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《Clinical neurophysiology》2014,125(1):98-107
ObjectiveTo investigate influences of EEG-vigilance regulation patterns on perceptual processing during sustained visual attention in early visual areas.MethodsWe compared a subject group with stable vigilance regulation to a group with unstable EEG-vigilance regulation. A rapid serial visual presentation stream (RSVP) elicited a 7.5 Hz steady state visual evoked potential (SSVEP), a continuous sinusoidal brain response as a measure of attentional resource allocation during sustained attention in early visual cortex. Subjects performed a target discrimination task. 150 trials were divided into two parts (75 trials each, trial duration: 11 s).ResultsA significant interaction vigilance group by experimental part provided significantly greater SSVEP amplitudes for the unstable group in the second compared to the first part of the experiment. Both groups showed training effects with increased hit rates and d′-values in the second part of the experiment.ConclusionsThe unexpected finding of SSVEP amplitude increase for the unstable group might be due to competitive interactions for neural resources between the alpha response and SSVEPs.SignificanceIndividual patterns of EEG-vigilance regulation have a moderate impact on early sensory processing during sustained visual attention that is not paralleled in task performance.  相似文献   

Perceptual priming for emotionally-negative and neutral scenes was tested in early-stage Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients and healthy younger, middle-aged and older adults. In the study phase, participants rated the scenes for their arousal properties. In the test phase, studied and novel scenes were initially presented subliminally, and the exposure duration was gradually increased until a valence categorization was made. The difference in exposure duration required to categorize novel versus studied items was the dependent measure of priming. Aversive content increased the magnitude of priming, an effect that was preserved in healthy aging and AD. Results from an immediate recognition memory test showed that the priming effects could not be attributable to enhanced explicit memory for the aversive scenes. These findings implicate a dissociation between the modulatory effect of emotion across implicit and explicit forms of memory in aging and early-stage AD.  相似文献   

PTSD is a disorder of emotion dysregulation. Although much work has intended to elucidate the neural underpinnings of the disorder, much remains unknown about the neurobiological substrates of emotion dysregulation in PTSD. In order to assess the relationship between a neural measure of attention to emotion (i.e. the late positive potential; LPP) and PTSD symptoms, EEG was recorded and examined as a potential predictor of military-related PTSD symptoms in a sample of 73 OEF/OIF/OND veterans. Results revealed that higher PTSD symptoms were related to an attenuated LPP response to angry facial expressions. This finding was not observed for happy or fearful faces. The current study provides initial evidence that, in a relatively young, mostly male sample of OEF/OIF/OND veterans, hyporeactivity to angry faces at the neural level may provide phenotypic data to characterize individual differences in PTSD symptom severity. This work may assist in future studies that seek to examine useful psychophysiologic targets for treatment and early interventions.  相似文献   

《Clinical neurophysiology》2014,125(8):1618-1625
ObjectiveThis study aimed to characterise, emotion perception deficits in symptomatic Huntington’s disease (HD) via the use of event-related potentials (ERPs).MethodsERP data were recorded during a computerised facial expression task in 11 HD participants and 11 matched controls. Expression (scrambled, neutral, happy, angry, disgust) classification accuracy and intensity were assessed. Relationships between ERP indices and clinical disease characteristics were also examined.ResultsAccuracy was significantly lower for HD relative to controls, due to reduced performance for neutral, angry and disgust (but not happy) faces. Intensity ratings did not differ between groups. HD participants displayed significantly reduced visual processing amplitudes extending across pre-face (P100) and face-specific (N170) processing periods, whereas subsequent emotion processing amplitudes (N250) were similar across groups. Face-specific and emotion-specific derivations of the N170 and N250 (‘neutral minus scrambled’ and ‘each emotion minus neutral’, respectively) did not differ between groups.ConclusionsOur data suggest that the facial emotion recognition performance deficits in HD are primarily related to neural degeneration underlying ‘generalised’ visual processing, rather than face or emotional specific processing.SignificanceERPs are a useful tool to separate functionally discreet impairments in HD, and provide an important avenue for biomarker application that could more-selectively track disease progression.  相似文献   

