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Immediate placement of dental implants in fresh extraction sockets is associated with remaining voids around the implants and often a partial dehiscence or thinning of the facial alveolar plate. Nine patients had Bioplant HTR synthetic bone used as a ridge preservation/augmentation material in conjunction with immediate placement of 10 implants. Hard tissue replacement (HTR) was used to fill the remaining socket void and enhance the facial ridge width, and the wound closed as completely as possible. Dental implants were uncovered at approximately 6 months. Measurements taken of the internal socket width and total ridge width at the implant placement and uncovering showed the mean internal socket width was maintained (7.2 mm vs 6.9 mm), and the total ridge width exhibited a mean change from 9.6 mm to 8.8 mm. Of the 10 implant sites, 7 showed a net increase, 2 no change, and 1 a decrease in overall ridge width. All 10 implants were restored for at least 6 months. These clinical results suggest that HTR is a useful adjunct in the placement of immediate dental implants for the preservation of ridge width and provides a good base for functional and esthetic prosthetic reconstruction.  相似文献   

Osseointegrated dental implants   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Endosseous implants of commercially pure titanium have been demonstrated to give success rates of more than 90 per cent over 10 years of follow-up. This high level of clinical function depends on an implant direct anchorage in bone without any interposed soft tissue layers and on a reaction-free soft tissue surrounding the abutments. Provided a correct protocol is followed, such osseointegrated dental implants may be looked upon as a routine procedure in the treatment of edentulousness.  相似文献   

目的:评价不同的骨移植材料结合钛膜和胶原膜修复种植体周围骨缺损效果,为临床决策提供实验依据.材料与方法:8条健康成年杂种犬拔除双侧下颌前磨牙3个月后,每侧缺牙区植入4枚钛钉,并于钛钉颊侧制造骨缺损,分别植入自体骨、Bio一oss、1:2的自体骨和Bio-oss混合物、2:1的自体骨和Bio-oss混合物.两侧分别覆盖钛膜和胶原膜.5个月后取材,通过影像学、组织学和免疫组化学技术观察骨缺损区生成新骨的质量和成骨活性.结果:种植钉无松动脱落.2例钛膜暴露但无脱落,无胶原膜暴露.钛膜下的钛钉顶部被新生骨覆盖,在胶原膜覆盖的钛钉颊侧骨面凹陷,钛膜侧新骨高度大于胶原膜组.X线片可见钛钉与骨结合紧密,钛膜侧植骨区饱满,密度较高.硬组织磨片显示种植钉与植骨材料形成了良好的骨整合,胶原膜组的骨-种植体接触率(BIC)和种植体周围骨面积(BA)均略高于钛膜组,但两者无统计学差异.2:1自体骨和Bio-oss的混合物的BIC和BA均高于1:2比例组,有统计学差异.2:1比例组与1:2比例组植骨材料相比,骨缺损处新生骨成熟度高.饱和苦味酸-天狼猩红-偏振光法和免疫组织化学SABC法观察I型胶原和骨钙素,各组未见存在显著差异.结论:自体骨、Bio-oss及自体骨和Bio-oss不同比例的混合物,在修复种植体周围3mm骨缺损时,均可获得满意效果,但自体骨比例大者骨整合程度更好.钛膜下新骨生成量大于胶原膜,但质地和活性无明显区别.讨论:修复种植体周围小的骨缺损(<3mm)时,选用哪种骨移植材料都可以.钛膜虽然容易暴露,但它的帐篷作用好,其下成骨量大,价格便宜,适于国内推广使用.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the survival and success of dental implants placed in alveolar bone following augmentation using intraoral block bone grafts. METHODS: A consecutive retrospective study was conducted on patients who had onlay bone grafts for vertical or horizontal augmentations followed by dental implantation from 1999 to 2001. Files of 50 healthy patients who received 129 implants in augmented sites were reviewed. Implant survival, radiologic implant success (marginal bone loss), and complications were recorded. RESULTS: Follow-up from time of implantation ranged from 6 to 67 months (mean: 24.3 +/- 11.2 months). Ranges of implant widths and lengths were 3.25 to 4.7 mm and 10 to 16 mm, respectively. The overall survival rate was 96.9% (four implants were removed). Marginal bone loss around implants ranged from 0 to 3.3 mm (average: 0.22 +/- 0.45 mm). Only 5% of the implants presented marginal bone loss > or =1.5 mm over the follow-up time. CONCLUSIONS: Intraoral bone block graft surgery is a predictable operation for the use of dental implants. Implant placement in augmented areas presents high survival and radiologic success rates with minimal bone loss.  相似文献   

Osseointegrated dental implants. A viable treatment mode   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

