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The clinical and immunological response of ponies exposed to a bovine herpesvirus isolate and equine herpesvirus 1 were compared. Each virus was inoculated into two ponies by the intranasal route. One uninoculated pony was used with each group as a contact control. The four inoculated ponies developed a mild rhinitis with an increase in rectal temperature. Virus was recovered from nasal secretions collected from the four inoculated and one contact pony. All ponies developed a serum neutralizing antibody to each virus. The data show that the two viruses are similar.  相似文献   

Equine herpesvirus type 1 was cultivated in swine testis cell cultures and partially purified by differential centrifugation and centrifugation in a linear sucrose density gradient. The viral envelope was separated from the nucleocapsid by treatment with Rexol 25J followed by sucrose gradient centrifugation. The envelope and nucleocapsid preparations were then electrophoresed in polyacrylamide gel after solubilization with sodium dodecyl sulphate. Hamsters were immunized with various preparations of the partially purified virus, including live or inactivated equine herpesvirus type 1 and viral envelope and nucleocapsid, all derived from the Kentucky D strain of the virus. Challenge of the immunized hamsters, with a hamster-adapted strain of equine herpesvirus type 1 demonstrated protection only in those animals which had been vaccinated with envelope-containing materials. When vaccination was carried out with fractions of electrophoresed envelope or nucleocapsid, protection was induced only by polypeptides of high molecular weight containing a glycoprotein component of the envelope of equine herpesvirus type 1.  相似文献   

A study on cell-mediated immune responses in cattle with different exposure experiences to Brucella abortus was conducted by an in vitro lymphocyte stimulation assay. The purpose of this study was to determine how soon the cell-mediated immune responses would be detected following experimental exposure to B. abortus and to study the cell-mediated immune trend following experimental and natural exposure of cattle to B. abortus. The first positive cell-mediated immune responses occurred one to two weeks after experimental inoculation with living B. abortus strain 2308. The cell-mediated immune responses in these animals appeared at least one week before the appearance of of B. abortus serum agglutinating antibodies. Animals which were naturally infected with B. abortus biotypes 1 and 2 demonstrated positive cell-mediated immune responses throughout the study.  相似文献   

Antibodies specific to the envelope or nucleocapsid of the Kentucky-D strain of equine herpesvirus type 1 were isolated from convalescent horse serum by immunoadsorption on cyanogen bromide-activated Sepharose conjugated with equine herpesvirus type 1 envelopes or nucleocapsids, with subsequent elution by glycine buffer. In double immunodiffusion and immunolectrophoresis reactions, the eluted proteins appeared to belong to the IgG fraction of horse serum. Antibodies directed against the viral envelope neutralized equine herpesvirus type 1 in a plaque neutralization test, while antibodies against the nucleocapsid showed no virus neutralizing activity.  相似文献   

The prevalence of Au antigen, autoantibodies and impaired cell-mediated immune responses was studied in 66 patients with Down's sydrome and 66 other mentally retarded patients in a South Australian institution. The antigen was detected in three of the former and none of the latter. This unexpectedly low carrier rate in patients with Down's syndrome was thought to be due either to good hygiene and state of nutrition in the institution or to the high age of which the patients had been admitted to hospital (eight to nine years). Because of the incompleteness of the association between impairment of cell-mediated immunity and antigen carriage, it was thought unlikely that the former was the sole reason for the latter.  相似文献   

Blastic transformation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells and serum neutralization antibody levels for equine herpesivurs type 1 were measured in 19 mares from three farms at the time of termination of their pregnancy by normal foaling or viral abortion. The stimulation indexes of lymphocytes obtained from the mares from two farms (Farm 1 and 2) which had virus abortions, ranged from 2.1 to 10.8. But there was no significant difference in stimulation index levels between the aborting and normal foaling mares on these two farms. Equine herpesvirus type 1 was isolated from the mononuclear cells of one mare (No. 5) about two months after she aborted. The stimulation index of lymphocytes from that mare was not significantly different from that of other mares on these farms. Stimulation index of lymphocytes from the mares on one farm (Farm 3) where there was no virus abortion or previous history of virus abortion but were exposed to virus antigen from vaccination, ranged from 1.6 to 2.9. The serum neutralization antibody levels were low in most mares ranging from 1/4 to 1/20 and in three mares these were higher. There was no direct correlation between the levels of serum neutralization antibody and stimulation index of lymphocytes from the mares on these farms.  相似文献   

