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国家卫计委要求做好埃博拉出血热医疗救治准备工作 国家卫计委办公厅发布通知,要求各省、自治区、直辖市卫计委,新疆生产建设兵团卫生局做好国内可能出现的埃博拉出血热病例医疗救治准备工作。通知要求,各地卫生计生行政部门要按照国家卫计委印发的有关通知和技术方案要求,加强医疗救治医疗资源准备工作。  相似文献   

病媒生物化学防治安全风险主要是对人体、环境、非靶标生物及植物的危害,其影响因素包括防治药物的性质、施药设备的性能和从业人员的个人素质等。为将其有效控制,应重点考虑:合理选用药物和剂型;做好药物的运输和保管工作;按规范要求配制与施用药物;做好作业人员个人防护;保护作业环境及非靶标生物;提高从业人员专业素质。  相似文献   

  国家卫计?办公厅发布通知,要求各省、自治区、直辖市卫计?,新疆生产建设兵团卫生局做好国内可能出现的埃博拉出血热病例医疗救治准备工作。  相似文献   

目的总结学员暑期野外综合演练卫勤保障工作的做法和经验,探索院校野外综合演练卫勤保障工作的特点及规律。方法对某校暑期野外综合演练卫勤保障工作的基本做法进行回顾性总结。结果总结出做好野外综合演练卫勤保障的4点具体做法:(1)预有准备,坚持"三个到位"。(2)加强教育,抓好"三个环节"。(3)伴随保障,严格"三项制度"。(4)科学防控,把住"三个关口"。结论探索总结出的做法是行之有效的,对做好院校学员暑期野外综合演练有参考价值。  相似文献   

3 施工作业  施工作业是PCO施工人员按照施工方案进行有害生物防治的作业过程。PCO企业应该针对施工人员在服务过程中可能出现的问题制定《施工行为规范》和《施工技术规范》 ,严格规范施工人员在服务过程中的行为 ,保证防治质量、树立企业形象、体现企业风格。施工作业全过程可以分为准备阶段、施工阶段、收尾阶段。3.1 准备阶段 出发前 ,必须明确本次施工任务 ,做好细致的准备工作 ,经作业监督人员检查后方可出发。惟有如此 ,到达现场后 ,才能够有条不紊地开展工作 ,提高工作效率和服务质量。施工前准备应着重抓好如下几件事 :(1)…  相似文献   

实施桑拿场所艾滋病高危人群健康教育干预,一是要进行艾滋病防治知识问卷调查;二是要制订切实可行的健康教育干预计划;三是要做好干预人员培训;四是干预工作必须遵循尊重、保密和知情同意等原则;五是要做好干预记录和干预效果评价.  相似文献   

目的为"三防"医学救援队的远程演训和整体建设提供建议。方法回顾性分析某"三防"医学救援队远程机动和急进高原参加演训全过程中存在的问题,提出改进意见。结果总结出救援队远程机动和急进高原后加强卫勤保障能力建设的三点做法:(1)出发前加强思想动员与物资准备,提前做好清单和预案,准备工作要扎实细致,装备应提前做好状态检测;(2)远程机动途中应做好人员管控,注重食品保障与卫生安全,检查装载车辆稳固情况;(3)进驻后在配置地域展开时应合理安排作业强度,科学组训,加强人员身体状况监测,按照先轻后重、先简后繁的顺序展开,做好自身保障工作。结论通过实践中发现的问题,总结经验教训,提出了具体建议,可为今后"三防"医学救援队远程机动演训及执行实战任务提供借鉴。  相似文献   

本文根据大连市健康教育专业机构开展心理卫生服务的实践经验,提出健康教育专业机构必须高度重视日渐增多的心理问题;实施心理卫生服务应采取多种手段,依靠专业人才做好心理健康教育工作等观点,对于健康教育专业机构开展并做好心理健康教育工作有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

