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<内经>对饮食与人体的密切关系有精辟而系统的阐述,认识到饮食不仅是人体水谷精微的来源,是人体赖于生存的物质基础;同时又是一种常见的致病因素,导致人体脏腑功能失调发生病变.强调饮食合理与否,直接关系着人体健康.合理辨证膳食是增强人体正气、预防疾病的重要手段.  相似文献   

浅析《内经》对饮食的认识及其影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘建武 《中医药学刊》2005,23(8):1444-1445
《内经》对饮食与人体的密切关系有精辟而系统的阐述,认识到饮食不仅是人体水谷精微的来源.是人体赖于生存的物质基础;同时又是一种常见的致病因素,导致人体脏腑功能失调发生病变。强调饮食合理与否,直接关系着人体健康。合理辨证膳食是增强人体正气、预防疾病的重要手段。  相似文献   

你知道低碳水化合物饮食减肥法吗?它又被简称为“低碳”饮食减肥法,是时下欧美最流行的减肥方法,三个美国人中就有一人在应用此法,更有300万英国肥胖男女对其趋之若鹜。那么,究竟什么是低碳水化合物饮食法?它靠什么神奇功效在减肥市场异军突起?我们不妨来看看其中的奥妙。什么是“低碳”饮食减肥法“低碳水化合物饮食法,是美国营养学家阿特金斯继1970年研发出一种吃肉减肥法(即以摄取高蛋白质食物如牛肉、猪肉等为主的饮食法)后,延伸出的另一饮食理论。他在《阿特金斯医生的新饮食革命》一书中指出:“碳水化合物虽是人体热量的主要来源,却也…  相似文献   

对《内经》饮食五味学说的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
饮食五味(这里指一切饮食物的总称)是人类赖以生存的重要物质保证,人体必须从饮食五味中不断摄取营养物质以维持生命活动;但反过来说,饮食五味的不当又是导致疾病发生的重要因素。因此,研究饮食五味与人体的关系,对于防病和治病均具有重要的意义。国内外不少学者对饮食与健康的关系问题做了不少的研究工作,正日益引起人们的重视。祖国医学对饮食五味与人体的生理、病理、治疗等方面的关系有着较为丰  相似文献   

正饮食养生与健康长寿关系密切,饮食搭配合理不仅能供给人体足够营养,且能防治疾病、延缓衰老。只有各种食物合理搭配才能获得较全面的营养,满足生命活动的需要。当然,具体针对疾病的治疗应咨询医生。现就主食米饭搭配介绍如下。绿豆米饭清热毒食用绿豆米饭,可有效缓解上火症状。方法:取绿豆40克,浸泡3小时,与大米100克一起煮饭食用。黑豆米饭补肾壮筋骨  相似文献   

众所周知,碳水化合物、蛋白质、矿物质、脂肪、水、维生素以及纤维素是人体不可缺少的七大营养素,对人们防疾保健至关重要。然而,除此之外还有许多“编外”营养素对健康影响也甚大,但又极易被人们所忽视。对此,营养专家认为,正确的饮食调理可以补充这些“编外”营养素。 ○植物雌激素 科学研究证明,植物雌激素是一种特殊营养成分,但人体自身合成这种激素很少,所  相似文献   

三部六病学说是中医界的一项新颖学说,依据人体生命的规律性,科学地作了系统划分。即凡与空气接触,并能与这发生关系的部分称为表部;凡与饮食接触,并能与之发生关系 为里部;凡与血液接触,并能与这发生关系 部分称为半表半里部。  相似文献   

形与神,是人体生命活动中最基本的两个方面,它们贯穿于人体发生发展和变化之中,故“形神关系”是人体生命活动中最基本的关系之一。为此,本文试图对之作一初探。一、“形”与“神”的本义及引伸《说文》:“形,象也”。可见,“形”的本义是指形象、形体。综观《内经》,“形”是指  相似文献   

冯悦 《光明中医》2012,27(12):2404-2405
胃气是中医基础理论的一个重要概念,后世医家有不少谈论胃气的,"有胃气则生,无胃气则死"这个观点犹如一根主线,始终贯穿于整个中医学术思想中,这对中医理论的发展和临床实践起到了非常重要的积极作用。因此,我们在治疗过程中应该时刻顾护好胃气。胃气有三种含义,一指脾胃对饮食水谷的消化功能,二为人体生气赖以充养的源泉,三乃四时脉象中的常气。胃为仓廪之官,主化主升;胃为水谷之海,主纳主降,脾胃升降适宜,则阴阳冲和,疾病可愈。胃气之盛衰有无,直接关系到人体的生命活动和盛衰存亡,而且胃气强弱与人体正气盛衰有着极为密切的关系,所以中医临床诊治疾病,十分注意保护胃气,常把保胃气作为重要的治疗原则。  相似文献   

