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例1,患者,女,38 岁,咳嗽,咳痰7 d伴发热于1999年2月入院,既往否认高血压及心脏病史,无药物过敏史,入院查体:T:38.5℃,咽充血,扁桃体未见肿大,双肺可闻及哮呜音,心率100次/分,律齐,各瓣膜听诊区未闻及病理性杂音,入院当天胸片示支气管感染。EKG示:窦性心律;不完全性右束支传导阻滞。  相似文献   

患者 ,女 ,3 9岁。因皮肤小手术预防感染口服复方磺胺甲唑 2片 ,1h后全身皮肤瘙痒 ,散在出现大小不等的红色皮疹 ,考虑为复方磺胺甲唑所致过敏反应。肌内注射强力解毒敏 (陕西省西安妇幼制药厂生产 ,批号 :2 0 0 2 0 117) 4mL ,该药主要成分为甘草酸胺 4mg、盐酸半胱氨酸 3mg、甘氨酸 40mg。患者感瘙痒减轻 ,皮疹消失 ,当晚睡前口服维生素C 0 .2g ,葡萄糖酸钙 1.0g ,阿司咪唑 (西安杨森制药有限公司生产 ,批号 :0 2 0 7160 5 4) 9mg服药 5min后 ,全身皮肤瘙痒 ,皮肤大片红丘疹出现 ,继而患者出现胸闷 ,全身无力 ,面色苍白 ,口唇及口周发绀 ,四肢冷 ,意识丧失 ,脉搏扪不清 ,心率听不清 ,血压测不清 ,瞳孔、呼吸无变化。诊断 :阿司咪唑致过敏性休克。治疗 :患者平卧 ,吸氧 ,0 .9%氯化钠注射液 5 0 0mL ,静脉滴注 ,2 0mg地塞米松入莫非管 ,5 0 %葡萄糖注射液 2 0mL ,10 %葡萄糖酸钙 2 0mL ,iv ,用药 10min后患者清醒 ,口唇红润 ,脉搏、心率、血压恢复正常 ,精神好。阿司咪唑致过敏性休...  相似文献   

阿司咪唑致过敏性休克   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
患者男,18岁,因全身瘙痒1d在本院就诊。给予阿司咪唑片9mg,qdpo治疗。患者回家后,口服阿司咪唑约1h即感喉部发紧,呼吸困难,胸闷,心慌,视力模糊,乏力,不能站立。在当地医院静滴地塞米松15mg后急送我院。查体:T36.4℃,P110次·min-1,BP70/40mmHg。患者面色苍白,神志模糊,四肢厥冷,颤抖。全身皮肤抓痕,双侧瞳孔等大等圆,直径2.5mm,对光反应迟钝,双眼结膜充血明显,HR110次·min-1,心律齐,各瓣膜区未闻杂音,其余检查均(-)。血常规、电解质检测正常,心电图示窦性心动过速。诊断为阿司咪唑引起的过敏性休克。立即给予肾上腺素1mg皮下注射;间羟胺…  相似文献   

阿司咪唑致尿频1例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
患者,男,47岁,因“过敏”服阿司咪唑(批号010907)。10mg以及肌注地塞米松5rng、维丁胶性钙2mL、VitB12 500μg。至夜间出现尿频达7~8次,无尿痛、腰肾区疼痛。患者曾在“过敏“时用过地塞米松、维丁胶性钙、VitB12、都未出现过尿频现象。数月后又因“过敏“再次服用阿司咪唑,尿频现象再次发生。查尿常规:尿蛋白、尿糖、尿红细胞均为阴性,  相似文献   

阿司咪唑致过敏性休克   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
患者女,42岁。因胸闷气短,呼吸困难,声音沙哑5min,于2004年11月12日10:35来我院就诊。患者于1d前因遇冷空气后全身皮肤出现蚕豆大小水肿样丘疹并奇痒,来我院就诊。给予马来酸氯苯那敏(扑尔敏)8mg,3次/d口服;阿司咪唑10mg,1次/d口服。入院前10min,患者口服阿司咪唑10mg,未服扑尔敏。5min后出现胸闷气短、呼吸困难、声音沙哑,立即入我院治疗。入院查体:T37.9℃,P120次/min,R29次/min,BP60/40mmHg(1mmHg=0.133kPa)。患者神志清,呼吸困难,面部及全身皮肤充血水肿,双肺可闻及广泛哮鸣音,HR120次/min,律齐无杂音,双下肢无水肿。诊断为过敏性休…  相似文献   

阿司咪唑致过敏性休克1例   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
阿司咪唑致过敏性休克1例田仁发(山东省垦利县人民医院257500)我院收治1例病人,在服用阿司咪唑(息斯敏)30min后,突然出现过敏性休克。现报告如下:患者王某,女,34岁,患过敏性鼻炎3年有余,各种脱敏药物都曾用过,效果不佳。于1994年6月25...  相似文献   

