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<正>磁共振成像设备在医院应用广泛,将其使用中常见故障汇总如下,以供同行参考。1常见故障及维修故障现象一:床位升到规定高度,床板难以进入扫描区域。当床板后退到零刻度位置时,床位不能下降。故障原因分析:床体升到位置后,没有按顺序进入扫描区域,说明床体无法明确定位,不能前进,所以故障发生在降位光耦传感器上。当床体到达零刻度却不能持续降低,说明床体没有完全回到零刻度,未触发床体位置信号。  相似文献   

医用超声内窥镜的研究现状与发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在临床医学的诊断和治疗中,超声内窥镜的使用已经格外重要。医用超声内窥镜以电子内窥镜系统为基础,将超声换能器经由电子内窥镜活检通道伸入体腔,接近目标器官,既可以直接观察粘膜表面的病变,还可以通过超声扫描获得器官管壁断层的组织特征,不但扩大了普通内窥镜的诊断范围,而且提高了普通内窥镜的诊断能力。医用超声内窥镜是电子内窥镜技术与超声传感技术,微机电技术,现代计算机技术等高新技术的不断发展和融合的产物,是当前应用前景非常广阔的医疗仪器之一。本文介绍了超声内窥镜的发展过程,分析了其工作原理及研究现状,并且根据目前的研究形式预计了超声内窥镜的发展趋势。随着我国科学技术和医疗技术的不断发展,更加现代化,合理化,人性化,智能化的内窥镜设计与制造将成为现实,短时间内我国超声内窥镜的研制将赶上国际先进水平。  相似文献   

医疗设备维修管理系统的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着医院信息化建设的不断深入,医疗设备维修管理的信息化势在必行。本系统是结合温州医学院附属第二医院HIS系统,选用VS2005和SQL SERVER数据库设计的一套B/S模式的医疗设备维修管理系统,实现了科室报修、维修提醒、维修确认登记,以及维修信息查询统计、打印等功能。  相似文献   

介绍了医疗设备软件维修必须具备的知识,DSA机与培养仪软件维修实例.同时还介绍了医疗设备的调整的方法,用于排除故障的经验.  相似文献   

医疗设备是医院医学实验、诊疗技术、科学和教学的物质基础,其在治疗和诊断方面的使用也越来越广泛.随着医疗设备的科技含量不断提高,无创伤、高科技等使患者在治疗中舒适性高的医疗设备标志着医疗诊疗技术的进步和地位的提升.本文简析了医疗设备的特点,结合实际操作中针对医疗设备维修管理中存在的问题,提出几项解决问题的方案.  相似文献   

常用医用激光治疗仪的使用与维修   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年,激光技术在医学领域应用极为广泛。目前普遍使用的激光器有二氧化碳(CO2)激光器、钇铝石榴石(Nd:YAG)激光器及氦-氖(He—Ne)激光器。  相似文献   

介绍基于USB2.0接口的医用超声内窥镜旋转扫描成像的设计与实现。根据超声成像的特点,本系统采取脉冲回波成像方式,文中介绍了超声波激发、接收电路以及收发隔离电路。针对旋转扫描的特点,设计了基于FPGA的同步控制电路和基于USB2.0接口的数据传输电路。对采集到的原始图像,进行坐标变换,获得了按直角坐标显示的灰度图像。利用连续旋转马达对实际物体扫描成像的实验结果,验证了系统的正确性。  相似文献   

目的 针对当前医疗设备维修备件管理模式粗放随意的现状,提出了一种维修备件库存控制和耐用性分析方法,以提高维修备件管理水平。方法 选择某院近2年内某品牌监护仪的血氧探头库存管理数据,内容包括血氧探头的出库时间、出库数量、库存余量;近1年内监护仪心电导联线的损坏记录数据,包括每条心电导联线的品牌型号、申领时间、损坏时间。借助指数平滑法和滑窗法探究血氧探头库存控制方法,利用心电导联线生命周期时长的概率分布分析其耐用性评价指标。结果 某院监护仪血氧探头未再出现库存短缺情况,其他维修备件短缺或过剩情况得到有效改善;得到心电导联线耐用性衡量指标,为后续维修备件品牌的选购提供了有价值的参考依据。结论 提出的方法应用到医疗设备的维修备件管理中,能够有效改善备件供保现状,提高维修备件精细化管理水平,更好地服务于临床和保障医院利益。  相似文献   

目的 通过分析口腔综合治疗台的常见故障现象,探讨预防性维修(preventive maintenance, PM)在降低设备报修率的初步效果。方法 本研究分别从口腔综合治疗台的机械、气路和水路三个方面分别对口腔综合治疗台的常见故障现象进行解析。针对上述故障提出临床操作培训、周期性设备维护保养和巡检等,同时将北京丰台医院2019—2021年间维修数据进行初步的评价和分析。结果 重视临床设备操作培训,2021年度人为操作类故障只发生3例;实施周期性巡检方案,中央负压机房3年没有发生任何故障;实施周期性维护保养方案,控制阀膜片、无菌蒸馏水瓶密封圈故障2021年度均没有发生。结论 开展预防性维护能够大幅减少医疗设备报修率,保障临床正常开展诊疗工作。  相似文献   

