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目的 探讨微观社会资本与自评健康之间的关系,为促进失地农转非中老年人的健康水平提供参考.方法 采取多阶段分层随机抽样的方法,抽取符合条件的居民共2669人进行面对面问卷调查.自评健康采用主观评分的方式,微观社会资本从家庭和个人两个层面测量,通过单因素和Logistic二元回归模型分析微观社会资本对自评健康的影响.结果 ...  相似文献   

工作场所社会资本与健康关系的探索性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的评价工作场所社会资本量表的信度和效度,分析工作场所社会资本与健康的关系。方法采用整群抽样的方法,对上海市10个单位的员工进行问卷调查。应用克隆巴赫系数(Cronbach’sα)、Guttman分半系数和验证性因子分析评价工作场所社会资本的信度和效度;采用多元线性回归分析工作场所社会资本与健康的关系。结果工作场所社会资本量表的Cronbach’sα系数为0.94,Guttman分半系数为0.92,表明量表具有较好的内部一致性;验证性因子分析结果显示:KMO值为0.91,共提取1个公因子,累计方差贡献率为70.5%,表明量表具有较好的结构效度。在控制其他可能影响健康的因素后,工作场所社会资本与自报健康得分呈负相关(B=-0.112,P<0.01)和身心健康呈正相关(B=1.771,P<0.01)。结论工作场所社会资本量表具有较好的信度和效度,且工作场所社会资本是自评健康和心理健康的重要影响因素。  相似文献   

工作场所健康促进的社会生态学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国外健康促进经历了3个阶段的变化,即20世纪70年代,针对可预防的疾病,降低危险因素,主要通过信息传播和简单的健康教育;20世纪80年代,强调干预的重要性,如<渥太华宪章>即强调健康的公共政策、社区活动和健康服务;20世纪90年代,通过人们居住和工作的场所,使健康促进更接近目标人群,创造支持性环境,其中重要的是物质环境和社会环境.  相似文献   

目的 在“健康中国”背景下,面向城市居民,分析不同类型城市社区的特征及其社会资本对居民自评健康的影响,为促进社区居民健康提供参考。方法 运用分层随机抽样方法于2018年10—11月,在成都市选取农转非集中安置小区(807份)、单位宿舍(393份)、商住楼盘小区(426份)的居民进行问卷调查。运用单因素分析和多因素logistic回归分析方法探究居民自评健康的影响因素。结果 农转非社区、单位社区和商住楼盘社区的居民在性别(χ2=16.305)、年龄(χ2=33.386)、婚姻状况(χ2=22.344)、教育程度(χ2=193.373)、社保情况(χ2=14.428)、商业保险购买情况(χ2=6.234)、到医疗点的最快用时(χ2=41.344)、自评健康方面(χ2=10.439)均存在统计学差异(P<0.05);三类社区在个体(F=3.875)、家庭(F=11.329)、社区(F=21.209)、工作单位(F...  相似文献   

目的了解浙江省杭州余杭区人群吸烟和工作场所被动吸烟情况。方法采用多阶段分层随机整群抽样方法对杭州市余杭区18~79岁的常住居民1263人,进行问卷调查。结果总吸烟率为27.4%,现在吸烟率为21.9%,男性和女性现在吸烟率分别为53.1%和0.3%。人均吸烟量为平均为15.8±10.7支/天。工作场所被动吸烟率47.1%,其中男性为53.5%,女性为45.0%。结论杭州市余杭区吸烟率和工作场所被动吸烟率均较高,应实施工作场所无烟政策,以便减少被动吸烟的危害。  相似文献   

摘要:目的 分析云南省富民县居民吸烟和被动吸烟的社会经济影响因素。方法 采用按比例概率抽样方法(PPS)从富民县7个乡镇中随机抽取4 275名≥18岁常住居民进行面访问卷调查。并应用多水平Logistic模型分析影响吸烟和被动吸烟的个体和乡级因素。结果 富民县农村居民的吸烟率和被动吸烟率分别为32.5%和40.7%;男性的吸烟率明显高于女性(66.3%和0.9%,P<0.01),而女性的被动吸烟率高于男性(42.9%和33.7%,P<0.05)。随着年龄的增长吸烟和暴露于被动吸烟的可能性变小(P<0.01);个体文化程度越高者(OR=0.629,95%CI:0.483~0.819)和居住在乡镇整体教育水平越高的村民(OR=0.894,95% CI:0.852~0.938)其吸烟的可能性越小;居住在乡镇整体受教育水平(OR=0.862,95%CI:0.824~0.903)和收入水平(OR=0.866,95%CI:0.822~0.912)越高的村民暴露于被动吸烟的可能性越小。结论 富民县降低烟草暴露的干预工作应重点放在居住在乡镇整体受教育水平和收入水平较低的村民。  相似文献   

