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Orexin-A and orexin-B (Ox-A, Ox-B) are neuropeptides produced by a small number of neurons that originate in the hypothalamus and project widely in the brain. Only discovered in 1998, the orexins are already known to regulate several behaviours. Most prominently, they help to stabilise the waking state, a role with demonstrated significance in the clinical management of narcolepsy and insomnia. Orexins bind to G-protein-coupled receptors (predominantly postsynaptic) of two subtypes, OX1R and OX2R. The primary effect of Ox-OXR binding is a direct depolarising influence mediated by cell membrane cation channels, but a wide variety of secondary effects, both pre- and postsynaptic, are also emerging. Given that inhibitory GABAergic neurons also influence orexin-regulated behaviours, crosstalk between the two systems is expected, but at the cellular level, little is known and possible mechanisms remain unidentified. Here, we have used an expression system approach to examine the feasibility, and nature, of possible postsynaptic crosstalk between Ox-A and the GABAA receptor (GABAAR), the brain’s main inhibitory neuroreceptor. When HEK293 cells transfected with OX1R and the α1, β1, and γ2S subunits of GABAAR were exposed to Ox-A, GABA-induced currents were inhibited, in a calcium-dependent manner. This inhibition was associated with increased phosphorylation of the β1 subunit of GABAAR, and the inhibition could itself be attenuated by (1) kinase inhibitors (of protein kinase C and CaM kinase II) and (2) the mutation, to alanine, of serine 409 of the β1 subunit, a site previously identified in phosphorylation-dependent regulation in other pathways. These results are the first to directly support the feasibility of postsynaptic crosstalk between Ox-A and GABAAR, indicating a process in which Ox-A could promote phosphorylation of the β1 subunit, reducing the GABA-induced, hyperpolarising current. In this model, Ox-A/GABAAR crosstalk would cause the depolarising influence of Ox-A to be boosted, a type of positive feedback that could, for example, facilitate the ability to abruptly awake.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence suggests an important role of alpha-synuclein (α-Syn) in the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease (PD). The inter-neuronal spread of α-Syn via exocytosis and endocytosis has been proposed as an explanation for the neuropathological findings of PD in sub-clinical and clinical phases. Therefore, interfering the uptake of α-Syn by neurons may be an important step in slowing or modifying the propagation of the disease. The purposes of our study were to investigate if the uptake of α-Syn fibrils can be specifically interfered with monomeric β-Amyloid1–40 (Aβ40) and to characterise the core acting site of interference. Using a radioisotope-labelled uptake assay, we found an 80 % uptake reduction of α-Syn fibrils in neurons interfered with monomeric Aβ40, but not β-Amyloid1–42 (Aβ42) as compared to controls. This finding was further confirmed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with α-Syn uptake reduced from about 80 % (Aβ42) to about 20 % (Aβ40) relative to controls. To define the region of Aβ40 peptide capable of the interference, we explored shorter peptides with less amino acid residues from both the C-terminus and N-terminus. We found that the interference effect was preserved if amino acid residue was trimmed to position 11 (from N-terminus) and 36 (from C-terminus), but dropped off significantly if residues were trimmed beyond these positions. We therefore deduced that the “core acting site” lies between amino acid residue positions 12–36. These findings suggest α-Syn uptake can be interfered with monomeric Aβ40 and that the core acting site of interference might lie between amino acid residue positions 12–36.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore the possible role of tryptamine in the pathogenesis of chronic cluster headache along with that of adrenaline and noradrenaline (α-agonists) together with arginine metabolism in the origin of cluster bouts. Plasma levels of tyramine, tryptamine, serotonin, 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid, noradrenalin, adrenalin and the markers of arginine metabolism such as arginine, homoarginine, citrulline, ADMA and NMMA, were measured in 23 chronic cluster headache patients (10 chronic cluster ab initio and 13 transformed from episodic cluster) and 28 control subjects. The plasma levels of tyramine, tryptamine, noradrenalin and adrenalin were found several times higher in chronic cluster headache patients compared to controls, whereas the plasma levels of arginine, homoarginine and citrulline were significantly lower. No differences were found in the plasma levels of serotonin, 5-hydroxyindolacetic, ADMA and NMMA between chronic cluster headache patients and control subjects. These results provide support for a role of tryptamine in the pathogenesis of chronic cluster headache and, in particular, in the duration of the cluster bouts. In addition, the low levels of the nitric oxide substrates together with the high levels of noradrenalin and adrenalin suggest an activation of endothelial TAAR1 receptors followed by the release of nitric oxide in the circulation that may constitute the final step of the physiopathology of cluster crisis.  相似文献   

