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Oxytalan fibers are distributed in the eye and periodontal ligaments (PDL). The ciliary zonule, known as Zinn’s zonule, in the eye is composed of oxytalan fibers, which are bundles of microfibrils consisting mainly of fibrillin-1 and fibrillin-2. As turnover of oxytalan fibers is slow during life, their degradation mechanism remains unclarified. This study was performed to examine degradation pattern of fibrillin-1 and fibrillin-2 by experimental MMP activation. We cultured human non-pigmented ciliary epithelial cells (HNPCEC) and PDL fibroblasts for 7 days, then treated them with concanavalin A to activate matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2, and examined the degradation of fibrillin-1 and fibrillin-2 for 72 hr using immunofluorescence. At 7 days of HNPCEC culture, fibrillin-1-positive fibers were observed, some of which merged with fibrillin-2. After MMP-2 activation, fibrillin-1-positive fibers became thin and disappeared by 72 hr, while fibrillin-2-positive fibers disappeared almost completely within 24 hr. At 7 days of PDL fibroblast culture, fibrillin-1-positive fibers were mostly merged with fibrillin-2. After MMP-2 activation, fibrillin-1-positive fibers became thin by 24 hr and had almost disappeared by 48 hr, while fibrillin-2-positive fibers decreased constantly after 24 hr. A MMP-2 inhibitor completely suppressed these degradations. These results suggest that the patterns of fibrillin-1 and fibrillin-2 degradation differ between the eye and the PDL, possibly reflecting the sensitivity of fibrillin-1 and fibrillin-2 of each type of oxytalan fiber against MMP-2.  相似文献   

The ciliary zonules, also known as the zonules of Zinn, help to control the thickness of the lens during focusing. The ciliary zonules are composed of oxytalan fibers, which are synthesized by human nonpigmented ciliary epithelial cells (HNPCEC). The ciliary zonules are exposed to ultraviolet (UV), especially UV-A and UV-B, throughout life. We previously demonstrated that UV-B, but not UV-A, degrades fibrillin-1- and fibrillin-2-positive oxytalan fibers. However, the mechanism by which UV-B degrades oxytalan fibers remains unknown. In this study, we investigate the involvement of matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) in the UV-B-induced degradation of fibrillin-1- and fibrillin-2-positive oxytalan fibers in cultured HNPCECs. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay revealed that UV-B irradiation at levels of 100 and 150 mJ/cm2 significantly increased the level of active MMP-2. Notably, MMP-2 inhibitors completely suppressed the degradation of fibrillin-1- and fibrillin-2-positive oxytalan fibers. In addition, we show that UV-B activates MMP-2 via stress-responsive kinase p38. Taken together, the results suggest that UV-B activates a production of active type of MMP-2 via the p38 pathway, and subsequently, an active-type MMP-2 degrades the fibrillin-1- and fibrillin-2-positive oxytalan fibers in cultured HNPCECs.  相似文献   

The elastic system fibers comprise oxytalan, elaunin and elastic fibers, which differ in their relative microfibril and elastin content. Human periodontal ligaments (PDL) contain only oxytalan fibers (pure microfibrils) among them. Since fibulin-5 regulates the organization of elastic fibers to link the fibers to cells, we hypothesized that fibulin-5 may contribute to the formation of oxytalan fibers. We used siRNA for fibulin-5 in PDL cell culture to examine the extracellular deposition of fibrillin-1 and -2, which are the major components of microfibrils. Fibulin-5 was labeled on microfibrils positive for fibrillin-1 and -2. Fibulin-5 suppression reduced the level of fibrillin-1 and -2 deposition to 60% of the control level. These results suggest that fibulin-5 may control the formation of oxytalan fibers, and play a role in the homeostasis of oxytalan fibers.  相似文献   

