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AIM: Following distal gastrectomy, carcinogenesis has been suggested to result from gastroduodenal reflux. In this study, surgical cases of gastric cancer arising after distal gastrectomy were analyzed clinico-pathologically and the possible link to reflux examined. PATIENTS: Thirty-two patients (24 males, 8 females; mean age, 68.7 years; age range, 33-84 years) with gastric cancer arising in the remnant stomach after gastrectomy (also known as gastric stump cancer) were included in this study. Patients were divided into two groups on the basis of the initial diagnosis (benign or malignant) prompting surgery, and distal gastrectomy reconstruction method (Billroth I or II). RESULTS: The interval between distal gastrectomy and detection of cancer in the remnant stomach of patients treated initially for a benign gastric condition vs. malignancy was 360+/-33.04 and 63+/-19.16 months (median+/-SE), respectively (p<0.0001). However, the benign and malignant groups did not differ significantly in the clinicopathological analysis of their stump cancers. All 10 patients in whom gastric cancer was diagnosed within five years of initial surgery had initially been surgically treated for malignancy. The interval between surgery and detection of gastric cancer in the Billroth I and Billroth II groups was 84+/-26.67 and 276+/-44.26 months (median+/-SE), respectively (p<0.01). In the remnant stomach, cancer tended to occur near the site of gastrojejunostomy in the Billroth II group (p=0.05). Helicobacter pylori infection was only detected histologically in four patients who had undergone Billroth I reconstructions after distal gastrectomy for malignancy. CONCLUSION: After distal gastrectomy, careful periodic endoscopic examination for microcarcinoma is required in patients, particularly in those who undergo surgery for malignancy, to maximize detection of gastric cancer.  相似文献   



It is a significant surgical challenge to reconstruct esophagus for the patients following distal gastrectomy (DGE). Remnant stomach seems to be a better choice compared with colon or jejunal. But many complicated surgical methods were performed because of limitation of feeding vessels. We found the remnant stomach remained viable when all the feeding vessels were dissected. We used the completely mobilized stomach to reconstruct esophagus successfully in 29 lower thoracic esophageal carcinoma patients with a history of DGE.


The clinical data of 29 patients were retrospectively analyzed from August 2005 to March 2017 who accepted esophagoplasty by the completely mobilized remnant stomach. All the vessels of the remnant stomach were dissected including short gastric, posterior gastric, left gastric and left gastroepiploic vessels. The DGE included 2 Billroth I and 27 Billroth II.


No perioperative death, no remnant stomach necrosis occurred. One Leakage was the iatrogenic injury on the remnant stomach. The other postoperative complications were the pulmonary infection(5) and arrhythmia(4).


The completely mobilized remnant stomach was viable and functional after dissecting all the feeding vessels. Application of it was a new and feasible surgical method to perform esophagoplasty with the simpler procedure and less complication.  相似文献   

目的探讨胃癌手术后复发的因素及其再次手术的适应证。方法对胃癌术后复发的38例患者进行再次手术,并对手术方法、术后并发症、死亡率及术后病理的结果进行分析。结果再次手术的术后生存时间超过5年者8例,超过3年者6例,超过2年者6例,超过1年者2例,1年以内死亡者16例。剖腹探查者6例分别于术后的4~8个月内死亡。结论对胃癌手术后复发者,再次手术能否切除病灶主要取决于其复发的方式。吻合口或残胃复发者,即使侵及邻近脏器,只要未出现远处转移,且心肺功能可耐受手术者都应再次手术。  相似文献   

氟尿嘧啶植入剂胃癌术后腹腔缓释化疗的药动学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨胃癌患者应用氟尿嘧啶植入剂进行腹腔缓释化疗的药动学规律。方法 26例胃癌参试者,切除肿瘤后分别于淋巴引流区域、瘤床等部位植入氟尿嘧啶植入剂,每点100 mg,共1000 mg。术后分别在规定的时间点抽取血样,测定5-FU的浓度,进行药动学模型拟合。结果胃癌患者氟尿嘧啶植入剂腹腔缓释化疗的体内的过程为一室缓释模型,药动学方程:Ct=A1e-Ket+A2e-Kat+A3e-Krt,外周血药达峰时间及峰浓度分别为141 h及0.22μg.ml-1,门静脉血药达峰时间及峰浓度分别为120 h及0.43μg.ml-1,外周血循环中消除、吸收及缓释半衰期分别为145 h、0.29 h及76.5h。结论此种腹腔化疗方法的药动学特点和参数,可为临床合理应用氟尿嘧啶植入剂,进行胃癌切除术后的区域性化疗提供参考数据。  相似文献   



To investigate the incidence of and factors associated with anastomotic leakage (AL) following gastrectomy for gastric cancer.


