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Background Incarcerated abdominal wall hernia cases may necessitate emergency interventions, but under such circumstances morbidity and
mortality rates may increase. The aim of this study was to investigate the factors that affect morbidity and mortality in
patients with incarcerated abdominal wall hernias who underwent emergency surgery.
Methods Urgent surgical interventions due to incarcerated abdominal wall hernias were performed in 182 patients in our clinics between
January 1998 and January 2006. Factors that affect morbidity and mortality in incarcerated abdominal wall hernias were investigated
retrospectively by browsing the archives. Logistic regression analysis was used to evaluate parameters that affect morbidity
and mortality.
Results Morbidity and mortality occurred in 43 (23.6%) and 9 (4.9%) patients, respectively. A symptomatic period of longer than 8 h,
presence of accompanying disease, high American Society of Anesthesiology (ASA) score, general anesthesia, presence of strangulation,
and necrosis were found to affect morbidity significantly by univariate analysis. Necrosis was the sole factor affecting morbidity
significantly by multivariate analysis. Advanced age, presence of accompanying disease, high ASA score, presence of strangulation,
necrosis, and hernia repair with graft were found to affect mortality significantly by univariate analysis; however, necrosis
was the sole factor affecting mortality significantly by multivariate analysis.
Conclusions Intestinal necrosis, which was followed by bowel resection, was the sole factor affecting morbidity and mortality using multivariate
logistic regression analysis. Emergency surgery is required for incarcerated abdominal wall hernias before intestinal necrosis
develops. 相似文献
Hernia sac laparoscopy (laparoscopy through an inguinal hernia sac) is a useful method to evaluate the viability of the self-reduced
bowel of incarcerated inguinal hernia that is suspected for strangulation, and avoid unnecessary exploratory laparotomy. On
the other hand, peritoneal insufflation for laparoscopy is best avoided in patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease or poor cardiac output. Here, we describe a 78-year-old male with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and congestive
heart failure, whose incarcerated inguinal hernia self-reduced when he was given spinal anesthesia. Bowel viability was in
question, so hernia sac laparoscopy without gas was performed, which allowed us adequate evaluation of the reduced bowel by
positioning alone, avoiding both exploratory laparotomy and peritoneal insufflation. In our case, hernia sac laparoscopy under
spinal anesthesia without pneumoperitoneum was sufficient to obtain necessary information with minimal surgical stress.
This paper was presented at Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons 2006 Annual Meeting. 相似文献
Background Morbidity and mortality following traditional surgical treatment of gastric outlet obstruction is high. The aim of this work was to identify risk factors predictive of postoperative complications and mortality following gastroenterostomy. Methods One-hundred sixty-five consecutive patients subjected to open gastroenterostomy from January 1996 through July 2003 were included. Data on vital signs and operative variables were retrieved from medical records and recorded retrospectively. Risk factors for postoperative complications and mortality within 30 days after operation were analyzed with multiple logistic regression. Results The 30-day complication and death rates were higher after emergency operations (80% and 60%) than after elective operations (32% and 25%). A multivariate analysis disclosed that hypoalbuminemia (≤32 g/l), comorbidity, high age, and hyponatremia (<135 μmol/l) were significantly associated with postoperative death, whereas hypoalbuminemia, comorbidity, high age, and emergency operation were predictors of postoperative complications. Conclusions Complications and mortality after gastroenterostomy due to gastric outlet obstruction are associated with modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors. Prior to surgery means should be taken to correct low albumin and sodium levels to prevent complications. In addition, the surgeon should consider alternative treatment modalities including laparoscopic gastroenterostomy, self-expanding metallic stents, or tube gastrostomy to relieve or palliate gastric outlet obstruction. 相似文献
Purpose We review our 11-year experience of treating diaphragmatic injury (DI), to identify the factors determining mortality and
Methods We analyzed the effects of demographic characteristics, type of injury (blunt or penetrating), number of injured organs, injury
severity score (ISS), revised trauma score (RTS), Glasgow coma score, and intensive care unit and hospital stay, on complications
and mortality, in 51 patients treated for DI between January 1995 and December 2005.
Results Twenty-six (51%) patients suffered blunt injury and 25 (49%) suffered penetrating injury. The left diaphragm was injured in
40 (78%) patients, the right in 10 (19%), and both sides in 1 (2%). Only three (5.8%) patients had no concomitant injury.
