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Dietary factors are suggested to be involved in recent increases in the prevalence of asthma. The differences in dietary intake of 23 asthmatic and 317 non-asthmatic students were investigated, who were chosen by multistage stratified cluster sampling. The dietary data were assessed by food frequency questionnaire and a 24-h recall form. Total calorie and fat intake were similar. Daily intake of Saturated and poly-unsaturated fatty acids, and calcium and sodium were significantly higher in asthmatics. There was no significant difference between dietary antioxidant intake of asthmatic and non asthmatics. It seems that in this age, the type of consumed fat may be more important than the amount of fat intake in inducing asthma. For accurate results, n-6 and n-3 fatty acid intake must be assessed. Higher sodium and calcium intake may also be associated with asthma. Randomized controlled trials with restricting diets can help to elucidate the results.  相似文献   

哮喘患儿父母心理状况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解哮喘患儿父母的心理健康状况. 方法 采用症状自评量表(SCL-90),对38例哮喘患儿父母的心理状况进行调查. 结果 哮喘患儿父母躯体化、人际敏感、抑郁、敌对、恐怖因子分明显高于对照组和全国常模(P<0.01),患儿母亲躯体化、抑郁、焦虑和恐怖因子分与父亲有明显差异(P<0.01). 结论 哮喘患儿父母的心理健康水平较正常人低,存在较多的心理问题,母亲尤为严重,临床医生在治疗哮喘患儿时应注意对栽其家长,尤其是母亲的心理疏导,加强患儿父母的健康教育,促进患儿的康复与健康成长.  相似文献   

Alterations in zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu) homeostasis have been reported during the acute recovery period following thermal injury in both children and adults. Increased urinary losses of Zn and Cu and decreased plasma concentrations of Zn, Cu, and ceruloplasmin (CP), the major copper transport protein, occur despite adequate provision of these elements in enteral feedings. We now report data for moderately to severely burned children receiving total parenteral nutrition (TPN) supplemented to provide Zn and Cu. Hyperzincuria occurred consistently when 50 micrograms/kg Zn was delivered daily to older children. Similarly, when younger children received 100 micrograms/kg Zn daily, profound hyperzincuria ensued despite a reduction in total plasma Zn. Hypozincemia was accompanied by low levels of Zn in the plasma subfraction normally associated with albumin-bound Zn. The delivery of Cu via TPN was 4-12 micrograms/kg daily, and urinary Cu losses were not elevated. Plasma total Cu and plasma CP were invariably reduced. These findings are discussed in relation to guidelines published for pediatric trace element supplementation during TPN.  相似文献   

目的 了解贵阳地区哮喘患儿病情控制现状及影响哮喘控制的因素,为进一步加强儿童哮喘防治工作提供依据。方法 选取在贵州医科大学附属医院儿科哮喘门诊就诊的病程超过12个月的1~14岁哮喘患儿400例,采用回顾性调查的方法对其家长就哮喘控制状况及疾病认知情况进行问卷调查,以患儿近12个月有无哮喘发作为标准将其分为控制组和未控制组,对可能影响哮喘控制的相关因素进行多因素分析。结果 在过去12个月内,72.5%的患儿有过哮喘发作,35.5%的患儿有过因哮喘发作的急诊治疗,17.8%的患儿有过因哮喘发作导致的住院治疗。家庭经济收入、家长学历、家长认知水平、坚持规范用药、坚持定期复诊是哮喘患儿控制的保护因素;个人过敏史、哮喘家族史、被动吸烟史是哮喘患儿控制的危险因素。结论 贵阳地区哮喘患儿病情整体控制状况并不理想,与全国城市平均水平相比还存在一定的差距。家长对疾病的认知水平、治疗依从性及不良环境的接触等因素是影响哮喘控制的主要危险因素,认识并改善影响因素,有助于提高哮喘控制水平。  相似文献   

Hair zinc has been investigated in children of North and South Libya. The hair zinc content amounts to 213 +/- 36 micrograms/g in newborns. There is no difference between the values of newborns from North Libya and newborns from South Libya. The hair zinc values decrease during infancy. In toddlers and school-children the hair zinc content is 88 +/- 35 micrograms/g, 89 +/- 25 micrograms/g resp. These values are as low as those reported in American children with low height percentiles or nearly as low as those found in dwarfs with poor zinc status from Egypt and Iran.  相似文献   