社会资本与健康关系的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪80年代,社会科学中出现一新术语“社会资本”,当时研究者主要探讨社会资本对社会、经济发展的影响。近年来,随着人们对健康的关注,社会资本与健康的关系成为众多学者的研究热点。通过综述国内外文献,阐述了社会资本的定义、测量方法及社会资本与健康的关系。  相似文献   

家庭医生制度通过签约的形式促使居民与家庭医生形成良好互动,提供医疗服务,改善居民健康状况。本文运用微观调查数据,探寻签约家庭医生对自评健康水平的影响。研究发现:由于家庭医生制度实施时间短,描述性分析与普通最小二乘法均无法证明家庭医生与居民自评健康水平存在因果关系,后通过倾向得分匹配法和两阶段最小二乘法,验证了签约家庭医生对居民自评健康水平影响的显著性,同时发现良好的信任关系与医患关系也可以改善居民自评健康感受,揭示了有效的制度设计对居民健康的促进效应。并就如何进一步扩大签约率,对“为签而签”等现象进行了讨论,为促进家庭医生制度进一步发展提供建议。  相似文献   

社会资本与健康关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪80年代,社会科学中出现一新术语"社会资本",当时研究者主要探讨社会资本对社会、经济发展的影响.近年来,随着人们对健康的关注,社会资本与健康的关系成为众多学者的研究热点.通过综述国内外文献,阐述了社会资本的定义、测量方法及社会资本与健康的关系.  相似文献   

目的了解天津市五类重点公共场所、工作场所内的被动吸烟暴露情况,为制定有针对性的干预措施,实现重点场所的全面无烟提供依据。方法于2010年3-4月,对五类场所进行调查,包括医院25家,学校30家,政府机构23家,疾病预防控制(简称"疾控")机构10家,公共交通场所5个,共计93家,在场所内采用方便抽样的方式选取调查对象,通过一对一面对面问卷调查,共调查1 860人。结果现在吸烟率为22.2%,男性为43.26%,女性为2.78%。不同类型场所人员的吸烟率分别为医院22.8%,学校13.0%,政府机构26.3%,疾控机构33.0%,公共交通场所33.0%。吸烟者调查当天在被调查场所内吸烟的比例为41.26%,有500人(26.88%)在调查当天看到有其他人在本场所吸烟。50.1%的人员每周都暴露于被动吸烟危害之中,其中有18.2%的人每周被动吸烟暴露时间超过5天。结论虽然重点场所人群整体吸烟状况有所好转,但是,整体吸烟率仍处于较高水平;公众对禁烟规定的知晓和执行情况较差,二手烟暴露情况依旧十分严重。为早日实现重点场所全面无烟,政府及各部门、场所应积极采取措施,控制烟草烟雾危害。  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to use a multilevel analysis to examine whether cognitive and structural dimensions of regional social capital were associated with individual health outcomes after adjusting for compositional factors.  相似文献   

We investigate relationship between social capital and self-rated health (SRH) in urban and rural China. Using a nationally representative data collected in 2005, we performed multilevel analyses. The social capital indicators include bonding trust, bridging trust, social participation and Chinese Communist Party membership. Results showed that only trust was beneficial for SRH in China. Bonding trust mainly promoted SRH at individual level and bridging trust mainly at county level. Moreover, the individual-level bridging trust was only positively associated with SRH of urban residents, which mirrored the urban–rural dual structure in China. We also found a cross-level interaction effect of bonding trust in urban area. In a county with high level of bonding trust, high-bonding-trust individuals obtained more health benefit than others; in a county with low level of bonding trust, the situation was the opposite.  相似文献   

While the majority of studies of social capital and health have focused on conceptualizing social capital at the geographic level, evidence remains sparse on workplace social capital. We examined the association between workplace social capital and health status among Japanese private sector employees in a cross-sectional study. By employing a two-stage stratified random sampling procedure, 1147 employees were identified from 46 companies in Okayama in 2007. Workplace social capital was measured based on two components; trust and reciprocity. Company-level social capital was based on aggregating employee responses and calculating the proportion of workers reporting mistrust and lack of reciprocity. Multilevel logistic regression analysis was conducted using Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods to explore whether individual- and company-level mistrust and lack of reciprocity were associated with poor self-rated health. Odds ratios (ORs) and 95% credible intervals (CIs) for poor health were obtained for each variable. Workers reporting individual-level mistrust and lack of reciprocity had approximately double the odds of poor health even after controlling for sex, age, occupation, educational attainment, smoking, alcohol use, physical activity, body mass index, and chronic diseases. While we found some suggestion of a contextual association between company-level mistrust and poor health, no association was found between company-level lack of reciprocity and health. Despite the thorough examination of cross-level interaction terms between company-level social capital and individual characteristics, no clear patterns were observed. Individual perceptions of mistrust and lack of reciprocity at work have adverse effects on self-rated health among Japanese workers. Although the present study possibly suggests the contextual effect of workplace mistrust on workers' health, the contextual effect of workplace lack of reciprocity was not supported.  相似文献   



The present study sought to investigate the associations between workplace social capital and smoking status among Chinese male employees.


