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为了加强医院对研究项目的科学管理以快速提高医院整体科研能力,基于网络的系统性科研资源共享平台建设和应用已成为医院科研管理部门的一项迫切且重要的任务。根据医院科研管理部门对研究项目管理的实际需求,北京安贞医院委托北京易普拉格科技有限责任公司设计研发了首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院科研管理系统。此系统通过采用以科研管理为主线搭建的基于网络的科研管理系统,实现了科研管理部门、项目主管部门领导以及项目负责人的协同办公;通过规范的科研信息数据库,实现了科研项目数据的实时采集、定时审核和归档管理;通过科研项目的多元化管理,实现了科研项目管理与人事管理的对接;并结合科研经费上的角色管理模式和全程化监控,实现了科研项目、人才、财务三维一体化管理。 相似文献
《中国科技期刊引证报告》(CJCR)是国内一种新型期刊评价工具;本文全面介绍它的产生、收录范围、分类原则、评价指标等;同时详细分析了它的优点与局限;最终.提出单纯以CJCR对医院科研管理进行微观评估应该极其慎重。 相似文献
目的比较和分析进行临床课程教学前进行科研培训对医学本科临床诊断学学习的影响。方法选取同时在北京协和医学院接受临床诊断学学习的清华大学医学院(训练组)和北京协和医学院(未训练组)的八年制本科医学生。其中训练组医学生在进入诊断学学习前进行了为期2年的科研培训,而未训练组未接受科研培训,在医学预科教学后直接进入诊断学学习。两组共同学习结束后,分别评估和比较两组学生诊断学期末知识考试、检验诊断考试、经客观性结构化临床技能考试(OSCE)的标准化病人问诊考试及全身查体考试成绩。结果训练组医学生共16例,平均年龄(23.5±0.5)岁。未训练组共70例,平均年龄(22.4±0.7)岁。训练组诊断学期末知识考试成绩显著高于未训练组(P0.05),而检验诊断考试、问诊考试和查体考试成绩均无显著差异。结论临床课程前进行科研培训可能有助于诊断学知识的掌握。 相似文献
研究生教育是推动医院科技发展的动力 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
本文通过统计分析在以论文形式的科研成果产出中,研究生群体在论文数量、质量和影响力方面,对医院科研做出的积极贡献,进一步阐明了研究生教育对医院科技发展的推动作用,并提出研究生创新能力培养中要注意研究生创造性思维的培养和人文社会科学知识教育,正确认识创新与跟踪、创新与失败、创新与效益回报的关系。此外,对研究生科研成果及时鉴定、请奖,是培养研究生科研能力和科研自信心、拓宽医院成果产出渠道的良好途径。 相似文献
none 《Journal of histotechnology》2013,36(1):17-21
AbstractIn a diagnostic setting, the histology laboratory is a key resource for production of quality tissues so the pathologist can make an appropriate diagnosis. In a research setting, the histology laboratory is a valuable resource in providing an excellent quality product for publications and grants for the investigator. Optimal collaboration with research investigators requires that histotechnologists recognize the diverse challenges and opportunities in research. This paper emphasizes the importance of positive interaction with researchers, optimizing professional service for these clients and recognizing key services of histology laboratories in a research setting to maximize success. 相似文献
《Clinical microbiology and infection》2018,24(6):573-576
ObjectivesThe Ebola outbreak prompted an extensive number of scientific publications, but little attention has been paid to the involvement of local scientists, distribution of research funding and related publications. We sought to systematically review publicly available information on the scientific impact of the Ebola epidemic.MethodsA systematic review of literature on the Ebola outbreak was performed. Extracted information included origins of the authors, type and distribution of funding, and impact factors (IF) of related publications between 6 December 2013, and 22 December 2015.ResultsWe identified 460 relevant articles out of 3281 references, which were mostly authored by American (46.6%) and European (28.4%) institutions; only 13.4% of authors were affiliated with African institutions. Most IF can be attributed to the Americas and Europe, with 43% (25 030.8 IF) and 34.5% (20 074.2 IF), respectively, compared with 17.9% (10 436.5 IF) in Africa. Funds were provided mainly by the Americas (31.8% of all funded studies) and Europe (17%). American and European funds were also distributed back, mainly to American (77.8%) and European (85.2%) institutions, respectively.ConclusionsThe Ebola outbreak had a significant scientific impact and resulted in numerous publications in high IF journals. The main impact could be measured in the Americas and Europe, and was directly related to funding. African researchers were only marginally involved in the scientific processing (86.6% of all researchers were not African), probably because major research centres are located in America and Europe. Our results suggest the importance of promoting closer cooperation between regions. 相似文献