A Standardbred mare became paralyzed shortly after showing signs of an upper respiratory infection. The mare was euthanized and equine herpesvirus type 1 was isolated from the brain and spinal cord.  相似文献   

T-lymphocyte immune capacity in man was assessed semiquantitatively by two in vivo procedures: the primary type of response to dinitrochlorobenzene and the secondary type of response, representing memory, to a group of five uniquitous antigens. Controlling for degree of illness proved important in assessing immune capacity in specific diseases; thus, the number of responders and mean score of semiquantitated responses was significantly lower in groups of patients with cancer and multisystem autoimmune disease when comparisons were made with healthy persons, but less so when comparisons were made with a group of subjects with other incapacitating diseases. A notable finding was the lack of correlation in the results of tests of cell-mediated immunity between the two procedures described. Depressed cell-mediated immunity shown in multisystem autoimmune disease is relevant to both predisposition to infection and the postulated role of thymic dysfunction in the pathogenesis of autoimmunity.  相似文献   

目的 研究实验猕猴B病毒抗体阳性情况.方法 选取安徽省实验猕猴中心400只猕猴,各采集静脉血5 mL, 3000 r/min离心10 min后,抽取上层血清,采用酶联免疫吸附试验与免疫酶试验检测血清B病毒抗体,观察B病毒抗体阳性率.结果 400份有效样本中,B病毒抗体阳性率为36.50%;雌性猕猴B病毒抗体阳性率为36.74%,雄性为为36.22%,两者差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.012,P=0.913).幼年猕猴B病毒抗体阳性率为30.68%,青年猕猴B病毒抗体阳性率为32.34%,成年猕猴B病毒抗体阳性率为66.67%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=26.200,P=0.000).结论 实验猕猴B病毒抗体阳性率处于较高水平,雌性猕猴B病毒抗体阳性率高于雄性猕猴,成年猕猴B病毒抗体阳性率较高.因此,需加强实验猕猴的管理,以减少B病毒感染,生产出安全性更高的实验猕猴.  相似文献   

结核病的细胞免疫研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯群芳  张杰 《华夏医学》2006,19(3):600-603
结核病一直是人们关注的一个全球性健康问题。结核病的感染、发生、发展及转归都依赖于机体细胞免疫反应的不同作用机理,其中,CD 4和CD 8T细胞在机体对结核杆菌的免疫应答中起重要作用。现就机体对结核杆菌的细胞免疫反应和治疗结核病所面临的问题作一论述,以期为结核病的预防、诊断和治疗提供参考。  相似文献   

不同类型肾小球肾炎(GN)的发生率在不同国家、不同地区有所不同,并随着社会经济的发展而变化。新近研究表明,不同类型GN发生率的差异和变化可能与辅助性T淋巴细胞1(Th1)和Th2免疫应答有关,并提出“卫生假说”,现就其作一综述,旨在加深对GN发病机制的认识。  相似文献   

Rabbits were infected with Dermatophilus congolensis and tested for humoral immune response by indirect haemagglutination and for cell-mediated immune response to crude antigens of D. congolensis. Lymphocyte transformation and macrophage migration inhibition assays were used as in vitro correlates of cell-mediated immune response while cutaneous delayed hypersensitivity was used in vivo. Endo-antigen and whole cell antigen were found to significantly induce cell-mediated immune response. In contrast, humoral responses were found to be more significantly induced by exo-antigen. A biphasic immune response was revealed by the lymphocyte transformation test.  相似文献   

