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This paper looks at the independent contributions of the setting and the intensity of after-school self-care to the cigarette smoking behaviors of 2352 ninth graders. We controlled for a variety of correlates of adolescent cigarette smoking that have not been accounted for in existing research. Results indicated that the intensity of the self-care experience was significantly associated with adolescent smoking behavior irrespective of the typical setting of the adolescents' after-school activities. Our findings also indicated that a nonpermissive parenting style, family rule-setting about cigarettes, and especially, in absentia parental monitoring may reduce the likelihood of cigarette smoking among latchkey and nonlatchkey adolescents alike. However, latchkey youth were not any more sensitive to these aspects of parenting than other adolescents. This is consistent with the notion that targeting these aspects of the home lives of all adolescents has the potential to reduce smoking behaviors among latchkey as well as nonlatchkey children. 相似文献
A number of people in the USA who are still current smokers remain a staggering figure. Although this number continues to
decrease, there is still a considerable amount of second-hand smoke. More importantly and for the purpose of this review,
the detrimental effects of passive smoke in children is significant. We will not review the specific health effects of passive
smoke, but for pediatricians, in particular, it is important to place in perspective programs that are available to influence
the parents of children to stop smoking. Indeed, approximately 25% of all children aged 3–11 live in a household with at least
one smoker. Despite the increasing number of communities in the states that have instituted restrictions or complete bans
on smoking in the workplace and in many public areas, the principal site of smoking remains the home. 相似文献
Acculturation has been associated with health-related behaviors in African Americans. We sought to determine if there is a relationship between acculturation and dietary intake in African Americans. African Americans in the PREMIER trial completed the African American Acculturation Scale (AAAS) and 2 nonconsecutive 24-h dietary recalls (n = 238). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and canonical correlation were used to assess relationships between acculturation and dietary intakes. Canonical correlation (p = 0.05) showed that traditional African Americans had lower intakes of fruits/vegetables and milk/dairy with higher intakes of fats, meat, and nuts. This pattern was supported by differences in the ANOVA. African American acculturation is related to dietary intake. These findings have implications for the design of cancer-related public health messages targeted to African Amercans. 相似文献
Alan L. Peterson 《Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research》1999,4(2):79-84
Weight gain following smoking cessation has been found to hinder successful quitting. This preliminary investigation evaluated participants' ability to accurately estimate their body weight prior to attempting to quit smoking. The subjects were 51 adults (18 females and 33 males) with a mean age of 31 years. Subjects were asked to give their most accurate estimated weight in pounds just prior to obtaining their actual weight. The results indicated that subjects underestimated their weight by 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg). Two-thirds of the subjects underestimated their weight by an average of 6.6 lbs (2.99 kg). These findings suggest that obtaining an accurate body weight prior to smoking cessation may lead to a more accurate perception of subsequent weight change and facilitate successful quitting. 相似文献
Guevarra JS Kwate NO Tang TS Valdimarsdottir HB Freeman HP Bovbjerg DH 《Journal of behavioral medicine》2005,28(2):191-199
The concept of acculturation has been used to understand differences in health behaviors between and within a variety of racial and ethnic immigrant groups. Few studies, however, have examined the potential impact of acculturation on health behaviors among African Americans. The present study has two goals: 1) to reconfirm relations between acculturation and cigarette smoking; 2) to investigate the impact of acculturation on another type of health behavior, cancer screening and specifically breast self-examination (BSE). African American women (N = 66) attending an inner-city cancer-screening clinic completed study questionnaires. Results reconfirmed psychometric properties of the African American Acculturation Scale (AAAS); replicated the negative association between acculturation and lifetime smoking status; and found relations between acculturation and womens adherence to BSE frequency guidelines. Findings from this study raise the possibility that specific aspects of acculturation may better explain specific health behaviors.The present study was done as part of a dissertation submitted by the first author to The City University of New York 相似文献