The diagnosis was made by the findings of laparotomy on 34 patients (65%), preoperative chest X-ray on 13 (25%), computed
tomography on 2 (3.9%), and laparoscopy on 2 (3.9%). Complications developed in 23 (44%) patients and overall mortality was
19.6% (10/51). An ISS > 13 was found to be an independent prognostic factor for morbidity, whereas an RTS ≤ 11, age ≥ 48 years,
and a major postoperative complication were independent prognostic factors for mortality.
Conclusion Establishing a preoperative diagnosis of DI is still problematic. Aggressive treatment and close monitoring of patients with
an ISS > 13, an RTS ≤ 11, an age ≥ 48 years, or a postoperative complication may decrease morbidity and mortality. 相似文献
目的探讨局麻下行无张力疝修补术治疗老年性腹股沟嵌顿性疝的治疗效果。方法对笔者所在医院外科2006年3月~2010年3月收治的老年性腹股沟嵌顿性疝78例患者的临床资料进行同顾性分析。结果78例患者手术全部成功,手术时间40-50min,切口无明显疼痛,术后下床活动时间2~12h,1周恢复正常活动。并发症:伤口硬结3例,阴囊积液1例。随访1—5年无复发病例。结论局麻下行无张力疝修补术治疗老年性腹股沟嵌顿疝是一种安全、有效的术式。 相似文献
Despite universal acceptance of the value of elective hernia repair, many patients present with incarceration or strangulation, which are associated with significant morbidity and mortality. We reviewed 147 patients who underwent emergency surgery for incarcerated groin hernias during a 10-year period in order to analyze the presentation and outcome in our practice. Median age of the patients was 70 years. There were 77 men and 70 women. Femoral hernias were seen in 77 patients and inguinal hernias in 70. Coexisting diseases were found in 82 cases (55.8%). Bowel resection was required in 19 patients (12.9%). The overall and major morbidity rates were 41.5% and 9.6%, respectively. The mortality rate was 3.4%. Longer duration of symptoms, late hospitalization, concomitant diseases, and high ASA class were found to be significant factors linked with unfavorable outcomes. Because of high morbidity and mortality associated with incarceration, elective repair of groin hernias should be done whenever possible. 相似文献
Individualized short hemodialysis treatment schedules, approximately three 3-h treatments per week, were introduced in a nephrology unit in 1976. In May 1985, 259 patients had been treated, which corresponds to approximately 60 new patients per million inhabitants per year. Ages at start of therapy ranged between 17 and 78 years. Patient survival was 91% at 1 year, 76% at 5 years, and 60% at 10 years. The analysis of causes of death did not show an increase in cardiovascular or infectious problems. Hospitalization rate (excluding hospitalization at start of therapy and vascular access problems) was 7 +/- 9 days per patient per year (range 2-161). Therefore, it appears that in a largely unselected dialysis population, a schedule of 3-h hemodialysis three times per week may be safely applied for at least 9 years. The claim that short hemodialysis is associated with increased mortality and morbidity appears to be based on other interfering factors. 相似文献
Introduction Determinants of perioperative risk for RYGB are not well defined.
Methods Retrospective analysis of comorbidities was used to evaluate predictors of perioperative risk in 1,000 consecutive patients
having open RYGB by univariate analyses and logistic regression.
Results One hundred forty-six men, 854 women; average age 38.3 ± 11.2 years; mean BMI 51.8 ± 10.5 (range 24–116) were evaluated. Average
hospital stay (LOS) was 3.8 days; 87% <3 days. 91.3% of procedures were without major complication. The most common complications
were incisional hernia 3.5%, intestinal obstruction 1.9%, and leak 1.6%. 31 patients required reoperation within 30 days (3.1%).
A 30-day mortality was 1.2%. Logistic regression evaluating predictors of operative mortality correlated strongly with coronary
artery disease (CAD) ( p < 0.01), sleep apnea ( p = 0.03), and age ( p = 0.042). BMI > 50 (0.6 vs 2.3%, p = 0.03) and male sex were associated with increased mortality (1.3 vs. 4.0%, p = 0.02). Sex-specific logistic regression demonstrated males with angiographically proven CAD were more likely to die ( p = 0.028) than matched cohorts. Age ( p = 0.033) and sleep apnea ( p = 0.040) were significant predictors of death for women.
