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The measurement of endurance time (t lim) is the procedure commonly used to quantify the ability of a muscle to maintain force. The relationship between surface electromyographic (sEMG) manifestations of localised muscle fatigue and t lim during an effort at 50% of maximal voluntary isometric torque of the knee extensors (vastus lateralis and vastus medialis) until exhaustion was studied in 14 healthy volunteers. It was carried out to test whether changes in sEMG computed over shorter periods than expected t lim could be used to predict t lim. Changes in mean muscle fibre conduction velocity, mean power frequency , median frequency , root mean square ), in the relative power in the 6–30 Hz and 30–60 Hz frequency bands were monitored using linear slope and area ratio index as statistical indicators. These indicators were computed over fixed periods shorter than t lim. The subjects were able to maintain the required force level for [mean (SD)] 78.8 (9.5) s. During the fatigue trial, it was the greatest of the increases in the 6–30 Hz frequency band, recorded for either of the two muscles investigated, that was the only variable which correlated with t lim. Significant relationships between t lim and changes in this low frequency band were observed as early as the first 15–30 s of the contraction. These results suggest that sEMG frequency banding may predict mechanical endurance without the need to maintain the contraction until exhaustion. From a clinical perspective, this could be an advantage for patients who might not be able to tolerate contractions to exhaustion. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Summary The energy turnover in contracting skeletal muscle was studied by measuring the rate of temperature rise during voluntary, isometric contractions and circulatory arrest in M. soleus, M. sacrospinalis and M. biceps brachii in 14 males, by thermoelements inserted in the muscles. A linear relationship between rate of temperature rise and force intensity given as per cent of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) was demonstrated in biceps (r=0.95), but not so clearly confirmed in soleus (r=0.73). Muscle biopsies were taken from the same muscles and fibre type distribution was determined histochemically by staining for ATPase. The rate of heat production at MVC showed positive correlation to the percentage of fast twitch (FT) fibres in the muscles (r=0.90). Linear extrapolation indicates that the maximal energy turnover in human FT fibres is approximately six times that of slow twitch (ST) fibres during voluntary isometric contractions.This work was submitted by G. Bolstad as a thesis to the University of Bergen in June 1975, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Candidatus realium  相似文献   

Relationship between isometric endurance performance at 50% of maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MCV) and skeletal muscle fibre composition has been elucidated in 19 physical education students. This was found to be linear and the equation corresponded to: y=9.35 + 1.093x; r=0.70 (endurance time expressed in seconds and fibre composition as percent slow twitch muscle fibres (ST) of the vastus lateralis muscle). As it is assumed from previous studies that similar isometric tensions preferentially recruit fast twitch muscle fibres (FT) and that the muscle at the point of exhaustion exhibits maximal values for lactate accumulation, it is suggested that lactate formed in FT fibres is released and stored in nonrecruited ST fibres. The ability to sustain similar isometric tension would then be depending on how large the fraction of ST fibres is that can serve as a lactaterecipient for lactate producing FT fibres.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of exposure to altitude on muscle endurance during isometric contractions. Six sedentary subjects were studied. Surface electromyograph (sEMG) activity was recorded from the right biceps brachii (BB) during exhausting isometric exercise at 80% maximal voluntary contraction. Experiments were performed before, during and 6 months after a 12 day stay at the EV-K2 laboratory (Nepal, 5,050 m above sea level). From the sEMG signals from BB, the median frequencies (f med) were computed for consecutive 1 s epochs. The sEMG was also analysed using a non-linear tool, the recurrence quantification analysis, and the percentage of determinism (%DET) was then calculated. The haemoglobin saturation significantly decreased at altitude. The mean (SD) BB endurance time decreased from 22.4 (4) s to 18.3 (4.7) s (P<0.05). After exposure to altitude a significant variation in f med and %DET slopes was observed. We concluded that during the first period of acclimatisation at altitude there was an impairment of isometric muscle endurance performance and there was also evidence of a modified myoelectric activity pattern suggesting a greater fatigability of the neuromuscular system. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