《Clinical neurophysiology》2014,125(7):1380-1391
ObjectiveA high-frequency steady-state visual evoked potential (SSVEP) has been suggested for the reduction of eye fatigue for SSVEP-based brain–computer interfaces (BCIs). However, the poor performance of high-frequency SSVEP requires a novel stimulus of better performance even with low eye fatigue. As an alternative to the high-frequency SSVEP, we explore the SSVEP response to an amplitude-modulated stimulus (AM-SSVEP) to verify its availability for brain–computer interfaces (BCIs).MethodsAn amplitude-modulated stimulus was generated as the product of two sine waves at a carrier frequency (fc) and a modulating frequency (fm). The carrier frequency was higher than 40 Hz to reduce eye fatigue, and the modulating frequency ranged around the α-band (9–12 Hz) to utilize low-frequency harmonic information. Four targets were used in combinations of three different modulating frequencies and two different carrier frequencies in the offline experiment, and two additional targets were added with one additional modulating and one carrier frequency in online experiments.ResultsIn the AM-SSVEP spectra, seven harmonic components were identified at 2fc, 2fm, fc ± fm, fc ± 3fm, and 2fc  4fm. Using an optimized combination of the harmonic frequencies, online experiments demonstrated that the accuracy of the AM-SSVEP was equivalent to that of the low-frequency SSVEP. Furthermore, subject evaluation indicated that an AM stimulus caused lower eye fatigue and less sensing of flickering than a low-frequency stimulus, in a manner similar to a high-frequency stimulus.ConclusionsThe actual stimulus frequencies of AM-SSVEPs are in the high-frequency band, resulting in reduced eye fatigue. Furthermore, AM-SSVEPs can utilize both fundamental stimulus frequencies and non-integer harmonic frequencies including low frequencies for SSVEP recognition. The feasibility of AM-SSVEP with high BCI performance and low eye fatigue was confirmed through offline and online experiments.SignificanceAM-SSVEPs combine the advantages of both low- and high-frequency SSVEPs – high power and low eye fatigue, respectively. AM-SSVEP-based BCI systems exploit these advantages, making them promising for application in practical BCI systems.  相似文献   

A large number of cells from the medial septum complex (MSC) innervate the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus. Electrical prestimulation of the MSC enhances perforant path-dentate gyrus evoked field potentials. Considering the large number of fibres that pass through this region, the effects glutamatergic stimulation of the MSC had on dentate gyrus field potentials, and accompanying changes in units, and EEG, was investigated in urethane-anaesthetized rats. The perforant path was stimulated at a rate of 0.1 Hz, evoking an EPSP and a population spike recorded in the dentate gyrus granule cell layer. L-glutamate was delivered by pressure ejection. Glutamate ejection to the MSC produced a significant enhancement of the population spike. The duration of enhancement ranged from 1 to 49 min ( approximately =10.5 min). A consistent, but relatively short increase in the EPSP slope was also demonstrated. MSC activation induced a theta rhythm in 7 of 10 animals (duration=20-112 s). Theta rhythm induction preceded spike enhancement and occurred for a shorter duration than the enhancement. The effects on spontaneous unit activity were mixed. However, all changes in firing rate preceded spike enhancement, and their duration rarely coincided with the duration of the spike enhancement. The population spike enhancement usually occurred without evidence of a change in paired-pulse inhibition.  相似文献   

Steady-state potentials are oscillatory responses generated by rhythmic stimulation of a sensory pathway. The frequency of the response, which follows the frequency of stimulation and potentially indicates the preferential working frequency of the auditory neural network, is maximal at a stimulus rate of 40 Hz for auditory stimuli in humans, but may be different in other species. Our aim was to explore the responses to different frequencies in the rat. The stimulus was a tone modulated in amplitude by a sinusoid with linearly-increasing frequency from 1 to 250 Hz ("chirp"). Time-frequency transforms were used for response analysis in 12 animals, awake and under ketamine/xylazine anesthesia. We studied whether the responses were due to increases in amplitude or to phase-locking phenomena, using single-sweep time-frequency transforms and inter-trial phase analysis. A progressive decrease in the amplitude of the response was observed from the maximal values (around 15 Hz) up to the limit of the test (250 Hz). The high-frequency component was mainly due to phase-locking phenomena with a smaller amplitude contribution. Under anesthesia, the amplitude and phase-locking of lower frequencies (under 100 Hz) decreased, while the phase-locking over 200 Hz increased. In conclusion, amplitude-modulation following responses differ between humans and rats in response range and frequency of maximal amplitude. Anesthesia with ketamine/xylazine modifies differentially the amplitude and the phase-locking of the responses. These findings should be taken into account when assessing the changes in cortical oscillatory activity related to different drugs, in healthy rodents and in animal models of neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

