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Xerophthalmia is a disease with uncomfortable sensation in eyes caused by instability of tear-film and damage to the ocular surface due to abnormality  相似文献   

StudyoftheEffectsoftheChineseHerbalPrescriptionCombinedwithCopperandFerumontheMalignancyotCancerCellsCHIYong-chun(迟永春);WanFan...  相似文献   

Electroencephalogram (EEG)-recorded rhythmicelectrophysiologic activity of brain is synchronoussynthesis of postsynaptic potentials of pyramidalcells and their parietal dendrites of the cerebralcortex.Abnormal changes in EEG and brainelectrical activity mapping (BEAM) appear prior tothat in computed tomography (CT) and nuclearmagnetic resonance (NMR) during the acute stage ofencephalitis,providing a scientific and objective  相似文献   

Introduction Oxidativestressandtheproductionofintracellularreactiveoxygenspecies (ROS)havebeenimplicatedinthepathogenesisofatherosclero sis[1] .ROSandtheirbyproductsnotonlymaybecyto toxictocellsbutalsoplayaroleinsignaltransductionprocessessuchascell growthandposttranslationalmodificationofproteinswhichwillcontributetotheformationofatherosclerosis[2 ] .EarlystudiesreportedthattheactivationofAngiotensinⅡtypeⅠreceptorisinvolvedintheoxidativestress :ItnotonlyspecificallyactivatesNAD(P)Hoxi…  相似文献   

The present study aims at comparing the effects of acupressure using new combination of acupoints,and Ibuprofen on the severity of primary dysmenorrhea(PD).216 female high school students,agedbetween 14 to 18 years,were randomly selected and divided into three groups.Each group underwentdifferent treatment techniques:acupressure,Ibuprofen and sham acupressure as a placebo.Theresults indicated that the three therapeutic techniques were significantly effective in reducing the pain.However the therapeutic efficacies of acupressure and Ibuprofen were similar with no significantdifference,and were significantly better than the placebo.Thus acupressure,with no complications,isrecommended as an alternative and also a better choice in the decrease of the severity of PD.  相似文献   

The effects of the combined use of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI) benazepril and angiotensin 11 type 1 receptor antagonist (AT1RA) valsartan on apoptosis and the expression of apoptosis-related proteins Fas and FasL in the kidney of rats with adriamycin-induced nephritic glomerulosclerosis was investigated. Uninephrectomy and the injection of adriamycin induced the rat model of glomerulosclerosis. Benazepril (6 mg/kg), valsantan (20 mg/kg), or benazepril (3 mg/kg) plus valsantan (20 mg/kg) was respectively delivered daily by gavage to the rats in three treatment groups for 12 weeks. Apoptosis was examined by means of terminal-deoxynucleotidyl transferase mediated d-UTP nick end labeling (TUNEL). Immunohistochemistry was adopted to detect the expression of Fas and FasL. Software of pathological analysis quantitated the levels of Fas and FasL. The results showed that as compared with those in the control group, the kidneys in the model group had more severe glomerulosclerosis, much more apoptotic cells and higher levels of expression of Fas and FasL. The degree of glomerulosclerosis, the number of apoptotic cells and the levels of expression of Fas and FasL were reduced by benazepril and valsartan. The combined use of benazepril and valsartan had the best therapeutic effect. It was concluded that benazepril and valsartan could suppress the excessive apoptosis of kidney cells by lowering the expression of the apoptosis-related proteins Fas and FasL, so as to postpone the process of glomerulosclerosis. The combined use of benazeoril and valsartan has better theraoeutic effect.  相似文献   

Aprotininhasbeenwidelyusedincardiopulmonarybypasspr0cedurebecauseofitsadvantagesofreducingbleedingandbloodtransfusionduringandafteropenheartsurgery[".However,despitethewideuseofaprotinin,theeffects0fthedrugonmyocardialperformanceofnormallyper-fusedheartsandischemicmyocardlumre-mainunkn0wn.Thepresentstudywasde-signedt0evaluatetheeffectsofaprotinin0nn0n-ischemicandlschemicmyocardlalmetab0lism,cardiacfunctionandstructureintheisolatedperfusedw0rkingratheartpreparation.1MATERIALSANDMETH0DS1.…  相似文献   