Background In the last few decades,there has been a delay in first-time pregnancies,and the average age of women at the time of delivery has increased in many countries.Advanced maternal age is associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes.This study aimed to determine the present trends and pregnancy outcomes related to maternal age in China.Methods Data were collected from 39 hospitals in mainland of China.All deliveries were performed after 28 completed weeks of gestation and between January 1 and December 31,2011.In total,110 450 of 112 441 cases were included in the study.All enrolled cases were divided into 6 age groups with 5-year intervals.The x2 test or Fisher's exact test and unadjusted binary-Logistic regression were used for statistical analysis.Results The mean age at the time of delivery was 28.18±4.70 years (range,14-52 years).The teenage group (15-19 years) had a higher risk than the 25-29-year old group for anemia (odds ratio (OR),1.4),preeclampsia (OR,1.6),preterm birth (OR,2.1),low birth weight neonates (OR,2.3),and perinatal mortality (OR,3.6).The 35-39-year old group and ≥40-year-old group had a higher risk than the 25-29-year-old group for leiomyoma (OR,4.2 vs.5.8),pregestational diabetes (OR,2.2 vs.3.8),chronic hypertension (OR,4.6 vs.6.5),gestational diabetes (OR,2.6 vs.3.5),preeclampsia (OR,2.5 vs.3.6),premature delivery (OR,1.8 vs.2.4),postpartum hemorrhage (OR,1.5 vs.1.7),placenta previa (OR,2.7 vs.4.0),placental abruption (OR,1.4 vs.2.5),cesarean delivery (OR,2.1 vs.2.5),macrosomia (OR,1.2 vs.1.2),low birth weight neonates (OR,1.6 vs.2.3),and perinatal mortality (OR,1.6 vs.3.7).Conclusion Maternal and neonatal risks are higher during the teenage years and at an advanced maternal age; 20-30 years of age is the lowest risk period for pregnancy and delivery.  相似文献   

The antigenic relationships among 50 strains of equine herpesvirus (EHV) were studied by neutralization tests using antisera prepared in rabbits against four EHV reference strains: types 2 and 3, cytomegalo-like virus 82-A, and our leukocyte isolant H-40. No distinctive antigenic differences among reference strains were demonstrated in reciprocal neutralization tests but each antiserum neutralized its homologous virus more rapidly than any heterologous strain. Forty-six EHV strains isolated from peripheral blood leukocytes of apparently healthy horses were antigenically indistinguishable from each other and from the four reference strains. Their high degree of antigenic relatedness suggests that these viruses are isolants of a single, widely distributed serotype of which type 2 (LK) strain is a typical representative.  相似文献   

周玉华 《海南医学》2012,23(1):40-41
目的 探讨妊娠合并乙型肝炎病毒感染及无症状乙型肝炎病毒携带状态对妊娠结局的影响.方法 将173例在我院住院分娩的妊娠合并HBV感染者患者分为两组:无症状乙肝病毒携带者82例(无症状组)、肝功能受损者91例(乙肝组).随机选择同期90例正常产妇作为对照组,对围生期结局进行回顾性分析比较.结果 乙肝组早产、妊高征、胎儿窘迫、新生儿窒息、产后出血的发生率最高,依次是14.29%,27.47%,39.56%,24.18%,23.08%,无症状组相应为3.66%,12.20%,20.73%,8.54%,9.76%,对照组相应为1.11%,3.33%,17.78%,6.67%,4.44%,乙肝组与另两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论 妊娠合并乙型肝炎病毒感染与早产、妊高征、胎儿窘迫、新生儿窒息、产后出血等不良妊娠结局有关,应重视产前检查及孕期肝功能检测,尽早采取预防及治疗措施.  相似文献   

目的:研究自然状态下献血者对乙型病毒性肝炎不同抗原成份的体液、细胞免疫应答水平,及两者的相关性.方法:ELISA检测献血者血浆中HBsAb、HBcAb、preS1+ S2-Ab的阳性率,ELISOPT检测外周血单个核细胞中抗原特异性IFN-γ分泌细胞水平.结果:体液免疫应答检测结果表明preS1+ S2-Ab的检出率最高,占85.7% (48/56),核心杭体的检出率最低30.4% (17/56);特异性细胞免疫检测结果提示献血者总体preS1+ S2-Ag、HBcAg的特异性细胞免疫应答水平有着良好的一致性,无统计学差异(P>0.05),但显著优于HBsAg; preS1+ S2-Ag和HBsAg特异性细胞免疫和体液免疫应答有着较好的一致性,但HBcAg特异性细胞免疫和体液免疫无明确关联(P>0.05).结论:自然状态下献血者对乙型病毒性肝炎不同抗原成份均有较好的体液、细胞免疫应答,preS1+S2的体液免疫应答水平优于表面及核心抗原提示人HBV疫苗的侯选对象.  相似文献   