Nicola Stanczyk Catherine Bolman Mathieu van Adrichem Math Candel Jean Muris Hein de Vries 《Journal of medical Internet research》2014,16(3)
A wide range of effective smoking cessation interventions have been developed to help smokers to quit. Smoking rates remain high, especially among people with a lower level of education. Multiple tailoring adapted to the individual’s readiness to quit and the use of visual messaging may increase smoking cessation.Objective
The results of video and text computer tailoring were compared with the results of a control condition. Main effects and differential effects for subgroups with different educational levels and different levels of readiness to quit were assessed.Methods
During a blind randomized controlled trial, smokers willing to quit within 6 months were assigned to a video computer tailoring group with video messages (n=670), a text computer tailoring group with text messages (n=708), or to a control condition with short generic text advice (n=721). After 6 months, effects on 7-day point prevalence abstinence and prolonged abstinence were assessed using logistic regression analyses. Analyses were conducted in 2 samples: (1) respondents (as randomly assigned) who filled in the baseline questionnaire and completed the first session of the program, and (2) a subsample of sample 1, excluding respondents who did not adhere to at least one further intervention session. In primary analyses, we used a negative scenario in which respondents lost to follow-up were classified as smokers. Complete case analysis and multiple imputation analyses were considered as secondary analyses.Results
In sample 1, the negative scenario analyses revealed that video computer tailoring was more effective in increasing 7-day point prevalence abstinence than the control condition (OR 1.45, 95% CI 1.09-1.94, P=.01). Video computer tailoring also resulted in significantly higher prolonged abstinence rates than controls among smokers with a low (ready to quit within 4-6 months) readiness to quit (OR 5.13, 95% CI 1.76-14.92, P=.003). Analyses of sample 2 showed similar results, although text computer tailoring was also more effective than control in realizing 7-day point prevalence abstinence. No differential effects were found for level of education. Complete case analyses and multiple imputation yielded similar results.Conclusions
In all analyses, video computer tailoring was effective in realizing smoking cessation. Furthermore, video computer tailoring was especially successful for smokers with a low readiness to quit smoking. Text computer tailoring was only effective for sample 2. Results suggest that video-based messages with personalized feedback adapted to the smoker’s motivation to quit might be effective in increasing abstinence rates for smokers with diverse educational levels.Trial Registration
Netherlands Trial Register: NTR3102; http://www.trialregister.nl/trialreg/admin/rctview.asp?TC=3102 (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation.org/6NS8xhzUV). 相似文献9.
Two new DRB1 alleles have been identified (DRB1*0303 and DRB1*0805) in African Americans that differ from known DRB1 alleles only by a glycine to valine exchange at position 86. The novel DRB1*0303 allele, found in one individual, has the same DQA1*0401-DQB1*04 haplotype as DRB1*0302, suggesting that it may be a recent diversification of *0302. The novel DRB1*0805 allele, identified in 4 individuals, was found on two haplotypes, sharing a DQA1*0501-DQB1*0301 haplotype with DRB1*0804, and a DQA1*0102-DQB1*0602 haplotype found with DRB1*0801 in some African populations. DRB1*0805 differs from *0804 only at position 57 and differs from *0801 only at position 86. Assuming that DRB1*0801 and DRB1*0802 are ancestral, based on their distribution in various human populations, DRB1*0805 may have been generated twice by two independent mutations or gene conversion events at each of these positions. Alternatively, DRB1*0805 may have arisen from a single gene conversion event (or mutation) and recombined to generate multiple DR-DQ haplotypes. These findings increase the number of DRB1 allelic pairs that differ only at position 86 to 9, suggesting strong balancing selection at this position. A number of DRB1 alleles for DR8 and DR4 also differ only at position 57, a site previously postulated to be strongly influenced by balancing selection in DQB1 alleles by phylogenetic analysis. 相似文献