俗话说:“人是铁,饭是钢,一顿不吃锇得慌”。说明人是每天离不开饮食的。但是,若无一副健全的胃肠消化器官,纵然有满桌的美味佳肴,确也有点心有余而力不足了。因为脾胃功能不好的人,住往在美餐之后,有得不偿失之验,甚至加重脾胃疾病。因此,脾胃消化吸收功能的好坏,将直接关系列人体的健康与长寿。  相似文献   

慢性阻塞性肺病患者膳食调查及营养评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 :研究慢性阻塞性肺病 ( COPD)患者的营养状况 ,探讨合理的饮食模式。方法 :对患者进行膳食调查、人体测量及生化实验室检查。结果 :COPD患者膳食中大多数营养素摄入量均明显不足 ,而且饮食中存在着诸多不利因素 ,患者营养不良发生率很高。结论 :饮食摄入的相对或绝对不足是造成 COPD患者营养不良的重要因素之一。通过膳食调查可为指导患者平衡膳食 ,改善营养状况提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Brown rice fermented with Aspergillus oryzae, designated as FBRA, is a dietary fiber‐rich food, and fully appreciated as one of the prebiotics, which are generally considered to be beneficial to the health of the body, because of stimulating the growth and/or the activity of bacteria in the digestive system. To assess the effectiveness of FBRA as a functional food, the direct effect of FBRA extract on human colorectal tumor cells was examined. The exposure of HCT116 cells to FBRA extract reduced their viabilities in a concentration‐dependent manner, and the reduction of the cell viability might be attributed to the induction of apoptosis probably through the oxidative damage to the cells. Further studies showed that FBRA extract caused a significant elevation of Bax protein and a slight reduction of Bcl2 protein levels, and furthermore caused the activation of caspase‐3 in the cells. Thus, it seems reasonable to conclude that FBRA extract can exert oxidative damage to the cells, resulting in apoptotic cell death by activating the mitochondrial pathway in human colorectal tumor cells. Therefore, daily intake of FBRA can be expected to be beneficial for preventing carcinogenesis and/or suppressing tumor growth in the digestive tract. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Thylakoids are membranes isolated from plant chloroplasts which have previously been shown to inhibit pancreatic lipase/colipase catalysed hydrolysis of fat in vitro and induce short‐term satiety in vivo. The purpose of the present study was to examine if dietary supplementation of thylakoids could affect food intake and body weight during long‐term feeding in mice. Female apolipoprotein E‐deficient mice were fed a high‐fat diet containing 41% of fat by energy with and without thylakoids for 100 days. Mice fed the thylakoid‐enriched diet had suppressed food intake, body weight gain and body fat compared with the high‐fat fed control mice. Reduced serum glucose, serum triglyceride and serum free fatty acid levels were found in the thylakoid‐treated animals. The satiety hormone cholecystokinin was elevated, suggesting this hormone mediates satiety. Leptin levels were reduced, reflecting a decreased fat mass. There was no sign of desensitization in the animals treated with thylakoids. The results suggest that thylakoids are useful to suppress appetite and body weight gain when supplemented to a high‐fat food during long‐term feeding. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

甲醛(HCHO)是一种化学物质,把它用在水产品里,可以起到延长保质期的作用,使水产品不缩水、不变形.但是它对人的危害也很大,它不仅破坏食品的营养成分,而且会对人体的中枢神经系统,尤其是视觉器官产生强烈的刺激作用,人食用后会引起过敏、肠道刺激、食物中毒等疾患,甚至严重损坏人的支气管和肺部,破坏人体细胞,使人致癌,是一种对人体极其有害的物质.目前,市场上甲醛在食品加工中违法用作添加剂的现象相当普遍,同时采用几种快速现场定性检测与实验室定量检测相互平行对照检测,对比查找一种可靠、快速的在海水产品中检测甲醛的方法,从而就加强对海水产品生产经营的监督监测力度提供技术支持,让有毒有害食品无销售市场 积极查找用甲醛浸泡、加工海产品的黑窝点,对违法行为进行严厉打击,从源头上杜绝甲醛食品流入市场,保证人民群众的身体健康与饮食安全.  相似文献   

中医治未病的重要手段是食疗,食疗的理论指导是食物性味学。本文认为:古代的中医发现了身体可以感知食物的刺激,并能够做出应答这一事实,并采用四气五味的假说来表述这一现象。因此,食物性味学是研究摄入食物后的身体感觉,以及身体的应答反应规律的一门学问,应努力探索、科学表达和应用食物性味学,使之更好地为中医治未病服务。  相似文献   

