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Mutations in Ha-ras, and n-rasNras genes in squamous and basal cell carcinomas in patients with xeroderma Pigmentosum (XP) were examined by the polymerase chain reaction followed by single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis and direct base sequencing. No mutation was detected in codons 12, 13, and 61 of the ras genes in XP skin tumors. This was in contrast with previous findings of a high frequency of mutation in the p53 gene in skin tumors in XP patients. A novel mutation in codon 6 of the ki-ras gene was detected in a squamous cell carcinoma. The mutation was a C→T transtion at a dipyrimidine (5′-CT) sequence and could have been produced by solar ultraviolet light. The mutated ras gene did not have the ability to transform NIH/3T3 cells. In three tumors, multiple base substitutions were detected in exon 1 of the Ki-ras and N-ras genes. These results and our previous work on p53 gene mutations suggest that mutations in ras genes are far less frequent than in the p53 gene in the skin tumors in XP patients and that ras genes are less important in skin tumorigenesis in XP patients that is the p53 gene.  相似文献   

Germline anomalies of the INK4a-ARF and Cdk4 genes were sought in a series of 89 patients suspected of having a genetic predisposition to melanoma. Patients were selected based on the following criteria: (a) familial melanoma (23 cases), (b) multiple primary melanoma (MPM; 18 cases), (c) melanoma and additional unrelated cancers (13 cases), (d) age at diagnosis less than 25 years (21 cases), and (e) nonphoto-induced melanoma (NPIM; 14 cases). Mutations of INK4a-ARF and Cdk4 were characterised by automated sequencing, and germline deletions of INK4a-ARF were also examined by real-time quantitative PCR. Seven germline changes of INK4a-ARF, five of which were novel, were found in seven patients (8%). Four were very likely to be pathogenic mutations and were found in three high-risk melanoma families and in a patient who had a pancreatic carcinoma in addition to melanoma. Three variants of uncertain significance were detected in one MPM patient, one patient <25 years, and one NPIM patient. No germline deletion of INK4a-ARF was found in 71 patients, and no Cdk4 mutation was observed in the 89 patients. This study confirms that INK4a-ARF mutations are infrequent outside stringent familial criteria, and that germline INK4a-ARF deletions are rarely involved in genetic predisposition to melanoma.  相似文献   

Altered sonic hedgehog (SHH) signaling is crucial in the development of basal cell carcinomas (BCC), the most common human cancer. Mutations in SHH signal transducers, PATCHED and SMOOTHENED, have already been identified, but SHH mutations are extremely rare; only 1 was detected in 74 sporadic BCCs. We present data showing unique SHH mutations in BCCs from repair-deficient, skin cancer-prone xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) patients, which are characterized by high levels of UV-specific mutations in key genes involved in skin carcinogenesis, including PATCHED and SMOOTHENED. Thus, 6 UV-specific SHH mutations were detected in 5 of 33 XP BCCs. These missense SHH alterations are not activating mutations for its postulated proto-oncogene function, as the mutant SHH proteins do not show transforming activity and induce differentiation or stimulate proliferation to the same level as the wild-type protein. Structural modeling studies of the 4 proteins altered at the surface residues, G57S, G64K, D147N, and R155C, show that they do not effect the protein conformation. Interestingly, they are all located on one face of the compact SHH protein suggesting that they may have altered affinity for different partners, which may be important in altering other functions. Additional functional analysis of the SHH mutations found in vivo in XP BCCs will help shed light on the role of SHH in skin carcinogenesis. In conclusion, we report for the first time, significant levels of SHH mutations found only in XP BCCs and none in squamous cell carcinomas, indicating their importance in the specific development of BCCs.  相似文献   