A cross sectional study with a two-stage stratified sampling procedure was conducted in Shanghai in 2012. In total, 1603 male workers from 35 workplaces were involved. Workplace social capital was assessed using a validated and psychometrically tested eight-item measure. Multilevel logistic regression analysis was conducted to explore whether individual-level social capital and aggregated workplace-level social capital were associated with smoking.


Overall, 54.2% of the subjects smoked currently. After controlling for individual covariates (age, education level, marital status, occupational status and job stress), compared to workers in the highest quartile of individual-level social capital, the prevalence ratios of smoking for workers in the third quartile, second quartile and lowest quartile were 1.26 (95% CI: 1.11–1.38), 1.35 (95% CI: 1.19–1.50) and 1.39 (95% CI: 1.24–1.51) respectively. However, there was no relationship between workplace-level social capital and smoking status.


Higher individual-level social capital was associated with a lower likelihood of smoking among Chinese male employees. By contrast, no clear association was found between workplace-level social capital and smoking. Further longitudinal studies are warranted to examine the possible link between workplace social capital and smoking cessation in Chinese workplaces.  相似文献   

The erosion of social capital in more unequal societies is one mechanism for the association between income inequality and health. However, there are relatively few multi-level studies on the relation between income inequality, social capital and health outcomes. Existing studies have not used different types of health outcomes, such as dental status, a life-course measure of dental disease reflecting physical function in older adults, and self-rated health, which reflects current health status. The objective of this study was to assess whether individual and community social capital attenuated the associations between income inequality and two disparate health outcomes, self-rated health and dental status in Japan. Self-administered questionnaires were mailed to subjects in an ongoing Japanese prospective cohort study, the Aichi Gerontological Evaluation Study Project in 2003. Responses in Aichi, Japan, obtained from 5715 subjects and 3451 were included in the final analysis. The Gini coefficient was used as a measure of income inequality. Trust and volunteering were used as cognitive and structural individual-level social capital measures. Rates of subjects reporting mistrust and non-volunteering in each local district were used as cognitive and structural community-level social capital variables respectively. The covariates were sex, age, marital status, education, individual- and community-level equivalent income and smoking status. Dichotomized responses of self-rated health and number of remaining teeth were used as outcomes in multi-level logistic regression models. Income inequality was significantly associated with poor dental status and marginally significantly associated with poor self-rated health. Community-level structural social capital attenuated the covariate-adjusted odds ratio of income inequality for self-rated health by 16% whereas the association between income inequality and dental status was not substantially changed by any social capital variables. Social capital partially accounted for the association between income inequality and self-rated health but did not affect the strong association of income inequality and dental status.  相似文献   

Social capital is often described as a collective benefit engendered by generalised trust, civic participation, and mutual reciprocity. This feature of communities has been shown to associate with an assortment of health outcomes at several levels of analysis. The current study assesses the evidence for an association between area-level social capital and individual-level subjective health. Respondents participating in waves 8 (1998) and 9 (1999) of the British Household Panel Survey were identified and followed-up 5 years later in wave 13 (2003). Area social capital was measured by two aggregated survey items: social trust and civic participation. Multilevel logistic regression models were fitted to examine the association between area social capital indicators and individual poor self-rated health. Evidence for a protective association with current self-rated health was found for area social trust after controlling for individual characteristics, baseline self-rated health and individual social trust. There was no evidence for an association between area civic participation and self-rated health after adjustment. The findings of this study expand the literature on social capital and health through the use of longitudinal data and multilevel modelling techniques.  相似文献   

Using data from the 2006 Social Capital Community Survey in Duluth, Minnesota, and Superior, Wisconsin, USA, we investigate associations between individual social capital measures (attitudes on trust, formal group involvement, informal socializing, organized group interaction, social support and volunteer activity) and self-rated health after controlling for individual and economic characteristics. In particular, we address issues of social capital as an endogenous determinant of self-reported health using instrumental variables probit estimation. After accounting for the endogeneity of these various measures of individual social capital, we find that individual social capital is a significant predictor of self-rated health.  相似文献   

Individual social capital is increasingly considered to be an important determinant of an individual's health. This study examines the extent to which individual social capital is associated with self-rated health and the extent to which individual social capital mediates t.he relationship between neighbourhood deprivation and self-rated health in an English sample. Individual social capital was conceptualized and operationalized in both the social cohesion- and network resource tradition, using measures of generalized trust, social participation and social network resources. Network resources were measured with the position generator. Multilevel analyses were applied to wave 2 and 3 of the Taking Part Surveys of England, which consist of face-to-face interviews among the adult population in England (N(i) = 25,366 respondents, N(j) = 12,388 neighbourhoods). The results indicate that generalized trust, participation with friends and relatives and having network members from the salariat class are positively associated with self-rated health. Having network members from the working class is, however, negatively related to self-rated health. Moreover, these social capital elements are partly mediating the negative relationship between neighbourhood deprivation and self-rated health.  相似文献   

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