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护理专业解剖学教材建设的现状与思考   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
丁自海 《解剖学杂志》2006,29(4):523-524
护理专业解剖学教材和教学方法的针对性和实用性是提高教学质量的重要保障。20世纪90年代以前,囿于历史的原因,我国的护理专业和临床专业的解剖学教学共用一本教材,缺乏针对性和实用性,在一定程度上影响了护理专业的解剖学教学质量,这可从一些护理事故中表现出来。近十几年,中国解剖学会先后召开了六次护理解剖学研讨会,就护理专业人体解剖学的教材建设、教学方法和教学内容改革等进行了深入探讨,出版了具有鲜明特色的专科教材和采用针对性较强的教学方法,有力地促进了教学改革的步伐。本期刊载的几篇文章为第六届护理解剖学研讨会的代表作,从不同角度反映了教学改革成果。希望解剖界都来关心和推动护理专业解剖学的教学改革,打造我国护理专业解剖学精品教材包和精品课程。南方医科大学解剖学教研室丁自海  相似文献   

人体解剖学教材建设的探讨徐杰,钱志刚(蚌埠医学院解剖学教研室蚌埠233003)本文根据多年来人体解剖学教学工作和科研工作经验,对目前高等医药院校人体解剖学统编教材和部分院校所使用的人体解剖学自编教材中存在的问题,探讨解决和提高人体解剖学教材质量的看法...  相似文献   

由于高职康复治疗技术专业发展时间很短,目前尚无适合该专业使用的解剖学教材出版,本院近几年使用的都是护理专业、临床医学专业或康复本科的解剖学教材。使用这些教材过程中存在诸多问题,已成为高职康复治疗技术教育中的薄弱环节。人体解剖学是高职康复治疗技术专业的基础课和核心课,  相似文献   

<正>随着国家"全面二孩政策"的放开,社会对儿科医护、预防保健及科研人员的需求将不断扩大,儿科医护和相关研究人员短缺已成为多年全国性难题。2016年后全国恢复儿科学本科招生,由初期的8所院校逐渐发展到20余所高校加入儿科专业招生培养阵营,但随之而来所面临的亟待解决的难题是所需各专业课教材的编辑与规划[1]。儿童并非成人的等比例缩小,儿科医学也非成人医学的缩小版,而目前所有的医药学教材均以"成人"为基础所编写的,以《人体解剖学》、  相似文献   

<正>教材建设是护理专业解剖学教学改革的重要一环,是实现教学目标的根本保证。教材建设要体现科学性、针对性和实用性,同时适应教学网络化的要求。因此,针对目前护理专业解剖学教材存在的问题,要面对挑战,抓住机遇,逐步建立和完善中国特色的护理专业解剖学教材体系。1存在的问题与挑战人体解剖学是护理教育的基础骨干课程,提高解剖学教学质量对于培养高素质实用型护理人才至关重要。经过20余年的实践,在教育观念、教材建设、教学内容等方面均有长足进步[1-4]。但囿于体制、学制、认识及历史的原因,与发  相似文献   

断层解剖学教材的编写规律   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
198 0年以来 ,超声成像 (USG)、X线计算机断层成像 (CT)、磁共振成像 (MRI)、单光子发射计算机断层显像 (SPECT)和正电子发射计算机断层显像 (PET)等在国内逐渐走向普及 ,已成为影像诊断学的主流。这些断层影像技术赖以诊断和介入性治疗疾病的形态学基础是断层解剖学 ,因此 ,在医学院校内开设断层解剖学课程 ,是现代医学发展的迫切需求 ,对提高教学质量和培养高层次的临床医师 ,具有十分重要的理论意义和实用价值。早在 1 983年 ,国外便开始将断层影像解剖引入大体解剖学教学。在我国 ,由于缺乏师资、教材和教具 ,这方面的…  相似文献   

人体解剖学是研究正常人体形态结构的一门科学,是医学专业重要的基础课程之一,作为信息技术与现代教育技术相结合的人体解剖学网络课程不仅仅是课堂的有力补充和完善,而且更有利于自主、交互和个性化学习。本文总结了网络课程建设的几点思考和体会。  相似文献   

<正>随着CT、MRI、B超等医学影像技术的迅猛发展,为其打基础的断层解剖学已经成为医学迈入影像医学时代的重要标志,在医学院校开设断层解剖[1,2]学是现代医学发展的迫切要求。传统的断层解剖实验室的实验教学资源主要是教学标本与教学挂图,随着医学数字影像技术的发展,打基础的断层影像解剖实验室建设必须引进数字影像技术,我室自2002年开设断层解剖学8年来,积极开展断层影像  相似文献   

多功能人体解剖学实验室的建设与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人体解剖学是关于人体形态结构的科学,是各专业医学教育的主干课程。解剖教学其直观性,实验性较强,教学效果和质量主要体现在实验教学上,因此,实验室的重要性是不言而喻的。随着教学改革地深入,各个医学院校学生大规模扩招,各专业层次不断增多,要保证教学质量的提高,除了教师的  相似文献   

解剖学和局部解剖学是其它学科乃至临床实践的基础和桥梁。这两门功课在整个医学教学进程中和医学实践中,尤其是新的诊疗方法、手段的应用,如CT、MRI、超声、介入治疗等方面,越来越显示它的巨大的生命力。 通过《中国局解手术学杂志》了解到,在解剖学和局部解剖学的教学中,不同的医学院校,在不同层次的  相似文献   