《Social neuroscience》2013,8(5):510-524
The neurophysiological study of emotion regulation focused on the strategy of reappraisal—i.e., the cognitive reinterpretation of a stimulus. Reappraisal reduces emotional expression, the experience of both negative and positive feelings, and the amplitude of an event-related potential (ERP)—the late positive potential (LPP). In contrast, the strategy of expressive suppression (ES), being the inhibition of emotional expression, has been reported to reduce subjective feelings of positive, but not negative emotion, and has not yet been investigated with ERPs. We focused on the LPP to assess the correlates of ES in the context of humor perception. Twenty-two female participants rated sequences of humorous (H) and non-humorous (NH) pictures, while their zygomaticus muscle was recorded. A spontaneous (SP) condition, in which participants attended naturally to the pictures, resulted in higher ratings of funniness, increased smiling, and increased LPP amplitude for H compared to NH stimuli. An ES condition, in which participants suppressed their facial reactions, resulted in reduced smiling, without affecting subjective ratings. LPP amplitude did not differ between H and NH stimuli during ES, suggesting equal allocation of processing resources to both stimuli. These results suggest that, similarly to reappraisal, ES modifies the way the brain processes positive emotional stimuli.  相似文献   

Selective attention is not a unitary construct, but is composed of several processes. Attention selection may be guided by low-level stimulus properties, by the emotional value of the stimulus, or more voluntarily by the goals and plans of the observer. Whether these three systems operate independently during attention selection or not remains a debated question. We report results from two studies investigating the extent to which these different attention mechanisms may interact with one another. Using a standard dot probe paradigm wherein effects of exogenous, emotional, and endogenous attention were orthogonally manipulated, we found attentional facilitation effects for each component, indicated by faster decision times for validly, as opposed to invalidly cued targets. Moreover, results confirmed that these three attentional effects added up in a linear fashion. Complementing ERP results allowed us to disentangle the respective contributions of the two reflexive, bottom-up attention processes (exogenous vs. emotional) by showing non-overlapping temporal loci for attentional effects related either to low-level physical properties or the emotional content of the stimulus. These findings suggest that multiple separate attention mechanisms can operate simultaneously to yield a rapid and efficient visual processing of various classes of potentially relevant stimuli.  相似文献   

《Clinical neurophysiology》2019,130(10):1908-1916
ObjectiveElectroencephalogram (EEG) reactivity is a robust predictor of neurological recovery after cardiac arrest, however interrater-agreement among electroencephalographers is limited. We sought to evaluate the performance of machine learning methods using EEG reactivity data to predict good long-term outcomes in hypoxic-ischemic brain injury.MethodsWe retrospectively reviewed clinical and EEG data of comatose cardiac arrest subjects. Electroencephalogram reactivity was tested within 72 h from cardiac arrest using sound and pain stimuli. A Quantitative EEG (QEEG) reactivity method evaluated changes in QEEG features (EEG spectra, entropy, and frequency features) during the 10 s before and after each stimulation. Good outcome was defined as Cerebral Performance Category of 1–2 at six months. Performance of a random forest classifier was compared against a penalized general linear model (GLM) and expert electroencephalographer review.ResultsFifty subjects were included and sixteen (32%) had good outcome. Both QEEG reactivity methods had comparable performance to expert EEG reactivity assessment for good outcome prediction (mean AUC 0.8 for random forest vs. 0.69 for GLM vs. 0.69 for expert review, respectively; p non-significant).ConclusionsMachine-learning models utilizing quantitative EEG reactivity data can predict long-term outcome after cardiac arrest.SignificanceA quantitative approach to EEG reactivity assessment may support prognostication in cardiac arrest.  相似文献   



The present study explored the processing of emotional speech prosody in school-aged children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) but without marked language impairments (children with ASD [no LI]).