Li SF  Wu MN  Wang XH  Yuan L  Yang D  Qi JS 《Synapse (New York, N.Y.)》2011,65(11):1136-1143
The high density of senile plaques with amyloid beta protein (Aβ) and the loss of cholinergic neurons in the brain are the dominated pathological characteristics of Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, the active center of Aβ, especially the cholinergic mechanism underlying the Aβ neurotoxicity, is mostly unknown. This study examined the effects of different Aβ fragments on hippocampal long-term potentiation (LTP) and investigated its probable α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) mechanism. The results show that: (1) intracerebroventicular injection of Aβ25-35 or Aβ31-35 significantly and similarly suppressed hippocampal LTP in CA1 region in rats; (2) choline, a selective α7 nAChR agonist, did not affect the LTP induction but enhanced LTP suppression induced by Aβ31-35; and (3) methyllycaconitine, a specific α7 nAChR antagonist, slightly suppressed hippocamal LTP but effectively prevented against Aβ31-35-induced LTP depression in the presence of Aβ31-35. These results indicate that: (1) the amino acid sequence 31-35 of the Aβ peptide might be a shorter active sequence in the full length molecule; (2) α7 nAChRs are required for the Aβ-induced suppression of hippocampal LTP. Thus, this study not only provides a new insight into the mechanism by which Aβ impairs synaptic plasticity but also strongly suggests that sequence 31-35 in Aβ molecule and α7 nAChRs in the brain might be potential therapeutic targets for the treatment of AD.  相似文献   

To examine the effect of subcutaneous injection of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) on the expression of the amyloid protein (Aβ1–40), α-secretase (ADAM10), β-secretase (BACE1), and γ-secretase (PS1) in APP/PS1 double transgenic mice. APP/PS1 double transgenic mice and wild-type mice were divided into wild-type group, wild-type therapy group, transgenome group, and transgenic therapy group. Subcutaneous injection of IGF-1 (50 μg/kg day) was administered once daily to the wild-type therapy group and transgenic therapy group for 8 weeks, respectively. The expression of the Aβ1–40 in the cortex and hippocampus was detected by immunohistochemistry 8 weeks after administration. The levels of Aβ1–40, DAM10, BACE1, and PS1 were analysed by Western blot. The expression of the Aβ1–40 in the cortex of the gene therapy group was significantly lower than that of the transgenome group (p?<?0.05). In APP/PS1 double transgenic mice, BACE1 expression was markedly higher in both the hippocampus (p?<?0.001, p?=?0.00009) and the cortex (p?=?0.001), compared to that of the wild-type mice. The treatment of IGF-1 markedly reduced ADAM10 expression in the hippocampus in both transgenic mice and wild-type mice (p?<?0.05), whereas the treatment mainly decreased BACE1 expression in transgenic mice but not in the wild-type mice (p?<?0.05). No significant differences in PS1 levels were detected in all groups. IGF decreased Aβ1–40 over-expression in the cortex and hippocampus and might inhibit the damage induced by Aβ1–40 in APP/PS1 double transgenic mice. Our study suggests that IGF-1 should inhibit Aβ production through α-secretase and β-secretase but not γ-secretase.  相似文献   

Methamphetamine (METH) is a psychostimulant that damages nigrostriatal dopaminergic terminals, primarily by enhancing dopamine and glutamate release. α1-adrenergic receptor (AR) subtype involved in METH-induced neurotoxicity in rats was investigated using selective α1-AR antagonists. METH neurotoxicity was evaluated by (1) measuring body temperature; (2) determining tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) immunoreactivity levels; (3) examining levels of dopamine and its metabolites; and (4) assessing glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and microglial immunoreactivity in the striatum. METH caused a decrease in dopamine and TH levels and induced hyperthermia which is an exacerbating factor of METH neurotoxicity. Concurrently, METH increased GFAP expression and the number of activated microglia. Pretreatment with prazosin, a nonselective α1-AR antagonist, completely abolished METH-induced decrease in both dopamine and TH and caused a partial reduction in hyperthermia. Prazosin also prevented METH-induced increase in both GFAP expression and the number of activated microglia. In vivo microdialysis analysis revealed that prazosin, however, does not alter the METH-induced dopamine release in the striatum. The neuroprotective effects of prazosin could be mimicked by a selective α1D antagonist, BMY 7378, but not by selective α1A or α1B antagonists. These results suggest that the α1D-AR is involved in METH-induced hyperthermia and neurotoxicity in rats.  相似文献   

