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We have used a luciferase reporter gene and continuous automated monitoring of bioluminescence to demonstrate unequivocally that cyanobacteria exhibit circadian behaviors that are fundamentally the same as circadian rhythms of eukaryotes. We also show that these rhythms can be studied by molecular methods in Synechococcus sp. PCC7942, a strain for which genetic transformation is well established. A promoterless segment of the Vibrio harveyi luciferase structural genes (luxAB) was introduced downstream of the promoter for the Synechococcus psbAI gene, which encodes a photosystem II protein. This reporter construction was recombined into the Synechococcus chromosome, and bioluminescence was monitored under conditions of constant illumination following entrainment to light and dark cycles. The reporter strain, AMC149, expressed a rhythm of bioluminescence which satisfies the criteria of circadian rhythms: persistence in constant conditions, phase resetting by light/dark signals, and temperature compensation of the period. Rhythmic changes in levels of the native psbAI message following light/dark entrainment supported the reporter data. The behavior of this prokaryote disproves the dogma that circadian mechanisms must be based on eukaryotic cellular organization. Moreover, the cyanobacterial strain described here provides an efficient experimental system for molecular analysis of the circadian clock.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that the frequency of gene targeting is unaffected by the length of nonhomologous DNA transferred to a target chromosomal sequence. A result of this finding is that a much wider spectrum of designed genomic alterations is now feasible. As a first application, we inserted a 5.4-kilobase cassette of nonhomologous DNA into the int-2 locus in mouse embryo-derived stem cells by gene targeting. The inserted DNA contained a lacZ gene positioned to create an in-frame fusion with the int-2 protein-coding region. Upon differentiation of these cells to embryoid bodies, the int-2-lacZ fusion faithfully reproduced the expression pattern of int-2 RNA. This ability to target reporter genes, such as lacZ, to specific mouse loci, combined with the ability to move the tagged gene into different mutant backgrounds, may provide an ideal approach for analyzing interactions among genes that participate in a developmental network.  相似文献   

A highly sensitive method for demonstrating ligand-induced conformational changes in protein molecules in solution is described. The method utilizes an environmentally sensitive reporter group that is known to be distant from the active site. In the present application a conformational change is demonstrated in the galactose receptor of Salmonella typhimurium, involved in bacterial sensing and transport, by means of an extrinsic fluorophore, 5-iodoacetamidofluorescein, attached at a single methionine residue, and the intrinsic tryptophan fluorophore. Binding of the ligand galactose perturbs the microenvironment of both the fluorescein and tryptophan, as shown by both spectral and potassium iodide quenching changes. The distance between the two dyes is established by fluorescence energy transfer methods to be 41 +/- 10A. Since only one molecule of galactose binds per molecule of receptor and since the galactose molecule is only about 5 A in length, changes at one of these sites reflect the result of an indirect effect. Hence, there must be a ligand-induced conformational change that is propagated a minimum of 30 A through the receptor molecule.  相似文献   

Imaging reporter gene expression in living subjects is a rapidly evolving area of molecular imaging research. Studies have validated the use of reporter genes with positron emission tomography (PET), single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), MRI, fluorescence with wild-type and mutants of green fluorescent protein, as well as bioluminescence using Firefly luciferase enzyme/protein (FL). In the current study, we validate for the first time the ability to image bioluminescence from Renilla luciferase enzyme/protein (RL) by injecting the substrate coelenterazine in living mice. A highly sensitive cooled charge-coupled device camera provides images within a few minutes of photon counting. Cells, transiently expressing the Rluc were imaged while located in the peritoneum, s.c. layer, as well as in the liver and lungs of living mice tail-vein injected with coelenterazine. Furthermore, d-luciferin (a substrate for FL) does not serve as a substrate for RL, and coelenterazine does not serve as a substrate for FL either in cell culture or in living mice. We also show that both Rluc and Fluc expression can be imaged in the same living mouse and that the kinetics of light production are distinct. The approaches validated will have direct applications to various studies where two molecular events need to be tracked, including cell trafficking of two cell populations, two gene therapy vectors, and indirect monitoring of two endogenous genes through the use of two reporter genes.  相似文献   

Understanding nuclear receptor signaling in vivo would be facilitated by an efficient methodology to determine where a nuclear receptor is active. Herein, we present a feedback-inducible expression system in transgenic mice to detect activated nuclear receptor effector proteins by using an inducible reporter gene. With this approach, reporter gene induction is not limited to a particular tissue, and, thus, this approach provides the opportunity for whole-animal screens. Furthermore, the effector and reporter genes are combined to generate a single strain of transgenic mice, which enables direct and rapid analysis of the offspring. The system was applied to localize sites where the retinoic acid receptor ligand-binding domain is activated in vivo. The results identify previously discovered sources of retinoids in the embryo and indicate the existence of previously undiscovered regions of retinoic acid receptor signaling in vivo. Notably, the feedback-inducible nuclear-receptor-driven assay, combined with an independent in vitro assay, provides evidence for a site of retinoid synthesis in the isthmic mesenchyme. These data illustrate the potential of feedback-inducible nuclear-receptor-driven analyses for assessing in vivo activation patterns of nuclear receptors and for analyzing pharmacological properties of natural and synthetic ligands of potential therapeutic value.  相似文献   

Hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) is one of the most common cancers in Eastern Asia, and its incidence is increasing globally. Numerous experimental models have been developed to better our understanding of the pathogenic mechanism of HCC and to evaluate novel therapeutic approaches. Molecular imaging is a convenient and up-to-date biomedical tool that enables the visualization, characterization and quantification of biologic processes in a living subject. Molecular imaging based on reporter gene expression, in particular, can elucidate tumor-specific events or processes by acquiring images of a reporter gene's expression driven by tumor-specific enhancers/promoters. In this review, we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of various experimental HCC mouse models and we present in vivo images of tumorspecific reporter gene expression driven by an alphafetoprotein(AFP) enhancer/promoter system in a mouse model of HCC. The current mouse models of HCC development are established by xenograft, carcinogen induction and genetic engineering, representing the spectrum of tumor-inducing factors and tumor locations. The imaging analysis approach of reporter genes driven by AFP enhancer/promoter is presented for these different HCC mouse models. Such molecular imaging can provide longitudinal information about carcinogenesis and tumor progression. We expect that clinical application of AFP-targeted reporter gene expression imaging systems will be useful for the detection of AFP-expressing HCC tumors and screening of increased/decreased AFP levels due to disease or drug treatment.  相似文献   

Efficient modification of genes in mammalian cells by homologous recombination has not been possible because of the high frequency of nonhomologous recombination. An efficient method for targeted gene disruption has been developed. Cells with substitution of exogenous sequences into a chromosomal locus were enriched, by a factor of 100, using a positive genetic selection that specifically selects for homologous recombination at the targeted site. The selection is based on the conditional expression of a dominant selectable marker by virtue of in-frame gene fusion with the target gene. The dominant selectable marker was derived by modification of the Escherichia coli neo gene so that it retains significant activity in mammalian cells after in-frame fusion with heterologous coding sequences. In the example presented here, homologous recombinants were efficiently recovered from a pool in which the targeted gene was disrupted in 1 per 10,000 cells incorporating exogenous DNA.  相似文献   

Inhibitors of genetic recombination in pneumococci.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Treatment of transformable pneumococci with DNA-intercalating agents shortly after the uptake of DNA molecules inhibited the appearance of genetic transformants. The same drug treatments applied 20 min after DNA uptake were ineffective. Ethidium bromide, proflavin, daunomycin, actinomycin D, and platinum red were found to be effective inhibitors. Donor DNA molecules reisolated from the drug-treated bacteria appeared to be associated with the resident DNA in an abnormal manner, and they had only poor transforming activity.  相似文献   

目的研究载体表达的短发夹状双链RNA(shRNA)对丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)IRES介导的基因表达的特异性抑制作用。方法构建HCV IRES调控的绿色荧光蛋白表达载体(pIRES—GFP)和虫荧光索酶表达载体(p5′ UTR—Luc),以及针对HCV IRES的shRNA表达载体(pshRNA-HCV)。共转染HepG2细胞,于转染后24、48、72h观察绿色荧光的强弱,用Western blot检测绿色荧光蛋白的表达,半定量逆转录聚合酶链反应法检测GFP的mRNA水平。双荧光索酶系统检测虫荧光索酶活性。结果pshRNA-HCV作用组绿色荧光强度明显弱于未干扰组,GFP蛋白表达量及虫荧光素酶活性降低60%~70%,半定量逆转录聚合酶链反应显示pshRNA-HCV导致了GFP基因mRNA水平的降低。结论针对HCV IRES的shRNA能够显著和特异地抑制该区域调控的蛋白表达水平及mRNA水平,该研究结果为利用RNA干扰技术治疗HCV感染进行了初步探索。  相似文献   

A general model for genetic recombination.   总被引:69,自引:0,他引:69       下载免费PDF全文
A general model is proposed for genetic recombination. Its essential new feature is the hypothesis that recombination is initiated by a single-strand (or asymmetric) transfer, which may, after isomerization, become a two-strand (or symmetric) exchange. The likelihood of this transition from asymmetric to symmetric strand exchange determines certain characteristic features of recombination in any particular organism.  相似文献   

A mechanism for initiation of genetic recombination.   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
A mechanism for the initiation of genetic recombination is proposed. Its key features are the pairing, nicking, and cross-annealing of palindromic loops, i.e., structures formed by DNA with sequences of inverted complementary repeats. This mechanism may provide a simple, yet specific means of producing crossed strand connections between homologous DNA duplexes to form structures which can be intermediates in the process of genetic recombination.  相似文献   

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