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从系统架构、语料库构建、应用效果3方面阐述临床文本自然语言处理系统cTAKES构建方法,从设计基于开源框架的系统架构、开发模块化组件、构建临床语料库、注重创新以及针对中文特点建设系统5个方面提出对我国中文临床文本自然语言处理系统构建的建议。  相似文献   



To evaluate state-of-the-art unsupervised methods on the word sense disambiguation (WSD) task in the clinical domain. In particular, to compare graph-based approaches relying on a clinical knowledge base with bottom-up topic-modeling-based approaches. We investigate several enhancements to the topic-modeling techniques that use domain-specific knowledge sources.

Materials and methods

The graph-based methods use variations of PageRank and distance-based similarity metrics, operating over the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS). Topic-modeling methods use unlabeled data from the Multiparameter Intelligent Monitoring in Intensive Care (MIMIC II) database to derive models for each ambiguous word. We investigate the impact of using different linguistic features for topic models, including UMLS-based and syntactic features. We use a sense-tagged clinical dataset from the Mayo Clinic for evaluation.


The topic-modeling methods achieve 66.9% accuracy on a subset of the Mayo Clinic''s data, while the graph-based methods only reach the 40–50% range, with a most-frequent-sense baseline of 56.5%. Features derived from the UMLS semantic type and concept hierarchies do not produce a gain over bag-of-words features in the topic models, but identifying phrases from UMLS and using syntax does help.


Although topic models outperform graph-based methods, semantic features derived from the UMLS prove too noisy to improve performance beyond bag-of-words.


Topic modeling for WSD provides superior results in the clinical domain; however, integration of knowledge remains to be effectively exploited.  相似文献   

Objective The ShARe/CLEF eHealth 2013 Evaluation Lab Task 1 was organized to evaluate the state of the art on the clinical text in (i) disorder mention identification/recognition based on Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) definition (Task 1a) and (ii) disorder mention normalization to an ontology (Task 1b). Such a community evaluation has not been previously executed. Task 1a included a total of 22 system submissions, and Task 1b included 17. Most of the systems employed a combination of rules and machine learners.Materials and methods We used a subset of the Shared Annotated Resources (ShARe) corpus of annotated clinical text—199 clinical notes for training and 99 for testing (roughly 180 K words in total). We provided the community with the annotated gold standard training documents to build systems to identify and normalize disorder mentions. The systems were tested on a held-out gold standard test set to measure their performance.Results For Task 1a, the best-performing system achieved an F1 score of 0.75 (0.80 precision; 0.71 recall). For Task 1b, another system performed best with an accuracy of 0.59.Discussion Most of the participating systems used a hybrid approach by supplementing machine-learning algorithms with features generated by rules and gazetteers created from the training data and from external resources.Conclusions The task of disorder normalization is more challenging than that of identification. The ShARe corpus is available to the community as a reference standard for future studies.  相似文献   



Word sense disambiguation (WSD) methods automatically assign an unambiguous concept to an ambiguous term based on context, and are important to many text-processing tasks. In this study we developed and evaluated a knowledge-based WSD method that uses semantic similarity measures derived from the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) and evaluated the contribution of WSD to clinical text classification.


We evaluated our system on biomedical WSD datasets and determined the contribution of our WSD system to clinical document classification on the 2007 Computational Medicine Challenge corpus.


Our system compared favorably with other knowledge-based methods. Machine learning classifiers trained on disambiguated concepts significantly outperformed those trained using all concepts.


We developed a WSD system that achieves high disambiguation accuracy on standard biomedical WSD datasets and showed that our WSD system improves clinical document classification.

