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BACKGROUND: The development of dependence may have significant motivational consequences regarding continued use and abuse of ethanol. We have developed a mouse model of ethanol dependence and repeated withdrawals that demonstrates sensitization of seizures and other symptoms of withdrawal. It is unclear whether such experience influences ethanol drinking behavior. The present series of experiments were designed to examine whether repeated cycles of chronic ethanol exposure and withdrawal has an impact on subsequent motivation to voluntarily self-administer ethanol. METHODS: With the use of a modified sucrose-fading procedure, adult male C57BL/6J mice were trained to drink 15% (v/v) ethanol in a limited access procedure (2 hr/day). The animals were not food or water deprived at any time during the experiments. Once stable baseline intake was established, mice were exposed to four cycles of 16 hr of ethanol vapor (or air) in inhalation chambers separated by 8-hr periods of withdrawal. At 32 hr after the last cycle of ethanol exposure, all mice were tested for ethanol intake under limited access conditions for 5 consecutive days. The animals then received a second series of chronic ethanol exposure and withdrawal followed by another 5-day test period for ethanol drinking. RESULTS: Stable daily baseline intake was established in mice that drank 15% ethanol combined with 5% sucrose (experiment 1), 15% ethanol alone (experiment 2), 5% sucrose alone (experiment 3), or 15% ethanol when presented as a choice with water (experiment 4). After repeated cycles of chronic ethanol exposure and withdrawal experience, consumption of ethanol solutions increased over baseline levels and in comparison with control (air-exposed) groups. However, sucrose consumption did not change in mice that were trained to drink 5% sucrose. The increase in ethanol consumption after chronic ethanol exposure and withdrawal experience resulted in a significant increase in resultant blood ethanol levels. CONCLUSIONS: Once the positive reinforcing properties of ethanol were established, chronic ethanol exposure and withdrawal experience resulted in a significant increase in voluntary ethanol drinking that yielded a >2-fold increase in resultant blood ethanol levels. This increase in ethanol intake occurred whether ethanol was presented in combination with sucrose, alone (unadulterated), or as a choice with tap water. Furthermore, this effect seems to be selective for ethanol in that animals that were trained to drink a sucrose solution did not exhibit a change in their intake after similar chronic ethanol exposure. As such, this model may be useful in studying the mechanisms and conditions in which chronic ethanol treatment influences motivation to resume drinking after a period of abstinence (relapse).  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Two of the most widely used mouse strains for studying the behavioral effects of ethanol are C57BL/6J (B6) and DBA/2J (D2) mice. These strains exhibit marked differences in behavioral and physiological responses to ethanol. The subjective discriminative stimulus effects of ethanol may play a role in ethanol abuse, but the discriminative stimulus profile of ethanol has not been compared in B6 and D2 mice. Examination of the discriminative stimulus effects of ethanol in B6 and D2 mouse strains may enhance our understanding of the relationship between the subjective effects of ethanol and other ethanol-induced behavioral effects. METHODS: Twelve adult male C57BL/6J mice and 12 male DBA/2J mice were trained to discriminate 1.5 g/kg ethanol from saline in daily 15 min, milk-reinforced operant sessions. After training, ethanol substitution and response-rate suppression dose response curves were determined for ethanol, midazolam, diazepam, pentobarbital, pregnanolone, 4,5,6,7-Tetrahydroisoxazolo[5,4-c]pyridin-3-ol (THIP), dizocilpine, and morphine. RESULTS: D2 mice learned the ethanol discrimination significantly more quickly than did B6 mice. Ethanol, midazolam, pregnanolone, and dizocilpine fully substituted for ethanol in both strains. Pentobarbital was more potent in producing ethanol-like discriminative stimulus effects in D2 than B6 mice. Midazolam and diazepam were significantly more potent in suppressing response rates in D2 than B6 mice. Morphine failed to substitute for ethanol in either strain, but the ED50 for morphine suppression of responding was significantly lower in B6 than D2 mice. CONCLUSIONS: The initial stimulus effects of 1.5 g/kg ethanol may be more salient in D2 than B6 mice. This does not appear to result from differences in the neurotransmitter systems that mediate ethanol's discriminative stimulus effects. In both strains, gamma-aminobutyric acid-positive modulators and a noncompetitive NMDA antagonist substituted for ethanol. However, strain differences did exist in the potency of gamma-aminobutyric acid-positive modulators and morphine for suppressing operant responding.  相似文献   

