes by BNCTin comparison with current therapeutic regimens for thetreatment of malignant gliomas.  相似文献   

A phase I trial was designed to evaluate normal tissue tolerance to neutron capture therapy (NCT); tumor response was also followed as a secondary endpoint. Between July 1996 and May 1999, 24 subjects were entered into a phase I trial evaluating cranial NCT in subjects with primary or metastatic brain tumors. Two subjects were excluded due to a decline in their performance status and 22 subjects were irradiated at the MIT Nuclear Reactor Laboratory. The median age was 56 years (range 24–78). All subjects had a pathologically confirmed diagnosis of either glioblastoma (20) or melanoma (2) and a Karnofsky of 70 or higher. Neutron irradiation was delivered with a 15cm diameter epithermal beam. Treatment plans varied from 1 to 3 fields depending upon the size and location of the tumor. The 10B carrier, L-p-boronophenylalanine-fructose (BPA-f), was infused through a central venous catheter at doses of 250mgkg–1 over 1h (10 subjects), 300mgkg–1 over 1.5h (two subjects), or 350mgkg–1 over 1.5–2h (10 subjects). The pharmacokinetic profile of 10B in blood was very reproducible and permitted a predictive model to be developed. Cranial NCT can be delivered at doses high enough to exhibit a clinical response with an acceptable level of toxicity. Acute toxicity was primarily associated with increased intracranial pressure; late pulmonary effects were seen in two subjects. Factors such as average brain dose, tumor volume, and skin, mucosa, and lung dose may have a greater impact on tolerance than peak dose alone. Two subjects exhibited a complete radiographic response and 13 of 17 evaluable subjects had a measurable reduction in enhanced tumor volume following NCT.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To analyze the dose-volume histogram (DVH) of head-and-neck tumors treated with boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) and to determine the advantage of the intra-arterial (IA) route over the intravenous (IV) route as a drug delivery system for BNCT. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Fifteen BNCTs for 12 patients with recurrent head-and-neck tumors were included in the present study. Eight irradiations were done after IV administration of boronophenylalanine and seven after IA administration. The maximal, mean, and minimal doses given to the gross tumor volume were assessed using a BNCT planning system. RESULTS: The results are reported as median values with the interquartile range. In the IA group, the maximal, mean, and minimal dose given to the gross tumor volume was 68.7 Gy-Eq (range, 38.8-79.9), 45.0 Gy-Eq (range, 25.1-51.0), and 13.8 Gy-Eq (range, 4.8-25.3), respectively. In the IV group, the maximal, mean, and minimal dose given to the gross tumor volume was 24.2 Gy-Eq (range, 21.5-29.9), 16.4 Gy-Eq (range, 14.5-20.2), and 7.8 Gy-Eq (range, 6.8-9.5), respectively. Within 1-3 months after BNCT, the responses were assessed. Of the 6 patients in the IV group, 2 had a partial response, 3 no change, and 1 had progressive disease. Of 4 patients in the IA group, 1 achieved a complete response and 3 a partial response. CONCLUSION: Intra-arterial administration of boronophenylalanine is a promising drug delivery system for head-and-neck BNCT.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To investigate bystander mutagenic effects induced by alpha-particles during boron neutron capture therapy, we mixed cells that were electroporated with borocaptate sodium (BSH), which led to the accumulation of (10)B inside the cells, and cells that did not contain the boron compound. The BSH-containing cells were irradiated with alpha-particles produced by the 10B(n,alpha)7Li reaction, whereas cells without boron were affected only by the 1H(n,gamma)2H and 14N(n,rho)14C reactions. METHODS AND MATERIALS: The lethality and mutagenicity measured by the frequency of mutations induced in the hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase locus were examined in Chinese hamster ovary cells irradiated with neutrons (Kyoto University Research Reactor: 5 MW). Neutron irradiation of 1:1 mixtures of cells with and without BSH resulted in a survival fraction of 0.1, and the cells that did not contain BSH made up 99.4% of the resulting cell population. The molecular structures of the mutations were determined using multiplex polymerase chain reactions. RESULTS: Because of the bystander effect, the frequency of mutations increased in the cells located nearby the BSH-containing cells compared with control cells. Molecular structural analysis indicated that most of the mutations induced by the bystander effect were point mutations and that the frequencies of total and partial deletions induced by the bystander effect were less than those induced by the original neutron irradiation. CONCLUSION: These results suggested that in boron neutron capture therapy, the mutations caused by the bystander effect and those caused by the original neutron irradiation are induced by different mechanisms.  相似文献   

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