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深圳特区不同经济收入人群自测健康研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
[目的]了解深圳特区不同经济收入人群的自测健康状况。[方法]应用自测健评定量表(SRHMSV1.0)对深圳特区居民5940名个体进行现场测试。[结果]深圳特区不同经济收入人群的SRHMSV1.0总分差异有统计学意义(P﹤0.01),家庭人均月收入低于2000元人群的分值较低,10000~组人群的分值最高;不同经济收入人群的生理健康子量表分、心理健康子量表分、社会健康子量表分差异均有统计学意义(P﹤0.01),2000元以下人群相对较低,4000~、20000元~人群的生理健康分值较高,8000元以上的3组人群的心理健康分值较高,8000~20000元之间人群的社会健康分值较高。[结论]深圳特区居民的经济收入与其自测健康直接相关,收入较低人群的健康状况相对较差,收入最高人群的健康状况并不是最好。  相似文献   

目的 了解铁路系统不同工种职工的自测健康状况及其体格检查客观结果,并探讨不同工种对职工健康的影响。方法 应用自测健康评定量表(SRHMS)对广州市铁路系统工种不同的两个单位来我院体检的职工进行测试,同时进行常规体检,并对其结果进行统计分析。结果 广州火车东站的职工与广九客运段的职工在身体症状与器官功能和身体活动功能两个因子上存在显著性差异,生理健康子量表总分和SRHMS量表总分也有显著性差异(P〈0.01)。结论 不同工种对职工的健康状况(包括主观评价和客观检查)有不同影响,对特殊工种采取适当的劳动保护意义重大。  相似文献   

自测健康评定量表测试版的效度研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
目的 考评自测健康评定量表测试版(SRHMS)的效度。方法 选取500个体进行现场测试,研究SRHMS的内容效度、结构效度和效标效度。结果 SRHMS的条目分与其分相关系数较大,而与其他维度分的相关系数较小;维度系数较小;维度分与其子量表分相关系数较大,而与其他子量表分地相关系数较小。因子分析得到的9个因子与SRHMS的理论构想基本一致。SRHMS总分与SF36总分的相关系数为0.522,SRHM  相似文献   

常州和无锡市不同收入人群自评健康状况分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
目的 了解江苏省南部常州和无锡市不同收入人群的健康状况.方法 应用自测健康评定量表 (SRHMS1.0)调查2市居民共1350名.结果 2市不同收入人群的总体自测健康得分差异有统计学意义 (P<0.01);人均月收入低于1000元的群体得分最低,而月收入高于4000元的人群得分最高.不同收入人群在生理健康子量表、心理健康子量表、社会健康子量表上的得分差异均有统计学意义 (P<0.01);1000元以下的人群在各子量表的得分均为最低,而1000元~,2000元~,3000元~,4000元~各组的生理健康子量表得分差异无统计学意义;4000元~组的心理健康量表及社会健康量表得分最高.结论 2市居民的经济收入状况同其自测健康得分相关,低收入人群的健康状况较差;除了生理健康方面,收入最高的人群健康状况最好.  相似文献   

自测健康评定量表修订版人口学统计因素研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
目的 了解自测健康评定量表修订版(SRHMS V1.0)的人口学统计因素。方法 应用SRHMSV1.0对2000个个体进行现场测试。结果 自测健康在年龄、婚姻状况、化程度、职业、经济状况等方面存在差异;而在性别、民族、住地等方面不存在差异。结论 SRHMSV1.0具有较好的预测效度,能够客观、准确地反映不同人群的自测健康状况。  相似文献   

自测健康评定量表修订版的反应度研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
目的 了解自测健康评定量表修订版 (SRHMSV1 0 )的反应度。方法 应用SRHMSV1 0首次现场测试 2 0 0 0人 ;在高校学员中 ,间隔一周测试 150人 ;在中医科住院患者、皮肤病患者及部队老年心血管患者中 ,间隔一周测试 13 0人 ,间隔四周测试 12 7人 ;在孕产妇女中 ,产后一周测试 55人 ,产后 42天测试 53人。结果 高校学员一周内的健康状况没有明显变化 ;中医科住院患者间隔一周、四周SRHMSV1 0的测试得分与首次均不存在显著性差异 (P >0 0 5) ;皮肤病患者间隔一周、四周测试SRHMSV1 0的量表总分与首次均存在显著性差异 (P <0 0 5) ;部队老年心脏病患者经过一周的疗养 ,自测健康没有明显变化 ,间隔四周测试SRHMSV1 0的量表总分与首次存在显著性差异 (P <0 0 1) ;孕产妇女产后一周、产后 42天测试SRHMSV1 0的量表总分与首次均存在显著性差异 (P <0 0 1)。结论 SRHMSV1 0具有较好的反应度 ,能够及时、灵敏地反映不同人群的自测健康变化情况  相似文献   