The etiology of idiopathic scoliosis is unknown. Scoliosis with many characteristics closely resembling those seen in idiopathic scoliosis has been produced in young chickens and bipedal rats after pinealectomy. In this study, we induced experimental scoliosis in C57BL/6J mice without pinealectomy and melatonin treatment suppressed the development of scoliosis. A total of 100 mice were divided into four groups: 20 quadrupedal mice served as controls; 30 mice underwent resection of two forelegs and tail at 3 wk of age (bipedal mice); the remaining 20 quadrupedal and 30 bipedal mice received intraperitoneal melatonin (8 mg/kg BW) at 19:00 hr daily. Before killing, blood samples were collected in the middle of dark cycle and melatonin levels were measured by radioimmunoassay. Spine X-ray and helical 3D-CT were examined after killing at 5 months of age. The bipedal mice without a tail were able to walk with standing posture, whereas the quadrupedal mice did not walk with standing posture. In C57BL/6J mice, the serum melatonin was reduced to nearly zero; however, the normal level was restored in both bipedal and quadrupedal mice after the injection of melatonin. Scoliosis with rib humps developed in 29 of 30 bipedal and in five quadrupedal mice. None of mice with melatonin treatment developed scoliosis. The results suggest that melatonin deficiency in bipedal mice appears to play crucial role for development of scoliosis. Also the restoration of melatonin levels prevents the development of scoliosis.  相似文献   

Background: Recently, a simple procedure in mice, Drinking‐in‐the‐Dark (DID), was hypothesized to have value for medication development for human alcoholism. In DID, mice are offered intermittent, limited access to ethanol over a series of days during the dark phase that results in rapid drinking to intoxication in predisposed genotypes. Methods: We measured the effects of acamprosate or MPEP, metabotropic glutamate 5 receptor (mGluR5) antagonist, on intake of 20% ethanol, plain tap water or 10% sugar water using the DID procedure in male C57BL/6J mice. Results: Acamprosate (100, 200, 300, or 400 mg/kg) dose dependently decreased ethanol drinking with 300 mg/kg reducing ethanol intake by approximately 20% without affecting intake of plain water or 10% sugar water. MPEP (1, 3, 5, 10, 20, or 40 mg/kg) was more potent than acamprosate with 20 mg/kg reducing ethanol intake by approximately 20% and for longer duration without affecting intake of plain water or 10% sugar water. Conclusions: These results support the hypothesis that mGluR5 signaling plays a role in excessive ethanol intake in DID and suggest DID may have value for screening novel compounds that reduce overactive glutamate signaling for potential pharmaceutical treatment of excessive ethanol drinking behavior.  相似文献   

目的研究腺苷酸活化蛋白激酶(AMPK)基因在C57BL/6J小鼠糖脂代谢中的作用。方法分别取5周龄AMPK基因敲除(AMPK-KO)小鼠和C57BL/6J对照小鼠各24只,分为正常饲料(ND)喂养和高脂高糖饲料(HFD)喂养两组。喂养12周,每两周测定小鼠禁食4h血糖(FBG),实验结束前行口服糖耐量实验(OGTT),解剖取样,检测血生化指标、脂酶活性及相关蛋白的表达。结果AMPK-KO小鼠血糖、TC、LDL-C、HbA1c、6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶(G6PD)活性、糖原合成酶激酶(GSK)活性、肝脏PPAR7蛋白表达量明显高于对照小鼠(P〈0.05);其胰岛素含量、肝糖原含量、肌糖原含量、肝脂酶(HL)活性、脂蛋白酯酶(LPL)活性、总脂酶活性、葡萄糖激酶(GK)活性、肝组织P-AMPK蛋白、葡萄糖转运蛋白4(GluT-4)蛋白的表达量低于对照组(P〈0.05)。结论AMPK基因通过调节C57BL/6J小鼠糖脂代谢,在T2DM的发病中起重要作用。  相似文献   