嵌贴式植骨术在牙槽嵴严重吸收患者牙种植术中的应用   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
目的:总结嵌贴式植骨方法进行缺牙后重度吸收牙槽嵴骨增量的植骨技术及其效果。方法:15例重度吸收牙槽嵴患者接受了嵌贴式植骨术,分别于植骨12~24周后植入种植体,共植入26枚种植体。术后16~24周行种植体基台连接术及烤瓷冠或烤瓷桥修复。结果:术后12周复诊二期植入种植体者,术中见植骨块吸收很少,所有患者均成功完成了种植修复。15例植骨患者中,3例出现术后感染,但仍获一定程度的骨增量效果,12例无并发症。所有病例修复后追踪24~48周,无种植体脱落。结论:嵌贴式植骨技术应用于严重吸收牙槽嵴骨增量操作简单,效果可靠。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to assess the bone mineral density changes after bone regeneration therapy using xenogeneic demineralized freeze-dried bone graft (DFDBG) plus platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and DFDBG alone in 3-wall peri-implant defects in dogs. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The mandibular premolars and molars of 9 adult hound dogs were removed surgically, and 90 sites were prepared for implant placement. Before implant placement, a total of 162 mesial and distal 3-wall peri-implant defects were surgically created. Defects were randomly assigned to three groups: DFDBG + PRP, DFDBG alone, and no treatment. Animals were sacrificed at 1, 2, and 3 months, and specimens were subjected to bone mineral density (BMD) and bone mineral content (BMC) analysis with a peripheral dual x-ray absorptiometry densitometer. RESULTS: The effect of treatment on BMD and BMC differed significantly by month of sacrifice (P = .030 and P = .035 for the month-by-treatment interactions, respectively). BMD differed significantly between peri-implant defects treated with DFDBG alone and untreated defects at 3 months (mean BMD of 0.6667 for DFDBG alone versus 0.5606 for untreated defects; P < .001). BMC also differed significantly between peri-implant defects treated with DFDBG alone and untreated defects at 3 months (mean BMC of 0.0276 for DFDBG alone versus 0.0236 for untreated defects; P = .001). No other pairwise comparison of the treatments within each month of sacrifice or at the overall treatment effect across all three months demonstrated significant differences. DISCUSSION: PRP has been proposed as an autogenous source of growth factors, which may increase the speed and completeness of healing. This study did not demonstrate a significant improvement in BMD or BMC when PRP was combined with DFDBG. Defects where grafting material was used, either with or without PRP, did demonstrate slightly greater BMD and BMC than those left untreated. CONCLUSION: This study found that the addition of PRP to xenogeneic bone grafts did not significantly alter BMD or graft maturity levels in this animal model.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Osseointegrated dental implants have become a routinely recommended procedure in the clinical practice of dentistry and periodontics. Due to their predictability, they have changed the way many cases are treatment planned. The purpose of this paper is to report the results of a prospective study of factors affecting the successes and failures of a large group of dental implants and compare them to published literature. METHODS: A total of 1,003 consecutively placed pure titanium dental implants placed from August 1987 to January 2002 and followed to October 2003 are reported. All implants were placed in one private practice by the same surgeon. RESULTS: Success rates statistically were influenced only by the age of the implant, although when the raw data are examined, some trends are seen. Success was unaffected by patient age, gender, surface roughness of implant, site of placement, smoking, bone type, arch, screw versus press-fit, diameter, length, manufacturer, reason for tooth loss, site bony augmentation and timing, placement timing, one-versus two-stage placement, or torque testing of implants; 75% of failures occurred before restoration. CONCLUSIONS: Osseointegrated dental implants are a highly predictable procedure with proper case selection. Failure rates vary for a number of factors reviewed, although only the age of the implant was statistically important in predicting failure. Male smokers, maxillary first molars, and type 4 bone had increased failure rates. Threaded, surface-roughened implants had the highest success rates.  相似文献   

目的:评价非埋藏式ITI种植体修复牙例缺失的临床效果。方法:68例牙列缺失的患者,种植144颗ITI种植体。上颌种植牙于植牙后4~6个月行上部结构修复,下颌种植体于植牙后2~3个月行上部结构修复,种植后及义齿修复后的临床观察期为1~3年。结果:种植成功率为99.3%,义齿修复后行使功能的成功率为100%,有2例患者出现套冠脱落,未出现上部结构松动和折断现象。结论:非埋藏式种植体(ITI)修复牙例缺失有很高的成功率和良好的修复效果。  相似文献   

Osseointegrated implants in clinical practice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

目的评估对颌骨缺损患者行自体骨移植复合种植义齿修复重建的临床疗效。方法自2007—2012年,对11例因肿瘤、外伤造成颌骨缺损的患者,进行自体骨移植及延期植入种植体,并进行种植体支持的义齿修复,对修复后患者口颌系统的功能、外观进行评价和随访。结果本研究11例患者的自体移植骨均成活;共植入41枚种植体,除2例共4枚种植体发生种植体周围龈炎外,其余种植义齿功能及美观恢复均较理想。结论由外伤或肿瘤引起的颌骨缺损采取血管化或者非血管化自体骨移植,复合种植义齿的应用,能为患者恢复较好的外形和功能;种植体周围进行角化牙龈的移植有利于种植义齿耐受摩擦及咀嚼压力,并有利于维护种植体周围黏膜组织的健康。  相似文献   

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