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It is the position of the American Dietetic Association (ADA) that the quality of life and nutritional status of older residents in long-term care facilities may be enhanced by a liberalized diet. The Association advocates the use of qualified dietetics professionals to assess and evaluate the need for medical nutrition therapy according to each person's individual medical condition, needs, desires, and rights. One of the major determinants among the predictive factors of successful aging is nutrition. Long-term care includes a continuum of health services ranging from rehabilitation to supportive care. Nutrition care for older adults in long-term settings must meet two goals: maintenance of health through medical care and maintenance of quality of life. However, these goals often seem to compete, resulting in the need for a unique approach to medical nutrition therapy (MNT). Typically, MNT includes assessment of nutritional status and development of an individualized nutrition intervention plan that frequently features a theraperutic diet appropriate for managing a disease or condition. MNT must always address medical needs and individual desires, yet for older adults in long-term care this balance is especially critical because of the focus on maintaining quality of life. Dietetics professionals must help residents and health care team members assess the risks versus the benefits of therapeutic diets. For frail older adults, overall health goals may not warrant the use of a therapeutic diet because of its possible negative effect on quality of life. A diet that is not palatable or acceptable to the individual can lead to poor food and fluid intake, which results in weight loss and undernutrition, followed by a spiral of negative health effects. Often, a more liberalized nutrition intervention that allows an older adult to participate in his or her diet-related decisions can provide for the person's nutrient needs and allow alterations contingent on medical conditions while simultaneously increasing the desire to eat and enjoyment of food. This ultimately decreases the risks of weight loss, undernutrition, and other potential negative effects of poor nutrition and hydration.  相似文献   

It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that the quality of life and nutritional status of older adults residing in health care communities can be enhanced by individualization to less-restrictive diets. The American Dietetic Association advocates for registered dietitians to assess and evaluate the need for nutrition interventions tailored to each person's medical condition, needs, desires, and rights. Dietetic technicians, registered, assist registered dietitians in the assessment and implementation of individualized nutrition care. Health care practitioners must assess risks vs benefits of therapeutic diets, especially for older adults. Food is an essential component of quality of life; an unpalatable or unacceptable diet can lead to poor food and fluid intake, resulting in undernutrition and related negative health effects. Including older individuals in decisions about food can increase the desire to eat and improve quality of life. The Practice Paper of the American Dietetic Association: Individualized Nutrition Approaches for Older Adults in Health Care Communities provides guidance to practitioners on implementation of individualized diets and nutrition care.  相似文献   

Just as maps are reissued when new roads are built and rivers change course, this Nutrition Care Process and Model reflects recent changes in the nutrition and health care environment. It provides dietetics professionals with the updated “road map” to follow the best path for high-quality patient/client/group-centered nutrition care.  相似文献   

It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that the quality of life and nutritional status of older adults residing in health care communities can be enhanced by individualization to less-restrictive diets. The Association advocates the use of qualified registered dietitians (RDs) to assess and evaluate the need for nutrition care according to each person's individual medical condition, needs, desires, and rights. Dietetic technicians, registered, provide support to RDs in the assessment and implementation of individualized nutrition care. Individual rights and freedom of choice are important components of the assessment process. An RD must assess each older adult's risks vs benefits for therapeutic diets. Older adults select housing options that provide a range of services from minimal assistance to 24-hour skilled nursing care. Food is an important part of any living arrangement and an essential component for quality of life. A therapeutic diet that limits seasoning options and food choices can lead to poor food and fluid intake, resulting in undernutrition and negative health effects. Including older individuals in decisions about food can increase the desire to eat and improve quality of life. The expansion of health care communities creates a multitude of options for RDs and dietetic technicians, registered, to promote the role of good food and nutrition in the overall quality of life for the older adults they serve.  相似文献   