Background: The central extended amygdala (cEA) which includes the central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA) and the lateral posterior bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNSTLP), has been proposed to play a key role in excessive ethanol consumption in humans (Koob and Le Moal, 2005 Nat Neurosci 8:1442). To examine this relationship, we used a murine model of ethanol dependence (Becker and Lopez, 2004 Alcohol Clin Exp Res 28:1829; Lopez and Becker, 2005 Psychopharmacology (Berl) 181:688) and compared animals with sham lesions and electrolytic lesions of the CeA and BNSTLP. Methods: Male C57BL/6J (B6) mice were first acclimated to a limited‐access 2‐bottle‐choice preference procedure. The access period began 3 hours into the dark phase of the light‐dark cycle and continued for 2 hours. Once acclimated (1 week), mice underwent chronic exposure to and intermittent withdrawal from ethanol vapor. The animals were then retested in the limited‐access 2‐bottle‐choice preference procedure. In some experiments, electrolytic and sham lesions of the CeA or BNSTLP were performed prior to initiating the 2‐bottle choice procedure. Results: In a series of 5 preliminary experiments, mice were randomly assigned either to the standard intermittent ethanol vapor procedure or to the standard procedure but with air in the vapor chamber (control). The air‐control procedure produced no change in ethanol intake when compared to baseline consumption. In contrast, intermittent ethanol vapor exposure increased ethanol consumption by almost 50%. The increase in consumption was associated with an increase in total fluid volume consumed and no change in ethanol preference. Lesions of both the BNSTLP and CeA significantly decreased baseline ethanol consumption, the former by decreasing fluid consumption and the latter by decreasing ethanol preference. Intermittent ethanol vapor exposure significantly increased consumption in both the BNSTLP‐ and CeA‐lesioned animals, largely by increasing the total volume of fluid consumed. Conclusions: The results obtained clearly demonstrate that the cEA has a role in the regulation of ethanol consumption in the limited‐access procedure. However, neither lesions of the CeA nor BNSTLP prevented the intermittent ethanol vapor‐induced increase in consumption. These data do not preclude some role of the cEA in the increased ethanol consumption following intermittent ethanol vapor exposure, but would suggest that other brain regions also must have a significant influence.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Topiramate, an anticonvulsant, has been reported to increase the number of abstinent days and decrease craving in alcohol-dependent individuals. However, the neurobiological basis for topiramate's effect is unknown. To assess topiramate's effect on ethanol's rewarding and conditioning rewarding effects, the present experiments examined the effects of topiramate on the acquisition and expression of ethanol-induced conditioned place preference (CPP) in DBA/2J and C57BL/6J mice. METHODS: A biased apparatus and subject assignment were used. Mice received ethanol (2 g/kg) or saline paired with an initially nonpreferred floor (CS+) and saline paired with an initially preferred floor (CS-) for 5-minute conditioning trials. During the acquisition experiments, mice received a pretreatment of topiramate (0, 5, 10, 20, 50, or 100 mg/kg) 1 hour before the CS+ trials. On intervening CS- trials, mice received a pretreatment of saline. For the preference test, all mice received saline injections and were placed on a split floor for a 30-minute test. During the expression experiments, mice received no drug pretreatment on conditioning trials, but were pretreated with topiramate (0, 10, 50, or 100 mg/kg) 1 hour before the test session. RESULTS: Ethanol-induced CPP was observed in both strains, but topiramate did not affect the acquisition or expression of ethanol-induced CPP in either strain. Despite its failure to alter CPP, topiramate produced dose-dependent locomotor activating effects in both strains. These effects were observed both in the presence and in the absence of ethanol. CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate that topiramate has no effect on ethanol's rewarding or conditioned rewarding effects as indexed by the place conditioning procedure. Thus, these studies raise the possibility that topiramate's efficacy in the treatment of alcoholism results from its impact on brain areas other than those that mediate ethanol's rewarding or conditioned rewarding effects. One alternative possibility is that topiramate decreases withdrawal-induced negative affective states that normally contribute to relapse.  相似文献   