The mismatch negativity (MMN)/the late discriminative negativity (LDN), reflecting pre-attentive auditory discrimination processes, and the P3a, indexing involuntary orienting to attention-catching changes, were recorded to natural word stimuli uttered with different emotional connotations (neutral, sad, scornful and commanding). Perceptual prosody discrimination was addressed with a behavioral sound-discrimination test.


Overall, children with ASD (no LI) were slower in behaviorally discriminating prosodic features of speech stimuli than typically developed control children. Further, smaller standard-stimulus event related potentials (ERPs) and MMN/LDNs were found in children with ASD (no LI) than in controls. In addition, the amplitude of the P3a was diminished and differentially distributed on the scalp in children with ASD (no LI) than in control children.


Processing of words and changes in emotional speech prosody is impaired at various levels of information processing in school-aged children with ASD (no LI).


The results suggest that low-level speech sound discrimination and orienting deficits might contribute to emotional speech prosody processing impairments observed in ASD.  相似文献   

Asymmetry in comprehension of facial expression of emotions was explored in the present study by analysing alpha band variation within the right and left cortical sides. Second, the behavioural activation system (BAS) and behavioural inhibition system (BIS) were considered as an explicative factor to verify the effect of a motivational/emotional variable on alpha activity. A total of 19 participants looked at an ample range of facial expressions of emotions (anger, fear, surprise, disgust, happiness, sadness, and neutral) in random order. The results demonstrated that anterior frontal sites were more active than central and parietal sites in response to facial stimuli. Moreover, right and left side responses varied as a function of emotional types, with an increased right frontal activity for negative, aversive emotions vs an increased left response for positive emotion. Finally, whereas higher BIS participants generated more right hemisphere activation for some negative emotions (such as fear, anger, surprise, and disgust), BAS participants were more responsive to positive emotion (happiness) within the left hemisphere. Motivational significance of facial expressions was considered to elucidate cortical differences in participants' responses to emotional types.  相似文献   

50 open-heart patients were investigated using simultaneous clinical, electroencephalographical (EEG) and neuropsychological evaluation in order to assess the possibilities of predicting the postoperative outcome with preoperative measures. The presence of one or more of the following indices was prognostically unfavourable: a history of cerebrovascular diseases or syncope; delta or sharp wave EEG abnormalities or low quantitative EEG mean frequency; a poor performance score in one of the psychometric tests (colour naming). Using these measures, 28 cases with presumably high risks were indicated, and 24 (86 %) sustained cerebral complications attributable to the operation. The observations contrast clearly with previous studies whose predictions, using only one single criterion, have proved invalid. A significant level of prediction seems to be obtainable, but only by the simultaneous consideration of several different cerebral functions. The prognostic approach may offer one way of achieving the necessarily needed improved cerebral safety in cardiac surgery.  相似文献   