Different types of atherosclerotic (AS) lesions can be distinguished histologically and represent different stages of AS plaque development. Late-stage lesions more frequently develop complications such as plaque rupture and thrombosis with vessel occlusion than early AS lesions. To clarify whether protective, destructive, and inflammatory proteins are differentially expressed in early-stage and late-stage AS plaques we examined the proteinase inhibitor α2-macroglobulin (A2M), the neutrophil elastase (NE)—an enzyme degrading elastin and collagen fibers—and the proinflammatory protein interleukin-1α (IL-1α) in all types of AS plaques in the arteries of the circle of Willis from 78 human autopsy cases of both genders (61–91 years of age). Paraffin sections of AS plaques were immunostained with antibodies directed against A2M, NE and IL-1α. In initial AS lesions A2M was found, whereas NE and IL-1α were absent. NE and IL-1α became detectable as soon as a significant number of macrophages occurred within AS lesions. With increasing histopathological type of AS lesions, a marked increase of the area of the plaque exhibiting NE and IL-1α was observed. The area which exhibits A2M in AS plaques, on the other hand, did not vary significantly between the different stages. Thus, our results indicate a disproportionately high increase of the destructive enzyme NE and the proinflammatory protein IL-1α in relation to A2M with the progression of the grade of AS lesions pointing to the transgression of the protective capacity of A2M by NE and IL-1α in late-stage plaques. Therefore, our findings support the hypothesis that NE-induced tissue damage in late-stage AS plaques contributes to the development of plaque rupture and subsequent thrombosis.  相似文献   

Severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) may result in widespread damage to axons, termed diffuse axonal injury. Alzheimer's disease (AD) is characterised by synaptic and axonal degeneration together with senile plaques (SP). SP are mainly composed of aggregated beta-amyloid (Abeta), which are peptides derived from the amyloid precursor protein (APP). Apart from TBI in itself being considered a risk factor for AD, severe head injury seems to initiate a cascade of molecular events that are also associated with AD. We have therefore analysed the 42 amino acid forms of Abeta (Abeta1-42) and two soluble forms of APP (alpha-sAPP and ss-sAPP) in ventricular cerebrospinal fluid (VCSF) and Abeta(1-42) in plasma from 28 patients in a serial samples 0-11 days after TBI. The levels of alpha-sAPP, ss-sAPP and Abeta(1-42) were determined using ELISA assays. After TBI, there was a significant stepwise increase in VCSF-Abeta(1-42) up to 1173 % from day 0-1 to day 5-6 and in VCSF-beta-sAPP up to 2033 % increase from day 0-1 to day 7-11. There was also a slight but significant increase of VCSF-beta-sAPP from day 0-1 to day 5-6 and day 7-11. By contrast, the plasma- Abeta(1-42) level is unchanged after injury. The marked increase in VCSFAbeta(1-42) implies that increased Abeta expression may occur as a secondary phenomenon after TBI with axonal damage. The unchanged level of plasma-Abeta(1-42) in contrast to the marked increase in VCSF-Abeta(1-42) after severe TBI, supports the suggestion that plasma Abeta(1-42) does not reflect Abeta metabolism in the central nervous system (CNS).  相似文献   

Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) are pentameric transmembrane proteins that belong to the cys-loop ligand-gated ion channel family. These receptors are widely expressed in the brain and implicated in the pathophysiology of many neurological conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease (AD), where typical symptoms include the loss of cognitive function and dementia. The presence of extracellular neuritic plaques composed of β amyloid (Aβ1–42) peptide is a characteristic feature of AD. Desformylflustrabromine (dFBr) is a positive allosteric modulator (PAM) for α4β2 nAChRs since it increases peak ACh responses without inducing a response on its own. Previously, the effect of dFBr on the α2β2 nAChR subtype was not known. The action of dFBr was tested on α2β2 receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes. It was found that dFBr is also a PAM for the α2β2 receptor. Next we tested whether dFBr had any effect on the previously known block of both the α4β2 and α2β2 receptors by Aβ1–42. We found that the functional blockade of ACh-induced currents in oocytes expressing α4β2 and α2β2 receptors by Aβ1–42 was prevented by dFBr. We conclude that dFBr is a positive allosteric modulator for both α4β2 and α2β2 subtypes of nAChRs and that it also relieves the blockade of these receptors by Aβ1–42. This study demonstrates that PAMs for the non-α7 nAChRs have the potential to develop into clinically applicable drugs for AD and other disorders.  相似文献   

