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AntagonisticEffectofPoriaCocosonOtotoxicityofKanamycininGuinea-PigsLIUYao-chun(刘耀春);LIUGui-ying(刘桂英);LIURu-lin(刘儒林);CHENGXiu-...  相似文献   

Objective In order to investigate that ascorbic acid deficiency is responcible for lathyrus toxicity, the effect of dietary feeding of lathyrus pulse in normal and scorbutic guinea pigs for 3 months, on intestinal biochemical parameters was undertaken. Methods The intestinal brush border membrane (BBM) marker and xenobiotic metabolising enzymes (XME) were assayed. Results Exposure to 80% lathyrus alone and in scorbutic conditions showed significant inhibition of alkaline phosphatase (28%-30%), sucrase (19%) and γ-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) (15%-27%) enzymes, while Ca2 -Mg2 -ATPase was significantly inhibited (38%) in scorbutic plus lathyrus treated group. The phase I XME (AHH) remained unchanged while the phase II enzyme glutathione-S-tranferase (GST) was significantly decreased (20%-22%) in lathyrus and scorbutic plus lathyrus treated groups. Quinone reductase (QR) activity was found to be significantly decreased in lathyrus exposed group (20%). The intestinal biomarker contents including hexose (2  相似文献   

Clinically,heartthrombolytictreatmentandopen heartsurgerypossiblygiverisetosevereven triculararrhythmia,evenlethalarrhythmia.Therefore,thesearchforpreventingtheheartfromreperfusion inducedmalignantarrhythmiashasbeenatopicofimmenseinterest.Thereisalargebodyofevidencesupportingthatelectroacu puncture(EA)at"Neiguan"acupointhasastrongprotectiveeffectonischemicmyocardium[1].OurpreviousstudyfoundthatEAatthe"Neiguan"and"Lingdao"acupointsincreasedthethresholdofventricularfibrillationinratswithacute…  相似文献   

Both therapies of traditional crude herb moxibustion and drug acupoint application were used in 209cases of allergic asthma to compare their long-term and short-term therapeutic effects and to analyzethe relationship between clinic therapeutic effects of both therapies and differential types of thedisease.The results showed that the short-term total effective rate in the group of drug acupointapplication was higher than that in the group of traditional crude herb moxibustion,the therapeuticeffects of drug acupoint application being closely related to differential types.Analysis also shows thebest short-term therapeutic effect was in the type of heat in the lung while the poorest effect in thetype of deficiency of the kidney-yang.  相似文献   

Dynamic changes of local skin reactions and histopathology in guineapigs exposed to repeated bites of Aedes albopictus under controlled laboratoryconditions for 3 months are reported.It has been found that cutaneous basophilhypersensitivity(CBH)may occur in guinea pigs due to mosquito bites,and as yet,it has not been reported in medical literature.  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the effects of electroacupuncture and ischemic preconditioning (IPC) on circulatory function in pigs with myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury. Method: Eighteen pigs with myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury were randomly allocated into three groups, 6 in each. Group I was the control group, group II was the group that received IPC, and group III was that received both electroacupuncture and IPC. Blood malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD), creatine phos-phokinase (CPK) and its isoenzyme (CK-MB), coronary artery flow and myocardial heat-shock protein (HSP) mRNA expression were detected for evaluation. Results: After treatment, the MDA content was decreased and SOD activities increased significantly in the acupuncture and IPC group compared with the control group (P<0. 05 respectively). The levels of CPK, CK-MB at 20, 60 min after reperfusion were significantly higher than those before treatment, but the levels in group III and group n were remarkably lower than  相似文献   

Accordingtotheclinicalmanifestationofangioma,especiallythehistopathologiccharacteristicsofvascularen dotheliumcellsandthebiologicalfeatures,angiomaisclassifiedtohemangiomaandvascularmalformationsbyMullikenandGlowacki.Thisclassificationissignificantlyinstructiveforclinicaldiagnosis,evaluationoftreatmentandprognosisofthedisease.Mosthemangiomalikecapil laryhemangioma,strawberryangioma,etc.couldself remitspontaneouslyandnospecialtreatmentisneeded.Butthevascularmalformationssuchascavernousan gioma…  相似文献   