Data sharing

We integrated our WSD system with MetaMap and the clinical Text Analysis and Knowledge Extraction System, two popular biomedical natural language processing systems. All codes required to reproduce our results and all tools developed as part of this study are released as open source, available under http://code.google.com/p/ytex.  相似文献   

Objectives (1) To develop an automated eligibility screening (ES) approach for clinical trials in an urban tertiary care pediatric emergency department (ED); (2) to assess the effectiveness of natural language processing (NLP), information extraction (IE), and machine learning (ML) techniques on real-world clinical data and trials.Data and methods We collected eligibility criteria for 13 randomly selected, disease-specific clinical trials actively enrolling patients between January 1, 2010 and August 31, 2012. In parallel, we retrospectively selected data fields including demographics, laboratory data, and clinical notes from the electronic health record (EHR) to represent profiles of all 202795 patients visiting the ED during the same period. Leveraging NLP, IE, and ML technologies, the automated ES algorithms identified patients whose profiles matched the trial criteria to reduce the pool of candidates for staff screening. The performance was validated on both a physician-generated gold standard of trial–patient matches and a reference standard of historical trial–patient enrollment decisions, where workload, mean average precision (MAP), and recall were assessed.Results Compared with the case without automation, the workload with automated ES was reduced by 92% on the gold standard set, with a MAP of 62.9%. The automated ES achieved a 450% increase in trial screening efficiency. The findings on the gold standard set were confirmed by large-scale evaluation on the reference set of trial–patient matches.Discussion and conclusion By exploiting the text of trial criteria and the content of EHRs, we demonstrated that NLP-, IE-, and ML-based automated ES could successfully identify patients for clinical trials.  相似文献   



To build an effective co-reference resolution system tailored to the biomedical domain.


Experimental materials used in this study were provided by the 2011 i2b2 Natural Language Processing Challenge. The 2011 i2b2 challenge involves co-reference resolution in medical documents. Concept mentions have been annotated in clinical texts, and the mentions that co-refer in each document are linked by co-reference chains. Normally, there are two ways of constructing a system to automatically discoverco-referent links. One is to manually build rules forco-reference resolution; the other is to use machine learning systems to learn automatically from training datasets and then perform the resolution task on testing datasets.


The existing co-reference resolution systems are able to find some of the co-referent links; our rule based system performs well, finding the majority of the co-referent links. Our system achieved 89.6% overall performance on multiple medical datasets.


Manually crafted rules based on observation of training data is a valid way to accomplish high performance in this co-reference resolution task for the critical biomedical domain.  相似文献   



To provide a natural language processing method for the automatic recognition of events, temporal expressions, and temporal relations in clinical records.

Materials and Methods

A combination of supervised, unsupervised, and rule-based methods were used. Supervised methods include conditional random fields and support vector machines. A flexible automated feature selection technique was used to select the best subset of features for each supervised task. Unsupervised methods include Brown clustering on several corpora, which result in our method being considered semisupervised.


On the 2012 Informatics for Integrating Biology and the Bedside (i2b2) shared task data, we achieved an overall event F1-measure of 0.8045, an overall temporal expression F1-measure of 0.6154, an overall temporal link detection F1-measure of 0.5594, and an end-to-end temporal link detection F1-measure of 0.5258. The most competitive system was our event recognition method, which ranked third out of the 14 participants in the event task.


Analysis reveals the event recognition method has difficulty determining which modifiers to include/exclude in the event span. The temporal expression recognition method requires significantly more normalization rules, although many of these rules apply only to a small number of cases. Finally, the temporal relation recognition method requires more advanced medical knowledge and could be improved by separating the single discourse relation classifier into multiple, more targeted component classifiers.


Recognizing events and temporal expressions can be achieved accurately by combining supervised and unsupervised methods, even when only minimal medical knowledge is available. Temporal normalization and temporal relation recognition, however, are far more dependent on the modeling of medical knowledge.  相似文献   



Natural language processing (NLP) applications typically use regular expressions that have been developed manually by human experts. Our goal is to automate both the creation and utilization of regular expressions in text classification.


We designed a novel regular expression discovery (RED) algorithm and implemented two text classifiers based on RED. The RED+ALIGN classifier combines RED with an alignment algorithm, and RED+SVM combines RED with a support vector machine (SVM) classifier. Two clinical datasets were used for testing and evaluation: the SMOKE dataset, containing 1091 text snippets describing smoking status; and the PAIN dataset, containing 702 snippets describing pain status. We performed 10-fold cross-validation to calculate accuracy, precision, recall, and F-measure metrics. In the evaluation, an SVM classifier was trained as the control.