Ciliary zonules are responsible for changing the curvature of a lens in the dioptric focus of an eye. Present established theory is based on the relaxation of zonular superficial fasciculi affixed to the capsular surface, thereby inducing the change of anterior‐ and posterior lens curvature causing spontaneous liquid movement of lens material. To achieve precise focusing at any distance, a more active functional organization should exist. The present studies were performed to determine not only the surface attachment but also the intracapsular affix of zonules on monkey eyes. In addition, the development of focusing in newborn and presbyopia is analyzed. Histology was prepared by conventional and molecular immunofluorescence stainings on the compositions of zonules with fibrillin‐1 (FBN 1) and lens capsule with collagen IV (COL IV), and in situ hybridization (ISH) analyses on frozen sections. Superficial circumferential attachments of zonule were found radially oriented between ciliary processes and anterior/posterior lens capsules forming a triangular figure. Two functional intralayer integrations were found above them; anterior‐posterior crossed fibers over the equator and radial fibers distributed toward the anterior or posterior polar areas. These fibers were bound tightly to the deep layer connective tissues close to the lens epithelium. Fine zonular fibers were aggregated, gradually forming bundles and bifurcated again on the way to the capsule. The lateral striped staining pattern in bundles suggested their elastic nature. Response of α‐helixes of collagen IV immunostaining was more positive on α‐1,2,4 than α‐3,5,6 on anterior‐ and posterior lens capsules. Newborn eyes revealed not fascicular but fine membranous zonules on the lens surface and small ciliary processes. ISH analysis revealed high synthetic expression of FBN 1 mRNA in cytoplasm of nonpigmented epithelial cells of ciliary processes. The synthetic expression of FBN 1 declined with aging. According to the mechanism of accommodation, active dynamic movement of anterior or posterior capsules play the main role of changing the lens configuration by two intralayer zonular integrations, including anterior‐posterior crossed fibers over the equator and radial fibers toward anterior or posterior polar areas acting with coordinated contraction of circular or longitudinal ciliary muscles. The developmental change on focusing is brought about by synthesis of FBN 1 in the newborn eye. Anat Rec 293:1797–1804, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The elastic network of articular cartilage was investigated by immunohistochemistry using specific antibodies to elastin and fibrillin‐1. Articular cartilage was dissected from defined regions of bovine metacarpophalangeal joints. Elastin fibres and microfibrils were dual‐immunostained by labelling with distinct fluorescent dyes. A conventional fluorescence microscope combined with a polarized light filter was used to study the organization and degree of colocalization of elastin fibres, microfibrils and of the collagen network. We observed an elaborately organized elastic network. In the uppermost superficial zone, where few cells were present, elastin fibres and microfibrils formed a dense three dimensional network showing some degree of colocalization. The thickness and organization of this elastic network varied dramatically from region to region and was most extensive in the metacarpal palmar region. In the middle and deep zones, very few elastin fibres were observed but microfibrils formed a network in the inter‐territorial matrix and dense network around the cells. Our finding of a three dimensional network of dense, well organized elastin fibres and microfibrils in the surface zone of the articular cartilage matrix, and a dense network of microfibrils around the cells deeper into the tissue suggests the elastic network could play both a mechanical and a biological role in articular cartilage.  相似文献   

Skeinoid Fibers in Mesectodermal Leiomyoma of the Ciliary Body   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Unlike smooth muscle elsewhere in the body, the smooth muscle of the iris and ciliary body is derived from neuroectoderm (mesectoderm). Leiomyomas that arise from the ciliary body, and therefore are of mesectodermal origin, may resemble spindle cell neurogenic tumors by light microscopy. They show positive immunostaining for smooth muscle actin but negative staining for neural markers. Ultrastructurally, the cells have the features of smooth muscle cells. The authors report a typical case of mesectodermal leiomyoma in a 47-year-old woman in which skeinoid fibers, considered to be an ultrastructural marker of neurogenic spindle cell tumors, were frequent together with other ultrastructural features often seen in neuroglial cell tumors. The findings indicate that mesectodermal leiomyoma is unique in its histogenesis as well as in its morphology.  相似文献   

In Vitro Development of Neural Progenitor Cells from Human Embryos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Behavior of stem/progenitor cells from the brain of human embryos during in vitro culturing was studied. Cultured cells from human embryonic brain developed and formed neurospheres heterogeneous by their cell composition. In a serum-containing medium some cells underwent differentiation by the neuronal pathway, while others remained in the stem state.  相似文献   