Conclusion Perioperative mortality after RYGB appears to be affected by sex, BMI, age, CAD, and sleep apnea. Strategies employing risk
stratification should be developed for bariatric surgery.
Presented in part at the Annual Meeting of the SSAT, Orlando, FL, May 2003 相似文献
目的分析急性StanfordA型主动脉夹层患者夜间手术与白天手术的疗效差异。方法2004年1月至2013年3月,195例急性StanfordA型主动脉夹层患者在南京医科大学附属南京医院(南京市心血管病医院)接受手术治疗,从白天急诊手术患者(127例)中选出与晚夜间手术患者(68例)倾向指数相同或相近的个体进行配对,共匹配58对患者,包括夜间手术组[n=58,男45例,女13例,(48.3±14.6)岁]和白天手术组[n=58,男43例,女15例,(47.7±14.6)岁]。比较分析两组患者的手术时间、术后胸腔引流量、术后机械通气时间、术后透析率、气管切开率、住ICU时间、住院死亡率。结果夜间手术组患者术后气管切开率[19.0%(11/58)VS.6.9%(4/58),P=-0.053]、住院死亡率[8.6%(5/58)VS.6.9%(4/58),P=0.729]与白天手术组相比较差异无统计学意义。夜间手术组与白天手术组比较,前者手术时间延长[(485.7-t-93.5)minVS.(428.5±123.3)min,P=0.048]、术后胸腔引流量偏多[(979.5±235.7)mlVS.(756.6±185.9)ml,P=-0.031]、机械通气时间延长[(67.9±13.8)hVS.(55.7±11.9)h,P=-0.025]、术后透析率增加[17.2%(10/58)VS.5.2%(3/58),P=0.039]、住ICU时间延长[(89.4±16.2)hVS.(74.8±12.5)h,P=-0.023]。术后随访107例患者,随访时间4~6个月。随访期间无死亡,13例术后透析患者中有12例已经不需要定期行透析治疗。结论夜间急诊主动脉夹层手术并不增加住院死亡率,但是增加术后一些并发症的发生率。无论是夜间还是白天,对急性StanfordA型主动脉夹层患者都应该以更充分地准备、更饱满地精力去积极认真对待,必要时应及时手术治疗。 相似文献
Background Neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy (neo-CRT) is being used with increasing frequency for periampullary tumors, but how it alters
the complication rate of pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD) is unclear.
Methods A retrospective analysis was conducted of 79 patients with periampullary malignancies who received 5-fluorouracil–based neo-CRT
followed by PD.
Results There was no difference in mortality between PD after neo-CRT (3.8%) and conventional PD for either malignant (4.5%) or benign
(2.2%) disease. Focusing only on patients with malignancy, the neo-CRT group had a significantly lower pancreatic leak rate
than the conventional group (10% vs. 43%; P < .001). Intra-abdominal abscesses were less common in the neo-CRT group (8.8% vs. 21%; P = .019), and there was one (1.2%) amylase-rich abscess in neo-CRT group, compared with eight (12%) in the conventional group.
In addition, two patients in the conventional group died of leak-associated sepsis, compared with none in the neo-CRT group.
Multivariate analysis revealed that neoadjuvant chemoradiation (odds ratio, .15) was the most significant factor associated
with a reduced risk of pancreatic leak.