We studied the patterns of EMG activity in elbow muscles in three normal human subjects. The myoelectrical activity of 7-10 muscles that act across the human elbow joint was simultaneously recorded with intramuscular electrodes during isometric joint torques exerted over a range of directions. These directions included flexion, extension, varus (internal humeral rotation), valgus (external humeral rotation), and several intermediate directions. The forces developed at the wrist covered a range of 360 degrees, all orthogonal to the long axis of the forearm. The levels of EMG activity were observed to increase with increasing joint torque in an approximately linear manner. All muscles were active for ranges less than 360 degrees and most were active for less than 180 degrees. The EMG activity was observed to vary in a systematic manner with changes in torque direction and, when examined over the full angular range at a variety of torque levels, is simply scaled with increasing torque magnitude. There were no torque directions or torque magnitudes for which a single muscle was observed to be active alone. In all cases, joint torque appeared to be produced by a combination of muscles. The direction for which the EMG of a muscle reached a maximum value was observed to correspond to the direction of greatest mechanical advantage as predicted by a simple mechanical model of the elbow and relevant muscles. Muscles were relatively inactive during varus torques. This implies that the muscles were not acting to stabilize the joint in this direction and could have been allowing ligaments to carry the load. Plots of EMG activity in one muscle against EMG activity in another demonstrate some instances of pure synergies, but patterns of coactivation for most muscles are more complicated and vary with torque direction. The complexity of these patterns raises the possibility that synergies are determined by the task and may have no independent existence. Activity in two heads of triceps brachii (medial head--a single-joint muscle and long head--a two-joint muscle) covaried closely for a range of torque magnitudes and directions, though shoulder torque and hence the forces experienced by the long head of the triceps undoubtedly varied. The similarity of activation patterns indicates that elbow torque was the principal determining factor. The origins of muscle synergies are discussed. It is suggested that they are best understood on the basis of a model which encodes limb torque in premotor neurons.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Pain elicits complex adaptations of motor strategy, leading to impairments in the generation and control of steady forces, which depend on muscle architecture. The present study used a cross-over design to assess the effects of muscle pain on the stability of multidirectional (task-related and tangential) forces during sustained dorsiflexions, elbow flexions, knee extensions, and plantarflexions. Fifteen healthy subjects performed series of isometric contractions (13-s duration, 2.5, 20, 50, 70% of maximal voluntary force) before, during, and after experimental muscle pain. Three-dimensional force magnitude, angle and variability were measured while the task-related force was provided as feedback to the subjects. Surface electromyography was recorded from agonist and antagonist muscles. Pain was induced in agonist muscles by intramuscular injections of hypertonic (6%) saline with isotonic (0.9%) saline injections as control. The pain intensity was assessed on an electronic visual analogue scale. Experimental muscle pain elicited larger ranges of force angle during knee extensions and plantarflexions (P?相似文献   

Summary To investigate the relative activation of the synergistic muscles during three different types of muscle contraction, the electromyograms (EMG) of two elbow flexor muscles, the biceps brachii (BB) and the brachioradialis (BR), have been compared. To accomplish this eight healthy human subjects performed the following elbow flexions against the same load — concentric, eccentric and isometric contractions. The isometric contractions were performed at three elbow angles: 10, 45 and 90° (0° equal to full expension). The EMG were recorded by bipolar surface electrodes, and the relative activation between the two muscles was evaluated as the quotient of mean EMG activities (BR/BB). For the isotonic elbow flexions, BR/BB were calculated at three angle divisions: 0–30°, 30–60° and 60–90°. Results indicated that the relative activation of the BR during the concentric contractions was higher than that of the eccentric contraction, particularly at the extended elbow angles, i.e. the BR/BB of the concentric contractions for the elbow joint angles ranging from 0–30° and 30–60° were significantly greater (P<0.05) than those of the eccentric contractions. During the isometric and eccentric contractions, the BR/BB at the flexed joint angles tended to be greater than those at the extended angles. In contrast, there were no angle-dependent BR/BB variations during the concentric elbow flexions. Further, changing patterns in the EMG power spectra due to the type of contraction were different between BB and BR. These results indicated that the activation pattern in the two elbow flexor muscles varied with the muscle contraction pattern.  相似文献   