Summary. Immunoreactivities of amyloid peptide(1–42) (A42-IR) and total protein (TTIR) were measured in lumbar cerebrospinal fluid of 48 patients (12 patients in each group) with normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH), vascular dementia (VD), Alzheimers disease (AD), Parkinsons disease without dementia (PD) and 24 controls (CON) using sensitive and specific enzyme immunoassays. TTIR in NPH was not significantly changed compared with VD, PD and CON, while NPH-A42-IR was significantly decreased compared with PD and CON. In AD, significant increases of TTIR and significant decreases of A42-IR were found. Using a TTIR by A42 plot, all NPH, PD, and CON samples were within the non-AD plot region. 92% of AD and VD samples were within the AD and non-AD area, respectively. We conclude that combined measurement of A42-IR and TTIR contributes to the differential diagnosis of NPH vs. AD and of AD vs. VD, respectively.  相似文献   

The α2δ-1 subunit of the voltage-gated Ca2+ channel (VGCC) is a molecular target of gabapentin (GBP), which has been used as a first-line drug for the relief of neuropathic pain. GBP exerts its anti-nociceptive effects by disrupting trafficking of the α2δ-1 subunit to the presynaptic membrane, resulting in decreased neurotransmitter release. We previously showed that GBP has an anti-allodynic effect in the first two weeks; but this is followed by insensitivity in the later stage after repeated administration in a rat model of central post-stroke pain (CPSP) hypersensitivity induced by intra-thalamic hemorrhage. To explore the mechanisms underlying GBP insensitivity, the cellular localization and time-course of expression of the α2δ-1 subunit in both the thalamus and spinal dorsal horn were studied in the same model. We found that the α2δ-1 subunit was mostly localized in neurons, but not astrocytes and microglia. The level of α2δ-1 protein increased in the first two weeks after injury but then decreased in the third week, when GBP insensitivity occurred. Furthermore, the α2δ-1 down-regulation was likely caused by later neuronal loss in the injured thalamus through a mechanism other than apoptosis. In summary, the present results suggest that the GBP receptor α2δ-1 is mainly expressed in thalamic neurons in which it is up-regulated in the early stage of CPSP but this is followed by dramatic down-regulation, which is likely associated with GBP insensitivity after long-term use.  相似文献   

Parkinson’s disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder and remains incurable. Many potential compensatory mechanisms have now been proposed; these are both dopaminergic, focused on enhancing effects or exposure to existing dopamine, and non-dopaminergic, being focused on reducing activity of the indirect striatal output pathway. In the present study, the effects of serotonin, gamma-aminobutyric acid, and bone marrow cell supplementation intranigrally to the substantia nigra on unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine-infused rats were analyzed individually. Dopaminergic binding parameters were done by Scatchard analysis of dopamine D1 receptor-binding assay using [3H]SCH 23390. In the corpus striatum, 6-hydroxydopamine-infused rats showed a significant decrease in B max (P < 0.001), and in cerebral cortex, they showed a significant increase in B max (P < 0.001) compared to control. Real-time polymerase chain reaction amplification of dopamine D1 was downregulated (P < 0.001) in the corpus striatum of 6-hydroxydopamine-infused rats compared to control, whereas in the cerebral cortex, it showed a significant upregulation (P < 0.001). Behavioral studies were carried out to confirm the biochemical and molecular studies. Serotonin and gamma-aminobutyric acid supplementation reversed these changes to control. The bone marrow cell-treated group of our studies does not show much significant change as compared to the serotonin and gamma-aminobutyric acid-supplemented groups. The alterations in dopamine D1 receptor-binding parameters and gene expression during Parkinson’s model were reversed by serotonin and gamma-aminobutyric acid supplementation in our experiments, which has clinical significance in the management of the disease.  相似文献   

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