We retrospectively analyzed 3632 patients who underwent a laparoscopic gastrectomy or open gastrectomy for gastric cancer. A logistic regression model was used to identify the determinant variables, and a nomogram for AL was developed.


A total of 3632 patients were included in the study, 50 of whom (1.4%) developed AL. Postoperative deaths occurred in 6 (0.2%) patients with AL failure to rescue. Esophagojejunal AL (27/50) and Billroth I AL (20/50) were the most common types of AL. Gastrografin swallow was the main diagnostic method. The diagnosis was made a median of 9 days postoperatively. The median healing time for AL was 34.5 days. Of the 50 AL patients, 56% of patients could be managed nonsurgically, whereas 28% of patients required percutaneous radiologic drainage, 6% of patients were treated by endoscopy, and 10% of patients required a second surgery. A multivariate analysis showed the following adverse risk factors for AL: age ≥65 years, hemoglobin ≤8.0 g/dL and malnourishment. A multivariable model for AL showed a strong optimism-adjusted discrimination (concordance index, 0.675). The 5-year overall survival rates for patients without or with AL were 59.4% and 67.4%, respectively (p = 0.354).


AL was infrequent but was more prevalent in patients with age ≥65 years, hemoglobin ≤8.0 g/dL and malnourishment. We created a novel nomogram that can provide individualized prediction of AL in patients after a gastrectomy for gastric cancer, which may help clinicians in making treatment decisions.  相似文献   

老年病人胃癌术后呼吸道并发症的防治   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨65岁以上老年胃癌病人胃癌术后呼吸道并发症的原因及预防治疗。方法回顾性分析1996年1月至2005年12月间我院行65岁以上胃癌切除术病人的临床资料。结果研究期间65岁以上老年胃癌病人行胃癌切除术共95例,术前合并呼吸道疾病者26例;术后并发急性气管支气管炎、肺炎、肺不张等共25例,术前有无呼吸道伴发病者分别为12例(46.2%),13例(18.8%),统计学差异有显著性意义。手术死亡1例,因胸腔积液和肺部感染死于呼吸功能衰竭。结论65岁以上合并有呼吸道疾病者胃癌术后急性气管支气管炎、肺部感染和肺不张发生率高,手术前后的呼吸道疾病的发生将增加手术风险,应重视围术期处理。  相似文献   

This study was carried out to investigate the relationship between serum CD36 levels and radiation pneumonitis in 30 patients irradiated for lung cancer. We found CD36 may become an important index for predicting the occurrence and development of radiation pneumonitis and evaluating the curative effect.  相似文献   

The risk of cancer in the gastric remnant after distal gastrectomy for benign ulcer disease has been assessed mainly in studies of small sample size, selected series and limited follow-up time. This was a population-based cohort study of patients who had undergone distal gastrectomy for benign ulcer disease in 1964-2008 in Sweden. Data for follow-up for cancer and censoring for death were obtained from nationwide registries of Cancer and Population, respectively. The number of observed cancer cases in the gastrectomy cohort was divided by the expected number, calculated from the cancer incidence of the Swedish population of corresponding age, sex and calendar year. Relative risks were presented as standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). The distal gastrectomy cohort included 18,912 patients and 323,676 person-years at risk. The observed total number of gastric stump cancers (n = 140) was not higher than expected (SIR 0.84, 95% CI 0.71-0.99). There was no increased SIR with latency periods shorter than 30 years; increase was seen only among patients who had undergone gastric resection over 30 years earlier (SIR 2.29, 95% CI 1.38-3.57). Sex, age, ulcer location and type of surgical reconstruction were not associated with any considerable differences in SIR. In conclusion, this large population-based study revealed an increased risk of cancer in the gastric remnant only 30 years or longer after gastric resection for benign disease, whereas other factors did not influence this risk.  相似文献   

目的探讨胃癌患者胃大部切除术后感染的危险因素及护理对策。方法选取2017年10月至2018年12月间渭南市中心医院收治的111例行胃大部切除术的胃癌患者,按照是否发生术后感染分为感染组(40例)和对照组(71例),采用单因素分析和Logistic多因素回归分析术后感染的危险因素,并提出针对性护理干预措施。结果患者共有40例(36. 0%)发生感染,包括肺部感染14例(35. 0%)、腹腔感染10例(25. 0%)、切口感染9例(22. 5%)、尿路感染6例(15. 0%)和其他1例(2. 5%)。两组患者的年龄、体重指数、吸烟、糖尿病、肿瘤分期、白细胞水平、术前输血、消化性溃疡、术前使用抗生素和术后卧床时间比较,差异均有统计学意义(均P <0. 05)。患者年龄、肥胖、吸烟、糖尿病、病理分期为中晚期和术后卧床时间短为影响胃癌患者胃大部切除术后感染的危险因素,差异均有统计学意义(均P <0. 05)。结论针对胃癌患者胃大部切除术后感染的危险因素开展护理干预,能够有效降低患者术后感染概率,保证整体临床疗效。  相似文献   



To evaluate the feasability of immediate breast reconstruction (IBR) following mastectomy after neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT) and radiation therapy (RT) for operable invasive breast cancer (OIBC), in terms of incidence of local complications, locoregional control and survival.