Mutations in the p53 gene in 32 basal-cell carcinomas (BCC) developed in Japanese patients were identified by the polymerase chain reaction and single-strand-conformation polymorphism analysis, followed by sequencing the DNA. Among 16 BCC developed in continuously sun-exposed areas, 6 tumors showed 7 base substitutions, most of which were G:C to A:T transitions, mainly at the dipyrimidine sites. Seven out of 16 BCC developed in less-exposed areas showed 8 base substitutions, but the majority (75.0%) of them were transversions. These results suggest that the mutation in the p53 gene plays a significant role in the tumorigenesis of BCC developed in less-exposed areas as well as those in sun-exposed areas in Japanese patients. There must be therefore causative factors other than UV irradiation for BCC in less-exposed areas. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The INK4a-ARF locus is located on human chromosome 9p21 and is known to encode two functionally distinct tumor-suppressor genes. The p16(INK4a) (p16) tumor-suppressor gene product is a negative regulator of cyclin-dependent kinases 4 and 6, which in turn positively regulate progression of mammalian cells through the cell cycle. The p14(ARF) tumor-suppressor gene product specifically interacts with human double minute 2, leading to the subsequent stabilization of p53 and G(1) arrest. Previous investigations analyzing the p16 gene in squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck (SCCHNs) have suggested the predominate inactivating events to be homozygous gene deletions and hypermethylation of the p16 promoter. Somatic mutational inactivation of p16 has been reported to be low (0-10%, with a combined incidence of 25 of 279, or 9%) and to play only a minor role in the development of SCCHN. The present study examined whether this particular mechanism of INK4a/ARF inactivation, specifically somatic mutation, has been underestimated in SCCHN by determining the mutational status of the p16 and p14(ARF) genes in 100 primary SCCHNs with the use of polymerase chain reaction technology and a highly sensitive, nonradioactive modification of single-stranded conformational polymorphism (SSCP) analysis termed "cold" SSCP. Exons 1alpha, 1beta, and 2 of INK4a/ARF were amplified using intron-based primers or a combination of intron- and exon-based primers. A total of 27 SCCHNs (27%) exhibited sequence alterations in this locus, 22 (22%) of which were somatic sequence alterations and five (5%) of which were a single polymorphism in codon 148. Of the 22 somatic alterations, 20 (91%) directly or indirectly involved exon 2, and two (9%) were located within exon 1alpha. No mutations were found in exon 1beta. All 22 somatic mutations would be expected to yield altered p16 proteins, but only 15 of them should affect p14(ARF) proteins. Specific somatic alterations included microdeletions or insertions (nine of 22, 41%), a microrearrangement (one of 22, 5%), and single nucleotide substitutions (12 of 22, 56%). In addition, we analyzed the functional characteristics of seven unique mutant p16 proteins identified in this study by assessing their ability to inhibit cyclin-dependent kinase 4 activity. Six of the seven mutant proteins tested exhibited reduced function compared with wild-type p16, ranging from minor decreases of function (twofold to eightfold) in four samples to total loss of function (29- to 38-fold decrease) in two other samples. Overall, somatic mutation of the INK4a/ARF tumor suppressor locus, resulting in functionally deficient p16 and possibly p14(ARF) proteins, seems to be a prevalent event in the development of SCCHN. Mol. Carcinog. 30:26-36, 2001.  相似文献   

Eighty-seven untreated primary oral squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) associated with betel quid and tobacco chewing from Indian patients were analysed for the presence of mutations in the commonly shared exon 2 of p16INK4alpha/p19ARF genes. Polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) and sequencing analysis were used to detect mutations. SSCP analysis indicated that only 9% (8/87) of the tumours had mutation in p16INK4alpha/p19ARF genes. Seventy-two tumours studied here were previously analysed for p53 mutations and 21% (15/72) of them were found to have mutations in p53 gene. Only one tumour was found to have mutation at both p53 and p16INK4alpha/p19ARF genes. Thus, the mutation rates observed were 21% for p53, 9% for p16INK4alpha/p19ARF, and 1% for both. Sequencing analysis revealed two types of mutations; i) G to C (GCAG to CCAG) transversion type mutation at intron 1-exon 2 splice junction and ii) another C to T transition type mutation resulting in CGA to TGA changing arginine to a termination codon at p16INK4alpha gene codon 80 and the same mutation will alter codon 94 of p19ARF gene from CCG to CTG (proline to leucine). These results suggest that p16INK4alpha/p19ARF mutations are less frequent than p53 mutations in Indian oral SCCs. The p53 and p16INK4alpha/p19ARF mutational events are independent and are mutually exclusive suggesting that mutational inactivation of either p53 or p16INK4alpha/p19ARF may alleviate the need for the inactivation of the other gene.  相似文献   