阿司咪唑致严重低钾血症1例   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
阿司咪唑(astemizole,息斯敏)系第2代组胺H1受体拮抗剂。临床广泛用于治疗过敏性鼻炎、慢性荨麻疹等过敏症。治疗剂量的阿司咪唑较安全,但超常大剂量的阿司咪唑可引起心电图上Q_T间期延长以及包括尖端扭转型室性心动过速在内的多种心律失常的不良反应...  相似文献   

口服阿司咪唑致下肢水肿1例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
口服阿司咪唑致下肢水肿1例尹玉琴,邹静,代祖荫(成都军区昆明总医院药剂科昆明650032)臧××,女,29a,因面部发红,起血疹、伴骚痒症,于1995年2月30日来院就诊,确诊为接触性皮炎,医嘱口服阿司咪唑(Astemi-zole)10mg(西安杨森...  相似文献   

阿司咪唑致药物性皮炎1例   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
<正> 患者王某,男,53yr。因常年变应性鼻炎于1990年8月10日口服阿司咪唑(astemizole息斯敏)治疗,每次10mg, qd(西安杨森制药有限公司产,批号900228152)。服药1次(共10mg)10h后出现全身不适,双胫前皮肤瘙痒,继之双胫前出现红斑,大小不等,大者直径约2cm红斑呈圆型或椭圆型,稍高出皮肤,呈水肿性红色斑,中央呈暗红色。两块红斑(皆于左胫前)中央有小血疱。追问用药史,除3wk  相似文献   

阿司咪唑致药物性皮炎1例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
患者女,49岁,原无药物过敏史.患季节性过敏性鼻炎,服用阿司咪唑10 mg,qd.9 h后出现全身不适双颈前皮肤瘙痒,继之双颈前出现红斑,大小不等,三块红斑中央有小血疱.停服上药后,给予泼尼松5 mg,Vit C20 mg,po tid,6d后红斑消退,留有色素沉着.患者第13 d私自服用阿司咪唑10 mg,9 h后又出现皮肤红斑.  相似文献   

Simulated data using a linear two-compartment body model (2CBM) with drugs having different absorption characteristics and dosage forms with different dissolution rates were used to evaluate the inherent problems of pharmacokinetic data analysis (flip-flop phenomenon and vanishing exponential terms). When absorption from solution is slow or release from the solid dosage form is rate limiting, the characteristic nose of the 2CBM was lost and a one-compartment model prevailed. After the 2CBM disposition kinetic parameters were obtained from solution data, absorption kinetics were evaluated by the Loo-Riegelman method. The data were also evaluated by the statistical moments method. The statistical moments method consistently demonstrated superiority in regard to providing reliable results and ease in calculation. The information provided can be particularly useful for in vivo-in vitro correlation.  相似文献   

Summary Cannabis was administered to volunteers in a dose of 750 mg which was drunk of a tea.Cannabis metabolites were demonstrated in human urine by thin layer chromatography.The demonstration of urinary metabolites after oral administration was dependent on treatment of the urine with -glucuronidase. No metabolites were demonstrable in urine not treated by enzyme splitting.  相似文献   

The administration of 200 mg of ZnSO4.7H2O to six normal healthy males gave rise to increased serum zinc levels when this drug was taken in a fasting state, whereas administration during a light meal caused no increased levels.  相似文献   

The plasma levels in humans of pentobarbital were determined after intravenous administration of a 50 mg dose. It was found that pentobarbital is distributed in at least two kinetically distinct body compartments: a central, or “serum” compartment and a peripheral, or “tissue,” compartment. By use of established mathematical techniques, values were assigned to the rate constants controlling the distribution and overall elimination of the drug from the body. The oral absorption of pentobarbital in fasted and nonfasted subjects was determined by mathematical analysis of the plasma level data following oral administration of a 50 mg dose. It was found that the presence of food significantly reduces the apparent absorption rate constant but not the amount absorbed. The absorption of a second dose, given 1.5 hr after the first dose, in nonfasted subjects was not affected, and a rapid increase in plasma levels occurred after this administration.  相似文献   

Pharmacokinetics of acrivastine after oral and colonic administration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Six healthy male volunteers participated in this randomized, crossover open-label pharmacokinetic study consisting of two dosing segments separated by a washout period of at least 5 days. During each dosing segment, each volunteer received 12 mg of acrivastine, an investigational histamine H1-receptor antagonist, in a syrup form either orally or by colonic administration in random order. After oral and colonic administration, respectively, the following mean +/- SD pharmacokinetic parameters were obtained: Cmax 179 +/- 11 and 13.8 +/- 5.2 ng/ml; tmax, 0.85 +/- 0.13 and 3.60 +/- 0.56 hr; AUC0-12 hr, 576 +/- 57 and 104 +/- 46 hr.ng/ml. Differences between the oral and colonic administration for all three parameters were statistically significant (P less than 0.001). The mean +/- SD relative bioavailability of acrivastine from colonic compared to oral dosing was 0.18 +/- 0.09. It may be concluded, therefore, that appreciable absorption of acrivastine from the colon does not take place. These results suggest that comparison of pharmacokinetic profiles of some drugs after oral and colonic administration may be a useful technique for predicting bioavailability from a sustained release oral formulation.  相似文献   

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