Patients and methods

From 1990 to 2008, 210 patients were treated by NACT, RT and mastectomy with IBR for OIBC. One hundred and seven patients underwent a latissimus dorsi flap with implant (LDI), 56 patients a transverse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous (TRAM) flap, 25 an autologous latissimus dorsi flap (ALD) and 22, a retropectoral implant (RI) reconstruction.


Forty-six (21.9%) early events were recorded: 20 necrosis, 9 surgical site infections and 6 haematomas, requiring further surgery in 23 patients. More necrosis were observed with TRAM flap reconstructions (p = 0.000004), requiring more surgical revision than LD reconstructions. Seromas represented 42% of early complications in LD reconstructions. Fifty-five patients presented with late complications (26.2%) with mainly implant complications (capsular contracture, infection, dislocation, deflation) (23.6%), requiring reintervention in 14 cases. There were more delayed surgical revisions in RI reconstructions (p = 0.0005). The 5 years overall and disease-free survival rates were respectively 86.7% and 75.6%. Sixty-four patients presented at least one recurrence (30.5%) with 5 local, 9 locoregional and 54 distant relapses.


This therapeutic sequence does not seem to increase the IBR morbidity nor alter disease-free and overall survival.  相似文献   

上海市区胃癌危险因素探讨   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
鲍萍萍  高立峰  刘大可  陶梦华  金凡 《肿瘤》2003,23(6):458-463
目的 探索上海市区胃癌的危险因素,为采取有效的预防措施提供科学依据。方法 采用全人群病例对照研究,共调查1999年4月~1999年10月期间诊断的30~74岁的上海市区新发胃癌病例311例(男性198例,女性113例),对照1579例,获得环境暴露等资料。采用非条件logistic模型控制混杂因素计算各个因素的调整比值比(OR)和95%可信限(95%CI)。结果 男性中吸烟、热烫饮食、油炸面食、患病前精神压抑和自我调节能力差、慢性胃炎及一级亲属胃癌史等因素可增加患胃癌的危险性;女性胃癌则与腌制食品(尤其是腌制蔬菜)、油炸食品、酒精摄人、患病前精神压抑和自我调节能力差、溃疡病史、慢性胃炎史及一级亲属胃癌史等关系密切。新鲜蔬菜、水果,新鲜豆类,豆制品,植物油和蛋及蛋制品等对胃癌有保护作用。调整可能的混杂因素后,分析结果均达到显著水平。结论 上海市区胃癌近十年危险因素没有明显改变,吸烟、腌制食品和油炸食品、慢性胃炎史和胃癌家族史等可能是主要的危险因素,而多食新鲜蔬菜和水果、豆及豆制品等对胃癌有保护作用。  相似文献   

胃是食管切除后最常用的代用品,通常临床采用全胃或将其制作成管状胃,究竟哪种术式更接近生理且术后并发症更少,本研究将对比结果做如下总结。  相似文献   



Abdominal radiotherapy for testicular cancer (TC) increases risk for second stomach cancer, although data on the radiation dose–response relationship are sparse.


In a cohort of 22 269 5-year TC survivors diagnosed during 1959–1987, doses to stomach subsites were estimated for 92 patients who developed stomach cancer and 180 matched controls. Chemotherapy details were recorded. Odds ratios (ORs) were estimated using logistic regression.


Cumulative incidence of second primary stomach cancer was 1.45% at 30 years after TC diagnosis. The TC survivors who received radiotherapy (87 (95%) cases, 151 (84%) controls) had a 5.9-fold (95% confidence interval (CI) 1.7–20.7) increased risk of stomach cancer. Risk increased with increasing stomach dose (P-trend<0.001), with an OR of 20.5 (3.7–114.3) for ⩾50.0 Gy compared with <10 Gy. Radiation-related risks remained elevated ⩾20 years after exposure (P<0.001). Risk after any chemotherapy was not elevated (OR=1.1; 95% CI 0.5–2.5; 14 cases and 23 controls).