Sweat gland carcinomas are rare skin tumours and little is known about their etiology and molecular basis. In this study, we analyzed p53 mutations in 16 sweat gland carcinomas with different histologic types, including 2 spiradenocarcinomas, 1 composed adnexal carcinoma, 5 porocarcinomas, 2 eccrine hidradenocarcinomas, 2 syringocystadenocarcinomas, 1 sclerosing sweat gland carcinoma, 1 adenoid cystic carcinoma, 1 cylindrocarcinoma and 1 apocrine adenocarcinoma. Single-stranded conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analyses followed by direct DNA sequencing revealed that 5 carcinomas (31%) contained a p53mutation, 4 of which were G:C|iOA:T transition mutations and 1 of which was a deletion. Three G:C|iOA:T mutations were located at dipyrimidine sequences on the antisense strand (2 spiradenocarcinomas, 1 eccrine hidradenocarcinoma), suggesting that UV light may play a role in the development of sweat gland carcinomas. In 2 spiradenocarcinomas, p53 mutations were present in the carcinoma but not in the adenoma portions, suggesting that p53 mutations may be associated with malignant progression in these rare adnexal tumours. Int. J. Cancer 76:317–320, 1998.© 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Circulating anti-p53 antibodies have been described and used as tumoural markers in patients with various cancers and strongly correlate with the p53 mutated status of the tumours. No study has yet looked at the prevalence of such antibodies in skin carcinoma patients although these tumours have been shown to be frequently p53 mutated. Most skin carcinoma can be diagnosed by examination or biopsy, but aggressive, recurrent and/or non-surgical cases' follow up would be helped by a biological marker of residual disease. We performed a prospective study looking at the prevalence of anti-p53 antibodies using an ELISA technique in a series of 105 skin carcinoma patients in comparison with a sex- and age-matched control skin carcinoma-free group (n = 130). Additionally, p53 accumulation was studied by immunohistochemistry to confirm p53 protein altered expression in a sample of tumours. Anti-p53 antibodies were detected in 2.9% of the cases, with a higher prevalence in patients suffering from the more aggressive squamous cell type (SCC) of skin carcinoma (8%) than for the more common and slowly growing basal cell carcinoma type or BCC (1.5%). p53 protein stabilization could be confirmed in 80% of tumours studied by IHC. This low level of anti-p53 antibody detection contrasts with the high rate of p53 mutations reported in these tumours. This observation shows that the anti-p53 humoral response is a complex and tissue-specific mechanism.  相似文献   

p53 mutations in phenacetin-associated human urothelial carcinomas   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Chronic abuse of the analgesic drug phenacetin is associatedwith an increased risk of development of transitional cell carcinomasof the urinary tract. It is unclear whether phenacetin actsthrough chronic tissue damage (phenacetin nephropathy) or viaa genotoxic metabolite causing promutagenic DNA lesions. Inthe present study, we investigated 15 urothelial carcinomasfrom 13 patients with evidence of phenacetin abuse. Tumors werescreened for p53 mutations in exons 5–8 by single-strandconformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis, followed by directsequencing of PCR-amplified DNA. p53 Mutations were detectedin 8/14 primary tumors (57%). All except one were missense mutationslocated in exon 5 (three mutations), exon 6 (one), exon 7 (two)and exon 8 (one). The type of mutation varied, with a preferencefor CpG sites. A frameshift mutation resulting from the insertionof a single cytosine at codons 151/152 was detected in a bladdertumor and its lung metastasis. Urothelial carcinomas locatedin the renal pelvis and in the ureter of the same patient exhibitedtwo different mutations, strongly suggesting that they developedindependently. Another patient had tumors in the renal pelvisand bladder, both of which contained the same p53 mutation,indicating intracavitary metastatic spread. This demonstratesthat screening of p53 mutations allows the clonal origin oftumors in patients with multiple primary and metastatic lesionsto be determined. None of the tumors investigated containedmutations in codons 12, 13 or 61 of H-ras or K-ras protooncogenes.  相似文献   

Gong ZY  Wong KW  Li Y  Mao YR  Lung ML 《Oncology reports》2000,7(2):381-385
While previous reports on breast cancers indicate that Caucasian women have a low frequency of p53 mutations, higher frequencies of mutations are reported in some Japanese populations. There are few reports regarding p53 mutations in Chinese breast carcinomas. Using a previously established sensitive p53 yeast functional assay, we screened 23 Chinese breast carcinomas for mutations. The p53 was mutated in 5/23 (21.7%) specimens. Two of these mutations were detected in exon 5 and one was detected in each of exons 6, 7 and 8. All of these mutations have previously been shown to be mutated in Caucasian and Japanese breast cancers, but two have not previously been observed in Chinese breast cancers and one has also not been observed in Japanese.  相似文献   