Bone and dentin formation are interesting examples of matrix-mediated mineralization. However, factors and mechanisms regulating this process are poorly understood. Dentin matrix protein 1 (DMP1) is an acidic extracellular matrix protein found in dentin and bone, and based on its amino acid composition it could be postulated to play an important role in mineralization. Our present study examines the ability of recombinant DMP1 to initiate apatite formation in vitro. A 45 Ca-binding assay demonstrated that recombinant DMP1 (rDMP1) possesses calcium-binding ability under physiological conditions. The in vitro nucleation experiments when conducted with rDMP1-coated glass plates demonstrated hydroxyapatite nucleation, while amorphous mineral was deposited on blank or BSA-coated surface. This mineral deposition was found to be 10-fold higher on rDMP1-coated glass surface when compared with the control glass plates. These findings suggest that DMP1 could be considered as a nucleator for apatite deposition in vitro.  相似文献   

Immunolocalization studies have shown that fibrillin-1 is distributed ubiquitously in the connective tissue space from early embryonic times through old age. When mutated, the gene for fibrillin-1 (FBN1) causes the Marfan syndrome, a common inherited disorder of connective tissue. The multiple manifestations of the Marfan syndrome reflect the known distribution of fibrillin-1 in cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, ocular, and dermal tissues. In this study, a mouse model of Marfan syndrome in which fibrillin-1 is truncated and tagged with green fluorescence was used to estimate the relative abundance of fibrillin-1 in developing tissues. In embryonic tissues, the aorta was the only tissue in which fibrillin-1 green fluorescence was detectable. Other arteries gained detectable fibrillin-1 green fluorescence just after birth. Fibrillin-1 fluorescence was observed at later postnatal times in the lung, skin, perichondrium, tendon, and ocular tissues, while other tissues remained negative. These results indicated that tissues most affected in the Marfan syndrome are the tissues in which fibrillin-1 is most abundant. Focus was placed on the aorta, since aortic disease is life threatening in the Marfan syndrome and fibrillin-1 green fluorescence was most abundant in this tissue. Fibrillin-1 green fluorescence and immunostaining showed that fibrillin-1 is within aortic medial elastic lamellae. Endothelial-specific compared to smooth muscle-specific fibrillin-1 green fluorescence, together with light microscopic analyses of fragmentation of aortic elastic lamellae, demonstrated that smooth muscle cell mutated fibrillin-1 contributed most to progressive aortic fragmentation. However, these studies also indicated that other cells, possibly endothelial cells, also contribute to this aortic pathology. Anat Rec, 2019. © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Calprotectin (LI) is a major cytoplasmic protein of neutrophilic granulocytes and monocytes/macrophages which is released from leucocytes during activation or cell death. Apart from in vitro antimicrobial and antiproliferative activity little is known about the biological function of the protein. Since previous investigations have shown that Calprotectin plasma levels are elevated in various inflammatory rheumatic diseases, we wanted to investigate if Calprotectin has an effect on immune cell functions. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells, either unstimulated or polyclonally stimulated with mitogen, were incubated with Calprotectin and effects were assessed by enumeration of immunoglobulin secreting cells (ELISPOT).
The results indicate that incubation with high concentrations of Calprotectin (> 64 μ/ml) inhibit the production of the three classes of immunoglobulins investigated (IgG, IgM and IgA), both for mitogen stimulated and unstimulated lymphocytes. Except for the highest concentration of Calprotectin (500 μ/ml), it seems plausible that the observed inhibitory effect of Calprotectin on Ig production is not a result of a direct toxic effect of Calprotectin on B lymphocytes. Altogether, these effects of high Calprotectin levels might be of importance in the immunoregulation of inflammatory conditions  相似文献   

Gap junctions are composed of transmembrane proteins belonging to the connexin family. These proteins permit the exchange of small regulatory molecules directly between cells for the control of growth, development and differentiation. Although the presence of gap junctions in teeth has been already evidenced, the involved connexins have not yet been identified in human species. Here, we examined the distribution of connexin 43 (Cx43) in embryonic and permanent intact and carious human teeth. During tooth development, Cx43 localized both in epithelial and mesenchymal dental cells, correlated with cytodifferentiation gradients. In adult intact teeth, Cx43 was distributed in odontoblast processes. While Cx43 expression was downregulated in mature intact teeth, Cx43 appeared to be upregulated in odontoblasts facing carious lesions. In cultured pulp cells, Cx43 expression was related to the formation of mineralized nodules. These results indicate that Cx43 expression is developmentally regulated in human dental tissues, and suggest that Cx43 may participate in the processes of dentin formation and pathology.  相似文献   