Megan A Jacobs Caroline O Cobb Lorien Abroms Amanda L Graham 《Journal of medical Internet research》2014,16(9)
Facebook is the most popular social network site, with over 1 billion users globally. There are millions of apps available within Facebook, many of which address health and health behavior change. Facebook may represent a promising channel to reach smokers with cessation interventions via apps. To date, there have been no published reports about Facebook apps for smoking cessation.Objective
The purpose of this study was to review the features and functionality of Facebook apps for smoking cessation and to determine the extent to which they adhere to evidence-based guidelines for tobacco dependence treatment.Methods
In August 2013, we searched Facebook and three top Internet search engines using smoking cessation keywords to identify relevant Facebook apps. Resultant apps were screened for eligibility (smoking cessation-related, English language, and functioning). Eligible apps were reviewed by 2 independent coders using a standardized coding scheme. Coding included content features (interactive, informational, and social) and adherence to an established 20-item index (possible score 0-40) derived from the US Public Health Service’s Clinical Practice Guidelines for Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence.Results
We screened 22 apps for eligibility; of these, 12 underwent full coding. Only 9 apps were available on Facebook. Facebook apps fell into three broad categories: public pledge to quit (n=3), quit-date–based calculator/tracker (n=4), or a multicomponent quit smoking program (n=2). All apps incorporated interactive, informational, and social features except for two quit-date–based calculator/trackers apps (lacked informational component). All apps allowed app-related posting within Facebook (ie, on self/other Facebook profile), and four had a within-app “community” feature to enable app users to communicate with each other. Adherence index summary scores among Facebook apps were low overall (mean 15.1, SD 7.8, range 7-30), with multicomponent apps scoring the highest.Conclusions
There are few smoking cessation apps available within Facebook. Among those available, adherence to cessation treatment guidelines was low. Smoking cessation interventions provided via the Facebook platform are a unique and as yet untapped treatment strategy that can harness existing social support and social networks for quitting. Research is needed to examine whether apps that adhere to clinical practice guidelines for tobacco dependence treatment are more effective in promoting cessation than those that do not. 相似文献11.
Golda S. Ginsburg 《Clinical psychology》2004,11(4):430-434
Empirical evidence addressing the effectiveness of anxiety prevention programs is limited. Caps identified in this literature provide a lifetime of opportunity for prevention scientists. This commentary extends the discussion of anxiety prevention to issues relevant for designing preventive interventions for youth. Three specific questions are discussed: a) Which “at‐risk” youth should be targeted? b) When developmentally might preventive interventions have the greatest impact? and c) What specific intervention strategies might be most effective? Key components of the Child Anxiety Prevention Study are presented to illustrate one approach to designing a child anxiety prevention program. 相似文献
The influence of obesity on the development of prediabetes among African American women (AAW) remains uncertain. Thus, we investigated whether the pathogenic mechanisms of prediabetes differ in obese (OB, BMI<35 kg/m2) and very obese (VOB, BMI>35 kg/m2) AAW.Subjects/Methods
We recruited 26-OB and 41-VOB, AAW with prediabetes, mean age (46.3 ± 10.3 years), A1C (5.9 ± 0.4%) and BMI (38.3 ± 8.2 kg/m2). OGTT and FSIVGT were performed in each subject. Body composition (% body fat) was measured using DEXA. Si, Sg acute insulin response to glucose (AIRg) and disposition index (DI) were calculated using minimal model method.Results
Mean BMI (32.6 ± 1.9 vs. 42.8 ± 5.5 kg/m2) and %body fat (44.7 ± 2.0 vs. 49.6 ± 2.2%) were significantly (p = 0.0001) lower in OB vs VOB. Mean fasting and post-glucose challenge, (glucose, insulin, c-peptide) levels were significantly (p = 0.03–0.0001) lower in OB vs VOB. Mean Si and Sg was not different. Mean AIRg tended to be higher (808 ± 776 vs. 535 ± 443 (x min [uU/L] ?1), p = 0.106) whereas DI was greater (1999 ± 1408 vs. 1511 ± 1033, (×10?2 x min?1), p = 0.01) in OB vs VOB subjects.Conclusion
We found that OB and VOB AAW had similar Si and Sg, but VOB showed attenuated AIRg and DI. These parameters should be considered when developing primary prevention programs in AAW with prediabetes. 相似文献13.