Malnutrition, weight loss, and resident satisfaction are serious issues that need to be addressed by dietetics professionals working in long-term-care facilities. Medical nutrition therapy for older adults in long-term care is multifaceted and critical to reducing the risks of malnutrition and weight loss. To meet the needs of every resident, dietetics professionals must consider each person holistically, including personal goals, overall prognoses, benefits and risks of treatment, and perhaps most important, quality of life. For some long-term-care residents the use of liberalized diets, when appropriate, can enhance both quality of life and nutritional status, thus increasing the resident's satisfaction with the meals provided and reducing the risks of malnutrition and weight loss.  相似文献   

It is the position of the American Dietetic Association (ADA) that nutrition is an integral component of oral health. The ADA supports the integration of oral health with nutrition services, education, and research. Collaboration between dietetics and dental professionals is recommended for oral health promotion and disease prevention and intervention. Scientific and epidemiological data suggest a lifelong synergy between nutrition and the integrity of the oral cavity in health and disease. Oral health is an integral part of systemic and nutritional health. Two primary oral infectious diseases are directly influenced by diet and nutrition. Dental caries or tooth decay is modulated by numerous factors, including diet composition and frequency. Periodontal or gum disease is associated with malnutrition. Chronic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease that are modulated by diet and nutrition intervention have oral sequelae. As we advance in our discoveries of the links between oral and nutrition health, practitioners of both disciplines must learn to provide screening, baseline education, and referral to each other as part of comprehensive client/patient care. The future of dietetics practice requires dietetics professionals to provide medical nutrition therapy (MNT) that incorporates a person's total health needs, including oral health. Inclusion of both didactic and clinical practice concepts that illustrate the role of nutrition in oral health is essential in both dental and dietetic education programs. Collaborative endeavors between dietetics and dentistry in research, education, and delineation of health provider practice roles are needed to ensure comprehensive health care to persons with oral infectious disease and/or oral manifestations of systemic diseases.  相似文献   

Given the increasing number and diversity of older adults and the transformation of health care services in the United States, it is the position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior that all older adults should have access to evidence-based food and nutrition programs that ensure the availability of safe and adequate food to promote optimal nutrition, health, functionality, and quality of life. Registered dietitian nutritionists and nutrition and dietetics technicians, registered, in partnership with other practitioners and nutrition educators, should be actively involved in programs that provide coordinated services between the community and health care systems that include regular monitoring and evaluation of programming outcomes. The rapidly growing older population, increased demand for integrated continuous support systems, and rising cost of health care underscore the need for these programs. Programs must include food assistance and meal programs, nutritional screening and assessment, nutrition education, medical nutrition therapy, monitoring, evaluation, and documentation of evidence-based outcomes. Coordination with long-term care services and support systems is necessary to allow older adults to remain in their homes; improve or maintain their health and manage chronic disease; better navigate transitions of care; and reduce avoidable hospital, acute, or long-term care facility admissions. Funding of these programs requires evidence of their effectiveness, especially regarding health, functionality, and health care–related outcomes of interest to individuals, caregivers, payers, and policy makers. Targeting of food and nutrition programs involves addressing unmet needs for services, particularly among those at high risk for poor nutrition. Registered dietitian nutritionists and nutrition and dietetics technicians, registered must increase programmatic efforts to measure outcomes to evaluate community-based food and nutrition services.Position StatementIt is the position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior that older adults should have access to evidence-based food and nutrition programs that ensure the availability of safe and adequate food to promote optimal nutrition, health, functionality, and quality of life. Registered dietitian nutritionists and nutrition and dietetics technicians, registered, in partnership with other practitioners and nutrition educators, should be actively involved in programs that provide coordinated services between the community and health care systems that include regular monitoring and evaluation of programming outcomes. The rapidly growing older population, increased demand for integrated continuous support systems, and rising cost of health care underscore the need for these programs.  相似文献   