Conclusions Neo-CRT does not increase the mortality or morbidity of PD. In contrast, neo-CRT was associated with a marked reduction in
the incidence of pancreatic leak, as well as leak-associated morbidity and mortality. 相似文献
Background Patients undergoing laparoscopic paraesophageal hernia (PEH) repair risk substantial morbidity. The aim of the present study was to analyze predictive factors for postoperative morbidity and mortality. Methods A total of 354 laparoscopic PEH repairs were analyzed from the database of the Swiss Association for Laparoscopic and Thoracoscopic Surgery (SALTS). Age (<70 and ≥70 years) and risk (low: American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) scores 1 + 2; high ASA scores 3 + 4) groups were defined and multivariate logistic regression was conducted. Results In patients ≥70 years of age postoperative morbidity (24.4% versus 10.1%; p = 0.001) and mortality (2.4% versus 0%; p = 0.045) were significantly higher than in patients <70 years of age. In patients with gastropexy, this significant age difference was again present (38.8% versus 10.5%; p = 0.001) whereas in patients with fundoplication no difference between age groups occurred (11.9% versus 10.1%; p = 0.65). Mortality did not differ. High-risk patients had a significantly higher morbidity (26.0% versus 11.2%; p = 0.001) but not mortality (2.1% versus 0.4%; p = 0.18). The multivariate logistic regression identified the following variables as influencing postoperative morbidity: Age ≥70 years (Odds Ratio [OR] 1.99 [95% CI 1.06 to 3.74], p = 0.033); ASA 3 + 4 (OR 2.29 [95% Confidence Interval (CI) 1.22 to 4.3]; p = 0.010); type of operation (gastropexy) (OR 2.36 [95% CI 1.27 to 4.37]; p = 0.006). Conclusions In patients undergoing laparoscopic paraesophageal hernia repair age, ASA score, and type of operation significantly influence postoperative morbidity and mortality. Morbidity is substantial among elderly patients and those with co-morbidity, questioning the paradigm for surgery in all patients. The indication for surgery must be carefully balanced against the individual patient’s co-morbidities, age, and symptoms, and the potentially life threatening complications. H. J. Larusson and U. Zingg equally contributed as first authors. 相似文献
BackgroundThe model for end-stage liver disease (MELD) has been validated as a prediction tool for postoperative mortality, but its role in predicting morbidity has not been well studied. We sought to determine the role of MELD, among other factors, in predicting morbidity and mortality in patients with nonmalignant ascites undergoing hernia repair. MethodsAll patients undergoing hernia repair in the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement database (2009–11) were identified. Those with nonmalignant ascites were compared with patients without ascites. A subset analysis of patients with nonmalignant ascites was performed to evaluate the association between MELD and morbidity and mortality with adjustment for potential confounders. The association of significant factors with the rate of morbidity was displayed using a best-fit polynomial regression. ResultsOf 138,366 hernia repairs, 778 (0.56%) were performed on patients with nonmalignant ascites. Thirty-day morbidity (4% versus 19%) and mortality (0.2% versus 5.3%) were significantly more frequent in patients with ascites ( P < 0.001). In univariate analysis of the 636 patients with a calculable MELD, MELD was associated with both morbidity and mortality ( P < 0.001 each). In multivariate analysis, MELD remained significantly associated with morbidity (odds ratio [OR] = 1.11). Ventral hernia repair (OR = 2.9), dependent functional status (OR = 2.3), alcohol use (OR = 2.3), emergent operation (OR = 2.0) white blood count (OR = 1.1), and age (OR = 1.02) were also significantly associated with morbidity ( P < 0.05). ConclusionsBefore hernia repair, the MELD score can be used to risk-stratify patients with nonmalignant ascites not only for mortality but also morbidity. Morbidity rates increase rapidly with MELD above 15, but other factors should additionally be accounted for when counseling patients on their perioperative risk. 相似文献
Background: Peritoneal carcinomatosis has been regarded as a lethal clinical entity. Recently, aggressive treatments combining intraperitoneal chemohyperthermia (IPCH) with cytoreductive surgery have resulted in long-term survival in selected patients. The aim of this trial was to analyze the mortality and morbidity of 216 consecutive treatments of peritoneal carcinomatosis by IPCH by using a closed abdominal procedure combined with cytoreductive surgery. Methods: Between February 1989 and August 2001, 207 patients who underwent 216 IPCH procedures using a closed abdominal procedure with mitomycin C, cisplatin, or both were prospectively studied. Results: The postoperative mortality and morbidity rates were 3.2% and 24.5%, respectively. The most frequent complications were digestive fistula (6.5%) and hematological toxicity (4.6%). Morbidity was statistically linked with the carcinomatosis stage ( P = .016), the duration of surgery ( P = .005), and the number of resections and peritonectomy procedures ( P = .042). Duration of surgery and carcinomatosis stage were the most common predictors of morbidity. Conclusions: The frequency of complications after IPCH and cytoreductive surgery was mainly associated with the carcinomatosis stage and the extent of the surgical procedure. The IPCH closed abdominal procedure has shown an acceptable frequency of adverse events. 相似文献