Bellocq JP Biron N Kessler S Penaud M Faujour V Ospel J Supper E Barthel A Roussel JF Méchine-Neuville A Marcellin L Lang-Avérous G Chenard MP 《Annales de pathologie》2001,21(3):215-232
Good self-knowledge enables us to have a well- reasoned adaptation to our environment. Starting from this precept based on simple common sense, activity and cost analysis, when applied to medical departments in a university hospital setting, represents a necessary phase in their scientific progression and in the continuation of their university vocation. This is all the more true given the present climate of economic and organizational restructuring of medical facilities. This paper relates the experience of a French surgical pathology department which was assessed for cost effectiveness using the Activity-Based Costing (ABC) method in 1999. This method, which originated in the business world and of which the general concepts are presented here, has given us a keener understanding of the diverse processes involved, their costs and how these costs are arrived at. Moreover, this method has identified the proportion of costs imputable to diagnostic work and of those linked to work specific to a university hospital, in particular teaching and research and development. The results can then be used for a clearer analysis of the figures required by prescribers and health care funding agencies, and, within the department, to enhance perception of work carried out by the entire staff in order to initiate a new type of management centered on activity (Activity-Based Management). Adaptable to any medical department, whatever its organizational structure, independent of the significance of any given code letter and regardless of the rating method used to grade activities, the ABC method also allows for comparisons between structures of a similar nature. The thoughts it inspires on economic performance must take into account the rules of good medical practice, the imperatives of quality assurance, the need for "breathing space" which are indispensable to research and a humanist conception of working relations. 相似文献
Develop a reliable coding method of a Behavioral Health Treatment Model for patients with Medically Unexplained Symptoms (BHTM-MUS).Methods
Two undergraduates trained for 30 h coded videotaped interviews from 161 resident-simulated patient (SP) interactions. Trained on 45 videotapes, coders coded 33 (20%) of 161 study set tapes for the BHTM-MUS. Guetzkow’s U, Cohen’s Kappa, and percent of agreement were used to measure coders’ reliability in unitizing and coding residents’ skills for eliciting: education and informing (4 yes/no items), motivating (2), treatment statements (5), commitment and goals (2), negotiates plan (8), non-emotion patient-centered skills (4), and patient-centered emotional skills (8).Results
60 items were dichotomized a priori from analysis of the BHTM-MUS and were reduced to 33 during training. Guetzkow’s U ranged from .00 to .082. Kappa ranged from 0.76 to 0.97 for the 7 variables and 33 individual items. The overall kappa was 0.87, and percent of agreement was 95.7%. Percent of agreement by item ranged from 85 to 100%.Conclusions
A highly reliable coding method is recommended to evaluate medical clinicians’ behavioral care skills in patients with unexplained symptoms.Practice implications
A way to rate behavioral care in patients with unexplained symptoms 相似文献10.
