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试论我国医药卫生认证制度   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一、认证制度的意义和作用(一)认证制度的由来认证活动发源于商品经济发展初期。19世纪中叶,一些工业化国家为了保护人身安全,开始制定法律或技术法规,规定某些工业产品必须通过确认符合政府颁布的规格程序,这就是法规性认证或强制性认证的开始。因此,认证来源于...  相似文献   

校园网网络用户安全身份认证体系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:介绍并分析了当前校园网网络用户安全身份认证体系结构,指出了当前校园网建设中网络用户身份认证所面临的诸多安全性问题和存在的隐患。方法:通过对TCP/IP网络层次结构模型中各层现有身份认证技术和协议的分析比较,提出了在链路层使用接入控制、网络层使用连接控制、应用层使用统一认证的校园网安全身份认证解决方案。结果:该方案可以提高校园网身份认证的安全级别。结论:增强网络系统的安全性和可靠性。  相似文献   

如何做好县级卫生防疫机构计量认证工作陆家华根据《中华人民共和国计量法》的规定,只有通过计量认证,所出具的检验数据,测试报告才具有公正性,可靠性和法律效力。因此,卫生防疫机构依法进行计量认证,势在必行。县级卫生防疫机构怎样进行计量认证呢?具体从以下几个...  相似文献   

今后,药品生产企业在GMP认证检查中,如果存在严重缺陷,将直接不予通过认证。10月29日,国家食品药品监督管理局公布新修订的《药品GMP认证检查评定标准》,对药品GMP认证检查评定标准、强化药厂软件管理、药品GMP认证与药品注册管理的匹配作出了新规定。新标准由原来的225条修改为259条。其中,关键项目由56条调整为92条。  相似文献   

舟山市位于浙江东北部,人口100万,是浙江省经济较发达市之一。舟山市疾病预防控制中心于2001年挂牌运行。1995年中心实验室通过计量认证考核,认证项目269项。2002年通过国家实验室认可,认可项目178项。2002年,进入双证双轨制运行以来,实验室质量管理体系日趋成熟,为当地的经济发展带来了生机。但是,双轨制运行,给实验室内部管理也带来了许多问题。笔者从管理体制本身出发,对国家实验室认可和计量认证的合二为一谈一点体会。  相似文献   

2004年8月26日17时,埃尔维国际质量认证专家、国家注册高级审核员、本次审核组组长成明盛主任宣布:经过埃尔维质量认证中心9名审核员连续4天的审核,中国人民解放军第155中心医院以国际一流的认证工作业绩和国际一流的认证标准建立起来的国际质量/环境/职业健康安全管理体系通过现场审核,决定向埃尔维国际质量认证中心推荐颁发国际质量、环境、职业健康安全管理三个体系的认证证书。  相似文献   

报告了广西自1991年以来开展计量认证工作的情况,从成立机构,计量认证前的准备,编写《质量管理手册》、建立玻璃量器检定室,人员培训,实验室环境改造,试运行及初审等方面介绍如何开展计量认证工作,对我区计量认证了各工作各方面的数据进行了统计总结及讨论。  相似文献   

为贯彻国家《计量法》,我们组织了省和市一级劳动卫生监察所共10个单位进行计量认证准备和评审工作。结果全部顺利通过了预审和正审,取得了由省技术监督局颁发的“计量认证合格证”。通过计量认证,加速了我省劳卫职防机构的自身建设,保证了监测质量。  相似文献   

领导结合基础建设,抓住计量认证的契机,通过“人”这一关键要素的有效利用,通过坚持质量文件要求的“写我所做,做我所写”的原则,以及计量认证通过后,如何持续维持质量体系的有效运行和发展,旨在提高全员业务水平。  相似文献   

邦盛医疗装备(天津)有限公司是中美合资专业研制生产医用放射诊断产品的高新技术企业,坐落于渤海之滨——天津经济技术开发区逸仙科学工业园。邦盛医疗已获得IS09001—2000、YY/T0287—2003质量管理体系认证证书,所有产品都通过了中国质量认证中心的CCC认证,以及欧盟CE认证。  相似文献   

按JCI标准实施医疗设备的质量安全管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
JCI认证是公认的全球医院管理质量的最高标准之一,JCI认证以医疗质量与病人安全为核心,规范医院管理。作为医院医疗设备的管理部门,需要在医疗设备的管理水平方面不断持续改进。而实施JCI认证使我院的医疗设备管理有了新的目标,为了提高医疗设备安全使用的水平,根据JCI要求我们对医疗设备进行预防性维护(PM)。通过JCI认证的过程使得医疗设备安全使用有了进一步的保障,减少了医疗机构的风险,提升了病患的医疗安全,减少了临床的医疗风险。  相似文献   