In our experiment it was found that,in guinea pig papillary muscles,8205 de-creased the automaticity and prolonged the functional refractory period(FRP)as well asdecreased the contractile amplitude dose-dependently,but exerted no effect on the excitabili-ty.The dose-response curves of isoproterenol shifted to the right in parallel manner,inaccordance with competitive antagonistic,but the effect of 8205 was much less than thatof propranolol.Dose-response curves of CaCl_2 shifted to the right non-parallelly.The re-sults indicated that the mechanism of anti-arrhythmia of 8205 might be related to theCa~(2+)-antagonism.  相似文献   

Study on Effect of Reinforcing Kidney and Invigorating Spleen Principle on Severe AsthmaXUDe-sheng,SHENZi-yin,WANGWen-jian,et...  相似文献   

Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a recurrent inflam matory process of unknown etiology, which maybe maintained by autoimmune processes. Alongwith the alterations of our living style and diets,better health care, improved level of diagnosis andincreasing awareness of the disease, UC incidenceis rapidly rising in China(1). Aminosalicylatesagents, corticosteroids, immunosuppressants, andimmunomodulators are the main available medicalagents for treating it at present. …  相似文献   

Oviductal cell cultures were prepared from mice or guineo pigs at different days of estrus eycte and polarized or unpolarized mouse oviductal cells on the development of 1-cell mouse embryos in co-culture system were investigated. One-cell mouse embryos in co-culture with mouse metestrus and guinea pig Day 1 after ovulation had better development of embryos ( 73% and 79% of morula blastocysts, respectively). Co-culture of embryos with oviductal cells was improved when progesterons was added to the medium. Supplementing the co-cutture media with 20 ng/ ml estradiol-17β decreased the percentage of embryos forming blastocyst. The results showed that there was a very tow species specificity for oviductat cells and guinea pig oviductal cells. This provides a good possibitity for development of mouse embryos. The results also showed that good development for the 1-cell mouse embros is not cell polarity dependent.  相似文献   

The cardiotonic activity of imidazopyridine(MD),a Chinese-madeproduct of sulmazol(AR-L 115 BS),was verified and compared withthat of isoprenaline(ISO)on isolated guinea pig atria.The electri-cally-paced left atria were used to determine their positive ino-tropic action,while the spontaneously beating right atria were usedto determine their positive chronotropic action.AS a result,MD showed a strong positive inotropic actioncomparable to that of ISO,and some positive chronotropic actionwhich,however,was much weaker than that of ISO.The positiveinotropic action of a single dose of MD developed quite slowly andincreased gradually in a long time,whereas the action of ISOdeveloped so steeply that its peak effect was reached within a fewminutes.Propranolol could significantly block both inotropic andchronotropic actions of ISO but scarcely those of MD.This suggeststhat MD is not a β_1-receptor agonist.The experimental resultsdescribed above are similar to those reported abroad.  相似文献   

The effects of chronic hypoxia on calmodulin levels of lung tissues and small pulmonary ar-terial walls were studied in young pigs, The tissue specimens of hypoxic animals were obtained underhypoxic conditions. The following results were collected:(1) The swine exposed to chronic intermittent hypoxia showed a significant pulmonary pressor re-sponse at a simulated high altitude of 4000 m.(2) A higher level of calmodulin was found in the lung tissues of chronic hypoxic animals. It maybe related to the increased release of some vaosactive substances from pulmonary non-muscularcalls.(3) No significant difference of calmodulin level of small arterial walls was demonstrated between theexperimental animals and the control.The findings suggest that pulmonary vasoconstriction due to hypoxia is not likely to be associatedwith obvious change in calmodulin level in the smooth muscle of blood vessels.  相似文献   