Yohei Shimokochi Sae Yong Lee Sandra J Shultz Randy J Schmitz 《Journal of Athletic Training》2009,44(1):33-38
Excessive quadriceps contraction with insufficient hamstrings muscle cocontraction has been shown to be a possible contributing factor for noncontact anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries. Assessing the relationships among lower extremity internal moments may provide some insight into avoiding muscle contraction patterns that increase ACL injury risk.Objective:
To examine the relationships of knee-extensor moment with ankle plantar-flexor and hip-extensor moments and to examine the relationship between knee moment and center of pressure as a measure of neuromuscular response to center-of-mass position.Design:
Cross-sectional study.Setting:
Applied Neuromechanics Research Laboratory.Patients or Other Participants:
Eighteen healthy, recreationally active women (age = 22.3 ± 2.8 years, height = 162.5 ± 8.1 cm, mass = 57.8 ± 9.3 kg).Intervention(s):
Participants performed a single-leg landing from a 45-cm box onto a force plate. Kinetic and kinematic data were collected.Main Outcome Measure(s):
Pearson product moment correlation coefficients were calculated among the net peak knee-extensor moment (KEMpk), sagittal-plane ankle (AM) and hip (HM) net internal moments, and anterior-posterior center of pressure relative to foot center of mass at KEMpk (COP).Results:
Lower KEMpk related to both greater AM (r = −0.942, P < .001) and HM (r = −0.657, P = .003). We also found that more anterior displacement of COP was related to greater AM (r = −0.750, P < .001) and lower KEMpk (r = 0.618, P = .006).Conclusions:
Our results suggest that participants who lean the whole body forward during landing may produce more plantar-flexor moment and less knee-extensor moment, possibly increasing hip-extensor moment and decreasing knee-extensor moment production. These results suggest that leaning forward may be a technique to decrease quadriceps contraction demand while increasing hamstrings cocontraction demand during a single-leg landing. 相似文献14.
Among Arab citizens in Israel, cigarette and nargila (hookah, waterpipe) smoking is a serious public health problem, particularly among the young adult population. With the dramatic increase of Internet and computer use among Arab college and university students, a Web-based program may provide an easy, accessible tool to reduce smoking rates without heavy resource demands required by traditional methods.Objective
The purpose of this research was to examine the acceptability and feasibility of a pilot Web-based program that provides tailored feedback to increase smoking knowledge and reduce cigarette and nargila smoking behaviors among Arab college/university students in Israel.Methods
A pilot Web-based program was developed, consisting of a self-administered questionnaire and feedback system on cigarette and nargila smoking. Arab university students were recruited to participate in a mixed-methods study, using both quantitative (pre-/posttest study design) and qualitative tools. A posttest was implemented at 1 month following participation in the intervention to assess any changes in smoking knowledge and behaviors. Focus group sessions were implemented to assess acceptability and preferences related to the Web-based program.Results
A total of 225 participants—response rate of 63.2% (225/356)—completed the intervention at baseline and at 1-month poststudy, and were used for the comparative analysis. Statistically significant reductions in nargila smoking among participants (P=.001) were found. The intervention did not result in reductions in cigarette smoking. However, the tailored Web intervention resulted in statistically significant increases in the intention to quit smoking (P=.021). No statistically significant increases in knowledge were seen at 1-month poststudy. Participants expressed high satisfaction with the intervention and 93.8% (211/225) of those who completed the intervention at both time intervals reported that they would recommend the program to their friends, indicating excellent acceptability and feasibility of the intervention. This was further emphasized in the focus group sessions.Conclusions
A tailored Web-based program may be a promising tool to reduce nargila smoking among Arab university students in Israel. The tailored Web intervention was not successful at significantly reducing cigarette smoking or increasing knowledge. However, the intervention did increase participants’ intention to quit smoking. Participants considered the Web-based tool to be an interesting, feasible, and highly acceptable strategy.Trial Registration
Trial Registration: ISRCTN registry ISRCTN59207794; http://www.isrctn.com/ISRCTN59207794 (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation.org/6VkYOBNOJ). 相似文献15.