Hypnosis has been shown to be efficacious in a range of clinical conditions, including the management of chronic pain. However, not all individuals are able to enter a hypnotic state, thereby limiting the clinical utility of this technique. We sought to determine whether hypnotic susceptibility could be increased using three methods thought to facilitate relaxation, with particular interest in an EEG neurofeedback protocol which elevated the theta to alpha ratio. This was compared with progressive muscle relaxation and self-hypnosis. Ten subjects with moderate levels of susceptibility (2-7/12) were randomly assigned to each condition and assessed for hypnotic susceptibility prior to and upon completion of 10 sessions of training. Hypnotic susceptibility increased post-training in all groups, providing further evidence that operant control over the theta/alpha ratio is possible, but contrary to our predictions, elevation of the theta/alpha ratio proved no more successful than the other interventions. Nonetheless, all three techniques successfully enhanced hypnotic susceptibility in over half of the participants (17/30), a similar incidence to that reported using other methods. As previously reported, the majority who were not susceptible to modification were at the lower levels of susceptibility, and the greater increases tended to occur in the more susceptible subjects. However, here enhancement was disclosed in some at low levels, and capability was found of reaching high levels, both features not typically reported. Further research is warranted.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The steady-state somatosensory evoked potentials (S-SEPs) to vibratory stimulation were recorded to characterize their physiological properties. METHODS: Vibratory stimuli were applied to the right palmar surface in 10 normal subjects. A total of 200 responses were recorded from electrodes at 2 cm posterior to C3, Cz and C4 and 2 cm anterior to C3. All responses were Fourier analyzed and the amplitudes of the first (1F) and second (2F) harmonic components were thus obtained. The effects of modulation frequency (5-30 Hz) and stimulus intensity (0.001-0.1 Newton (N)) on S-SEPs were studied. RESULTS: The amplitudes of 1F and 2F were greatest at the electrode 2 cm posterior to C3, 1F being predominant. The mean 1F amplitudes as a function of modulation frequency showed a bimodal distribution with a trough at 14 Hz and a peak at 21 Hz. The mean 1F amplitudes showed a linear increase of up to 0.05 N and thereafter reached a plateau against the logarithmic stimulus intensity axis. CONCLUSION: Vibratory S-SEPs may originate from the primary somatosensory cortex and provide information on the fast-adapting mechanoreceptive afferents. The temporal resonance at 21 Hz places the somatosensory system between the visual and auditory systems.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although a number of studies reported different interictal findings between migraine with aura (MA) and migraine without aura (MO), the pathophysiology of the visual aura in migraine remains unclear. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the visual processing in patients who experience MA between attacks using steady-state visual evoked potentials (SSVEPs). METHODS: SSVEPs to high (98%) and low (29%) contrast black and white checkerboard gratings with two spatial frequencies (0.5 and 2.0 cpd) at 5 and 10 Hz (10 and 20 reversal/s) were recorded binocularly from 10 patients with MA, 10 patients with MO between attacks and 20 healthy controls (HC). The SSVEPs were Fourier analyzed to obtain the amplitude and phase of the second (2F) and fourth (4F) harmonic response. RESULTS: In the amplitude of 2F, at 0.5 cpd, there was significant increased amplitude in both MA and MO in comparison to HC at 5 Hz in high and low contrast. However, no significant differences were detected at 2.0 cpd in both 5 and 10 Hz in high and low contrast. In the amplitude of 4F, at 2.0 cpd, there was significant increased amplitude in MA in comparison to MO and HC at 10 Hz in high contrast. However, there were no significant differences at 0.5 cpd at both 5 and 10 Hz in high and low contrast. There were no significant phase differences between MA, MO, and HC. CONCLUSION: The high amplitude of the SSVEPs suggests that interictally migraine patients have abnormal excitability in the primary visual cortex, and this change in excitability may exist, at least partially, in the visual association cortex in MA.  相似文献   

The RF5609 rapid roll-off (-75 dB/octave) low pass filter has many features that make it ideal for evoked potential and EEG recording. The RF5609 is inexpensive, programmable, and can be turned off momentarily to eliminate large amplitude stimulus artifacts. Removal of these artifacts prevents ringing and hence allows a more rapid roll-off than can be easily achieved with conventional active analogue low pass filters such as Butterworth filter. Furthermore, the RF5609 low pass filter provides rapid roll-off and artifact suppression without the time or computing power requirements of digital low pass filters.  相似文献   

Kanske P  Plitschka J  Kotz SA 《Neuropsychologia》2011,49(11):3121-3129
Attention can be oriented to different spatial locations yielding faster processing of attended compared to unattended stimuli. Similarly attention can be oriented to a semantic category such as “animals” or “tools”. Words from the attended category will also be recognized faster than words from an unattended category. Here, we asked whether it is possible to orient attention to an emotional category, for example, “negative emotional stimuli”. Furthermore, we investigated which mechanisms facilitate processing of attended stimuli. In an attentional orienting paradigm in which cues are informative with regard to the spatial location, semantic category, or emotional category of subsequent target words, we found attention effects in all three cue conditions. Words at attended locations or of the attended semantic or emotional category were responded to faster than unattended categories. While spatial attention acted upon early visual processing and amplified occipital N1-P2 potentials, semantic cues modulated the N400 amplitude indexing semantic processing. Emotional cues also yielded an N400 modulation; however, in addition, a left anterior P2 effect was observed. The data clearly show that attention can be oriented to emotional categories. Emotional orienting yields facilitated processing of an attended emotional category through the modulation of early and late word processing stages.  相似文献   

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