The two RED classifiers achieved 80.9–83.0% in overall accuracy on the two datasets, which is 1.3–3% higher than SVM''s accuracy (p<0.001). Similarly, small but consistent improvements have been observed in precision, recall, and F-measure when RED classifiers are compared with SVM alone. More significantly, RED+ALIGN correctly classified many instances that were misclassified by the SVM classifier (8.1–10.3% of the total instances and 43.8–53.0% of SVM''s misclassifications).


Machine-generated regular expressions can be effectively used in clinical text classification. The regular expression-based classifier can be combined with other classifiers, like SVM, to improve classification performance.  相似文献   



Natural language processing (NLP) tasks are commonly decomposed into subtasks, chained together to form processing pipelines. The residual error produced in these subtasks propagates, adversely affecting the end objectives. Limited availability of annotated clinical data remains a barrier to reaching state-of-the-art operating characteristics using statistically based NLP tools in the clinical domain. Here we explore the unique linguistic constructions of clinical texts and demonstrate the loss in operating characteristics when out-of-the-box part-of-speech (POS) tagging tools are applied to the clinical domain. We test a domain adaptation approach integrating a novel lexical-generation probability rule used in a transformation-based learner to boost POS performance on clinical narratives.


Two target corpora from independent healthcare institutions were constructed from high frequency clinical narratives. Four leading POS taggers with their out-of-the-box models trained from general English and biomedical abstracts were evaluated against these clinical corpora. A high performing domain adaptation method, Easy Adapt, was compared to our newly proposed method ClinAdapt.


The evaluated POS taggers drop in accuracy by 8.5–15% when tested on clinical narratives. The highest performing tagger reports an accuracy of 88.6%. Domain adaptation with Easy Adapt reports accuracies of 88.3–91.0% on clinical texts. ClinAdapt reports 93.2–93.9%.


ClinAdapt successfully boosts POS tagging performance through domain adaptation requiring a modest amount of annotated clinical data. Improving the performance of critical NLP subtasks is expected to reduce pipeline error propagation leading to better overall results on complex processing tasks.  相似文献   

The database of genotypes and phenotypes (dbGaP) developed by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) is a resource that contains information on various genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and is currently available via NCBI''s dbGaP Entrez interface. The database is an important resource, providing GWAS data that can be used for new exploratory research or cross-study validation by authorized users. However, finding studies relevant to a particular phenotype of interest is challenging, as phenotype information is presented in a non-standardized way. To address this issue, we developed PhenDisco (phenotype discoverer), a new information retrieval system for dbGaP. PhenDisco consists of two main components: (1) text processing tools that standardize phenotype variables and study metadata, and (2) information retrieval tools that support queries from users and return ranked results. In a preliminary comparison involving 18 search scenarios, PhenDisco showed promising performance for both unranked and ranked search comparisons with dbGaP''s search engine Entrez. The system can be accessed at http://pfindr.net.  相似文献   

目的:探索基于血管超声报告进行自然语言处理并智能生成诊断提示的方法。方法:对血管超声报告采用Bi-LSTM-CRF模型进行分词及命名实体识别,根据专家指南构建知识图谱,通过查询实体及关系属性,实现超声诊断的智能建议。结果:Bi-LSTM-CRF模型识别了4类实体,其识别准确度均在90%以上,单个报告的处理速度在毫秒量级,同时构建包括4类关系的知识图谱。结论:自然语言处理结合知识图谱可以用于血管超声报告的智能诊断提示生成。  相似文献   

一体化医学语言系统中概念语义类型的分类审核   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一项用以检查一体化医学语言系统在概念整合过程中发生的语义类型错误的审核技术。该技术通过对语义网络进行数据图表——数据-语义类型——单一交集的逐层划分,控制了需要检查的概念总数,达到事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