The prevalence of cigarette smoking among HIV+ individuals is greater than that found in the general population. However, factors related to smoking within this population are not well understood. This study examined the associations between smoking and demographic, medical, substance use, and psychosocial factors in a clinic-based sample of HIV+ men and women. Two hundred twelve participants completed self-report measures of tobacco use, HIV-related symptoms, viral load, CD4, alcohol and illicit drug use, depression, and social support. Multinomial logistic regression (MLR) analyses modeled the independent associations of the cross-sectional set of predictors with smoking status. Results indicated that 74% of the sample smoked at least one cigarette per day; using standard definitions, 23% of the sample were light smokers, 22% were moderate smokers, and 29% smoked heavily. Smoking was associated with more HIV-related symptoms, greater alcohol and marijuana use, and less social support. Light smoking was related to minority race/ethnicity and less income; moderate smoking was associated with less education; and heavy smoking was related to less education and younger age. Viral load, CD4 count, and depression were not associated with smoking status. Psychosocial interventions targeting this population should consider the relationships between biopsychosocial factors and smoking behavior. 相似文献
[Clin Psychol Sci Prac 17: 293–306, 2010] The high level of concurrent and sequential comorbidity between anxiety and depression in children and adolescents may result from (a) substantial overlap in both the symptoms and items used to assess these putatively different disorders, (b) common etiologic factors (e.g., familial risk, negative affectivity, information‐processing biases, neural substrates) implicated in the development of each condition, and (c) negative sequelae of anxiety conferring increased risk for the development of depression. Basic research on their various common and unique etiologic mechanisms has guided the development of efficacious treatments for anxiety and depressive disorders in youth. Potential processes through which the successful treatment of childhood anxiety might prevent subsequent depression are described. 相似文献
Amanda L Graham Pat Milner Jessie E Saul Lillian Pfaff 《Journal of medical Internet research》2008,10(5)
To improve the overall impact (reach × efficacy) of cessation treatments and to reduce the population prevalence of smoking, innovative strategies are needed that increase consumer demand for and use of cessation treatments. Given that 12 million people search for smoking cessation information each year, online advertising may represent a cost-efficient approach to reach and recruit online smokers to treatment. Online ads can be implemented in many forms, and surveys consistently show that consumers are receptive. Few studies have examined the potential of online advertising to recruit smokers to cessation treatments.Objective
The aims of the study were to (1) demonstrate the feasibility of online advertising as a strategy to increase consumer demand for cessation treatments, (2) illustrate the tools that can be used to track and evaluate the impact of online advertising on treatment utilization, and (3) highlight some of the methodological challenges and future directions for researchers.Methods
An observational design was used to examine the impact of online advertising compared to traditional recruitment approaches (billboards, television and radio ads, outdoor advertising, direct mail, and physician detailing) on several dependent variables: (1) number of individuals who enrolled in Web- or telephone-based cessation treatment, (2) the demographic, smoking, and treatment utilization characteristics of smokers recruited to treatment, and (3) the cost to enroll smokers. Several creative approaches to online ads (banner ads, paid search) were tested on national and local websites and search engines. The comparison group was comprised of individuals who registered for Web-based cessation treatment in response to traditional advertising during the same time period.Results
A total of 130,214 individuals responded to advertising during the study period: 23,923 (18.4%) responded to traditional recruitment approaches and 106,291 (81.6%) to online ads. Of those who clicked on an online ad, 9655 (9.1%) registered for cessation treatment: 6.8% (n = 7268) for Web only, 1.1% (n = 1119) for phone only, and 1.2% (n = 1268) for Web and phone. Compared to traditional recruitment approaches, online ads recruited a higher percentage of males, young adults, racial/ethnic minorities, those with a high school education or less, and dependent smokers. Cost-effectiveness analyses compare favorably to traditional recruitment strategies, with costs as low as US $5-$8 per enrolled smoker.Conclusions
Developing and evaluating new ways to increase consumer demand for evidence-based cessation services is critical to cost-efficiently reduce population smoking prevalence. Results suggest that online advertising is a promising approach to recruit smokers to Web- and telephone-based cessation interventions. The enrollment rate of 9.1% exceeds most studies of traditional recruitment approaches. The powerful targeting capabilities of online advertising present new opportunities to reach subgroups of smokers who may not respond to other forms of advertising. Online advertising also provides unique evaluation opportunities and challenges to determine rigorously its impact and value. 相似文献18.