The nutritional value and therapeutic benefits coupled with presumed safety have heightened interest in the use of custom designed dietary supplements. Their use has increased substantially since the passage of the 1994 Dietary Supplement Health Education Act. However, few well-controlled studies have been conducted to assess the safety and potential adverse effects of dietary supplements. MNSO (MNS Orange-AdvoCare) is a unique combination of vitamins, minerals, omega-3 fatty acids and herbal extracts designed to provide a strong foundation of nutritional support, enhance thermogenesis, heighten energy levels and improve immune status. This investigation was designed to explore the safety and toxic effects, if any, of 12 months of continuous exposure to the ephedra and caffeine containing MNSO on serum chemistry and histopathology of seven vital target organs in female B6C3F1 mice. MNSO is enriched with extracts of citrus, Ephedra, Ginkgo, green tea and Ocimum. In this study, mice were fed control (-MNSO) or MNSO (1x-10x, 1x = daily human dose) diets. Blood was collected from all groups including the control every 4 months for serum chemistry analysis (enzyme, lipid, carbohydrate, electrolyte profiles), and liver tissue was collected for tissue biochemistry and histopathology. Multiple biochemical parameters included: (i) determination of oxidative stress via lipid peroxidation and (ii) assessment of genomic integrity via DNA fragmentation. In addition, food consumption and body weight changes were also monitored biweekly. The data showed that 12 months ingestion of 10x-MNSO did not significantly influence organ histopathology, alter the normal serum chemistry profile or any of the crucial tissue biochemistry. MNSO-exposed animals were more active, consumed more food and were relatively leaner compared with the controls. This study indicates that a caffeine and ephedra containing metabolic nutrition system is non-toxic and non-hepatotoxic in mice at up to 10x the human consumption dose of ephedra.  相似文献   

[目的]探究饮食习惯与中医体质类型的关系。[方法]2012年9月—2014年1月,采用横断面现场调查法收集广东、安徽两家医院1 114例健康体检人群数据。中医体质调查采用标准化中医体质量表。应用构成比和对应分析法分析饮食习惯与中医体质类型的关系。[结果]不同饮食习惯的人群中医体质类型分布特点不同。阳虚质与喜热关联性较强;气虚质、阴虚质、血瘀质与喜甘甜关联性较强;阴虚质、特禀质与喜清淡关联性较强;湿热质与喜咸、喜酸关联性较强;痰湿质与喜咸、喜炙烤关联性较强;平和质、气郁质与喜辛辣关联性较强,平和质还和喜油腻关联性较强。[结论]饮食习惯与中医体质类型之间存在关联性。应根据不同饮食习惯的中医体质特点对人群的偏颇体质进行调护。同时,对平和质人群的健康管理不应忽视饮食调养。  相似文献   

The Lactobacillus ferment used in this study was composed of Lactobacillus fermented wheat, barley and kefir grains. Fermentation increased the CFU of lactic acid bacteria with a reduction in pH value and in the contents of dietary fi ber and glucan. Male SD rats were fed a high fat diet with or without 10% Lactobacillus ferment for 4 weeks. In the Lactic-F group (group fed high-fat diet with Lactobacillus ferment) there was a significantly reduced increase of body weight compared with the HF-control (group fed high-fat diet without Lactobacillus ferment). The food efficiency ratio (FER) tended to be decreased in the Lactic-F group, but there was no significant difference between the Lactic-F and HF-control groups. The perirenal and the epididymal fat weights in the normal dietary group (control) and in the Lactic-F group were significantly lower than those of the HF-control. The serum HDL-cholesterol and the total cholesterol in the Lactic-F group were similar to the control group, and were significantly different from those of the HF-control. These results indicated that the Lactobacillus ferment is a functional material having antiobesity effects, with use as a supplement in functional, health-favoring food.  相似文献   

随着养生知识的普及,药膳对人们生活的影响越来越明显,逐渐被大众所接受.从药膳类型、剂型、功效、销售途径、营销方式、定价等方面对广东省居民的药膳使用情况进行调查,为更加合理地应用药膳提供参考.  相似文献   

《内经》蕴藏着丰富而朴素的医学心理学学术思想,把心理和生理作为一个统一整体,认为形体是以脏腑、经络、气血为内在联系的有机整体,同时又强调人与自然、社会的关系,还十分重视心理因素对人体的影响和在疾病发生、发展过程中的作用,在疾病的诊断中重视心理因素和心身关系,在治疗中注重发挥精神因素的治疗作用,在预防中强调适应自然,调摄精神,注意饮食起居和调于四时的精神修养法则。  相似文献   

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