This study aimed to reduce reliance on large training datasets in support vector machine (SVM)-based clinical text analysis by categorizing keyword features. An enhanced Mayo smoking status detection pipeline was deployed. We used a corpus of 709 annotated patient narratives. The pipeline was optimized for local data entry practice and lexicon. SVM classifier retraining used a grouped keyword approach for better efficiency. Accuracy, precision, and F-measure of the unaltered and optimized pipelines were evaluated using k-fold cross-validation. Initial accuracy of the clinical Text Analysis and Knowledge Extraction System (cTAKES) package was 0.69. Localization and keyword grouping improved system accuracy to 0.9 and 0.92, respectively. F-measures for current and past smoker classes improved from 0.43 to 0.81 and 0.71 to 0.91, respectively. Non-smoker and unknown-class F-measures were 0.96 and 0.98, respectively. Keyword grouping had no negative effect on performance, and decreased training time. Grouping keywords is a practical method to reduce training corpus size.  相似文献   



To determine whether assisted annotation using interactive training can reduce the time required to annotate a clinical document corpus without introducing bias.

Materials and methods

A tool, RapTAT, was designed to assist annotation by iteratively pre-annotating probable phrases of interest within a document, presenting the annotations to a reviewer for correction, and then using the corrected annotations for further machine learning-based training before pre-annotating subsequent documents. Annotators reviewed 404 clinical notes either manually or using RapTAT assistance for concepts related to quality of care during heart failure treatment. Notes were divided into 20 batches of 19–21 documents for iterative annotation and training.


The number of correct RapTAT pre-annotations increased significantly and annotation time per batch decreased by ∼50% over the course of annotation. Annotation rate increased from batch to batch for assisted but not manual reviewers. Pre-annotation F-measure increased from 0.5 to 0.6 to >0.80 (relative to both assisted reviewer and reference annotations) over the first three batches and more slowly thereafter. Overall inter-annotator agreement was significantly higher between RapTAT-assisted reviewers (0.89) than between manual reviewers (0.85).


The tool reduced workload by decreasing the number of annotations needing to be added and helping reviewers to annotate at an increased rate. Agreement between the pre-annotations and reference standard, and agreement between the pre-annotations and assisted annotations, were similar throughout the annotation process, which suggests that pre-annotation did not introduce bias.


Pre-annotations generated by a tool capable of interactive training can reduce the time required to create an annotated document corpus by up to 50%.  相似文献   

提出运用数据治理理念和全生命周期技术路径解决专病数据库建设实践中的数据相关问题,阐述专病数据治理方法,介绍专病数据库核心功能,加速真实世界临床研究的成果转化,助力专病、学科高质量发展。  相似文献   

介绍第八届中国健康信息处理会议(CHIP 2022)发布的临床诊断编码评测任务、临床诊断编码技术评测数据集,详细阐述评测所使用数据集来源和组成、基线模型构建思路以及实验结果,为相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

提出一种融合中西医知识的新型冠状病毒肺炎知识模型及基于自然语言处理的领域知识自动发现方法,从等级体系结构、主题分类、关系类型等多维度对语义知识进行组织与关联。收集新冠肺炎专题文献、诊疗方案及网络新媒体数据,在自动知识发现基础上进行人工审核和标注,构建新冠肺炎知识图谱并实现可视化呈现与在线检索,以期支撑生物医学科技文献资源深度组织和有效利用。  相似文献   

构建静脉血栓栓塞症风险评估与预警监控系统,分析系统建设核心问题、关键技术等,从业务流程、架构、功能模块几方面阐述系统设计,指出该系统能够有效降低静脉血栓栓塞症误诊率,提升防治水平。  相似文献   

分析国外医学领域自动问答系统研究相关文献,对比自动问答与传统网络信息搜索的不同点,对自动问答系统的应用研究、常用工具及相关技术等方面进行阐述。结合国外相关研究探讨医学领域自动问答研究的关键问题及对我国的启示,以期为进一步研究提供参考。  相似文献   

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