Surface electromyographic (EMG) and motor unit activity were measured in human arm muscles during isometric contractions and during movements against an elastic load. The direction of force applied proximal to the wrist and movement direction of the wrist were varied in a horizontal plane. During isometric contractions the direction in which the largest EMG activity was measured corresponded to the direction in which motor units had the smallest recruitment threshold, for each muscle. The same was found for movements against an elastic load. However, this direction was different for isometric contractions and for movements. Because the magnitude and sign of these changes varied for different muscles, this resulted in a different relative activation of muscles for the two conditions. The amplitude of the surface EMG during contractions against an elastic load was generally significantly larger than that for isometric contractions against the same load. For m. brachioradialis isometric conditions yielded occasionally increased EMG activity. The change in EMG activity could be attributed completely to changes in motor unit recruitment thresholds leading to proportionate changes in the number of recruited motor units. However, the initial firing rate of motor units at recruitment was the same under both conditions and, therefore, did not contribute to changes in amplitude of surface EMG activity.  相似文献   

Simultaneous recordings of action potentials (APs) of multiple single motor units (MUs) were obtained in brachialis and biceps (caput breve) muscles during sinusoidally modulated isometric contractions of elbow flexor muscles and during sinusoidal flexion/extension movements in the elbow against a preload in the extension direction. The results show that MUs typically fire in one short burst for each sinusoidal cycle. The mean phase lead of the bursts of APs relative to a sinusoidally modulated isometric torque in the elbow joint or relative to sinusoidal movements in the elbow increases gradually with frequency. The increase of the mean phase lead during isometric contractions was very similar for all MUs and could be explained well by modeling the force production of MUs with a second-order linear low-pass system. For sinusoidal flexion/extension movements each MU reveals a specific, reproducible phase lead as a function of frequency. However, there is a large variability in phase behavior between MUs. Also, the modulation of the firing rate for sinusoidal isometric contractions versus sinusoidal movements appeared to be different for various MUs. In simultaneous recordings some MUs clearly revealed a larger firing rate in each burst for movements relative to isometric contractions, whereas other MUs revealed a smaller firing rate. This suggests that some MUs are preferentially activated during movements whereas others are preferably activated during isometric contractions. The results demonstrate task-dependent changes in the relative activation of MUs within a single muscle for sinusoidal isometric contractions and movements. Received: 18 November 1996 / Accepted: 3 April 1997  相似文献   

To determine the differences between rock-climbers and controls in finger flexor (FF) motor units (MUs) features and activation strategy, eleven climbers and ten controls volunteered for the study. After maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) assessment, five levels of isometric contractions at 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100% MVC were performed. During contractions, electromyogram (EMG) and mechanomyogram (MMG) were recorded, from which the root mean square (RMS) and mean frequency (MF) were calculated. Climbers showed significantly higher MVC. EMG RMS was statistically higher in climbers than in controls from 60 to 100% MVC. In climbers MMG RMS increased up to 80% MVC, whereas in controls it increased only up to 60% MVC. MMG MF was higher in climbers than in controls from 60 to 100% MVC (P < 0.05). EMG–MMG combined analysis revealed significant differences in MU activation strategy between the two groups. The results are compatible with a shift of climbers’ muscles toward faster MUs.  相似文献   