In addition to the induction of scoliosis in chickens by pinealectomy (PINX), we previously demonstrated that removal of the pineal gland also produces scoliosis in bipedal rats, which can be inhibited by melatonin treatment. Using C57BL/6J mice with genetically low circulating melatonin levels, the main objective of the present study was to investigate whether bipedal ambulation in C57BL/6J mice has the same effects on spinal deformity as those seen in pinealectomized bipedal rats. The present study consisted of two phases. The aim of the first experiment was to determine whether the C57BL/6J mouse strain actually exhibits depressed plasma concentrations and/or pineal contents of melatonin during both the light and the dark phase of the light:dark cycle. The aims of the second experiment were to evaluate; (i) whether bipedal ambulation alone in the C57BL/6J mouse induces scoliosis, and (ii) whether PINX with bipedal ambulation in another mouse strain, i.e. C3H/HeJ, which normally exhibits diurnal fluctuations in melatonin synthesis and secretion, has effects similar to those of bipedal ambulation alone in C57BL/6J mice. C3H/HeJ mice, serving as controls, showed significant increases in both plasma concentrations and pineal contents of melatonin during the dark phase when compared with the light phase. In contrast, there were no differences in either circulating levels or pineal contents of melatonin between the light and dark phases in C57BL/6J mice. Moreover, plasma melatonin levels were below the detection limit of the assay in both phases and pineal melatonin was < 10% of that in C3H/HeJ mice. Bipedal ambulation for 40 wk in C57BL/6J mice induced scoliosis at a rate of 64.3%, and two of nine scoliotic mice showed two sites of spinal deformity. This type of ambulation in C3H/HeJ mice resulted in scoliosis at a lower rate (25%), and affected animals had only a single scoliotic site. However, PINX combined with bipedal ambulation in C3H/HeJ mice produced scoliosis at a rate (70%) similar to that seen in C57BL/6J mice, and some double deformations were induced. These results confirm our previous observations in rats, and also support our hypothesis that melatonin as well as the bipedal ambulation appear to play a critical pathogenic role in scoliosis in experimental mammals.  相似文献   

The effects of the opioid antagonist, naltrexone, on operant responding for oral ethanol reward delivered on a fixed-ratio schedule, and on the discriminative stimulus properties of intraperitoneally injected ethanol, was examined in two separate experiments. The ages, food/water motivational conditions, and naltrexone doses for the two experiments were similar to allow a direct comparison of naltrexone effects on the two measures. Male food-deprived C57BL/6 mice responded for ethanol during either preprandial (low thirst, high hunger motivation) or postprandial (high thirst, low hunger motivation tests). The reinforcing value of ethanol relative to water was greater during the preprandial tests; however, the amounts of ethanol consumed was greater during the postprandial tests, with some mice becoming unconscious during the 15-min test session. Naltrexone produced dose-responsive reductions in responding for ethanol under either testing condition. During postprandial tests, naltrexone reduced responding for ethanol reward at a dose (1.25 mg/kg) that had little effect on responding for water reward, suggesting some selectivity for ethanol reward. In addition, doses of naltrexone that reduced responding for ethanol rewards did not alter the discrimination of ethanol (g/kg) in an operant discrimination task, but did reduce the total number of responses made during these tests. Thus, under similar motivational and dosing conditions, the opiate antagonist attenuated the reinforcing, but not the discriminative properties of ethanol, suggesting that the latter is mediated by either different or additional neural mechanisms in C57BL/6 mice.  相似文献   