本文从创新理念出发,提出了在医院临床工程师在医疗设备维修过程中,针对维修信息获取、机械部件替换、线路板维修和信息设备维修等方面的具体创新内容。本文工作对发挥工程师的技术特长,帮助工程师根据实际问题提出具体解决方案,提高医院自行维修能力具有重要的实际意义。  相似文献   

In many developing countries, the growth in maintenance services has lagged far behind the rate of increase in medical equipment use. Urgent attention to maintenance services is required by district health facilities supporting primary healthcare. To date, most international assistance has been devoted to training technicians who are usually associated with major hospitals. A change of strategy is necessary to place priority on training technicians and on strengthening capabilities to maintain basic, essential medical equipment in district health facilities. Not only would such an approach meet urgent current needs, it would take less time to benefit a larger sector of the population, and it can also facilitate the development of higher maintenance capabilities. The advantages are illustrated by examining an empirical model. This strategy is in full support of the global goal to achieve "Health for All by The Year 2000."  相似文献   

This paper reviews the major regularities allowing a purposeful search of the materials with the best properties. Discussed are the most important parameters of the materials, type RPC (Rostov piezoceramic) of various purposes. Particular attention is attached to the issues of creation and investigation of the materials intended for ultrasonic diagnostic equipment.  相似文献   

A review of measurement techniques for the determination of the acoustic output of medical ultrasonic diagnostic, Doppler and therapeutic equipment is presented. In Part 1 a brief survey of a wide range of techniques was given followed by a discussion of acoustic output specification methods. In this second part of the review two techniques widely used for measurements, the radiation pressure balance and the hydrophone, are considered in detail together with guidelines for good measurement practice. The review concludes with a discussion of a rapid assessment system, BECA2, which has been developed for the characterisation of ultrasonic transducers. Much of the emphasis is on techniques developed at the UK National Physical Laboratory.  相似文献   

A review of measurement techniques for the determination of the acoustic output of medical ultrasonic diagnostic. Doppler and therapeutic equipment is presented. In Part 1 a brief survey of a wide range of techniques is given followed by a discussion of acoustic output specification methods. In Part 2 of the review two techniques widely used for measurements, the radiation pressure balance and the hydrophone, are considered in detail together with guidelines for good measurement practice. The review concludes with a discussion of a rapid assessment system, BECA2, which has been developed for the characterisation of ultrasonic transducers Much of the emphasis is on techniques developed at the UK National Physical Laboratory.  相似文献   

为了解决超声医学技术的快速发展带来的病历数激增而难以管理的问题,完成了超声病历数据库管理与分析系统的设计与验证。系统基于SQL Server数据库技术、Visual C#窗体应用程序技术、医学数据统计分析技术成功构建了一套以超声为核心的病历数据库管理与分析系统,同时系统留有电子病历、实验室检查、病理检查等数据接口,并将病历数据的常用统计分析算法结合起来。通过导入原有病历数据试验,超声科医生对于病历数据库的管理分析及相关课题研究效率提升50%以上。试验结果表明该系统有助于超声科医生对于病历数据的管理与分析,对提高医疗科研效率具有实际意义。  相似文献   

医院目前普遍存在医疗设备数量大、金额高的现状,信息化成为提高管理质量和管理效率的最佳方式。文章阐述了当前医院在用的信息化管理系统的来源和特点,总结了互联网技术、物联网技术和移动通信技术(手机端)在信息化管理中的发展和应用现状。文章最后指出,现代科学技术在医疗设备管理领域的应用是实现医疗设备全生命周期管理的助推器。  相似文献   

Much of the laboratory and medical equipment in resource-poor settings is out-of-service. The most commonly cited reasons are (1) a lack of spare parts and (2) a lack of highly trained technicians. However, there is little data to support these hypotheses, or to generate evidence-based solutions to the problem. We studied 2,849 equipment-repair requests (of which 2,529 were out-of-service medical equipment) from 60 resource-poor hospitals located in 11 nations in Africa, Europe, Asia, and Central America. Each piece of equipment was analyzed by an engineer or an engineering student and a repair was attempted using only locally available materials. If the piece was placed back into service, we assumed that the engineer’s problem analysis was correct. A total of 1,821 pieces of medical equipment were placed back into service, or 72%, without requiring the use of imported spare parts. Of those pieces repaired, 1,704 were sufficiently documented to determine what knowledge was required to place the equipment back into service. We found that six domains of knowledge were required to accomplish 99% of the repairs: electrical (18%), mechanical (18%), power supply (14%), plumbing (19%), motors (5%), and installation or user training (25%). A further analysis of the domains shows that 66% of the out-of-service equipment was placed back into service using only 107 skills covering basic knowledge in each domain; far less knowledge than that required of a biomedical engineer or biomedical engineering technician. We conclude that a great majority of laboratory and medical equipment can be put back into service without importing spare parts and using only basic knowledge. Capacity building in resource-poor settings should first focus on a limited set of knowledge; a body of knowledge that we call the biomedical technician’s assistant (BTA). This data set suggests that a supported BTA could place 66% of the out-of-service laboratory and medical equipment in their hospital back into service.  相似文献   

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