Stretch reflexes were evoked in elbow flexor muscles undergoing three different muscle contractions, i.e. isotonic shortening (SHO) and lengthening (LEN), and isometric (ISO) contractions. The intermuscle relationships for the magnitude of the stretch reflex component in the eletromyographic (EMG) activities of two main elbow flexor muscles, i.e. the biceps brachii (BB) and the brachioradialis (BRD), were compared among the three types of contractions. The subjects were requested to move their forearms sinusoidally (0.1?Hz) against a constant pre-load between elbow joint angles of 10° (0°?=?full extension) and 80° during SHO and LEN, and to keep an angle of 45° during the ISO. The perturbations were applied at the elbow angle of 45° in pseudo-random order. The EMG signals were rectified and averaged over a period of 100?ms before and 400?ms after the onset of the perturbation 40–50 times. From the ensemble averaged EMG waveform, the background activity (BGA), short (20–50?ms) and long latency (M2, 50–80, M3, 80–100?ms) reflex and voluntary activity (100–150?ms) components were measured. The results showed that both BGA and reflex EMG activity of the two elbow flexor muscles were markedly decreased during the lengthening contraction compared to the SHO and ISO contractions. Furthermore, the changes of reflex EMG components in the BRD muscle were more pronounced than those in the BB muscle, i.e. the ratios of M2 and M3 magnitudes between BRD and BB (BRD:BB) were significantly reduced during the LEN contractions. These results would suggest that the gain of long latency stretch reflex EMG activities in synergistic muscles might be modulated independently according to the model of muscle contraction.  相似文献   

Motor unit activity was recorded in the two extensor carpi radialis muscles with metal microelectrodes during isometric contractions. When tested at different 'free' increasing contraction velocities the recruitment thresholds (rt) systematically decreased, whereas when tested at different 'imposed' increasing velocities the rt exhibited great variability, with no observable overall tendency. Moreover, when measured at a given test velocity imposed periodically during MU investigation, rt also displayed great variability. These results suggest that the notion of rt tends to be oversimplified. The motoneurone pool excitability is highly dependent on both the experimental situation and the complexity of the motor task.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present investigation was to compare the net energy cost incurred by cat soleus (slow twitch muscle) and medial gastrocnemius (predominantly fast twitch muscle) muscles for isometric contractions. For this, a computer-controlled sequential stimulation system was employed that enabled fused isometric contractions at frequencies of motor unit discharge within the normal physiological range. This allowed submaximal isometric contractions to be maintained at tensions of 10%, 25%, 50% and 75% of the initial strength of each muscle (tetanic tension of the unfatigued muscle determined at the beginning of each experiment). Total net energy cost was greater for the gastrocnemius than for the soleus muscle at each tension studied. For both muscles, the metabolism shifted toward anaerobic pathways at higher contraction tensions. But in comparison to the soleus muscle, the gastrocnemius muscle consistently had a greater percentage of its total net energy cost provided by anaerobic glycolysis rather than aerobic metabolism; for the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles the percent of the total metabolism from anaerobic pathways was 74% and 18% during the 10% contraction, and 96% and 84% during the 75% contraction for the medial gastrocnemius and soleus muscles respectively.  相似文献   

Activity dependent potentiation is an enhanced contractile response resulting from previous contractile activity. It has been proposed that even a maximal effort contraction may be enhanced by prior activity if there is an increase in the peak rate of force development. This should increase the peak active force during a very brief maximal effort contraction. The purpose of these experiments was to evaluate potentiation during brief sequential contractions with high-frequency stimulation. For this experiment, the rat medial gastrocnemius muscle was isolated in situ. Sequential stimulation (two contractions per second for 4 s) with 200, 300, or 400 Hz doublets, triplets, and quadruplets was applied. A small degree of force potentiation was observed in isometric contractions at the reference length (RL), but the activity dependent potentiation of isometric contractions was greater at short muscle length. For example, peak rate of force development for 200 Hz doublets increased significantly from the first to the eighth contraction (from 0.30 ± 0.02 to 0.34 ± 0.02 N·s−1 at RL and from 0.18 ± 0.02 to 0.28 ± 0.01 N·s−1 at RL-3 mm). During isotonic contractions, there were significant increases in peak shortening from the first to the eighth contraction. With 200 Hz doublet stimulation, shortening increased from 0.85 ± 0.14 to 1.14 ± 0.17 mm, and this corresponded with an increase in peak velocity (from 116 ± 18 to 136 ± 19 mm·s−1). Remarkably, even 400 Hz quadruplets showed a significant increase in shortening during repeated contractions (2 s−1). These observations indicate the possibility that activity dependent potentiation can result in significant improvement in both isometric and dynamic contractions, even when activated at very high frequency.  相似文献   