卫生信息技术的应用可以促进医疗卫生服务系统的效率和效益,不断改进医疗质量和病人安全。卫生信息技术通过降低监管过程的信息成本,有利于增强医疗质量监管的力度。卫生信息技术还可以改变医疗质量监管的效益,促进有利于信息收集、分析和利用的医疗质量监管方式。美联邦政府通过立法促进卫生信息技术在医疗质量监管中的应用。认证机构、行业组织、保险计划、公共部门、医疗集团等都在积极利用卫生信息技术加强医疗质量监管。  相似文献   

医疗设备的预防性维护(PM)是保证设备安全运行、防止设备故障以及减少设备维修成本的重要手段。而JCI标准则是以医疗质量和病人安全为核心的全球医院质量与安全管理的最高标准之一。为了保证医疗设备的安全使用,JCI标准中有明确的要求,而且特别关注医疗设备的预防性维护,并提出了具体的实施要求和评估方法,对做好预防性维护有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

There is a growing interest in the US among payors, purchasers of healthcare benefits, providers, policy-makers and the public in the promise of disease management or disease-specific care. While there have been early efforts to standardize the application and measurement of disease-specific care programs, no national standards or uniform performance measurement specifications existed prior to 2002. The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (Illinois, USA) published its national standards and conducted its first certification evaluation for disease-specific care in February 2002. The Disease-Specific Care (DSC) Certification Program is fundamentally based on an evaluation of a disease-specific care program’s compliance with the Joint Commission’s standards, implementation of adherence to clinical practice guidelines and its outcomes of care. Organizations that have achieved Joint Commission DSC Certification have reported impressive results from their performance measurement and improvement activities.  相似文献   

The Council on Certification continues to update the procedures used for AMRA role-delineation studies. The survey instruments being developed for future role-delineation studies will provide data that not only identify tasks performed at entry level by ARTs and RRAs, but also differentiate the two groups across all task areas.  相似文献   

NCCPA, in collaboration with NBME, has begun an investigation that may lead to the development of standards for measuring continued competence. In 1981, the 1980 Primary Care Physician's Assistants Certification Examination was administered as a recertification examination to 1,166 PAs who were originally certified in 1975. The scores were standardized by using the standardization constants for the 1980 Certification Examination reference group. There was a difference between the performance of the certification examinees and the performance of the recertification examinees, with recertification examinees doing less well on all sections than the certification examinees. Correlations calculated between recertificants' performance on their original certification examination and their performance on the recertification examination showed a positive relationship between the two examinations. Their performance on a variety of biographical variables was also analyzed, and the only variable that significantly changed their performance was their current employment status. The validity of the test for making judgments about the competence of experienced practitioners was not addressed by the current study and is a crucial question in evaluating the test as a recertification instrument.  相似文献   

Transitioning Family Physicians to continuous Maintenance of Certification (MOC) was intended to support the quality improvement movement nationally, but it also risked decreasing their engagement due to the increased requirements for retaining certification. However, after completing the transition of all family physicians into MOC in 2010, participation appears higher than ever.  相似文献   

The board certification movement was founded out of a concern for the quality of care, and today, more than 85% of all physicians licensed to practice medicine in the United States have been certified by an American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) member board. There is increasing evidence of a need for continuous monitoring and promotion of quality as well as for assessment and documentation that certified medical specialists are keeping up-to-date so that their continuing competence can be documented. To help, the ABMS established a program called Maintenance of Certification, a system that includes periodic examination of knowledge and the comprehensive evaluation of practice. Maintenance of Certification includes 4 major components: professional standing, including an unrestricted license to practice medicine; lifelong learning and self-assessment; demonstrated cognitive expertise; and practice performance assessment. The efforts of the Conjoint Committee on Continuing Medical Education press continuing medical education providers to facilitate self-directed learning and directed self-learning while driving lifelong learning and assessment into the clinical practices of all physicians who seek to continuously upgrade their knowledge, skills, and behaviors to provide quality medical care.  相似文献   



The Taiwanese government began reimbursement for smoking cessation in 2002. Certification from a training program was required for physicians who wanted reimbursement. The program certified 6,009 physicians till 2007. The objective of this study is to evaluate the short- and long term efficacy of the training program.  相似文献   

A rationale for reforming and repositioning continuing medical education (CME) is featured in this article. As envisioned by the Conjoint Committee Report on CME and presented in other literature, the CME professional is defined, along with requisite CME professional competencies. Perspectives of CME professionals regarding the Maintenance of Certification program are presented, with a focus on requirements for physician self-assessment and lifelong learning and continuous practice improvement.  相似文献   

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