Karen M Emmons Elaine Puleo Kim Sprunck-Harrild Jennifer Ford Jamie S Ostroff David Hodgson Mark Greenberg Lisa Diller Janet de Moor Vida Tyc 《Journal of medical Internet research》2013,15(11)
Smoking among cancer survivors increases the risk of late effects and second cancers. This article reports on Partnership for Health-2 (PFH-2)—an effort to develop an effective and scalable version of Partnership for Health (PFH), which was a previously tested peer-delivered telephone counseling program that doubled smoking cessation rates among childhood cancer survivors who smoke.Objective
This paper presents results from a randomized controlled trial evaluating the effectiveness of PFH-2 in targeted and tailored Web-based versus print formats. The overall goal was to determine whether the intervention outcomes in these self-guided scalable formats approximate what was found in a more intensive telephone counseling program.Methods
This study was a randomized controlled trial with a 15-month follow-up that included 374 smokers who were survivors of childhood or young adult cancers, recruited from five survivorship clinics. Participants were randomly assigned to a Web-based or print format of the PFH intervention; all had access to free pharmacotherapy. The website was designed to provide new content at each log-on, and a peer counselor moderated a forum/chat feature. The primary outcome was smoking status at 15 months post randomization.Results
In total, 58.3% (77/132) of Web participants logged on at least once (mean visits 3.25). Using multiple imputation methods for missing data, there were similar rates of cessation in the two arms (print: 20/128, 15.6%; Web: 33/201, 6.4%), and no differences in quit attempts or readiness to quit. The quit rates were equivalent to those found in our previous telephone counseling intervention. There were high rates of satisfaction with both of the PFH-2 interventions.Conclusions
The print and Web formats yielded equivalent levels of success to those found with our telephone-delivered intervention and are comparable to other Internet treatment studies. This study provides important options for survivorship programs that may not have resources for interpersonal forms of cessation counseling. Efforts to increase patient use of the interventions may result in higher cessation rates.Trial Registration
Clinicaltrials.gov ; http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/ NCT00588107 (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation.org/6K1gJtFEC). NCT00588107相似文献19.
Stephen T Holgate 《Allergy, asthma & immunology research》2013,5(6):343-347
My research career has focused on the causes of asthma and its treatment. After establishing the key role that mast cells play in the inflammatory response in asthma, attention was turned towards understanding disease chronicity and variability across the lifecourse. Through a combination of studies on airway biopsies and primary cell cultures we have established that asthma is primarily an epithelial disease driven by increased environmental susceptibility to injury and an altered repair response as depicted by sustained activation of the epithelial mesenchymal trophic unit (EMTU) that is invoked in foetal branching morphogenesis. Varied activation of the EMTU connects the origins of asthma to its progression over time with involvement of epithelial susceptibility through impaired barrier and innate immune functions and altered mesenchymal susceptibility as exemplified by polymorphisms of the metalloprotease gene, ADAM33. Taken together these observations have led to a fundamental re-evaluation of asthma pathogenesis. Rather than placing allergic inflammation as the prime abnormality, it is proposed that the airway epithelium lies at the center of asthma pathogenesis, and that in conjunction with the underlying mesenchyme, it is the principle orchestrator of both the induction of asthma and its evolution over the lifecourse. This concept has provided ''the basis for a new preventative and therapeutic approach focused more on increasing the airways resistance to environmental insults rather than suppressing downstream inflammation once it is established. 相似文献
This study evaluated the effectiveness of a commercially producedfilm, =Touch= (Illusion Theater Co. & Media Ventures, Inc.,1984), designed to teach children self-protection skills inan effort to prevent sexual abuse. Sixty-seven children fromfour grades (kindergarten, 1st, 5 th, and 6th) were assignedrandomly to either a treatment or control group. Measures includeda paper-and-pencil questionnaire to assess children's knowledgeabout sexual abuse and individual interviews designed to elicitself-report of verbal and behavioral responses to potentiallyabusive encounters. No support for a sensitizing effect of pretestingwas found. Children who viewed the film demonstrated significantlygreater knowledge about sexual abuse and enhanced personal safetyskills when compared to controls, and older children achievedhigher scores on both assessments compared to younger children.These gains were maintained at the 3-month follow-up assessment. 相似文献