Scientific evidence increasingly supports that good nutrition is essential to the health, self-sufficiency, and quality of life of older adults. With the population of the United States living longer than ever before, the older adult population will be more diverse and heterogeneous in the 21st century. The oldest-old and minority populations will grow more quickly than the young-old and non-Hispanic white populations, respectively. For the current 34 million adults 65 years of age and older living in the United States, there are about 12 million caregivers who provide formal or informal care. A broad array of culturally appropriate food and nutrition services, physical activities, and health and supportive care customized to accommodate the variations within this expanding population of older adults is needed. With changes and lack of coordination in heath care and social-support systems, dietetics professionals need to be proactive and collaborate with aging-services and other health care professionals to improve policies, interventions, and programs that service older adults throughout the continuum of care to ensure nutritional well-being and quality of life. The American Dietetic Association supports both the provision of comprehensive food and nutrition services and the continuation and expansion of research to identify the most effective food and nutrition interventions for older adults over the continuum of care. J Am Diet Assoc. 2000;100:580-595.  相似文献   

It is the position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics that the quality of life and nutritional status of older adults in long-term care, post-acute care, and other settings can be enhanced by individualized nutrition approaches. The Academy advocates that as part of the interprofessional team, registered dietitian nutritionists assess, evaluate, and recommend appropriate nutrition interventions according to each individual’s medical condition, desires, and rights to make health care choices. Nutrition and dietetic technicians, registered assist registered dietitian nutritionists in the implementation of individualized nutrition care, including the use of least restrictive diets. Health care practitioners must assess risks vs benefits of therapeutic diets, especially for frail older adults. Food is an essential component of quality of life; an unpalatable or unacceptable diet can lead to poor food and fluid intake, resulting in malnutrition and related negative health effects. Including older individuals in decisions about food can increase the desire to eat and improve quality of life.  相似文献   

It is the position of the American Dietetic Association (ADA) that food and nutrition misinformation can have harmful effects on the health, well-being, and economic status of consumers. Nationally credentialed dietetics professionals working in health care, academia, public health, the media, government, and the food industry are uniquely qualified to advocate for and promote science-based nutrition information to the public, function as primary nutrition educators to health professionals, and actively correct food and nutrition misinformation. Enormous scientific advances have been made in the area of food and nutrition, leading to a fine-tuning of recommendations about healthful eating. Consumers have become increasingly aware of the nutrition-health link and reliant on nutrition information to base their decisions, and have assumed partial responsibility for changing their eating behaviors. Unfortunately, these same trends also create opportunities for food and nutrition misinformation to flourish. News reports rarely provide enough context for consumers to interpret or apply the advice given, and preliminary findings often attract unmerited and misleading attention. Effective nutrition communication must be consumer-friendly and contain sufficient context to allow consumers to consider the information and determine whether it applies to their unique health and nutritional needs. Consistent with ADA's organizational vision that members "are the leading source of nutrition expertise," ADA recognizes its responsibility to help consumers identify food and nutrition misinformation in the following ways: (a) ADA members should provide consumers with sound, science-based nutrition information and help them to recognize misinformation; (b) ADA members need to be the primary source of sound, science-based nutrition information for the media and to inform them when misinformation is presented; and (c) ADA members should continue to diligently work with other health care practitioners, educators, policy makers, and food and dietary supplement industry representatives to responsibly address the health and psychological, physiological, and economic effects of nutrition-related misinformation.  相似文献   

Around the world, the burden of malnutrition remains high despite significant efforts to thwart both undernutrition and overnutrition. The links between food security, dietary choices, and health outcomes pose a dilemma: What can nutrition policymakers and health care professionals do to harness the benefits of nutrition to improve health outcomes for young and old? The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics gathered a group of health care policymakers, physicians, and credentialed nutrition and dietetics practitioners from around the world for a Policy and Nutrition Forum that took place on August 31, 2019 in Krakow, Poland. Participants from countries in Asia, Europe, North America, and Latin America presented on nutrition and policy from their perspective and took part in discussions about the effects of nutrition policies on health and health care. To extend the conversation about food and nutrition and to build a healthier future for people worldwide, this report highlights information from the Forum.  相似文献   