住院病人自测健康评定量表测试结果的统计分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
目的 了解躯体疾病临床住康复科患者和精神病康复期患者的自测健康状况,评价临床疗效。方法 应用自测健康评定量表(SRHMS)对100名躯体疾病临床住康复科患者和100名精神病康复期患者进行测试。结果 躯体疾病临床住康复科患者经过一周的治疗,自测健康没有明显变化;经过四周的治疗,自测健康有了明显变化。精神病康复期患者经过治疗,精神病康复期患者的病情已基本稳定,一周或四周同的自测健康没有明显变化。结论 自测健康评定量表(SRHMS)是健康测量和临床疗效评价的一个有效工具,SRHMS的测试结果证实了躯体痢疾临床住康复科患者和精神病康复期患者的疗效是理想的、有效的。  相似文献   

某高校大学生自测健康评定量表的测试分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:了解在校大学生健康状况及其影响因素,为采取健康促进措施提供依据。方法:采用自测健康评定量表对在校大学生进行自测健康调查,并对其性别、地区、年级、是否独生子女、是否单亲家庭、父母文化程度等影响因素进行分析。结果:在校大学生男生生理健康子量表分为139.93±14.48,女生为136.95±11.87,两者存在非常显著差异(P<0.01)。大一、大二、大三、大四的生理健康子量表分分别为140.02±11.97、138.13±15.07、135.60±15.54、136.67±11.32,大一分值高于其他年级(P<0.01)。生理健康子量表得分苏北(140.81±14.02)>苏南(139.11±12.10)>苏中(137.83±12.29),3者存在显著差异(P<0.05)。而城镇与农村、是否独生子女、是否单亲家庭、父母文化程度对自测健康的各项得分影响无统计学差异。结论:性别、地区、年级可能是影响在校大学生身心健康的重要因素。  相似文献   

自测健康是个体对其健康状况的主观评价和期望,目前已成为国际上比较通用的一种健康测量方法。我们选用许军等建立的自测健康评定量表(self-rated health evaluation sale,SRHMS V1.0),对驻南海某岛礁军人进行了自测健康调查。结果如下。1对象与方法(1)对象:采取整群随机抽样方法,遵循自愿原则,随机抽取守礁官兵70人为调查对象(岛礁组),年龄(25.4±3.6)岁,其中已婚29人;干部17人,战士53人;文化程度中学52人,专科13人,本科以上5人;城市入伍19人,农村入伍40人,郊区入伍11人。按上述方法抽取同部属沿海地区非守礁官兵72人作为对照(陆地组),…  相似文献   

目的 考评自测健康评定量表(multiple-item self-rated health measurement scale,SRHMS)应用于高血压患者的信度和效度.方法 选取1219名高血压患者应用自测健康评定量表进行测试,使用Cronbach′sα系数和分半信度系数分析SRHMS的内部一致性,使用Spearma...  相似文献   

健康危险行为对武警军官自评健康状况影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
纪宇  李浴峰 《中国公共卫生》2008,24(11):1385-1387
目的 探讨吸烟、饮酒等健康危险行为对武警军官自我评价健康状况的影响。方法 采用横断面调查的方式,对2068名武警军官进行健康危险行为调查,分析具有不同健康危险行为军官的自评健康状况的差异。结果 自评健康为很好、好、一般、差的军官分别占调查人群的28.2%,43.1%,25.3%,3.4%。年龄、职别、文化程度、婚姻状况等影响军官的自评健康状况,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.01)。在9类健康危险行为中,重度饮酒、体重异常、体力活动缺乏、睡眠不足和心理压力过大等5个危险因素明显降低军官的自评健康状况(P<0.01)。多分类Lo-gistic回归分析表明,具有1,2,3个和3个以上健康危险行为者的自评健康状况为差的风险分别是无危险行为者的1.12,1.25,1.32,1.39倍(P<0.01)。结论 特定危险因素和军官自评健康状况显著相关,且危险因素的聚集可明显降低军官的自评健康。  相似文献   