目的 观察不同剂量链脲菌素(STZ)对C57BL/6J小鼠糖尿病诱导效应的影响,探讨其量效关系及最佳剂量范围.方法 将C57BL/6J小鼠按数字随机法分为9个STZ剂量组(A~I组,STZ分别为30、60、80、100、120、150、180、210、240 ms/kg体重),每组15只,腹腔注射;1个对照组,10只,腹腔注射等体积缓冲液.观察各组血糖、体重、血胰岛素和45 d生存率的变化,分析其与STZ剂量的关系.同时取A、C、G及对照组小鼠胰腺、肾脏组织做病理学检杏,并行免疫组化观察胰腺胰岛素及肾脏CD<,68>的表达.结果 C~G组较对照组血糖增高、体重及血胰岛素含量较对照组下降非常显著(P<0.05),且STZ剂量与血糖呈正相关(r=0.984,P<0.05),与血胰岛素含量呈负相关(r=-0.994,P<0.05).C~G组成模率达86.7%~100%,显著高于A、B组的0和40%(P<0.05);45 d生存率为46.7%~73.3%,显著高于H、I组的13.3%和0(P<0.05).A组胰腺、肾脏组织未见明显破坏;C组及G组出现典型的胰岛萎缩变形,胰岛素分泌颗粒减少,肾小球系膜外基质沉着及球周臣噬细胞浸润.结论 C57BL/6J小鼠腹腔注射STZ以80~180 mg/kg体重的剂量制模率高、生存率高,且靶器官损伤典型;该剂量与血糖呈正相关,与血胰岛素含量呈负相关.  相似文献   

The relative resistance of C57BL/6 mice to infection with Trypanosoma congolense as compared to A/J mice was found to be independent of the infective dose of trypanosomes and required an intact immune system, as sublethal levels of gamma irradiation abolished the differences in susceptibility between the two strains. C57BL/6 mice produced earlier and quantitatively superior antibody responses both to the variable surface glycoprotein and to common membrane antigens on the trypanosome than A/J mice. No difference was observed in the class of antibody produced. In parallel with the specific response, C57BL/6 mice also generated higher levels of antibody to an unrelated antigen (TNP) and developed higher levels of total serum IgM. However, despite the low levels of both specific antibody and antibody to TNP in A/J mice, these animals developed massive increases in total serum IgG2a. The role of this selective activation of IgG2a producing cells in the susceptibility of the A/J mice was unclear. Although susceptibility was closely correlated with specific antibody responses during infection, the two strains of mice showed a similar capacity to respond to fixed doses of irradiated trypanosomes. This indicates that an inherent difference in immune responsiveness to the trypanosomal antigens is not the major factor determining susceptibility. Moreover, the finding that a proportion of A/J mice which received infective and irradiated trypanosomes simultaneously showed depressed antibody responses to the trypanosome, suggests that active infection of A/J mice with T. congolense impairs their ability to initiate an appropriate immune response to the trypanosome.  相似文献   

The reinforcing effects of intravenous (IV) ethanol were examined in C57BL/6J (C57) mice with a conditioned-place-preference (CPP) paradigm. Before CPP testing, adult mice underwent jugular catheterization. On the following day, subjects were acclimated to a two-compartment CPP chamber. A 15-min nondrug pretest was conducted to determine compartment preference. For the treatment group, IV ethanol [30% (v/v), 3.4 μl/min, 25 min] was paired with the nonpreferred compartment, whereas IV saline was paired with the preferred compartment. The control group received IV saline in both compartments. Two conditioning sessions were conducted per day (0900 and 1500), and the order of the infusions was counterbalanced across subjects. The drug-free posttest was identical to the pretest, except that it occurred on the day after the final drug/compartment pairing. The entire procedure required 6 days. After just two pairings with ethanol, with a cumulative ethanol dose of only 0.82 g/kg/day, significant CPP was noted in the treatment group, whereas no change in compartment preference was noted for the control group. A separate group of C57 mice were trained to discriminate intraperitoneal ethanol (1.5 g/kg) from saline using a two-lever drug discrimination paradigm. After training was complete, these mice also underwent jugular catheterization. Substitution testing was conducted with IV ethanol [30% (v/v), 6.4 μl/min, 12 min] and saline. The results indicate that the subjective effects of ethanol did not differ according to the route of administration. Together, these experiments provide evidence that ethanol is rewarding for C57 mice, as indexed by ethanol CPP, and that the subjective effects of intravenously and intraperitoneally administered ethanol are similar.  相似文献   