Background. The presence of specific risk factors can increase the postoperative complication rate of pneumonectomy for destroyed lung. Methods. Our experience in 118 consecutive patients who underwent pneumonectomy for destroyed lung over a 10-year period was retrospectively analyzed to evaluate the effect of specific risk factors on postoperative complications. The significance of tuberculosis, right pneumonectomy, preoperative empyema, and duration of illness longer than 36 months was examined by univariate analyses. Results. The most common underlying diseases were nonspecific bronchiectasis (n = 52) and tuberculosis (n = 43). Sixty-day or in-hospital morbidity and mortality rates were 11.9% and 5.9%, respectively. The combined morbidity and mortality rate was significantly higher in patients with preoperative empyema (p < 0.003), tuberculosis (p < 0.03), and right pneumonectomy (p < 0.03). The prevalence of bronchopleural fistula was higher in patients with preoperative empyema (p < 0.02) and patients with tuberculosis (p < 0.03). Conclusions. The postoperative complication rate of pneumonectomy for destroyed lung is acceptably low. However, it is increased by preoperative empyema, tuberculosis, and right-sided resection. 相似文献
The results of kidney transplantation in juvenile-onset diabeticpatients were compared to those of an age-matched control groupof non-diabetic patients, all of whom were transplanted withkidneys from living related donors during the period 19771982,and managed by the use of conventional immunosuppression. The 5-year actuarial patient and graft survival rates did notdiffer significantly between the groups: 79% and 68% in diabeticpatients and 88% and 72% in non-diabetic patients, respectively.The graft function was stable in both diabetic and non-diabeticpatients. Early surgical complications in both groups were few.Peripheral vascular insufficiency leading to amputation occurredonly in diabetic patients, while hyperparathyroidism was recordedonly in non-diabetic recipients. Primary cytomegalovirus infectionswere more common in diabetic patients. Providing good graftfunction was achieved, heart complications were a minor problemin both patient groups. However, cardiovascular complicationswere a leading cause of death in patients whose graft failed. The initial hospital stay was, on average, one week longer indiabetic patients, but the accumulated hospital stay in thethree years following transplant was twice as long (1 monthper year) in the diabetic group as in the non-diabetic. Rehabilitationduring the last six months of follow-up was good in both groupsand about 60% of diabetic and 90% of non-diabetic patients wereworking full- or part-time. Thus, the prospects for survivaland rehabilitation were similar in diabetic and non-diabeticpatients in the 5 years following transplant, but at a higherprice in diabetics. 相似文献
Surgical management of patients with pancreatic necrosis (PN) has evolved over the last two decades to include prophylactic antibiotics, initial medical management, and delayed surgical intervention. The purpose of this study is to identify changes in morbidity and mortality rates as our methods of surgical management have evolved. One hundred two consecutive patients (59 males and 43 females, mean age 53 +/- 16 years) with PN managed surgically were classified as group I (1993-2001), after the routine use of prophylactic antibiotics (N = 55), and group II (2002-2005), after the use of International Association of Pancreatology (IAP) guidelines for intervention (N = 47). Age, sex, etiology of pancreatitis, percent of necrosis, infected necrosis, and acute physiology and chronic health evaluation II scores were similar between groups. Despite a significant worsening of Balthazar computed tomography scoring in group II patients (p < 0.0001), operative morbidity (49 [89%] vs 34 [72%], p = 0.03), mortality (10 [18%] vs 2 [4%], p = 0.03), and hospital length of stay (38 +/- 33 days vs 26 +/- 23 days, p = 0.04) were significantly less in group II patients. Current methods of surgical management utilizing IAP guidelines have resulted in a decreased operative morbidity, mortality, and hospital length of stay in patients with PN. 相似文献
Background Significant tumor downstaging has been achieved in patients with localized gastric or gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma by induction
chemotherapy and preoperative chemoradiotherapy (CTX–CTXRT). However, the influence of CTX–CTXRT on operative morbidity and
mortality has not yet been clarified. The aim of the present study was to document the frequency and nature of morbidity and
mortality after surgery combined with CTX–CTXRT, and identify factors predictive of postoperative complications in patients
with localized gastric or gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma.
Methods A prospectively collected database on 71 consecutive patients who underwent CTX–CTXRT at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center between
January 1997 and August 2004 was reviewed. Postoperative morbidity and mortality were investigated, and risk factors for overall
complications were identified by multivariate logistic regression analysis.