目的 分析中国农村居民自评健康状况及影响因素,为提高中国农村居民健康水平提供参考依据。方法 于2011年1月-2012年4月应用多阶段随机抽样、概率与规模成比例抽样方法在河南、河北、山东、黑龙江、江苏、海南、宁夏省和北京市抽取10161名年龄≥18岁农村居民进行入户调查,采用Kruskal-Wallis秩和检验、Spearman等级相关检验、多分类有序logistic回归对数据进行统计分析。结果 10161名年龄≥18岁农村居民中,男性4116人(40.51%),女性6045人(59.49%);平均年龄47.08岁;学历中小学及以下4654人(45.81%),初中4249人(41.82%),高中及以上1258人(12.37%);务农7594人(74.74%),其他职业2567人(25.26%);71.47%(7262/10161)的农村居民自评健康状况非常好/较好,仍有28.53%(2899/10161)的居民对自身健康状况不十分满意;多因素分析显示,农村居民随着年龄增大自评健康水平逐渐下降(P<0.01);随着受教育水平升高自评健康水平升高(P<0.01);农民、打工者和个体工商业者的健康水平明显低于固定工作者(P<0.05);河北、海南、宁夏、北京的农村居民健康水平低于河南省,而山东、黑龙江、江苏相对较高(P<0.05);患有慢病者较无慢病者自评健康水平高(P<0.01);无医疗保险者健康水平高于有医疗保险者(P<0.01);贫困户健康水平低于普通人群(P<0.01);自评经济地位越高,自评健康水平越高(P<0.01);越容易向周围人借到5000元钱者自评健康水平越高(P<0.01);随着家庭医疗支出的升高,自评健康水平下降(P<0.01)。结论 中国农村居民自评健康与年龄和家庭医疗支出水平负相关,与受教育水平、社会经济地位和向周围人借款5000元的难易程度正相关,患慢病人群、贫困户、有医疗保险者、农民、打工者和个体工商业者的自评健康水平较低,地区间自评健康水平也存在差异。  相似文献   


In this study the authors assessed gender differences in the relationships between self-rated health (SRH) and demographic factors, physical health, health service use, infections, a variety of symptoms and health conditions, and wider well-being features. A self-administered questionnaire was administered to 3,271 students at Assiut University, Egypt during 2009–2010. Multiple logistic regression was used (with excellent/very good SRH as dependent variable) to assess the variables that might explain the gender difference in SRH. Females had more symptoms, infectious diseases/illness periods, substantially lower quality of life, and more burdens, although their health awareness and satisfaction with social support were higher than males. The unadjusted odds ratio (OR) suggested that females were less likely than males to rate their SRH as excellent/very good [OR 0.56, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.47–0.68]. Adjusting only for relevant physical health and health service use variables, the OR for excellent/very good SRH for females increased, but nevertheless still remained significantly lower than that of males. With further adjustment for physical health, health service use, and also for wider well-being variables, the gender difference in SRH became no longer statistically significant. Poorer physical health indicators and a lower level of wider well-being features explained the lower SRH among female Egyptian university students. Health promotion and prevention programs should consider these factors in attempting to address gender health disparities.  相似文献   

郭静  薛莉萍  范慧 《中国公共卫生》2017,33(12):1697-1700
目的 了解中国流动老年人群体自评健康现状及其影响因素,为有针对性制定流动老年人口健康相关政策提供参考依据。方法 利用2015年全国流动人口动态监测调查数据,对全国32个样本点的12 153名流动老年人口自评健康状况及其影响因素进行有序logistic回归分析。结果 流动老年人口自评健康为不健康的占11.00%,自评为基本健康和健康的分别占44.03%、44.97%;不同性别、教育程度、朋友数、流动原因、收入来源、流动时间、锻炼时间、是否患慢性病、是否体检的流动老年人群之间差异有统计学意义(均P<0.01);多因素回归分析表明,性别、年龄、教育程度、流动时间、是否患慢性病、锻炼身体时间、生小病处理方式、流入地朋友数对流动老年人口的自评健康有显著影响(均P<0.01)。结论 流动老年人口自评健康较一般老年人口自评健康更为积极,健康意识因素(如锻炼身体时间、生小病处理方式等因素)和社会支持因素(如流入地朋友数等因素)对流动老年人口的自评健康有显著影响。  相似文献   

Background. Research on migrant health mostly examines labor migrants, with some attention paid to the trauma faced by refugees. Marriage migrants represent an understudied vulnerable population in the migration and health literature.

Objectives. Drawing on a Social Determinants of Health (SDH) approach, we use a large Korean national survey and stratified multivariate regressions to examine the link between migration processes and the self-rated health of Korea's three largest ethnic groups of marriage migrants: Korean-Chinese, Vietnamese, and Han Chinese.