目的:探讨乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)感染对妊娠期肝内胆汁淤积症(ICP)孕妇母儿免疫系统及妊娠结局的影响。方法收集2009年3月~2015年1月吉林大学中日联谊医院收治的妊娠期肝内胆汁淤积症患者129例并将其作为对照组,收集同期吉林大学中日联谊医院收治的妊娠期肝内胆汁淤积症合并HBV感染患者71例并将其作为研究组。比较两组妊娠结局、新生儿情况及白细胞介素(IL)-18、IL-12、肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)水平。结果研究组产后出血率、早产率、剖宫产率与对照组比较明显较高,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。研究组新生儿体重、低体重儿百分率、Apgar评分与对照组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。研究组IL-18、IL-12、TNF-α水平与对照组比较明显较高,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论ICP孕妇合并HBV感染患者较未合并HBV感染的患者免疫功能降低,更容易引发不良妊娠结局,发生早产、产后出血等各种并发症。 ICP孕妇合并HBV感染患者体内IL-18、IL-12、TNF-α水平上升,应采取措施防止早产、产后出血等并发症的发生,以确保母婴健康。  相似文献   

The effect of various aerosol doses of bovine herpesvirus 1, followed four days later by aerosol exposure to a constant level of Pasteurella haemolytica, was studied in 16 crossbred Hereford range calves. A Collision nebulizer was used to generate aerosols from virus suspensions with concentrations of 10(8.2) (high), 10(5.2) (moderate) or 10(2.2) (low) TCID50/mL. The bacterial suspension contained 10(7) colony forming units/mL. Control calves exposed only to P. haemolytica developed no pulmonary lesions. Calves in the low, moderate and high virus exposure groups developed lobular areas of atelectasis; in addition, one calf in the moderate and all four in the high virus exposure group developed fibrinous pneumonia. One of the latter calves died. The 50% effective dose for fibrinous pneumonia under these experimental conditions was 10(6.0) TCID50 bovine herpesvirus 1/mL of suspension in the nebulizer reservoir, and approximately 10(4.0) infectious units inhaled per calf.  相似文献   

小鼠对HBV DNA疫苗的免疫应答及细胞因子的免疫佐剂效应   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
目的 :观察编码小鼠 IL- 2及 IL- 12的真核表达载体 ,对 HBV DNA疫苗诱导 Balb/ c小鼠 (H- 2 d )免疫应答的调节作用及其对稳定表达 HBs Ag的小鼠肥大细胞瘤 P815细胞 (P 815 - HBV- S)成瘤性的影响。 方法 :肌内注射HBV DNA疫苗及细胞因子真核表达载体 ;背部皮下接种 P 815 - HBV - S细胞 ,观察成瘤情况 ;EL ISA法测定血清抗HBs;4h5 1 Cr释放法检测小鼠脾细胞 CTL 活性。 结果 :免疫 8周后 ,以 p CR3.1- S、p CR3.1- S+IL- 2及 p CR3.1-S+IL- 12免疫的小鼠血清 ,45 0 nm A值分别为 0 .87± 0 .1、1.98± 0 .17及 1.6 7± 0 .15 ,均较 p CR3.1组显著提高(P<0 .0 5 )。CTL 细胞杀伤活性分别为 (5 0 .5± 6 .4) %、(6 1.9± 7.1) %及 (73.3± 8.8) % ,后两组与 p CR3.1- S组比较差异均显著 (P<0 .0 5 )。脾细胞悬液经抗 CD4+ 单克隆抗体处理后 ,CTL细胞杀伤活性分别为 (48.3± 5 .9) %、(5 6 .2± 7.5 ) %和 (75 .6± 9.1) % ,抗 CD8+ 单克隆抗体处理后分别为 (10 .6± 1.4) %、(13.6± 1.9) %和 (16 .9±2 .3) %。对照组成瘤率为 10 0 % ,p CR3.1- S组小鼠成瘤率为 12 .5 % ,p CR3.1- S+IL- 12真核表达载体组成瘤率为0 ,对照组平均存活期和 6周后存活率分别为 2 8.4天和 0天。后两组分别 >38.2天及 45  相似文献   

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