This study investigated the ability of hyperbaric exposure to antagonize ethanol's anticonvulsant effect on isoniazid (INH)-induced seizures. Drug-naive, male C57BL/6 mice were injected intraperitoneally with saline, 1.5, 2.0, or 2.5 g/kg ethanol followed immediately by an intramuscular injection of 300 mg/kg of INH. The mice were then exposed to either 1 atmosphere absolute (1 ATA) air, 1 ATA helium-oxygen gas mixture (heliox), or 12 ATA heliox at temperatures that offset the hypothermic effects of helium. Ethanol increased the latency to onset of myoclonus in a dose-dependent manner. Exposure to 12 ATA heliox antagonized ethanol's anticonvulsant effect at 2.0 and 2.5 g/kg, but not at 1.5 g/kg. Ethanol also increased the latency to onset of clonus in a dose-dependent manner beginning at 2.0 g/kg. Exposure to 12 ATA heliox antagonized this anticonvulsant effect. When exposed to 12 ATA heliox, the blood ethanol concentrations at time to onset of myoclonus were significantly higher in mice treated with 2.5 g/kg of ethanol as compared with blood ethanol concentrations of mice exposed to 1 ATA air. These findings extend the acute behavioral effects of ethanol known to be antagonized by hyperbaric exposure and support the hypothesis that low-level hyperbaric exposure blocks or reverses the initial action(s) of ethanol leading to its acute behavioral effects.  相似文献   

Naltrexone's success as a treatment agent for alcoholism seems to be due to its ability to reduce craving in abstinent, dependent individuals and to reduce the pleasure associated with subsequent intake. However, more study is needed to establish the optimal amount of time that naltrexone treatment should be continued. Little information seems to have been collected regarding the most effective dosing regimen for reducing alcohol craving and consumption, and the usefulness of opiate antagonists in the prevention of alcohol dependence in nonaddicts, rather than just as a treatment agent in addicted individuals, also deserves further study. The alcohol-preferring C57BL/6J (B6) mice were used to: (1) study naltrexone effects on consumption in established drinkers using an increasing dosing regimen, (2) study naltrexone effects on the acquisition of ethanol drinking, and (3) study the effects of chronic naltrexone from timed-release pellets on drinking in alcohol-naive mice. Naltrexone reduced ethanol preference in established drinkers, but its effects waned at increasing doses. Naltrexone slowed the acquisition of ethanol drinking, but was ineffective when readministered after a phase when ethanol was offered in the absence of naltrexone. Mice with chronic naltrexone pellets consumed greater amounts of ethanol and showed higher ethanol preference than did placebo-pelleted animals. The observed reduced efficacy of naltrexone with increasing dosage and chronic treatment may have been due to naltrexone-induced opiate receptor changes. Such changes are presumably more likely to occur when naltrexone doses remain high or perhaps accumulate. Thus, dose and frequency of administration may be important factors in determining naltrexone's effectiveness in treating alcohol dependence.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms that underlie poor birth outcomes in malaria during pregnancy remain poorly defined. To assess the role of host immune responses, mice known to respond differentially to Plasmodium chabaudi AS infection were studied. Following infection at day 0 of pregnancy, A/J mice developed significantly higher parasitemia than C57BL/6 (B6) mice and succumbed to infection. Both strains had evidence of parasite accumulation in the placenta at mid-gestation and aborted, with significantly higher embryo loss in infected A/J mice on day 9. While infection-induced systemic tumour necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukin (IL)-1β in the latter were significantly higher at day 11, day 10 IL-10 levels were higher in B6 mice. No differences in the levels of splenic lymphocyte subsets, neutrophils or monocytes between infected pregnant A/J and B6 mice were observed, with most cell types expanding in response to infection regardless of pregnancy. Antibody ablation of TNF exacerbated infection in A/J mice and did not ameliorate pregnancy outcome. Thus, malaria induces poor pregnancy outcome in both the mouse strains in the context of quantitatively different systemic inflammatory responses. Further evaluation of the roles of soluble and cellular immune components, particularly at the uteroplacental level, will be required to define the most critical pregnancy-compromising mechanisms.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Mesolimbic dopamine is thought to play a role in the reinforcing properties of ethanol, but ethanol-induced changes in extracellular dopamine in the ventral striatum have not been well characterized in mouse models. METHODS: Two experiments were used to characterize the pharmacodynamic response of ethanol in the ventral striatum in C57BL/6 mice. The first experiment determined the effect of ethanol on ventral striatal dopamine in male and female mice after intraperitoneal injection of either 2.0 g/kg ethanol or saline. The second experiment was a replication in males, except that the mice were habituated to intraperitoneal injections before the dialysis experiment. RESULTS: Distinct patterns of dopamine activity in response to ethanol were demonstrated in male and female C57BL/6 mice. A significant increase in dialysate dopamine relative to saline injection was observed in females but not in males. With habituation to intraperitoneal injection before the dialysis experiment, ethanol administration caused a significant dopamine response in males as well. A linear decline was observed in dialysate ethanol concentrations after the peak concentration was reached. Concurrent analysis of the time course of dopamine and ethanol content showed that the dopamine response declined significantly faster than the ethanol concentrations. CONCLUSIONS: The C57BL/6 mouse strain is a justifiable model system for studying the mechanisms involved in ethanol regulation of mesolimbic dopamine activity. Habituation to intraperitoneal injection should be used in male C57BL/6 mice for experiments in which the dopamine response is measured after intraperitoneal injection of a drug. The dissociation between dopamine and ethanol may indicate an acute neural adaptation to ethanol-induced dopamine response in the ventral striatum after a single ethanol injection.  相似文献   