Studies on the Anti-atherosclerosis Effects of Rhubarb and Salvia MiltiorrhizaFanLeming(范乐明)JiangChuangchang(姜传昌)ChenYuhua(陈毓...  相似文献   

Sofar ,the 2 phenylaminopyrimidineSTI5 71isthemostsuccessfulofthemolecularlydesignedATPcompetitorsfromNovartisPharma (Basel,Switzer land) ,whichspecificallyinhibitsAbltyrosinekinaseatmicromolarconcentrations .InhibitionoftheBcr Ablkinaseactivitybythiscom…  相似文献   

The effect of Batroxobin on spatial memory disorder of left temporal ischemic rats and the expressionof HSP32 and HSP70 were investigated with Morri's water maze and immunohistochemistry methods.The results showed that the mean reaction time and distance of temporal ischemic rats in searching agoal were significantly longer than those of the sham-operated rats and at the same time HSP32 andHSP70 expression of left temporal ischemic region in rats was significantly increased as compared withthe sham-operated rats.However,the mean reaction time and distance of the Batroxobin-treated ratswere shorter and they used normal strategies more often and earlier than those of ischemic rats.Thenumber of HSP32 and HSP70 immune reactive cells of Batroxobin-treated rats was also less than thatof the ischemic group.In conclusion,Batroxobin can improve spatial memory disorder of temporalischemic rats;and the down-regulation of the expression of HSP32 and HSP70 is probably related tothe attenuation of ischemic injury.  相似文献   

选择30例诱发的持续性室上性心动过速(SVT),研究了异丙肾上腺素(Iso)和美托洛尔(Met)对普罗帕酮(Pro)抗SVT效应的影响。结果:Iso对Pro抑制SVT电诱发效应的完全和部分逆转率分别为57%和18%;随访期间服用Pro,SVT临床复发率为31%(5/16例),后者中80%(4/5例)为Iso对Pro抑制SVT电诱发效应有完全逆转作用者,加服Met后,5例临床复发均得以控制,提示Iso能逆转Pro抗SVT效应者单服Pro可能出现临床复发,加用β阻滞剂有预防作用。  相似文献   

静注心律平2mg/kg治疗室上性心动过速47例,其中包括房室折返型心动过速32例,房室结内折返型心动过速10例,房内折返型心动过速4例,自律性房速1例,有效率67%。静注心律平前后进行心电图和经食管心房调搏检查,结果表明心律平对房室传导系统和房室传导系统和房室旁路的传导有抑制作用,并延长心房、房室结和旁道有效不应期。  相似文献   

目的:观察静脉注射普罗帕酮对老年人阵发性室上速(PSVT)的疗效与安全性。方法:对36例60—85岁老年患者确诊阵发性室上速,静脉推注普罗帕酮70—140mg,通过心电图监护仪及常规12导心电图机观察疗效。结果:34例有效,总有效率94.4%,无效2例(5.6%)。结论:静推普罗帕酮治疗老年性阵发性室上速安全,有效。  相似文献   

目的:总结评价普罗帕酮治疗阵发性室上性心动过速的疗效及安全性。方法:40例阵发性室上性心动过速患者,在心电监护下,给予普罗帕酮70mg静脉注射,10min内注射完成;首剂未能转律者,再每10min静脉注射普罗帕酮35mg,最大累积用量不超过175mg。复律后给予口服普罗帕酮150~200mg,每日3次维持治疗。观察开始给药后的转复率及不良反应的发生情况。结果:31例(31/40,77.5%)首剂即转窦性心律,6例追加剂量后转为窦性心律,总有效率92.5%(37/40)。继续予口服普罗帕酮治疗半年以上,未见严重不良反应,未见复发者。结论:普罗帕酮治疗阵发性室上性心动过速,疗效显著且不良反应轻微。  相似文献   

目的探讨中国人群使用心律平与胺碘酮治疗阵发性室上性心动过速的疗效及安全性。方法采用RevMan5.1.4版本软件中的Meta分析,对2011年8月以前有关中国人群使用心律平与胺碘酮治疗阵发性室上性心动过速的疗效及安全性的文献进行综合分析。结果检索并纳入文献8篇,患者561例。心律平与胺碘酮治疗阵发性室上性心动过速的有效率及不良反应发生率的合并优势比(95%可信区间)分别为0.84(0.40~1.78,P=0.65)与1.17(0.76~1.79,P=0.48)。结论基于目前的研究发现,中国人群使用心律平与胺碘酮治疗阵发性室上性心动过速的有效率及不良反应发生率差异均无统计学意义,临床上可根据患者病情酌情使用。  相似文献   