The study comprised 40 children of both sexes aged from 2 to 12 years, 22 suffering from bronchial asthma and 18 suffering from atopic dermatitis. Twenty healthy children of comparable age and sex to the patients were studied as controls. All the children were subjected to full history including dietetic questionnaire, thorough examination, and to estimation of serum IgE, serum ceruloplasmin, and zinc and copper levels in both serum and hairs. The mean concentrations of zinc in serum and hairs were respectively 70.3 +/- 13.2 micrograms/100 ml and 167.5 +/- 23.0 micrograms/gm in asthmatic cases and 65.9 +/- 11.7 micrograms/100 ml and 164.8 +/- 23.6 micrograms/gm in those with atopic dermatitis. These levels were significantly (p less than 0.001) decreased in comparison to the control values (88.4 +/- 11.0 micrograms/100 ml and 194.5 +/- 18.6 micrograms/gm). On the other hand, a significant (p less than 0.001) increase in serum and hairs copper was demonstrated in both allergic groups compared to the controls. Mean copper values were respectively 79.5 +/- 8.06 micrograms/100 ml and 18.7 +/- 1.9 micrograms/gm in the asthmatic cases and 81.4 +/- 8.4 micrograms/100 ml and 17.8 +/- 2.08 micrograms/gm in cases with atopic dermatitis. The control mean concentrations were 67.95 +/- 6.37 micrograms/100 ml and 14.5 +/- 2.53 micrograms/gm respectively. Significant (p less than 0.001) higher levels of serum ceruloplasmin were observed in the allergic patients compared to the controls and were correlated with the hypercupremia. The results were discussed and a good dietetic intake of high biological value protein and zinc supplement was recommended to these patients in order to correct their disturbances especially the hypozincemia which could lead to exaggeration of their allergic conditions. The field of trace elements metabolism has grown rapidly over the past few years, particularly after the development of novel techniques as the atomic absorption spectrophotometry which had allowed the reliable measurements of several trace elements in tissues and so had opened a new field for many researches (Henkin, 1976). Zinc and copper are involved in cell and tissue growth. Zinc plays an important role in DNA and protein synthesis and is intimately involved with copper as cofactors in several important enzyme systems. The effects of many pathological conditions as congestive heart failure, pneumonia, rheumatic heart diseases, bronchitis, recurrent infection, hemolytic anemia, psoriasis, and malnutrition on the levels of serum zinc, copper, and other trace elements have been of interest to investigators for a number of years (Sinha and Gabrieli, 1970; David et al., 1984).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effects of consuming zinc-fortified ready-to-eat breakfast cereals were determined in a double-blind controlled study. The 96 healthy young children who participated (mean age 58 months) consumed either zinc-fortified cereal, providing 25% United States Recommended Dietary Allowance per 1 ounce serving (test children) or nonzinc-fortified cereals (controls) for a 9-month period. The test children were calculated on average to receive an additional 2.57 mg of zinc per day from this fortification program. This increment increased their mean daily zinc intake to a level that approached the Recommended Dietary Allowance (10 mg) of the National Academy of Sciences for children less than 10 years of age. By the end of the period, the test children (combined sexes) had a mean increment of plasma zinc that was 6.5 micrograms/dl greater than that of the control children (P less than 0.02). The test girls had a greater increment (28.5 micrograms/g) in hair zinc content than controls girls (P less than 0.05). There were no significant differences in other biochemical parameters including plasma copper and serum cholesterol. No significant differences in food intake or growth velocity were associated with the consumption of the zinc-fortified cereal. Multiple sex and time related differences occurred in plasma, hair, urine, and parotid saliva zinc concentrations that were unrelated to the type of cereal consumed.  相似文献   

During therapy with inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) of asthmatic children studies examining growth over several weeks using a knemometer showed a dose-dependent reduction of lower leg growth. During maintenance treatment with beclomethasone 400 micrograms/day for several months the growth of asthmatic children was reduced by approximately 1 cm/year compared with contemporaries who had not been treated with this substance. No such growth retardation was found in studies on long-term therapy with budesonide (400-800 micrograms/day) or fluticasone (100-200 micrograms/day). However, differences between ICS are difficult to establish or to exclude, since the systemic availability may vary, due for instance to the properties of the inhaler and the individual inhaling technique. It appears that most children with asthma treated with ICS perform a catch-up growth so that they reach a normal height as young adults. Since growth retardation if any mostly occurs during the first three months of the treatment, growth of asthmatic children must be monitored carefully. When growth is reduced by > 0.25 standard deviation score within 1 year, the use of ICS needs to be reconsidered. This decision can best be made by a paediatrician or after consulting one.  相似文献   

肖楠  张克兴  张北  郑萍  许宁  刘传合  王强 《环境与健康杂志》2020,37(2):126-129,封3
目的 研究痰液DNA甲基化与儿童哮喘的关联.方法 于2016年9月-2017年11月选择在北京首都儿科研究所就诊并至少在不同季节复诊1次的40名临床确诊的5~14岁哮喘儿童及40名居住北京同一城区的非哮喘儿童,获取同期大气PM2.5和O3浓度及气象因素数据;使用Illumina 850K甲基化芯片检测160个痰液样本的...  相似文献   

Zinc intake and status in Australian vegetarians   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Vegetarians have a lower incidence of many chronic diseases than omnivores. However, vegetarian diets could potentially result in lower intakes of some minerals, particularly Zn. In a cross-sectional study, dietary Zn intake was measured using 12 d weighed records in ninety-nine vegetarians (ten vegans) aged 18-50 years and forty-nine age- and sex-matched omnivores. In men, the mean daily Zn intake and Zn density values were similar in omnivores, ovolactovegetarians and vegans, but in women they were significantly lower in vegetarians (mean intake 6.8 mg v. 8.4 mg in omnivores) and few achieved the recommended intake. Significantly more vegetarian than omnivorous women had a daily Zn intake < 6 mg (44% v. 13%). Mean serum Zn concentrations were similar in female omnivores and vegetarians, despite the differences in intake. However, omnivorous men had a lower mean serum Zn concentration (0.85 microgram/ml v. 0.95 microgram/ml) and more subjects had levels below the reference range of 0.72-1.44 micrograms/ml than ovolactovegetarians (P < 0.01). Overall more women than men had low Zn concentrations; and these women generally had intakes below 6 mg/d. There was a significant correlation between serum Zn concentration and dietary Zn density in vegetarians, especially females (P < 0.001), but not in omnivores. Ovolactovegetarians did not have a significantly greater risk of low Zn status than omnivores.  相似文献   

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