Results. We find that post-migration socioeconomic status and several social integration factors are associated with the health of marriage migrants of all three groups. Specifically, having more social relationships with Koreans is associated with good health among marriage migrants, while having more social relationships with co-ethnics is associated with worse health. Marriage migrants' perceived social status of their natal and marital families is a better predictor of their health than more objective measures such as their education attainment and that of their Korean husbands. The post-migration social gradients among all ethnic groups demonstrate a dose-response effect of marital family's social standing on marriage migrants' health, independent of their own education and the social standing of their natal families. Lastly, we find some ethnicity-specific predictors such as the association between higher educational level and worse health status among the Vietnamese. This variability by group suggests a more complex set of SDH occurred during the marriage migration processes than a basic SDH framework would predict.

Conclusion. Using a new immigrant destination, South Korea, as an example, we conclude that migration and health policies that reduce ethnicity-specific barriers and offer integration programs in early post-migration stages may offer a pathway to good health among marriage migrants.  相似文献   

Objectives. Self-rated health (SRH) is a robust predictor of subsequent health and mortality. Although age, gender, and race differences in SRH have been explored, less work has examined ethnic differences, particularly in the US.

Design. The current study uses representative data from six Chicago communities to compare levels and determinants of fair–poor health for Blacks, Whites, Mexicans, and Puerto Ricans (n=1311).

Results. Mexicans and Puerto Ricans were at least three times more likely to report fair or poor health than Whites, while African-Americans were over twice as likely. In adjusted logistic regression models, only Mexicans remain significantly more likely to report fair–poor health than Whites (OR = 4.3, CI = 1.8–9.8). However, this effect disappears when controlling for acculturation. No variable predicted poor subjective health for all groups, though depression was associated with poor health for most.

Conclusion. Together, these analyses suggest that the single item measure of SRH might not be appropriate for comparing health status across members of different race/ethnic groups. More research is needed to understand what factors influence how an individual perceives his or her health.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Self-rated health (SRH), as an indicator of population health, is a concept useful both for research and planning. This study reports SRH, and factors related to it, in Greece. METHODS: Population-based postal survey, using World Health Organisation (WHO) questionnaires with a sample of randomly selected geographically stratified individuals. Response rate reached 41%. RESULTS: As expected, age, income and education were related to SRH, but accounted for only 20% of the variance. CONCLUSIONS: SRH in Greece is related to sociodemographic factors, but perhaps not as strongly as in other populations. Other explanatory variables will require further research.  相似文献   

There is a considerable body of scientific knowledge about factors associated with self-rated health (SRH), a common measure of health status. However, less is known about the factors associated with changes in SRH over time. In order to fill this gap, the aim of the current study was to examine a combination of socioeconomic, psychosocial, and health behaviour variables in explaining changes in SRH among older adults. The study used data from two time periods in Israel of the Survey of Health, Aging and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) to analyse the predictive contribution of Time 1 socioeconomic, psychosocial and behavioural variables and changes in these variables over time to changes in SHR. The sample included 1,549 older persons interviewed at baseline (years 2009–2010) and four years later (year 2013). Using bivariate and multivariate regression models, the findings show that 26 percent and 23 percent of the participants reported either improvement or a deterioration in their SRH, respectively. Decline in SRH was predicted by a combination of Time 1 socioeconomic (subjective assessment of a household's ability to make ends meet), psychosocial (QoL and in trust in people), and behavioural factors (moderate physical activity) and decline in these factors over time. The findings demonstrate that changes in those variables make an additional significant contribution for explaining changes in SRH. The findings suggest that in addition to identification of low SES, poor psychosocial and behavioural factors as risk factors to poor SRH changes in these factors should be monitored among older populations.  相似文献   

目的 了解北京市职业人群的健康状况,探讨其健康状况的影响因素.方法 采取分层整群抽样的方法,在北京市选取了4个城区,每区选择1~2家单位,共选取6家单位,对单位内18 ~60岁职工进行调查.结果 本次研究共调查1898人.调查对象健康状况自评总分为75.86±11.82(生理分40.43 ±6.57,心理分25.58±4.40,社会适应得分9.94±1.78).不同职业比较,公务员人群和科技人员的健康状况得分(分别为75.19±11.70和75.48±11.27)低于企业人员(78.36±12.49);生活方式分析显示,饮酒、锻炼、睡眠与健康状况得分之间存在关联(P<0.05).多元线性回归分析结果显示,职业、年龄(t=-3.935,P<0.01)、人均收入(t=3.233,P<0.01)、睡眠(t=22.201,P<0.01)和锻炼(t=14.240,P<0.01)是健康状况良好与否的影响因素.结论 在职业人群中开展有针对性的健康教育和健康促进活动,提升其健康水平.  相似文献   

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