p53 mutations in basal cell carcinomas.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Genomic DNA from 14 basal cell carcinoma biopsies was screened for the presence of mutations in the p53 gene, using the polymerase chain reaction followed by direct DNA sequencing. Heterozygous mutations were detected in 7 of 14 (50%) samples investigated. All mutations were G:C-A:T transitions, and five (71%) of these mutations were transitions at hot spots with CpG sites, three at codon 248 and two at codon 273. The striking similarity of the type of mutations detected in this study and with the UV mutagenesis studies reported in literature suggest the hypothesis that UV may act on the p53 gene in a carcinogenic-specific fashion.  相似文献   

The Sonic hedgehog (SHH) pathway is implicated in the etiology of the most common human cancer in Caucasians, the basal cell carcinoma (BCC). Mutations in the receptor of SHH, the patched gene, have been characterized in sporadic BCCs as well as those from patients with the rare genetic syndromes nevoid BCC and xeroderma pigmentosum (XP). To elucidate the role of UV in the deregulation of the SHH pathway, we analyzed for alterations of smoothened, a transmembrane signaling component regulated by patched, in BCCs and squamous cell carcinomas from UV hypersensitive XP patients. We find UV-specific smoothened mutations in 30% of XP BCCs, three times higher than those in sporadic Caucasian BCCs, confirming the high rate of UV-induced mutations in DNA repair-deficient XP patients. No alteration was found in XP squamous cell carcinomas, indicating the involvement of smoothened specifically in the development of BCC.  相似文献   

细胞周期调控基因INK4a-ARF与肿瘤   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
INK4a-ARF基因功能的失活与该基因位点的缺失、点突变和5′-CpG岛异常甲基化密切相关.由于INK4a-ARF基因编码的抑癌蛋白p16INK4a、p14ARF分别对cyclin D-CDK4-pRb-E2F和MDM2-p53通路具有关键性调控功能,提示其将成为肿瘤基因治疗的重要靶点.  相似文献   

Immunologic alterations in xeroderma pigmentosum patients   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Nine xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) patients were investigated. In comparison to a normal control group the XP patients had a reduced OKT-4 lymphocyte subpopulation, reduced response of lymphocytes to phytohemagglutinin in autologous serum, and diminished delayed hypersensitivity skin reaction. The possible contribution of ultraviolet irradiation to the observed immunologic alterations, and the link of these alterations to the susceptibility of patients for malignant transformation is discussed.  相似文献   

In this study, we analyzed 53 oral squamous-cell carcinomas among Indians for the presence of alterations in the tumor-suppressor gene p53 by PCR-SSCP and sequencing methods. Our results showed that 21% (II/53) of oral carcinomas analyzed carried mutations within the exons 5–8 of the p53 gene. We have identified II single-base pair substitutions consisting of 10 mis-sense mutations and one at the splice acceptor site, and one deletion mutation involving 4 consecutive bases. The majority of the base substitutions were transitions (5 TA to CG and 5 GC to AT), while only one transversion (TA to GC) was observed. Probable hot-spots for the mutation induction were identified at codons 149 and 274, which have not been observed before in head-and-neck cancers. The mutational spectrum might have originated from base alkylations at guanine and thymine residues, caused by some alkylating agents. The present results are thus consistent with the involvement of tobacco-related nitrosoamines in the etiology of oral squamous-cell carcinoma. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The predisposition to skin cancers in childhood is the hallmark of xeroderma pigmentosum (XP), a rare autosomal recessive disorder, deficient in DNA repair and hypersensitive to ultraviolet irradiation. Human papillomavirus (HPVs), are common infections of the skin which are often found associated to benign lesions and non-melanoma skin cancers (NMSC), mainly squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) and basal cell carcinomas (BCC). Our study is the first to analyse 40 SCCs, 27 BCCs and nine normal skin biopsies from XP patients for HPV DNA which are found more frequently in SCCs (20/40) than in BCCs (4/27) or normal skin (2/9). The HPV spectrum includes 22 different epidermodysplasia verruciformis (EV) HPV types, which predominate in SCCs (48%) compared to BCCs (15%) and normal skin (22%). Our data, showing an association between EV HPV and SCCs from young XP patients is comparable to that found for NMSC from adult immunosuppressed organ transplant patients and raises the question of the importance of HPV infection in skin carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

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