目的:观察心律平治疗室上性心动过速的疗效与不良反应。方法:静脉注射70mg或140mg心律平注射液。结果:心律平治疗27例室上性心动过速,显效24例,有效2例,无效1例,总有效率为96.3%,心律平治疗室上性心动过速转复率为88.7%,不良反应发生率为11.1%,头晕1例,舌麻1例窦性心动过缓1例,结论:心律平属IC类抗心律失此物,静脉注射心律平治疗室上性心动过速,疗效高,副作用少,值得推广使用。  相似文献   

阵发性室上性心动过速不同治疗方法比较   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
汤雷 《实用全科医学》2004,2(5):441-442
目的 比较不同治疗方法对阵发性室上性心动过速的疗效。方法 采用迷走神经刺激法,西地兰,ATP,心律平和食道调搏法。结果 迷走神经刺激法有效率为19.05%,西地兰为69.52%。ATP为77.78%,心律平92.50%,食道调博有效率为100%。结论 食道调搏和心律平复律最高,西地兰和ATP次之,迷走神经刺激法复律最低。  相似文献   

目的比较普罗帕酮与食管心房调搏在治疗阵发性室上性心动过速(PSVT)中的临床疗效。方法对有室上性心动过速病史的,经心电图诊断为阵发性室上性心动过速患者89例随机分成二组:(1)食管心房调搏46例,刺激方式均用S1S1非程控刺激法超速抑制及S1S2程控刺激法期前刺激终止PSVT;(2)普罗帕酮组43例用盐酸普罗帕酮注射液70-210mg/次;均观察并记录心电图、血压情况,了解对患者血压、心率等的影响。结果食管心房调搏终止PSVT有效率为89.1%,普罗帕酮组终止PSVT有效率为87.6%,两组问比较无显著性差异(P〉0.05)。结论食管心房调搏治疗PSVT患者安全、可靠、简便,不良反应少,具有临床应用价值。  相似文献   

SVT ,includingAVRTandAVNRT ,isakindofarrhythmiaoftenseeninclinicalprac tice .Sotalol,aclassⅢanti arrhythmicdrugwithadditionalβ blockingagentproperties ,hasbeenwidelyusedtotreatvariousarrhythmia(supra ventricularandventricular)efficientlyinwesterncountries[1 9]…  相似文献   

Objectives To study the efficacy and mechanism of intravenous sotalol(Sol) for termination of paroxysmal supra-ventricular tachycardia ( SVT). Methods Sol or normal saline (NS) were administrated intravenously in patients with SVT induced by trans-esophagus left atrial stimulation. Results Conversion to sinus rhythm occurred in 65.2% (15/23) patients who received Sol (Sol group) at total dose of 1.5 mg/kg, the average conversion time being ( 10. 7 ± 11.6) min after the start of sotalol infusion. Conversion to sinus rhythm appeared in 4.8% (1/21) patients who were treated with NS (NS group). The efficacy between two groups was significantly different ( P <0. 01 ). The site of termination of tachycardia was predominantly at the antegrade atrioventricular node ( AV N ) in atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia ( AV RT ) (3/4) and at the retrograde fast pathway of AV N in atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia ( AV N RT ) ( 4 / 6 ) . During the course of Sol infusion, both ventricular rate of SVT and systolic blood pressure ( SBP ) decreased. HR decreased from (173. 3±28. 4) min-1(before So l administration) to (159. 6-±-23. 8) and (152. 0±22. 2)min-1(3,5 minutes after the start of Sol infusion respectively, P < 0. 01) and SBP from (16.31-±-2.27) kPa to (14.82±2. 61) and (14. 61-±-2. 60) kPa(P<0. 01). Transient hypotension ( SBP < 10. 7 kPa ) occurred in 2 patients during the course of Sol administration. There were no significant changes of HR and blood pressure in the NS group. Conclusion It was safe and effective for sotalo l administration on SVT.  相似文献   

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