Radiotherapy for TC involving parts of the stomach increased gastric cancer risk for several decades, with the highest risks after stomach doses of ⩾30 Gy. Clinicians should be aware of these excesses when previously irradiated TC survivors present with gastrointestinal symptoms and when any radiotherapy is considered in newly diagnosed TC patients.  相似文献   

Total gastrectomy or proximal gastrectomy is usually performed either as an open procedure or laparoscopically for the treatment of early gastric cancer (EGC) in the upper stomach. However, quality of life after either total or proximal gastrectomy is not so satisfactory. The authors report a novel surgical procedure, laparoscopy-assisted subtotal gastrectomy (LAsTG), by which a very small remnant stomach is preserved, for the surgery of selected EGCs in the upper stomach. Twenty-three patients with EGC in the upper stomach underwent LAsTG. After lymph node dissection and mobilization of the stomach, the stomach was transected about 2 cm proximal to the tumor and a very small remnant stomach was preserved. An anvil was inserted transorally into the remnant stomach by using the OrVil™ system. The reconstruction method was Roux-en-Y, and hemidouble-stapling gastrojejunostomy with a circular stapler was performed intracorporeally. There were no intraoperative complications or conversions to open surgery. Mean operation time and blood loss were 266.7 min and 54.6 ml, respectively. The overall incidence of early postoperative complications was 17.4%, and two patients underwent reoperation because of duodenal stump leakage and stenosis of the Y-anastomosis, respectively. During the follow-up period, two patients experienced gastrojejunostomy stenosis and both were treated successfully by endoscopic balloon dilation. LAsTG may be performed in selected patients with EGC in the upper stomach. With the described method, a very small remnant stomach can be preserved.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: To evaluate esophageal tumor and OAR movement during the respiratory cycle in order to obtain optimal values for ITV and PRV. To correlate tumor motion with chest wall displacement - information of value in the free-breathing gating system. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Inclusion criteria were: histologically proven squamous-cell carcinoma (SCC) or adenocarcinoma at stage T3 - T4 NX or TX N1 M0 according to the UICC 1997 classification. Two spiral scans were performed with breath-hold respiration under spirometric control: one at end expiration (EBH) and the other at end inspiration (IBH). Displacements between exhalation and inhalation were calculated according to ICRU report 42 recommendations. For the correlation study, CT-scan acquisition was performed at the isocenter over a 20 - 40 s period. After Fourier Transform, frequency spectra for amplitude and phase of tumor and chest wall motions were performed for each patient. RESULTS: Cumulative distribution of CTV motion in absolute values showed that 95% of data ranged from 0 to 1 cm. Cumulative distribution of GTV motion in absolute values showed that 95% of data ranged from 0 to 0.8 cm. The correlation study demonstrated no specific relationship between respiratory and esophageal motions. CONCLUSION: The ITV margin for 3D conformal radiotherapy in esophageal cancer was 1 cm when 95% of motions were taken into account in this clinical study involving eight patients. Before using a free-breathing gating system, the correlation between external markers and target displacement during irradiation must be established for each patient.  相似文献   

《Radiotherapy and oncology》2014,110(2):188-192
BackgroundThe aim of this prospective study was to determine the proportion of locoregional recurrences (LRRs) that could have been prevented if radiotherapy treatment planning for oesophageal cancer was based on PET/CT instead of CT.Materials and methodsNinety oesophageal cancer patients, eligible for high dose (neo-adjuvant) (chemo)radiotherapy, were included. All patients underwent a planning FDG-PET/CT-scan. Radiotherapy target volumes (TVs) were delineated on CT and patients were treated according to the CT-based treatment plans. The PET images remained blinded. After treatment, TVs were adjusted based on PET/CT, when appropriate. Follow up included CT-thorax/abdomen every 6 months. If LRR was suspected, a PET/CT was conducted and the site of recurrence was compared to the original TVs. If the LRR was located outside the CT-based clinical TV (CTV) and inside the PET/CT-based CTV, we considered this LRR possibly preventable.ResultsBased on PET/CT, the gross tumour volume (GTV) was larger in 23% and smaller in 27% of the cases. In 32 patients (36%), >5% of the PET/CT-based GTV would be missed if the treatment planning was based on CT. The median follow up was 29 months. LRRs were seen in 10 patients (11%). There were 3 in-field recurrences, 4 regional recurrences outside both CT-based and PET/CT-based CTV and 3 recurrences at the anastomosis without changes in TV by PET/CT; none of these recurrences were considered preventable by PET/CT.ConclusionNo LRR was found after CT-based radiotherapy that could have been prevented by PET/CT. The value of PET/CT for radiotherapy seems limited.  相似文献   

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