Results Overall morbidity and mortality rates were 38.0% (27 patients) and 2.8% (2 patients), respectively. Age greater than 60 years
[relative risk 11.3 (95% confidence interval 2.50–50.6)] and body mass index (BMI) of 26 kg/m 2 or above [relative risk 4.08 (95% confidence interval 1.08–15.4)] were significant risk factors for overall complications.
Conclusions CTX–CTXRT can be performed safely with an acceptable operative morbidity and a low operative mortality rate in patients with
gastric or gastroesophageal cancer, with careful consideration of added risk associated with age and obesity. 相似文献
Background Significant tumor downstaging has been achieved in patients with localized gastric or gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma by induction
chemotherapy and preoperative chemoradiotherapy (CTX-CTXRT). However, the influence of CTX-CTXRT on operative morbidity and
mortality has not yet been clarified. The aim of the present study was to document the frequency and nature of morbidity and
mortality after surgery combined with CTX-CTXRT, and identify factors predictive of postoperative complications in patients
with localized gastric or gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma.
Methods A prospectively collected database on 71 consecutive patients who underwent CTX-CTXRT at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center between
January 1997 and August 2004 was reviewed. Postoperative morbidity and mortality were investigated, and risk factors for overall
complications were identified by multivariate logistic regression analysis.
Results Overall morbidity and mortality rates were 38.0% (27 patients) and 2.8% (2 patients), respectively. Age greater than 60 years
[relative risk 11.3 (95% confidence interval 2.50–50.6)] and body mass index (BMI) of 26 kg/m 2 or above [relative risk 4.08 (95% confidence interval 1.08 to 15.4)] were significant risk factors for overall complications.
Conclusions CTX-CTXRT can be performed safely with an acceptable operative morbidity and a low operative mortality rate in patients with
gastric or gastroesophageal cancer, with careful consideration of added risk associated with age and obesity. 相似文献
BackgroundThere is an increasing incidence of elderly patients requiring emergency laparotomy. Our study compares the outcomes of elderly patients undergoing emergency laparotomy against the outcomes of non-elderly patients. MethodologyPatients who underwent emergency laparotomy between 2015 and 2017 from the National University Hospital, Singapore, were included. Apart from demographic data, indication of surgery and surgical procedure performed were collected. Prospectively collected nutritional scores were evaluated. Outcome measures included duration of surgery, length of ICU and total hospital stay, post-operative complications, and mortality indices. We performed multivariate Cox regression analysis to determine the contribution of various risk factors towards overall survival following emergency laparotomy. ResultsA total of 170 emergency laparotomies were performed. Compared to non-elderly patients, elderly patients had a significantly longer mean stay in hospital (31.5 vs. 18.6 days, p = 0.006) and mean stay in ICU (13.1 vs. 5.3 days, p = 0.003). More elderly patients suffered from post-laparotomy complications compared with non-elderly patients (65.8% vs. 37.4%, p < 0.001). 30-day mortality (31.5% vs. 8.8%, p = 0.019) and 1-year mortality (27.9% vs. 14.3%, p = 0.023) were higher in elderly patients compared with non-elderly patients. Interestingly, there was no statistically significant difference between elderly and non-elderly groups in both the global 3-MinNS as well as the global SGA nutritional scores. ASA status (HR 2.61, 95% CI 1.05–6.45, p = 0.038) was an independent risk factor for decreased survival following emergency laparotomy. Notably, while age ≥ 65 demonstrated a significant correlation with survival on univariate analysis (HR 1.03 (1.01–1.05), p = 0.003), this effect was lost following multivariate regression (HR 1.01 (0.453–2.23), p = 0.989). ConclusionElderly patients suffer worse morbidity and mortality following emergency laparotomy. This is likely contributed by comorbidities resulting in higher ASA status. 相似文献
目的 应用改良的生理学和手术严重度评分系统(POSSUM及P-POSSUM)对老年髋部骨折手术死亡率和并发症率进行评估探讨对手术风险评估的价值.方法 应用POSSUM及P-POSSUM,预测191例老年髋部骨折术后30 d内并发症率及死亡率,比较其预测价值.以并发症率50%为界,分为中低风险组(101例)及高风险组(9... 相似文献