大型军事行动卫生防疫保障综合技术措施探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨部队大型军事行动卫生防疫保障的综合技术措施。方法以大型军事行动为现场,对部队卫生防疫支援保障模式、生活设施设置、健康教育实施、卫生监督监测、疾病监控、"三防"医学救援、有害生物防控、防疫药品器械供应等8个方面进行现场实践。结果防疫保障分队以配置到演习部队联指较好;生活设施应进行合理的配置;健康教育应重点做好心理疏导和心理战防御;卫生监督监测要把住"四个现场",掌握"一个主动";疾病监控要提高预警和干预能力;"三防"医学救援应做好信息储备;有害生物防控要做好虫媒传染病媒介生物的控制;防疫药品器械供应要掌握原料和成品的生产、运输、销售信息。结论部队大型军事行动卫生防疫保障工作做到有章可循,将有效保证部队官兵的身心健康,提高部队战斗力。  相似文献   

<正> 为了认真贯彻落实《计划生育技术服务管理条例》(以下简称《条例》),青海省计生委副主任宋厚琴带领科技口有关人员深入到各州、地、市举办《条例》培训班,并深入到部分地、县、乡计生服务站,调查了解各地《条例》实施前的各项准备工作,并对房屋、人员、设备等方面存在的困难、问题等作了深入细致的访谈,要求各地为实施《条例》做好充分准备。 在基层《条例》辅导和培训中,省计生委科技处处长张秀萍就计划生育立法的重要性和迫切性、《条例》的内容、做好《条例》实施前的准备工作、县乡两级计生服务机构设置标准等进行了重点讲解和辅导。  相似文献   

通过具体承办医院等级评审准备工作的经验,参与评审组现场评审获得的体会,从施检和受评两个角度思考等级评审准备工作的要点和策略,从学习标准、自查整改、现场评审三个阶段,讨论受评医院组织评审准备工作中需要把握的要点及方法,为受评医院把握等级评审机遇,推进医院全面建设提供参考意见.  相似文献   

精细化管理确保医疗气体安全   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章从人员管理、制度建设以及操作培训三个方面介绍了通过精细化管理来保证医院医疗气体的安全。提出人员管理应注重人员选择、安全教育和谈心交心;制度建设需明确职责、纪律、交接班以及应急预案;操作培训要兼顾我方维护人员和临床科室的使用人员。旨在强调通过科学、精细化的管理举措实现医疗气体不间断的供应。  相似文献   

While home care programs for older people have gradually established themselves as one of the more popular interventive strategies of the day, surprisingly little discussion has centered on establishing educational guidelines for program personnel in this field of service. A survey study of the work experience and opinions of administrative and direct service program staff (N = 91) in three Older Americans Act-funded home care programs in New York City sheds light on issues of training and education in home health care. Findings reveal considerable agreement among both agency-based and home-based staff as to a desirable set of educational attainment levels necessary for the performance of distinct home care jobs. High school cducation was generally seen as satisfying the requirements of performing such service functions as intake/ application, housekeeping, personal care and household management. College level preparation was seen as desirable in satisfying the demands of supervision, case management, and medically-related service tasks. Some degree of formal education beyond college was prescribed for the task of social counseling. Significant difference of opinion was voiced by administrative and direct service staff as to the relative level of formal education that should be required of both home care trainers and directors, with administrators registering more strict standards of achievement. Study results are seen to have implications for designing specialized educational and training models in the field of gerontological home care which are sensitive to workers with varying levels of formal education and divergent service responsibilities.  相似文献   

Patient education is a necessary component of quality health care, yet little attention has been given to the preparation of health educators to work in that setting. This study seeks to determine the status of and content in patient education courses offered in professional preparation programs. Results show that 9% of respondents offered a patient education course in their academic unit, whereas 18% indicated that such a course was offered in another unit on campus. It appears there is not agreement between university faculty members and practicing patient educators on what should be taught in such a course. In addition, no significant relationship is found between (a) programs with accreditation or approval and offering a patient education course and (b) programs that prepared students for the Certified Health Education Specialist examination and offering a patient education course. Recommendations are offered for improving the preparation of health educators for the medical care setting.  相似文献   

根据《卫生健康标准起草和审查管理规定》中对编制说明的要求,分析探讨卫生健康标准编制说明各部分内容的编写及注意事项,提出编写建议,为卫生健康标准编制说明的编写提供借鉴和参考.卫生健康标准编制说明应完整体现标准编制全过程,并与标准文本对应一致.各部分内容的编写应详略得当;与国内相关文件和其他标准的关系分析,应尽可能全面列出...  相似文献   

