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保健QC小组再造病人健康教育流程   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 提高住院病人健康教育满意度。方法成立QC小组,运用PDCA循环管理方法,解决住院病人健康教育满意度低的问题。结果住院病人对健康教育满意度由87%提高至98%。结论QC小组活动对提高护士素质,激发护士工作的积极性和创造性有明显的作用,再造病人健康教育流程是改进服务模式,提高护理质量,提高病人满意度的有效措施。  相似文献   

目的探讨妈咪宝贝QC小组温馨分娩再造流程与常规分娩流程助产的效果差异.方法将2002年1月至3月住院分娩、胎位正常的初产妇101例为对照组,把2002年4月至7月住院分娩、胎位正常的初产妇102例为观察组,对照组采取常规分娩流程观察和处理,观察组为温馨分娩再造流程,实施一对一全程陪伴分娩.结果观察组总产程及第一、二、三产程时间均明显少于对照组(P<0.01);剖宫产率,产后出血率,新生儿窒息率也明显低于对照组(P<0.05).结论温馨分娩再造流程助产在缩短产程及减少产后并发症方面均明显优于常规分娩流程助产,有利于产科质量的提高,是一种值得推广的新型助产服务模式.  相似文献   

发动QC小组再造护理流程--护理质量持续改进的探索   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
目的为改进护理服务模式,探讨流程再造,提高医院服务质量.方法发动QC小组,寻找护理问题,运用取消、简化、合并、再造四种技巧,再造新的服务流程.结果优化了服务流程,提高了服务效率,提高了病人的满意度.结论发动QC小组,开展流程再造是迅速提高医院服务质量的有效途径.  相似文献   

健康直通车QC小组为简便出院手续再造流程   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的缩短住院病人等候办理出院的时间,提高病人对出院最后一环节的满意度.方法通过QC小组的活动,系统地协调、控制病人办理出院时间.结果有效缩短病人办理出院的时间4~6小时,提高病人满意度达96.1%.结论 QC小组在实现全程优质护理服务中发挥积极作用.  相似文献   

提高住院患者治疗消费的透明度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 为增强住院患者治疗消费的透明度,让病人明明白白地消费。方法成立迎客来QC小组,运用PDCA循环管理方法,对150例住院病人盲目消费现状进行调查、分析,找出消费管理的流程缺陷,制定对策,加强主班工作,改革护理程序,制定住院病人消费明细告知程序。结果经过12个月的收集资料、评估、确认、评价,取得明显成效,住院患者消费透明度由52%提高到100%。结论QC小组活动有利于实现全员参与,提高护理水平,有利于提高病人满意度。  相似文献   

流程再造(process reengineering,PR)来源于企业管理领域,是现代企业继全面质量管理后发起的又一重大革新运动,其特色为:以流程为中心,改变或放弃陈旧的做法和程序,专注于流程的结果。近年来,随着社区卫生服务事业的发展,运用企业流程再造理论对社区卫生服务机构的流程进行重新设计,对贯彻“以病人为中心”的服务宗旨,提高人民群众满意度具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

目的提升窗口服务质量.树立医院对外窗口新形象,提高病人满意率。措施调整人员结构;转化服务观念:强化技能训练:多渠道挂号,注重礼仪及基本素质培训,将个性化服务体现在挂号流程中,切实方便患者。结果挂号员业务水平及服务质量得到提升,患者满意率大幅度提高。结论让患者满意就要为患者提供个性化服务、超值服务,在各个方面做到优、精、细、快、实,切实方便患者。提升窗口服务质量,增强创新服务意识,是提高挂号窗口患者满意率的有效方法。  相似文献   

The authors attempt to clarify and extend the conceptualization and measurement of consumer satisfaction and service quality in health services. Although the two constructs serve as cornerstones in the design and implementation of health care marketing strategies, a literature review suggests that satisfaction and service quality are currently difficult to distinguish--both conceptually and operationally--in health care settings. The findings from two studies conducted by the authors to distinguish the nature of these two important constructs within a health care marketing context reveal that a nonrecursive relationship between service quality and patient satisfaction may account for much of the conflicting evidence in the literature.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to describe how one multidisciplinary hospital responded to patient-satisfaction issues and improved communication throughout its organization by implementing a real-time assessment of patient and staff satisfaction for a faster and better-focused improvement process. The survey process is based on eliciting information from several different sources in a manner that allows corrective action plans to be made and implemented within 4 to 8 weeks of patient encounters. Organized groups can then review feedback from the implemented action plans within 9 to 16 weeks of patient encounters. This 4-month process is repeated on a quarterly basis, as lessons learned from the previous cycle are fed into the upcoming survey process for continuous patient-satisfaction improvement. Employees, faculty, and administrators have accepted the Real-Time Patient Satisfaction Survey and Improvement Process as a routine activity within the normal operating structure at the Moffitt Cancer Center. This activity of problem identification-action-feedback has been well integrated in the system and will continue to rotate throughout all patient care clinical services at the Moffitt Cancer Center. The program has become a method for goal-setting and establishing management accountability. As an adaptation of continuous quality improvement, The Real-Time Patient Satisfaction Survey and Improvement Process at the Moffitt Cancer Center is applicable for use in other hospitals and cancer centers in the United States. The general design, materials, and analysis plan can be directed toward the needs of the specific institution (and are available for distribution by contacting the authors).  相似文献   

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