Nutrition educators are exploring Web-based strategies for delivering course material. This report describes an effort to use computer-mediated communication between medical students and experts. A “virtual seminar” designed to help students apply nutrition knowledge to patient care was added to an existing traditional clinical skills course. There are few models for online nutrition education. Since these efforts are expensive in time, money, or both, it is important to share preliminary findings, including new methods of evaluating participation and effectiveness. Although medical student activity in the seminar was greater than anticipated, the return rate for the online evaluation survey was disappointing.  相似文献   

It is the position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics that nutrition is an integral component of oral health. The Academy supports integration of oral health with nutrition services, education, and research. Collaboration between dietetics practitioners and oral health care professionals is recommended for oral health promotion and disease prevention and intervention. Scientific and epidemiological data suggest a lifelong synergy between diet, nutrition, and integrity of the oral cavity in health and disease. Oral health and nutrition have a multifaceted relationship. Oral infectious diseases, as well as acute, chronic, and systemic diseases with oral manifestations, impact an individual's functional ability to eat and their nutrition status. Likewise, nutrition and diet can affect the development and integrity of the oral cavity and progression of oral diseases. As knowledge of the link between oral and nutrition health increases, dietetics practitioners and oral health care professionals must learn to provide screening, education, and referrals as part of comprehensive client/patient care. The provision of medical nutrition therapy, including oral and overall health, is incorporated into the Standards of Practice for registered dietitians and dietetic technicians, registered. Inclusion of didactic and clinical practice concepts that illustrate the role of nutrition in oral health is essential in education programs for both professional groups. Collaborative endeavors between dietetics, dentistry, medicine, and allied health professionals in research, education, and delineation of practice roles are needed to ensure comprehensive health care. The multifaceted interactions between diet, nutrition, and oral health in practice, education, and research in both dietetics and dentistry merit continued, detailed delineation.  相似文献   

It is the position of the American Dietetic Association (ADA) that exclusive breastfeeding provides optimal nutrition and health protection for the first 6 months of life, and breastfeeding with complementary foods for at least 12 months is the ideal feeding pattern for infants. Breastfeeding is also a public health strategy for improving infant and child health survival, improving maternal morbidity, controlling health care costs, and conserving natural resources. ADA emphasizes the essential role of dietetics professionals in promoting and supporting breastfeeding by providing up-to-date, practical information to pregnant and postpartum women, involving family and friends in breastfeeding education and counseling, removing institutional barriers to breastfeeding, collaborating with community organizations and others who promote and support breastfeeding, and advocating for policies that position breastfeeding as the norm for infant feeding. ADA also emphasizes its own role by providing up-to-date information to the public, encouraging empirical research, providing continuing education opportunities, providing cultural sensitivity and cultural competence training to dietetics professionals, and encouraging universities to review and update undergraduate and graduate training programs.  相似文献   

Consumer respondents (203) in the metro-Atlanta statistical area answered a detailed questionnaire pertaining to their attitudes and perceptions of different food groups and food uses. Factor analyses resulted in five food attitude, two food item and three food-use appropriateness factors. The food attitude factors were “Like to Cook”, “Organizational”, “Adventurous”, “Convenience driven” and “Nutrition conscious but casual meal planner”. Food item factors were “Main dish” and “Snack”, Food-use appropriateness factors were “Social”, “Satiety” and “Casual”. A significant correlation between nutrition knowledge and nutrition concern, but not food attitude scores, was found. The “Organizational” factor correlated with the most numbers of variables and “Like to Cook” the least. Results of the respondents in this study indicate that consumers in this sample are leading mobile, dynamic and service oriented lifestyles.  相似文献   