Prolonged and weak isometric contractions can result in neuromuscular fatigue. Alternation of discharge of motor units with similar thresholds (termed rotation) could be useful to minimize neuromuscular fatigue by providing periods for metabolic recovery of the contractile elements. In the present study, we investigated the prevalence of motoneuron rotation during prolonged contractions of distal limb muscles. Electromyographic (EMG; needle and surface) was recorded from muscles of the forearm and distal leg. The subject made a slowly increasing isometric contraction to recruit and discharge a motor unit (1) for a prolonged period of time (> 30 min). Sometimes an additional motor unit (2) was recruited in which case the subject relaxed the contraction slightly so that only one motor unit remained tonic. Often it was this newly recruited motor unit (i.e., unit 2) that continued discharging, while motor unit 1 fell silent. Continued contraction would then lead to the resumption of tonic discharge of unit 1 and silence of unit 2. This would complete a rotation between motor units 1 and 2. During prolonged contractions, rotation was observed in approximately 80% of the motor-unit pairs examined. There was no difference in rotation incidence by muscle type. For the unit pairs showing rotation, surface EMG values were significantly higher immediately prior to rotation than after rotation had occurred. Our findings show that rotation of motor units with similar recruitment thresholds during such contractions is common in distal muscles of the arm and leg and may help offset neuromuscular fatigue.  相似文献   

This study investigated the adjustments in muscle activation and oxygenation in biceps and triceps brachii during two tasks sustained to failure at 20 and 60% of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) force. The tasks required participants either to push against a rigid restraint (force task) or to support an inertial load (position task) with the elbow flexor muscles. The surface EMG was recorded for biceps brachii, brachioradialis, triceps brachii and trapezius superior muscles. Muscle oxygenation of biceps and triceps brachii was measured by near-infrared spectroscopy. The position task was briefer (404 ± 159 s) than the force task (533 ± 194 s) when performed at 20% MVC (P = 0.011), but endurance time did not differ at 60% MVC (54 ± 19 versus 64 ± 16 s, respectively; P = 0.13). Biceps brachii oxygenation decreased slightly (by ~7%) during tasks performed at 20% MVC, whereas it dropped (-40%) for tasks sustained at 60% MVC. However, the decrease in muscle oxygenation was not a significant predictor of time to failure at the two target forces, although its contribution to muscle fatigue cannot be completely ruled out at 60% MVC. In contrast, time to failure was predicted by the increase in EMG of biceps brachii for both tasks at 20% MVC, and EMG of brachioradialis and trapezius for both tasks at 60% MVC. These results suggest that neural adjustments rather than muscle oxygenation limited the time to failure for the force and position tasks at low and high target forces.  相似文献   

Summary The activity of single neurons within the hand area of the precentral motor cortex of primates was recorded during the performance of a maintained precision grip between the thumb and forefinger. The finger opposition forces were exerted against a strain gauge which allowed force changes to be studied under near isometric conditions. Task performance required the generation of a force ramp (the dynamic phase) and thereafter the maintenance of a stable force for one second (the static phase). Intracortical stimulation through the recording electrode was used to verify that the recordings were made from the appropriate somatotopographic area of the motor cortex.From a total of 221 recorded neurons, 76 were found to be either activated or deactivated during performance of the task. Among the 51 activated neurons, most discharged at higher frequencies during the dynamic phase, than during the static phase. The discharge of some of these neurons could be related to both force (F) and rate of force change (df/dt) whereas certain others could only be correlated with df/dt. The change in discharge frequency for these neurons generally occurred prior to the onset of EMG activity. Eight neurons were more active during maintained force than during the force ramp. The discharge frequency could not be correlated with df/dt and only one showed a significant positive relation to force. The change in discharge frequency for these neurons either coincided or occurred after the onset of EMG activity.  相似文献   

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