Cocaine, used intravenously, increases the risk of infections, but its effects on neutrophil phagocytosis have not been examined in vitro. Human neutrophils were suspended in cocaine hydrochloride 0, 1, 10, 50, 100 or 200 μg/ml in Hank's balanced salt solution to which was added a phagocytic meal of killed Saccharomyces cerevisiae stained with the pH indicator dye bromcresol purple. Yeast per phagocytosing neutrophil and the percent neutrophils phagocytosing yeast were reduced in neutrophils treated with cocaine 100 and 200 μg/ml (P < 0.05). When examined for percent of yeast phagocytosed after 10 minutes, neutrophils treated with cocaine 1-200 μg/ml demonstrated a decrease (P < 0.05). However, at 60 minutes only neutrophils treated with cocaine 50 and 100 μg/ml still showed a decrease in percent of yeast phagocytosed. Phagolysosomal acidification was impaired in neutrophils treated with 50, 100 and 200 μg/ml cocaine. Thus, cocaine inhibits neutrophil phagocytosis and phagolysosomal acidification in vitro, offering a reason for cocaine users/abusers to have impaired host defense and to be potentially at higher risk for infections.  相似文献   

To compare the functional activity of native HMGB1 proteins from eukaryotic sources with HMGB1 from prokaryotic sources the cDNAs of human and murine HMGB1 were cloned and the proteins expressed in bacteria. Tissue-derived HMGB1 from calf thymus and HMGB1 secreted from Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells were purified. Human whole blood, THP-1 cells, and NIH/3T3 cells were exposed to HMGB1 proteins and the induction of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) release in whole blood and monocytic THP-1 cells and a proliferation assay in NIH/3T3 cells were used to study functional activity of HMGB1s in vitro. Native and recombinant HMGB1s induced TNF-alpha release in human blood and in THP-1 cells dose-dependently, but recombinant HMGB1s were more effective. Cell proliferation was induced by native and recombinant HMGB1s. The native HMGB1 proteins from eukaryotic sources exert the same (though less pronounced) biological activity in vitro as recombinant HMGB1 proteins from prokaryotic sources.  相似文献   

用灭活的单纯疱疹病毒(Herpessimplexvirus,HSV1)为致敏原,体外诱导成人外周血淋巴细胞产生特异性抗体应答,特异性抗体诱生水平与血清抗体无相关性(R=0.45,P>0.05),抗体类型为IgG。同法致敬新生儿淋巴细胞则不能诱生任何类型的特异抗体,表明此体外抗体应答属继发性免疫应答。特异性抗体应答有明显的HSV1抗原剂量依赖性,且需要T、B细胞的相互作用。HSV1体外致敏的实验研究,为探讨正常和疾病状态下体外特异性抗体应答和免疫调节提供一个有用的实验模型。  相似文献   

Marfan syndrome (MFS) is a dominant disorder with a recognizable phenotype. In most patients with the classical phenotype mutations are found in the fibrillin-1 gene (FBN1) on chromosome 15q21. It is thought that most mutations act in a dominant negative way or through haploinsufficiency. In 9 index cases referred for MFS we detected heterozygous missense mutations in FBN1 predicted to substitute the first aspartic acid of different calcium-binding Epidermal Growth Factor-like (cbEGF) fibrillin-1 domains. A similar mutation was found in homozygous state in 3 cases in a large consanguineous family. Heterozygous carriers of this mutation had no major skeletal, cardiovascular or ophthalmological features of MFS. In the literature 14 other heterozygous missense mutations are described leading to the substitution of the first aspartic acid of a cbEGF domain and resulting in a Marfan phenotype. Our data show that the phenotypic effect of aspartic acid substitutions in the first position of a cbEGF domain can range from asymptomatic to a severe neonatal phenotype. The recessive nature with reduced expression of FBN1 in one of the families suggests a threshold model combined with a mild functional defect of this specific mutation.  相似文献   

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