It is the position of The American Dietetic Association that the school and community have a shared responsibility to provide all students with access to high-quality foods and nutrition services as an integral part of the total education program. Educational goals, including the nutrition goals of the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program, should be supported and extended through school district policies that create an overall school environment with learning experiences that enable students to develop lifelong, healthful eating habits. Local school policy, developed through a collaborative process that responds to community needs and priorities, should include the integration of the school nutrition program with education. Nutrition integrity policy provides a framework for the integration and coordination of all aspects of the school nutrition program. Nutrition integrity is defined as “a guaranteed level of performance that ensures that all foods available and consumed by children in schools are consistent with the Recommended Dietary Allowances and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, and contribute to the development of lifelong, healthy eating habits.” Achieving nutrition integrity means taking a comprehensive approach to program planning, management, operations, and integration of nutrition into the total education program of the school. The community is a valuable resource for this effort. Collaboration between key school- and community-based constituents, including children and other stakeholders, will result in the most effective and relevant plans for local school nutrition programs. However, competing and profit-making food and beverage sales may create a conflicting environment and can contradict lessons taught in health and nutrition education. This position provides direction for the dietetics profession for addressing this issue along with providing a suggested action plan for local schools and their communities. J Am Diet Assoc. 2000;100:108-111.  相似文献   

It is the position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics that nutrition informatics is a rapidly evolving area of practice for registered dietitian nutritionists and nutrition and dietetic technicians, registered; and that the knowledge and skills inherent to nutrition informatics permeate all areas of the dietetics profession. Further, nutrition and dietetics practitioners must continually learn and update their informatics knowledge and skills to remain at the forefront of nutrition practice. Nutrition informatics is the intersection of information, nutrition, and technology. However, informatics is not just using technology to do work. The essence of nutrition informatics is to manage nutrition data in combination with standards, processes, and technology to improve knowledge and practice that ultimately lead to improved quality of health care and work efficiency. Registered dietitian nutritionists and nutrition and dietetic technicians, registered, are already experts in using evidence to practice in all areas of nutrition and dietetics. To remain at the forefront of technological innovation, the profession must actively participate in the development of standards, processes, and technologies for providing nutrition care.  相似文献   

It is the position of The American Dietetic Association that medical nutrition therapy and lifestyle counseling are integral components of medical treatment for the management of selected conditions for which pharmacotherapy is indicated. The Association promotes a team approach to care for clients receiving pharmacotherapy and encourages active collaboration among dietetics professionals and other members of the health care team. Numerous chronic medical conditions respond to medical nutrition therapy; however, pharmacotherapy may be needed to achieve control. In some cases, medical nutrition therapy and pharmacotherapy may need to be initiated simultaneously. Medical nutrition therapy is critical to the management of a variety of chronic diseases, is effective in managing disease, and is cost-effective. The use of a coordinated multidisciplinary team effort is critical to the success of medical nutrition therapy and pharmacotherapy. Because medical nutrition therapy with pharmacotherapy is a treatment of long duration that requires monitoring of compliance and effectiveness, it is best accomplished through a team approach. J Am Diet Assoc. 1999;99:227-230.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis (CF) remains the most common genetically inherited disease in the white population and its prognosis is affected by nutritional status. Adults with the disease are now surviving longer and new strategies are required to ensure that they maintain optimal nutrition. This article reports preliminary data from a randomized controlled trial of a 10-week home-based behavioral nutrition intervention, “Eat Well with CF.” Outcome measures of weight change over 6 and 12 months and changes in CF-specific nutrition knowledge score, self-efficacy score, reported dietary fat intake and health-related quality-of-life score were compared between the intervention group (n=34) and a standard care control group (n=34). The hypotheses to be tested were that adults with CF completing “Eat Well with CF” would have an improved nutritional status, improvement in specific nutrition knowledge, and an improvement in self-efficacy regarding their ability to cope with a special diet, compared to those receiving standard care. There were substantial improvements in the intervention group's specific CF nutrition knowledge score, self-efficacy score, and reported fat intake compared to control, but no substantial change in body mass index or health-related quality of life over time. Home-based nutrition education incorporating behavioral strategies can be an effective way to support adults with CF, enabling improvement in self-management skills in relation to diet and pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy. This study revealed gaps in basic nutrition knowledge and skills, inadequate knowledge of diet-disease links and pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy. These need to be identified when subjects progress from pediatric to adult care, and programs such as “Eat Well with CF” are a useful adjunct for registered dietitians trying to manage this diverse but growing population.  相似文献   

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