目的了解深圳市某区中小学生健康状况,以便为本区中小学生常见病防治工作提供相关依据。方法对2011年深圳市某区26所学校在校学生进行健康检查,并对体检结果进行评价分析。结果中小学生检出疾病以视力不良、恒牙龋齿、肥胖、营养不良、沙眼5种常见病为主,检出率依次为40.23%,20.65%,9.90%,7.47%和0.97%,各组别及男、女生检出率差异均有统计学意义。结论深圳市某区中小学生的健康状况应引起重视,应加强视力不良、龋齿、肥胖的防治,并将中小学生的健康教育工作,培养学生良好的卫生习惯作为我区今后学校卫生工作的重点。  相似文献   

Implementation of an electronic health record (EHR) network entails significant changes in the business processes of participating organizations. Business process management, increased automation, process optimization, user training and end-user adoption together form the keys to success with an EHR. Redesigned processes should be mapped to benefit lines and performance indicators, and monitored continuously to identify improvement opportunities. It is important the new business work flows should match, if not exceed, the existing benchmarks for performance. Business process redesign is all the more challenging in the context of regional health information organizations (RHIOs), as the business processes of the EHR network have to be aligned with existing process flows of several organizations, each with its own preferences and specific requirements. Even so, most of the discrete individual processes have to be converged, streamlined, assimilated and optimized in the redesigned business processes. This paper proposes a methodology for business process redesign and optimization for RHIOs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study aims to explore pre-registration house officer (PRHO) perceptions of work role, job requirements and mental health, in order to enhance work role preparation by means of identifying potential areas for curriculum development. DESIGN: Phase 1 took place 6 weeks before completion of the pre-registration year. A total of 56 PRHOs completed questionnaires which included a diary of activities, recorded daily over a 2-week period (ward rounds, on-call, audit, administration, continuing medical education, etc.), items relating to perceived occupational control, and the Maslach Burnout Inventory. In phase 2, in the final 2 weeks of the preregistration year, 36% (n=18) of phase 1 participants were randomly selected for interview. SETTING: Three hospitals in the North-west of England. RESULTS: The average working week was 56 h, with 10% working in excess of this figure. The average weekly proportion of time spent on organized continuing medical education was 5%. Routine administrative tasks took up one-fifth of PRHO time and were perceived as lacking in training or educational elements. Of the PRHOs, 52% (n=29) desired further advice/training on the technical and management aspects of the job. Additional training was required on topics such as chest drains, delegation and time management. PRHOs felt this should be given prior to commencement of the pre-registration year. In terms of mental health, 25% (n=14) were experiencing burnout. Occupational control was external; many individuals perceived events as often occurring outside individual control. CONCLUSIONS: These findings have implications for the undergraduate curriculum and support General Medical Council recommendations for curriculum reform. It is suggested that organizational skills such as managing responsibility/delegation and additional training in practical procedures should be an integral part of the medical undergraduate curriculum.  相似文献   

目的 本文实践表明,要搞好乡镇工业职业卫生服务工作,应重视职业卫生在政策环境与工作环境建设,形成职业卫生工作氛围,以企业实施劳动卫生许可证,职工健康证与职业卫生制度,医疗卫生保健制度以及作业场所岗位安全卫生操作规范的管理,是实现职业卫生服务规范化管理的有效方法,把职业卫生健康教育纳入政府创建卫生城市规划,是提高企业文明素质,增强职业卫生与法律意识的有效途径,对职业危害污染源的控制,应采取行政干预手  相似文献   

目的了解崇明县堡镇社区健康教育发展情况,探索促进该地社区健康教育发展的措施。方法采用个人访谈、集体座谈方式对社区健康教育工作相关人员55名、社区居民48名进行调查,对其结果进行描述性分析。结果堡镇社区健康教育工作开展正常,领导重视程度影响着工作开展的效率;在经费支持、人员配备存在困难,部分受访居民对相关活动的互动性与实用性提出要求。结论针对性地化解当前工作中存在的短板问题,放大原有优势,提高社区健康教育工作相关人员与受益者双方积极性。  相似文献   

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