The methods employed to measure behaviour in research testing the theories of reasoned action/planned behaviour (TRA/TPB) within the context of health behaviours have the potential to significantly bias findings. One bias yet to be examined in that literature is that due to common method variance (CMV). CMV introduces a variance in scores attributable to the method used to measure a construct, rather than the construct it represents. The primary aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of method bias on the associations of health behaviours with TRA/TPB variables. Data were sourced from four meta-analyses (177 studies). The method used to measure behaviour for each effect size was coded for susceptibility to bias. The moderating impact of method type was assessed using meta-regression. Method type significantly moderated the associations of intentions, attitudes and social norms with behaviour, but not that between perceived behavioural control and behaviour. The magnitude of the moderating effect of method type appeared consistent between cross-sectional and prospective studies, but varied across behaviours. The current findings strongly suggest that method bias significantly inflates associations in TRA/TPB research, and poses a potentially serious validity threat to the cumulative findings reported in that field. 相似文献
The use of human specimens in research has contributed to significant scientific and medical advancements. However, the development of sophisticated whole genome and informatics technologies and the increase in specimen and data sharing have raised new questions about the identifiability of specimens and the protection of participants in human specimen research.In the US, new regulations and policies are being considered to address these changes. This review discusses the current and proposed regulations as they apply to specimen research, as well as relevant policy discussions. It summarizes the ways that researchers and other stakeholders can provide their input to these discussions and policy development efforts. Input from all the stakeholders in specimen research will be essential for the development of policies that facilitate such research while at the same time protecting the rights and welfare of research participants. 相似文献
《Diagnostic Histopathology》2018,24(4):136-148
Human tissue biorepositories and the biospecimens they provide play a critical role in advancing research and medical care, especially in supporting research to develop precision medicine. However, advancements in genomics, informatics, and other sophisticated technologies and extensive biospecimen and data sharing have raised questions about how best to protect research participants. Complex ethical issues remain unresolved, such as the identifiability of biospecimens and associated data, the best consent models for future research, ownership and commercial use of biospecimens, and return of individual research results.This review summarizes the relevant US regulations and recent changes to them, as well as current and future ethical and policy issues related to biospecimen research. Because many issues remain unresolved, additional policy development will be needed. We discuss approaches for how researchers and other stakeholders can provide input to ensure that these policies will protect research participants while facilitating research important for scientific and medical advancements. 相似文献
精准医学作为一种新的医疗模式,是生命医学发展的方向。目前临床医生普遍对其认识不足,需正确认识精准医学,并加强学习及应用。通过分析精准医学对医学生的要求,可以发现一个能胜任岗位的医学生必须具备以下特质:临床与科研能力并重、注重团队及合作精神、积极创新、拥有人文精神。对带教医师的培训、多学科协作联合教学查房、引入导师制和联合导师制等措施,可以让医学生既锻炼了临床能力,又学习和掌握了科研思维与相关的研究方法。 相似文献
Wainwright MA Wright MJ Luciano M Montgomery GW Geffen GM Martin NG 《Behavior genetics》2006,36(1):56-64
This study used genome-wide linkage analysis to detect Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs) implicated in variation in general academic achievement as measured by the Queensland Core Skills Test (QCST) (Queensland Studies Authority, 2004). Data from 210 families were analysed. While no empirically derived significant or suggestive peaks for general academic achievement were indicated a peak on chromosome 2 was observed in a region where Posthuma et al. (2005) reported significant linkage for Performance IQ (PIQ) and suggestive linkage for Full Scale IQ (FSIQ), and Luciano et al. (this issue) observed significant linkage for PIQ and word reading. A peak on chromosome 18 was also observed approximately 20 cM removed from a region recently implicated in reading achievement. In addition, on chromosomes 2 and 18 peaks for a number of specific academic skills, two of which were suggestive, coincided with the general academic achievement peaks. The findings suggest that variation in general academic achievement is influenced by genes on chromosome 2 which have broad influence on a variety of cognitive abilities. 相似文献