对人体解剖学教育的思考   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
人体解剖学是医学科学中重要的基础学科,恩格斯曾说过:“没有解剖学就没有医学”。在医学科学、生命科学高度发展的今天,解剖学就更重要了,CT、MRI、超声、介入医学、内窥镜等先进诊疗手段的发展无不依赖于解剖学。它在培养临床医生、健康保健工作者和某些领域科学家中起到中心的作用,可见人体解剖学发展的重要。  相似文献   

<正>腹部解剖历来是人体局部解剖课中的重头课,内容之多、结构之复杂,脏器与腹膜之间的位置关系之抽象,且临床疾病的发生与解剖结构的关系之密切,都给教师上好腹部解剖理论课带来了诸多困难。笔者结合多年的教学经验,围绕如何上好腹部解剖理论课,就如何合理运用教具、充分发挥多媒体优势,加强重点问题的教学;从胚胎发生的角度加强对成体结构的理解,突破难点,  相似文献   

This report is based on the basic postulate that if the overall goal of anatomy departments is to function as vigorous academic and scholastic communities welcoming research and innovative thinking, there will be implications for the nature of anatomy teaching. In developing this theme, perceptions about the meaning of the term “anatomy” are explored, as are the repercussions of teaching anatomy entirely within the context of a medical curriculum. There have been a variety of responses to the perceived demise of anatomy, resulting in a discipline that is heterogeneous, both in terms of teaching and research emphases. The options open to university departments are assessed by way of the model of third-wave departments, with their characteristics of excellence, flexibility, planning, networking, and risk-taking. The consequences of this model for anatomy departments include the importance of a research emphasis, a close conceptual link between teaching and research, and a structural base for the research. In view of these consequences, three distinct forms of teaching are recognized: undergraduate teaching to medical and other health science students, undergraduate teaching to science students, and postgraduate teaching. Some of the distinctive features of the two forms of undergraduate teaching are explored. Various central contentions (myths) regarding anatomy departments and anatomy education are rejected. Clin. Anat. 10:34–40, 1997 © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Contemporary textbooks of anatomy and surface anatomy were evaluated to ascertain whether they were gender-neutral. The evidence of this, and previous studies, suggests that, both in terms of imagery and text, many textbooks lack neutrality. To further investigate such matters, we provided second-year medical students studying at Cardiff University (= 293) and at the Paris Descartes University (= 142) during the 2011–2012 academic year with a questionnaire inviting them to address the possibility that social/gender factors hinder the dispassionate representation of anatomy. Ethical approval was obtained from both Cardiff and Paris universities. Eighty-six percent of the students at Cardiff and 39% at Paris Descartes responded and provided data for analysis. The hypothesis tested is that medical students perceive a gender bias that is reflected in the books they read and the tuition they receive. Our findings suggest that, while students recognise the importance of gender issues and do not wish to associate with sexism, most are unaware of the possible negative aspects of sexism within anatomy. In this respect, the findings do not support our hypothesis. Nevertheless, we recommended that teachers of anatomy and authors of anatomy textbooks should be aware of the possibility of adverse effects on professional matters relating to equality and diversity issues.  相似文献   

目的:探讨断面和CT腰椎侧隐窝变化规律及其意义.方法:利用30例横断面标本及50例活体CT扫描,观测侧隐窝及其相关结构.结果:断面标本第3~5腰椎侧隐窝矢径(经椎间盘)分别为(7.43±0.52)、(7.34±0.77)、(6.78±0.58)mm,无性差;CT扫描第3~5腰椎侧隐窝矢径(经椎间盘)存在性差,男性分别为(7.05±1.19)、(6.25±0.94)、(6.98±1.30)mm;女性为(7.53±1.37)、(7.05±1.14)、(7.35±1.39)mm;侧隐窝及其相关结构的数值在断面及CT表现趋势基本一致;在断面和CT上,侧隐窝矢径(经椎间盘)与黄韧带厚度的相关关系无统计学意义,但与椎间盘横径、矢径均呈负相关.结论:侧隐窝及其相关结构的数值在断面解剖及CT上表现趋势基本一致,即CT可较好地反映侧隐窝相关结构的情况;侧隐窝毗邻结构的病理变化均可能导致侧隐窝狭窄.  相似文献   

The 12th World AIDS Conference in Geneva revealed two very different HIV epidemics in the world, marked by vast differences in wealth and technology availability. Ninety-five percent of people living with AIDS reside in Africa and Asia where funds are scarce. India has 4 million people infected with HIV, and HIV is now present in every province in China. Drug companies need to take the initiative, and help the Third World battle the epidemic. Another message delivered at Geneva was the idea of rebuilding the immune system to help control the virus. HIV is now being seen more as a chronic and difficult disease that is manageable, especially since simpler HIV regimens are appearing. Vaccines are being pursued, but an effective vaccine is believed to still be more than 10 years away.  相似文献   

The histological diagnosis of melanocytic lesions is probably one of the more difficult areas in histopathology because of the wide spectrum of melanocytic entities and all their subtle variations. Additionally, it is an area with significant medicolegal implications. While there is a vast literature in relation to melanocytic lesions, some histopathological features recognized through the personal experience of specialists are not described in the principal texts. This article reviews these lesser known features of the different categories of melanocytic lesion.  相似文献   

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