Abstract: There is growing interest in using melatonin as a therapeutic agent for the treatment of a variety of medical conditions, including cancer, heart disease, glaucoma, stress, jet lag, and sleep disorders. In addition, melatonin is being evaluated in a clinical trial to test its efficacy as an oral contraceptive. In order to test any possible adverse effects of melatonin on preimplantation embryos, we used the mouse as a model system. Two strains of mice, a Ped fast , melatonin-deficient strain, C57BL/6, and a Ped slow strain previously found to have detectable melatonin levels at nighttime, CBA/Ca, were studied. Two cell embryos were incubated with melatonin concentrations from 10−5 M to 10−13 M for 48 or 72 hours and the number of cells per embryo assessed quantitatively at the end of the incubation period. We used sufficiently high levels of melatonin to mimic the pharmacological concentration used in the oral contraceptive. It was found that there was no effect of melatonin on embryos from either mouse strain at any of the concentrations tested. Our results suggest that if conception occurs while melatonin is being administered to treat a range of conditions, it would not adversely affect the embryo.  相似文献   

Summary The D variant of encephalomyocarditis viras is capable of infecting most inbred strains of mice. However, only certain strains are susceptible to the diabetogenic effect of this viras. In order to understand why some inbred strains do not become diabetic, the pathogenesis of infection was studied in diabetes-resistant C57BL/6J mice. It was the purpose of the investigation to ascertain whether specific host defense factors might play a crucial role in the mechanism of resistance. To determine whether perturbations of the immune response would alter the resistance of these animals, mice were treated with a high dose (1.15 mmol/kg body weight) of the T- and B-cell toxin cyclophosphamide prior to infection with the D variant. This treatment did not induce overt diabetes or glucose intolerance in the mice tested 7 days after infection. Based on this finding, it appeared likely that resistance to the D variant is conveyed by some factor other than cell-mediated immunity. A likely candidate to control this viral infection is the interferon system. To investigate this possibility, C57BL/6J mice were infected with the D variant and the concentrations of serum interferon titred at various intervals thereafter. In contrast to previous reports with diabetes susceptible mice, C57BL/6J mice were found to generate a substantial interferon response against this variant, with peak levels found in the serum at 24 h following infection. Additional studies were performed in which mice were treated with antibody to mouse interferon alpha/beta at the time of infection and again 3 days after infection with the D variant. Sixty percent of the animals treated in this manner became glucose intolerant. The results of these studies indicate that the interferon system is a critical determinant of resistance to the diabetogenic effect of the D variant in C57BL/6J mice.  相似文献   

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