There is a growing body of literature describing conceptual frameworks for working with participatory visual methods (PVM). Through a global health lens, this paper examines some key themes within these frameworks. We reflect on our experiences of working with with an array of PVM to engage community members in Vietnam, Kenya, the Philippines and South Africa in biomedical research and public health. The participants that we have engaged in these processes live in under-resourced areas with high prevalence of communicable and non-communicable diseases. Our paper describes some of the challenges that we have encountered while using PVM to foster knowledge exchange, build relationships and facilitate change among individuals and families, community members, health workers, biomedical scientists and researchers. We consider multiple ethical situations that have arisen through our work and discuss the ways in which we have navigated and negotiated them. We offer our reflections and learning from facilitating these processes and in doing so we add novel contributions to ethical framework concepts. 相似文献
《Genetics in medicine》2023,25(2):100340
PurposeA biochemical genetics laboratory rotation is required for multiple genetics training programs. Traditionally, this rotation has been observational with experience being dependent upon cases released and availability of laboratory director(s), resulting in inconsistent learning opportunities. This curriculum was created to standardize the learning experience.MethodsThe revised rotation provides multiple teaching modalities including small group didactic sessions (flipped classroom model), case-based sessions, and hands-on laboratory experience. Trainees prepare a presentation (learning by teaching) and discuss the differential diagnosis, metabolic pathway, newborn screening, treatment, and molecular characteristics of the gene(s) implicated. Learner assessment is performed using pre- and post-tests, learner evaluations, and instructor feedback.ResultsPre- and post-test scores were significantly different (P < .001) for learners from all programs. Participants found the course to be effective, increased their learning, and allowed them to interact with metabolic testing results in helpful ways. Faculty appreciated the use of prerecorded lectures and additional time for in-depth teaching on interesting cases.ConclusionThe revised rotation has been well received by trainees and faculty. Interaction of learners with the laboratory staff was optimized by ensuring all parties were prepared to teach and learn. Future directions include expanding the program to include remote learners from other centers. 相似文献
Jean Louis Mege Christian Capo Anne Marie Benoliel Colette Foa Pierre Bongrand 《Journal of immunological methods》1985,82(1):3-15
Cell deformability plays an important role in many immunological processes, such as phagocyte chemotaxis and endocytosis. The most widely used method of assay consists in aspirating cells into glass micropipettes and measuring the length of the protrusion induced by a given pressure, or the minimum pressure required to drive cells into the micropipette. This procedure requires specialized equipment and delicate manipulation. The present report describes a simpler procedure: cells are centrifuged in petri dishes floating on a water cushion, then fixed and coated with 0.8 μm diameter latex beads, which allows rapid and accurate determination of their height. This method is compared with the micropipette technique by studying lymphocyte and macrophage-like cell lines in physiological medium and in the presence of a divalent cation chelator or a microfilament inhibitor. In addition to simplicity, the main advantages of this technique are that (i) many cells may be examined within a reasonable period of time, which allows testing of heterogenous cell populations, and (ii) unexpectedly, centrifugation was quite harmless under our experimental conditions, since it did not impair cell proliferative ability nor phagocytic ability.It is concluded that the method may be used in clinical laboratories to explore phagocyte dysfunctions, as well as in experimental studies. 相似文献
Kessler HH Deuretzbacher D Stelzl E Daghofer E Santner BI Marth E 《Clinical and diagnostic laboratory immunology》2001,8(5):1018-1020
The existence of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) subtypes has many important implications for the global evolution of HIV and for the evaluation of pathogenicity, transmissibility, and candidate HIV vaccines. The aim of this study was to establish a rapid method for determination of HIV-1 subtypes useful for a routine diagnostic laboratory and to investigate the distribution of HIV-1 subtypes in Austrian patients. Samples were tested by a subtyping method based on a 1.3-kb sequence of the polymerase gene generated by a commercially available drug resistance assay. The generated sequence was subtyped by means of an HIV sequence database. Results of 74 routine samples revealed subtype B (71.6%) as the predominant subtype, followed by subtype A (13.5%) and subtype C (6.8%). Subtypes E, F, G, and AE (CM240) were also detected. This subtyping method was found to be very easy to handle, rapid, and inexpensive and has proved suitable for high-throughput routine diagnostic laboratories. The specific polymerase gene sequence, however, must be existent. 相似文献
目的:探讨偶极子定位方法(DLM)对局限性痫样波定位的准确性。方法:①将一人工偶极子放置于用来模似人头的球形模型中,随意变动位置,并描记球表面电位,DLM定位与实际位置比较。②选择局限性痫样波发放者22例,头皮脑电图描记,DLM定位以三维图形显示偶极子的空间位置,其中的17例进行影象学检查,对二者结果进行对比分析。结果:①模型实验DLM定位与人工偶极子实际位置一致,但有向球中心靠拢趋势;②22例DLM限局性痫样波定位均以三维图形显示其空间位置,17例位于常规脑电图所描述的病变范围内,但更为局限。行影像学检查的17例中,7例具有局限性病灶,有3例DLM定位与之一致。结论:①偶极子定位软件适宜于局限性病灶定位;②对于痫样波DLM定位优于影像学定位,DLM作为常规脑电图的一种辅助手段可将局限性痫样波更准确地定位于某一三维空间位置。 相似文献