TNF-α and IL-8 of the Patients with Allergic Asthma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The levels of serum TNF-α and IL-8 in the patients with allergic asthma during acute attack period and remission period, and the effects of glucocorticoid (GC) on them were investigated. By using ELISA, the levels of TNF-α and IL-8 were detected in the healthy volunteers (group C, n=40), the patients with allergic asthma (n=40) during acute attack period (group A) and remission period (group B) and those taking GC for a week (n=28). The results were compared among them. It was found that the levels of TNF-α and IL-8 in group A were higher than in group B and group C. In the patients subject to GC therapy, the levels of TNF-α and IL-8 were decreased as compared with those in group A. In group B, the level of TNF-α was higher than in group C, but there was no significant difference in the level of IL-8 between group B and group C. It was concluded that the inflammatory cytokines, TNF-α and 11.-8, played important roles in the bronchus allergic inflammation. GC could reduce the levels of serum TNF-α and IL-8 to exert the anti-inflammatory effects.  相似文献   

Animal experiments demonstrated that severe acoustic trauma of themiddle and inner ears occurred after cannonade explosion within a dis-tance of about 8 metres.Among the 60 ears of 30 guinea pigs,57 showedrupture of eardrums,32 had destruction of ossiele-chains,while 47 hadaccumulation of blood and exudates in the middle ears;a gradient of in-jury of the cochlea was also observed,minimal damage occurred in 3,increased in 41,and maximal in 16.The injuries occurred chiefly in thefirst and second turns,but the third and fourth turns were also involvedin 21.The results coincide with the clinical audiometry curve of thepatients who suffered from explosive acoustic trauma.  相似文献   

AstragalusInjection(AI)hasbeenwidelyusedtotreatchroniccongestiveheartfailure(CHF).Recently,YANGetal.havereport edthatAIwasclinicallyeffectiveindecreasingtheincidenceofdigitalism(1).AlthoughAIhasbeenclaimedtoinhibitdigitalism,itsmecha nismofanti digital…  相似文献   

Effects of luwinizing hormone releasing hormone ( LHRH), estradiot benzoate (EB), prostaglandin (PGF2α) and the age of animals on the development of ovarian follicles in immature and mature guinea pigs were studied. Administration of 5ng LHRH / hr, 10 times a day, starting from 20-30 days Of age induced the flrst vaginal opening within 4 days, and 5 of the 10 animals had first ovulation. Tire results also show that appropriate doses of EB facilitated the development of ovary. The granulosa cells of guinea pigs at different ages were cocuttured with the pituitart, glands of mature ones in vitro. Results indicate that the responsiveness of granulosa cells of 20-day-guinea prgs to gonadotropins was similar to that of the matured ones. Effects of gonadotrophin on ovulation in hysterectomized and PGF2α or saline-treated animals were tested. Results demonstrate that when PGF2α was given simultaneously with hCG or FSH, 80% of the guinea pigs ovulawd and had fresh, healthy looking corpus tuteum. It is concluded that increased LHRH release from hypothatamus may be the key factor for tire onset of puberty in guinea prgs. EB and PGF2α can influence the development of the ovary.  相似文献   

The auditory brainstem response (ABR) was measured for 90 cars of norml gui-nea pigs,from which the mean latency,amplitude and recognition of waves were obtain-ded.The waves were classified into six types,with wave Ⅲ as the main wave which ac-counted for 77.1% of all the waves.The frequency domain of each type was analysed bymeans of digital filtering and auto-regressive (AR)estimation.The main frequency com-position of ABR in the guinea pigs was restricted within 1600 Hz,in which there werethree peaks at AR spectrum,the mean value of the peaks being 107.33 Hz,566.67 Hzand 1076 Hz respectively.The AR spectrograms of all types waves were very similar toeach other.  相似文献   

Clinical Observation of the Therapeutic Effect of Ginkgo Leaf Concentrated Oral Liquor on Bronchial AsthmaLIMing-hua,YANGBen-...  相似文献   

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